My Missing piece (Harmione)

By Abigail_Archer

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Attention, potential readers of my book! Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster of emotions, because in "My Mis... More

Author's note
thank you!!!


127 6 2
By Abigail_Archer

Hermione stirred from the depths of her torment, a gut-wrenching moan escaping her parched lips. The room, with its oppressive darkness, seemed to have conspired against her, intensifying the torment that gripped her heart. It was as if the very walls were closing in, suffocating her with their silent cruelty.

Each breath she drew felt like a desperate struggle, as if swallowing the bitterness of her shattered dreams and lost hope. The pain coursing through her was an unrelenting reminder of her own vulnerability, a cruel testament to her suffering. It was as though her existence had become a relentless burden, an unbearable weight that threatened to crush her spirit.

In the depths of her despair, she entertained a chilling notion – that perhaps it would be a merciful release if her breath were to cease, if her fragile heart would finally yield to the ceaseless onslaught of her inner demons. What purpose did her life serve now? She clung to the faint glimmer of hope that her niece had found safety, that she was far removed from the ceaseless chaos and danger that had become Hermione's unwelcomed companions.

Harry's cutting words had descended upon her like an unrelenting blizzard, each syllable a jagged icicle that pierced her spirit with merciless precision. The weight of his harsh truths pressed down upon her, an unbearable burden that seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment. It was as though her very essence had been exposed to a blinding, unforgiving light, revealing all her flaws and vulnerabilities in excruciating detail.

As the echoes of his words lingered in the air, Hermione's emotional fortress crumbled, leaving her defenseless and exposed. The wounds inflicted by his unvarnished honesty ran deep, tearing through the layers of her self-assuredness and determination. She felt like a fragile porcelain doll, shattered into a thousand irreparable pieces, each shard a painful reminder of her own inadequacy.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but they refused to flow. It was as if her very capacity to weep had been drained by the sheer magnitude of her despair. She longed for the catharsis of sobbing, for the release of the torrential pain that threatened to consume her, but her body remained unresponsive, paralyzed by the emotional devastation.

Hunched in on herself, Hermione couldn't help but replay Harry's words in her mind, each repetition inflicting fresh wounds upon her already battered soul.

She yearned to let out the torrent of pain that threatened to engulf her, to surrender to the healing embrace of tears, but her very core felt hollow, a desolate void within her chest where emotions should have resided.

Her gaze remained fixed upon the unrelenting darkness of the wall, as if it held the answers to the questions that had torn her world asunder. The weight of despair, dense and impenetrable, settled around her like an oppressive shroud, smothering any semblance of hope or light. In this bleak moment, Hermione felt utterly adrift in a sea of anguish, a shipwrecked soul lost in the abyss of her own shattered dreams.

In the stifling quietude of the room, an oppressive notion gripped her, refusing to let go – the notion that her very existence had morphed into a heavy burden, an unyielding wellspring of anxiety and peril for those she held dear. The relentless turmoil she had inadvertently dragged into Harry's life weighed on her like a suffocating blanket. She couldn't escape the thought that perhaps, just perhaps, her absence would be the key to granting him a semblance of peace, a respite from the unending chaos that seemed to follow in her wake.

In the depths of her darkest hour, she couldn't help but entertain the haunting idea that her continued existence was nothing more than a cruel twist of fate, a cosmic jest that left her grappling with the profound question of her own purpose. Her soul ached with the unbearable weight of her own self-doubt and the crushing realization that the very essence of her being might be an affliction rather than a blessing.

As she lay there, in a puddle of her own blood in the shadows of her despair, she yearned for answers that remained elusive, for a glimmer of hope in the abyss of her thoughts. The room, bathed in somber stillness, seemed to mirror the desolation within her. The silence was not a comforting friend but a relentless reminder of her isolation, a solitude that pressed upon her like a vice, threatening to squeeze the last remnants of her spirit into oblivion. In that moment, she was trapped in a cruel limbo, a prisoner of her own existential torment, haunted by the chilling specter of her own doubts and fears.


The haunting memory still fresh in their minds, Harry and the rest of the group were unceremoniously whisked back into the dimly lit room. Harry's legs trembled beneath him, betraying the emotional storm that raged within. His body convulsed as he drew labored breaths, the weight of what they had witnessed pressing down upon him like an insurmountable burden.

Ron, his face drained of color, found solace in the support of the wall, tears flowing unchecked down his cheeks. The image of Hermione's suffering etched into his memory, he couldn't contain the anguish that wracked his entire being.

George, the eternal joker of the group, moved with a heavy heart. He shuffled toward the couch beside Eleanor, who slept blissfully unaware of their torment. Sliding onto it, he let out a sigh so profound it seemed to carry the weight of the world. Resting his head on his right hand, he stared vacantly at the wall, lost in a sea of painful thoughts.

Percy, the voice of reason, finally broke the nightmarish silence, his words laden with the gravity of their situation. "We need to act swiftly," he declared, his voice heavy with urgency. "Time is not on our side. First, we must return the girl to her parents, so they know she's safe. Then, we already have a lead on who's behind all of this, but we must discover Hermione's dance partner at the ball. We'll need to observe him under Harry's invisibility cloak, but we must act quickly to ensure we get there in time."

The room hung heavy with the weight of their sorrow and determination, the memory of Hermione's suffering fueling their resolve to bring an end to the darkness that had descended upon their lives.

"I'll go fetch Eleanor, but how do we even know where she lives?" Ginny's voice quivered, her tears still fresh as she shuffled toward the bed where Eleanor lay.

"I know," replied George, his face etched with determination, rose from his seat and strode toward a cluttered corner of the room where newspapers lay scattered.

Ron, his mind racing with worry and urgency, pitched a plan as he paced back and forth, his footsteps echoing in the tense atmosphere. "Alright, here's what we'll do. I'll go with Ginny, Neville, and Luna to return Eleanor. Meanwhile, Harry, Percy, and George can start digging for information about that guy. We need to act fast."

Harry, his trembling finally subsiding as he steadied himself, finally looked up. His voice, though resolute, carried the weight of their grim reality. "No, Ron. You, Ginny, and Luna should go with Eleanor. Percy, Neville, and George can start gathering information about him. There's something I must attend to right now. Meet me back here when you're done."

Luna's soft-spoken agreement sealed their plan, and the room seemed to exhale a collective sigh of tension as they divided their forces, each group burdened with a heavy task that carried the promise of anguish and uncertainty. Their resolute determination to reunite and confront the darkness that loomed over them was their only source of solace in the face of overwhelming despair.

Tears welled up in Harry's eyes as he watched Ron, Ginny, and their precious cargo vanish into thin air. The weight of their mission hung heavy on his shoulders.

George's hand on his back offered little comfort, the loss of Fred still a raw wound in his heart. Their grief seemed to connect them in a way that words couldn't express. Harry took a deep breath, his voice trembling as he spoke to Neville and the others.

"Promise me, Neville, Percy, George, that you'll be careful out there. We need to find every piece of information we can about him," Harry implored, his voice cracking with emotion. "But don't make it too obvious. He's cunning, and he's hunting us just as we're hunting him."

Neville nodded solemnly, his gaze fixed on Harry's haunted eyes. "We'll be discreet, Harry. And if you ever need us, just send a patronus. We'll drop everything and come to your aid as quickly as we can." He gripped his wand tightly, glancing at Percy and George, who shared the same sense of determination.

As they parted ways, the sense of foreboding weighed on Harry's heart like a leaden anchor. He knew that they were all putting their lives on the line, and the uncertainty of their future filled the air with a palpable sadness. Each step they took was a painful reminder of the sacrifices they had made and the ones they might have to make in the dark days ahead.

The silence that enveloped the room was deafening as Harry stood there, all alone with the weight of his guilt crashing down upon him. The air seemed to grow heavy with his regret, each inhale becoming more difficult than the last. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, a painful reminder of the irreversible damage he had caused.

As he collapsed to the floor, his body seemed to crumble under the weight of his despair. The room spun around him, mirroring the chaos that erupted within his mind. The only sound he could hear was the resounding thud as his body hit the cold, unforgiving ground. The physical pain was nothing compared to the torment that consumed his every thought.

Every word he had spoken to her replayed in his head, each syllable slicing deeper into his already wounded soul. How had he let himself spew such hurtful remarks? How had he allowed his anger to obliterate all sense of compassion? It was his failure to recognize her pain that had pushed her away, making her leave, leaving her to suffer in solitude. And now, in this moment of desolation, he was forced to confront the devastating consequences of his own actions.

Harry's chest tightened as he imagined Hermione, a mere fragment of the vibrant and resilient woman she once was. She lay there, broken and battered, with wounds and gashes, her spirit crushed under the weight of the world. The image burned into his mind, haunting his every waking moment. The agony overwhelmed him, his body convulsing with raw emotion.

Uncontrollable sobs racked his body as he rocked back and forth, his anguish shaking him to his core. The tears flowed freely, tracing a path down his cheeks, as if mirroring the unstoppable stream of regret that coursed through his veins. He had been given a chance, an opportunity to save her from those demons, and all he had done was unleash his anger upon her, stripping her of any hope for solace.

Anger surged through him, mixing with the remorse that consumed him. He wanted to lash out, to scream at the injustice of it all. How could he have been so blind? How could he have let his own flaws blind him to her pain? The world around him began to blur as his vision became clouded by a haze of fury and self-hatred.

Every fiber of his being shook with the force of his pent-up rage. He pounded his fists against the unforgiving floor, the pain tearing through his knuckles reminding him of the pain he had inflicted upon her. In that moment, he would have given anything to turn back time, to erase the moment those damning words spilled from his lips, to rewrite their story with love and understanding.

But time was unforgiving, and the opportunity he had squandered was now lost forever. The weight of his remorse pressed upon him like a leaden shroud, suffocating his spirit and drowning him in a sea of his own mistakes. It was all his fault, his own foolishness that had sealed her fate.

As the echoes of his sobs subsided, Harry lay on the floor, shattered and utterly defeated. The pain lingered in every crevice of his being, a constant reminder of the irreparable damage he had caused. He had taken a chance, a lifeline she had desperately needed, and he had torn it apart with his own hands. The emptiness consumed him as he realized that he would forever be haunted by the haunting image of Hermione, broken and alone, a tragic consequence of his actions.

Time seemed to slip through his fingers, lost in a void of despair and self-loathing. He lay there, motionless, his gaze fixed upon the barren ceiling above. The weight of his guilt and regret tightened around his chest, constricting his breath, as if his very soul was being torn apart. Each moment felt like an eternity, each second etching deeper wounds upon his already broken spirit.

Finally mustering the strength to rise, he stumbled towards the bathroom, his body trembling with the weight of his sorrow. The mirror unveiled a mere shadow of the person he once was. His complexion, once vibrant and full of life, now appeared pallid and lifeless. Dark circles marred his eyes, revealing the sleepless nights consumed by anguish and tortured thoughts.

Yet, even as he washed his face and attempted to cleanse his physical self, the stain of his actions lingered within his very being. He closed his eyes momentarily, hoping to find solace, but instead, images of Hermione's tear-streaked face haunted his thoughts. He had deceived himself into believing that a facade of happiness masked her true pain, but the echoes of her lonely cries in the night pierced his heart. The weight of his own inability to alleviate her suffering was a burden that threatened to crush him completely.

As he continued down the corridor, his footsteps heavy with the weight of his remorse, he passed Hermione's room. The door, closed yet seemingly undisturbed, radiated a profound sorrow that tugged at his very core. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt, electrifying his being with a surge of agony. He had inflicted upon her even deeper wounds, plunging her into a sea of sadness and anguish that surpassed anything she had experienced before. How could he be so callous? How could he have the audacity to cause her more pain, knowing intimately the depths of her hidden sorrows?

The gravity of his cruelty weighed heavily upon him, dragging him deeper into the abyss of his own remorse. Her countless attempts to mask her pain, to muster the strength to appear content and cheerful during the day, had only further shattered his heart. For he knew, intimately, the depths of her suffering. He had witnessed the depths of the darkness that resided within her, unseen by the world. And now, he had pushed her further into its clutches.

His knees buckled beneath him, the weight of his guilt becoming too much to bear. Tears mingled with the despair etched upon his face, as he sank to the floor outside Hermione's room. Gripped by a torment that had become his only constant companion, he allowed himself to feel the overwhelming weight of his remorse, letting the waves of sadness wash over him, for he knew deep within his shattered soul that he had irreversibly damaged the one person he cared for above all else.

With trembling hands, Harry slowly turned the doorknob, anxiety consuming him. Each creak of the door echoed in the depths of his despair, reminding him of the gravity of the situation. His heart pounded against his chest, the weight of the world pressing down on him as he entered the room.

Frantically searching through the cluttered wardrobe, his fingers brushed against the familiar fabric of his invisibility cloak. A surge of relief washed over him as he hastily draped it over his shoulders, concealing himself from prying eyes. He couldn't bear the thought of Mrs. Weasley seeing him in his disheveled state, his brokenness laid bare for the world to witness.

As he descended the stairs, his mind clouded with a mixture of fear and anger, a voice pierced through the silence, slicing through the air like a chilling blade of betrayal. It was a voice he recognized all too well, belonging to Hermione's date. The sound sent a shiver down his spine, igniting a blazing fury within him. His grip tightened around his wand, his knuckles turning white as he fought against the urge to lunge at the contemptible intruder sitting comfortably in the living room, sipping butterbeer as if nothing was wrong.

Despite his rage, Harry forced himself to mutter the silencio spell, ensuring that his own presence remained hidden. He couldn't afford any distractions now, not when Hermione's life hung in the balance. The thought of that wretched imbecile being here filled him with a sickening anger. Was he here to gauge the family's awareness of Hermione's disappearance? To revel in their anguish and torment?

The desire to remove his cloak and confront the vile creature surged through him intensely. Every rational part of his being screamed for justice, for revenge. But then, a voice, Neville's voice, whispered softly in his mind, pleading for caution, for patience.

His inner battle was excruciating. He knew in his heart that acting impulsively would solve nothing. If he were to remove the invisibility cloak and confront this buffoon, it wouldn't magically alter the situation or bring Hermione back. No, he needed to think strategically, to follow this fool and uncover Hermione's whereabouts. Only then could he alert the others, only then could they finally have a chance at rescuing her.

His determination renewed, Harry clenched his trembling hands, his fingernails digging into his palm, drawing blood. He needed to succeed this time, to prove to himself and to Hermione that he was worthy of redemption. He prayed to Merlin that he wouldn't falter, that this second chance wouldn't slip through his fingers like sand in an hourglass.

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