A Twisted Origin// A Spider G...

By TheHogwartsAvenger

658 7 15

What if things turned out differently for Spider-Gwen? What if Gwen Stacy never had a crush on Peter Parker... More

Beat 1
Beat 2
Beat 3
Beat 4
Beat 5
Beat 6
Beat 7
Beat 8
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Beat 11
Beat 12
Beat 13
Not the Last Beat (A Twisted Origin Part 2: Beat 1)

Beat 10

22 1 0
By TheHogwartsAvenger

Gwen walked out of the restaurant. Her heart was still pounding. Soon her senses went off. She pulled her phone out, and an alert was on. 

It was that Lizard again. 

She looked around and ran. She ran down a dark ally and shot a web up a tall building she flung up and landed on top.

She opened her package and looked at the suit. She froze, it was just teal converse and a mask. She found a posted note and it actually had instructions. 

Take off shoes, and put you feet in the high tops 

Gwen did so. She watched as the boots turned into the shoes of the suit. It seemed to put itself on. 

It even had the requested hood for incase she needed to hide her face if the mask broke. 

The mask formed over her face and she flipped the hood over her head. 

She walked over to the edge of the building and gulped. 

She didn't realized how high it was. 

There was only one way down. 

Gwen took a step back. She shook her head, ran, and jumped.

Gwen started to fall she looked around and saw a tall billboard. She shot a web pulling her over. She let go, flipping in the air. 

She shot another one at the bridge, pulling her. She started to fall off the bridge but didn't care. She shot a web at the under side of the bridge. She put her hand in the water as she swung quickly, and smoothly. 

She saw the large green monster. She dove and shot a web at a tree and landed in a squat like pose. 

The Lizard turned to her. 

It roared loudly splitting the air. 

Gwen ran at the monster and punched it hard. It grabbed her and threw her into the ground. She jumped up and ran at it. 

She watched a lot of Karate movies so well that's what she did. 

She jumped up and kicked the monster in the head. It fell down but got on all fours. 

"Stay out of this!" It yelled.

"No! Let me help you!" She yelled. 

It stopped and stood up. "You sound like Osborn. You can't give me what I want." 

"Maybe I can?" 

It looked at her. "There's a girl... and I saw her get kissed moments after I told her something dear to me." He said calmly. 

Gwen stood up straight. "Well if I was that girl I wouldn't consider you a friend. LOOK WHAT YOU DID!"

The Lizard looked around.

 "Shut UP!" 

It pounced at her, but Gwen already knew. Her senses told her. She jumped up and did a back twist flip over the creature and landed with the grace of a ballerina. She turned to see the angry creature. 

"You fight me like Osborn did!" 

"I'm sorry did?!" 

The Lizard smiled wickedly. "Oh... he's dead now." 

Gwen's heart stopped. She clenched her fists. 

"What did you just say?" 

"I said he's dead. I killed him." He said evilly. 

Gwen clenched her fists. Tears flooded her eyes, but nobody could see because of the mask. She shot a web a lamppost. She yanked it hard as it came to her hand. 

The Lizard got on all fours and roared loudly. 

"I was pulling my punches... but now... I won't." She said coldly. 

They ran at each other and Gwen smacked it as hard as she could with the lamppost. It fell back and Gwen started to pound it hard. 

Harder and harder she wasn't hurting it. She was killing it. 

The lizard grabbed her and threw her at a building. Gwen wen to stand up, but then the Lizard tackled her. It started to pound and pound her. Gwen put her hands up but it was no use. 

Then, a loud cackle came. 

It sounded like something from a horror movie. 

The Lizard stood up. 

Gwen couldn't move, as pain shot up her body. 

It turned to her and destroyed near by pillars. 

Gwen jumped up and caught it holding the building up. 

The Lizard crawled away and Gwen saw a figure in all green zoom by on a glider. 

She struggled to hold up the building as her joints and muscles started to give way. She looked up as the cackle sounded again and she knew it was that green figure. 

Great another baddie! I'm already almost dead, and holding up a building. 

To her surprise she saw the Lizard try and attack it. The cackle sounded agin, and came the creepiest voice she ever heard in her life. 

"IIIIIII'm not deeeead!" It said in a singsongy voice. 

She saw a ball of green and orange get thrown from the figure. 

And it exploded as a goblin like man flew on the glider at the Lizard.

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