The Tree Remembers

By EloiseMunson

17.4K 1.7K 296

Eddie Munson's back after leaving Hawkins for two years. He's desperate to get back in the swing of things, a... More

The King Returns
Pick Your Poison
Keep Protecting
The Melody
Shift Drinks
Why Do You Hate Me?
Starting Fresh
Two Belle's
Great Expectations
A/N - Quick Update!
Just Friends
Seriously. Just Friends.
Jealousy, Jealousy
Authors Note!
Tape World
It's A Start
This Is Not A Date
A Win Is A Win
Brick Walls
Pity Party
We Like Sharing
This Kind of Happy
Brain Damage
Like Rabbits
Small Rooms
See You in the Hall

Concrete Girl

360 31 13
By EloiseMunson

"I can't believe I saved your relationship," Dustin announced, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and sorted through the different button ups at the thrift store.

"You didn't do any of the work, you were just a sneak," I replied, pulling out a black shirt and studying it.

The fancy store at the mall had turned out to be well out of my price range. Even after Dustin offered to chip in some of his paycheck (which I would have refused), it was too much. So, I had decided to go to the thrift store, and hoped to find something decent.

"Are you kidding me? I had to listen to you bitch and moan for days until she let you speak to her again," he quipped, holding up a gaudy tuxedo shirt with ruffles on it. I rolled my eyes.

"You're an asshole," I retorted. I pulled out a red button up, holding it up for him. He raised his eyebrows and nodded.

"Would look nice with a suit," he answered my unspoken question. I kept the shirt in my hand and started over to the suits section. Dustin was close behind.

"Thank you," I said abruptly. I glanced at Dustin, who was surprised. I shrugged. "I'm pissed that she knows I wrote dorky songs about her but thank you for helping."

Dustin beamed at me and punched my shoulder.

"Dorky and shitty songs," he corrected. My mouth twisted into a smile, and I rolled my eyes.

"You're lucky I missed you, kid," I said.

He beamed at me, and for a second, he looked like the kid I used to know. I couldn't believe how much he had grown up. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him to me for an awkward hug.

"Come on, dork – let's find you a suit," he joked.

I had settled on a black suit with big lapels and flared legs. It was dated, but I looked cool as hell, and I knew Elle would love it. Dustin had also accompanied me to the store to pick flowers out for her too – I settled on sunflowers, deciding I would make a dorky joke about her being my sunshine when I gave it to her. She would probably roll her eyes but smile while making a mean joke about me.

I finished getting dressed, admiring my suit in the mirror back at my trailer. The suit was decidedly vintage, but I felt like a rockstar. Wayne leaned up against my doorjamb and crossed his arms, grinning at me.

"I don't think I've ever seen you in anything nicer than a flannel," he commented. I smiled and shrugged.

"You aren't as cute as Elle – don't have a reason to dress up for you," I quipped. He laughed and nodded, conceding to my point.

"Where are you taking her?" he asked. I grinned proudly.

"Enzo's – got us a reservation and everything," I replied. He raised his eyebrows and nodded.

"Elle is something special. I'm glad you made it right by her," he said. I sighed happily.

"Me too," I agreed. I started to gather my keys and the flowers, my nerves picking up. I patted his back as I walked by him. "See you tomorrow, old man."

"Bold to assume she'd let you back into her place. Be safe and treat her well!" he called after me. I turned, grinning as I walked backwards to the door.

"Of course – I'll be a perfect gentleman," I retorted before jogging to my van.

I clambered in, starting it and turning the INXS album I bought special for her up. I glanced at the sunflowers I had in the passenger seat and grinned. I looked out at the road, giddy about everything in my life. Giddy I had gotten the girl. Giddy I was taking her on the kind of date she deserved. Giddy that the kid who was like my little brother was the one who helped me get ready.

I slowed to a stop in front of her apartment building and parked, grabbing the flowers and hopped out. I smoothed my suit down as I made my way to her apartment. I got to the door and cleared my throat, trying to calm my nerves. I shook my head and took a breath before knocking.

I smiled when I heard bustling and yelling from Nick – I assumed she had invited him over to get ready. I waited for a beat and my stomach flipped when the door opened. My heart started to pick up as she smiled up at me.

She was in a tight, dark blue dress that showcased my favorite parts of her. Her shoulders were exposed, and her curls tumbled over them. Her makeup was dark and pretty, and her lips were a pretty plum color. I beamed down at her and handed her the bouquet of flowers.

"Sunflowers for my sunshine," I flirted, stepping in and getting close to her. Her face flushed, and her mouth twisted into a smile.

"You're so corny," she sniped as she took the flowers from me. I grinned when I realized she had done exactly what I knew she would do. I got close to her face and glanced up at Nick.

"Nick – if you wouldn't mind looking away, I'm going to kiss my girlfriend," I quipped. Nick raised his eyebrow.

"I'll watch," he replied.

"Turn away, Nick!" Elle snapped. I grinned, realizing that she wanted to kiss me.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers, wrapping an arm around her back and pulling her tight to me. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me harder. I pulled back and grinned at her.

"You look fucking fantastic, sweet pea," I complimented, kissing her forehead. She grinned up at me.

"Thank you," she said shyly. "You...well, you, you know."

I felt my heart swell. She was trying to compliment me. I watched her as her face twisted, and she let out one of her frustrated squawks. She glared up at me.

"You, look very nice," she finally said. I grinned wider and tucked a curl behind her ear.

"Thank you, Belle," I replied. She let out a sigh of relief and pressed her face into my chest. I winked at Nick as he smiled at us and kissed the top of her head.

"Well, I'm going to go see my boyfriend," Nick announced as he pulled his coat on and walked by us. He stopped as he got to the door and grinned. "You two are a very pretty couple."

With that, Nick traipsed out, closing the door behind him. I looked back at Elle, grinning maniacally. She smiled sweetly.

"Hi," she said awkwardly. I kissed her nose.

"Hi," I replied. "You excited for our date?"

She nodded tightly. I kissed her again.

"You...I really do like your suit," she said quietly. I smiled and pressed my forehead to hers.

"Look at you with all of this sharing," I teased. She blushed but smiled.

"I'm trying," she replied. I felt my heart catch.

"I know. You're doing a good job," I encouraged. She smiled brightly. I nodded down at the flowers. "Want to get these in water?"

She nodded and I dropped her, watching her as she bustled around. She was in one of her grooves where she was a force of nature, capable of doing anything. She situated the flowers and looked at me.

"Stare much?" she sniped. I grinned, and she blushed, realizing she had been harsh with me.

"God, I am obsessed with you," I announced. She flushed and looked down at her feet. "What's wrong, sweet pea?"

"I don't know, I'm just nervous," she said quickly. I furrowed my brows and crossed to her, pulling her into my arms.

"Elle Fisher? Nervous? My Elle Fisher is nervous?" I asked, trying to cheer her up. She looked up at me, her eyes sad.

"Yeah," she said quietly. I watched her, prompting her to continue.


It was unfair how good Eddie looked in his new suit.

It was well-fitted, and just retro enough to be cool, and he looked fantastic in it. It made my nerves even worse. He had me wrapped up in his arms, watching me kindly. I felt like my face was on fire I was so anxious.

"I...I just," I started, my throat catching. He smiled, waiting for me to finish. "I'm worried I'm going to disappoint you."

His eyes widened and he shook his head.

"You...what?" he asked. "I can't even compute what you just said."

"I don't...I don't want to let you down, or become Ellie again," I replied, finally saying the quiet part loud. His eyes got sad, but he smiled kindly and got close to my face.

"Well, you'd never let me down, and I liked Ellie, remember? I have a notebook of songs to prove it," he assured me.

I watched him, relaxing as he swayed back and forth with me. I felt my nerves ease a bit, my stomach still flip-flopping. He kissed me softly.

"Thank you for sharing," he said, reassuring me of my vulnerability. I smiled and pressed my face to his chest.

"I've been working on it," I answered. He laughed and kissed the crown of my head.

"I can tell, sweet pea," he replied. I pulled back and he smiled at me. He winked and kissed my forehead. "Now, can I take you on our first date? I'm dying to show you off in that dress."

I grinned, my face heating at his compliments, and nodded. I grabbed my purse and took his hand as I followed him out the apartment. We walked close together, giggling as we got to his van, and he helped me in.

Once he got in on his side, he turned the music up, and I got excited.

"The INXS album!" I exclaimed. He grinned and took my hand.

"Only the best for my girl," he replied. He started down the road, singing along with me as we made our way to dinner.

I watched Eddie, feeling a little more at ease, but my stomach still tossing and turning when he smiled at me. Once he parked in front of Enzo's, he leaned in, puckering his lips.

"You look like a fish when you do that," I teased before meeting him in the middle. I kissed him softly and he grinned.

"I know, but I'm a fish you think is hot," he quipped before jumping out.

I laughed and took his hand when he opened the door for me. We stepped into Enzo's together, hand in hand, as we were greeted by the friendly hostess.

"Hello, welcome to Enzo's! Do you have a reservation?" she asked. I gripped onto Eddie's hand, suddenly feeling very exposed. Eddie smiled brightly at her.

"Yeah – Munson for two," he answered. He grinned down at me before kissing my forehead. I felt my face heat at his touch and leaned into him.

My nerves were getting to me, but I was so excited.

We followed the hostess to a small round table in the corner of the restaurant, and Eddie scampered around to pull my chair out for me. I beamed up at him and sat, giggling as he kissed my temple. He sat down across from me and thanked the hostess as she handed us menus. I watched him as he studied it. He really was so handsome, and the suit looked fantastic. He glanced up and smiled.

"Stare much, Belle?" he teased. I flushed again and looked down. He reached across the table and took my hand. I smiled up at him as he kissed my knuckles. "You seriously are so beautiful."

"Thank you," I croaked bashfully. I looked down at the menu. Where was the girl made of concrete and iron walls? Where was the girl who was all sharp edges?

A tall waiter with dark hair and a large mustache came up and grinned.

"Welcome in – my name is Marco, and I'll be taking care of you tonight," he said as he filled our water glasses. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"We'll do two gin and tonics, please," Eddie answered. Marco nodded and scurried away, and Eddie looked up to wink at me. "Too bad people don't know what those drinks are actually called."

I furrowed my brows, and he squeezed my hand.

"They're supposed to be called Belles," he replied, referencing what he called gin and tonics back at the Hideout.

God – what happened to the prickly, concrete girl? Eddie Munson happened. With his flowery compliments and way of making me melt.

I felt my stomach flip again and smiled at him.

"Th-thank you," I said abruptly. He furrowed his brows but smiled. "For this. This is very nice."

He grinned wider and nodded. Marco came back with our drinks and Eddie quickly ordered some appetizers. Marco took his order and disappeared again. Eddie held his drink up for a toast.

"To our first date – first of many," he said. I flushed and beamed at him. I was dating Eddie Munson. I was dating Eddie Munson, and it was great.

So, why was I so anxious?

I toasted him and took a sip. Eddie leaned over the table, smiling coyly.

"If I made my fish face, would you kiss me?" he flirted. I smiled and shrugged before taking another large sip.

"It wouldn't take much for me to kiss you, Eddie," I answered. My eyes widened, shocking myself with my candor. He grinned wickedly.

"My, my, my, Belle – it wouldn't?" he teased. I blushed and tried to look down, but he caught my chin, holding my gaze.

He leaned in, kissing me softly, and smiled as he pulled back.

"That's so fun when you aren't pretending to hate it," he whispered. I smiled and nodded, not even wanting to say something snarky. It was nice to kiss him and hold him and touch him whenever I wanted to.

Marco returned with plates of bread and cheeses, setting them between us.

"Enjoy," he announced before leaving us alone again.

We started picking at the plates of food, giggling and telling stories. I fed Eddie a small block of cheese and grinning as he winked at me.

"Where did you get this suit?" I asked, popping a cracker into my mouth. His smile grew, and he started launching into the story, gesturing wildly.

I tried to focus, but my stomach kept turning. I made a face, and Eddie stopped.

"You okay, Belle?"

"Yeah, I think – I think so," I answered, my stomach lurching again. I had a sinking feeling as I thought back to lunch with Nick and the strange texture of the meat he had cooked. "Oh, no."

"What?" he asked, nervous. I shook my head.

"Earlier today – Nick made me lunch. He's a terrible cook, but he had been practicing," I answered, feeling clammy. I felt my stomach churn again and tried to take a deep breath. "I think he made something wrong."

Eddie stood, pulling cash out and setting it on the table before holding his hand out.

"Come on – you have food poisoning," he announced. I made a face.

"No, I want to finish our date," I whined. He smiled.

"Come on, sweet pea. We will be back. I'm taking you home."

I felt a wave of panic. Eddie couldn't see me sick.

"You can just drop me off—"

"I know you know me better than that," he interrupted, taking my hand and pulling me up.

He caught Marco's attention as we started out of the restaurant and gestured to the table, letting him know we had paid. I felt a wave of nausea – this, mixed with my nerves, had been what was feeding my anxiety all day. I leaned into Eddie, trying to keep my stomach calm.

"I'm so sorry," I said pathetically. Eddie helped me into the van and shook his head.

"Nothing to be sorry for, sweet pea," he replied. He kissed my forehead. "I'll drive nice and slow, okay?"

I nodded pathetically and he smiled before closing the door. He got in on his side and we started back. I felt tears well in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I was so excited," I said quietly. Eddie took my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Belle, we will have plenty of dates, you need to feel better," he assured me. I shook my head, feeling lame and silly.

"I was excited about this one," I explained. Eddie squeezed my hand and I looked at him.

"Baby, it's okay," he reassured me. "I'm not going anywhere."

I smiled in spite of the tears prickling in my eyes and leaned back as Eddie took me home. We got back to my apartment, and I was feeling worse and worse. Eddie had me lean into him as he walked me to my apartment. We stepped in and Eddie locked up behind us. He turned back to me and took me in his arms as he guided me to the bed.

"Sit down, sweet pea," he said kindly.

I followed his instruction, and he helped me out of my dress before going to grab the nightgown he knew I loved to wear and pulling it over my head. His kissed me softly and took my face in his hands.

"Lay down, and I'll be right back," he said.

I nodded weakly and crawled into bed, my stomach feeling worse and worse. I shut my eyes and listened to him as he scurried around my apartment, closing drawers and turning water off and on. I didn't have the energy to lift my head and watch him. I smiled weakly when I heard him humming as he padded over to me and got into bed.

"Come here, my surly girl," he said quietly as he pulled me over to him. I felt relief as he set a cool rag on my forehead and set me on his chest. He started rubbing my back, trying to make me feel better as he kissed the crown of my head. I melted into his touch, wondering if it was actual medicine.

Where had the concrete girl gone? Had she ever existed when Eddie Munson was around?

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