A Twisted Origin// A Spider G...

By TheHogwartsAvenger

721 7 15

What if things turned out differently for Spider-Gwen? What if Gwen Stacy never had a crush on Peter Parker... More

Beat 1
Beat 2
Beat 3
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Beat 5
Beat 6
Beat 8
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Beat 11
Beat 12
Beat 13
Not the Last Beat (A Twisted Origin Part 2: Beat 1)

Beat 7

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By TheHogwartsAvenger

Gwen had been 'learning' from Harry how to do stuff. She hadn't jumped off the building so they just focussed of her Strength, Agility, and the Webs. Although, Harry had her climb upside down so he could run some tests to see if she got light headed, but she never did. 

At home she would watch Crime Stoppers, and be utterly terrified, saying her childhood was gone. She also watched lots of fighting movies. 

Her room was moist to help when she was practicing shooting webs in her room, problem was she had to clean them and throw it out the window of the building. 

At school Flash didn't mess with her, and Peter would always smile. Not to mention Flash always talked about the hero who saved him. Peter would get uncomfortable for some reason but nobody knew why. 

Gwen and Peter walked into Chemistry. 

"So I was thinking about what happened to your family, and I think—" 

"Nope, you can't start a talk like that!" Peter said laughing. 

"It's not as talk, it's a figure of speech." Gwen corrected. 

Peter laughed. "Good for you." He said smiling. 

"Thanks!" The two sat down in chemistry, and Gwen looked at Peter. 

She went to tell him something, but she saw a green thing behind his cheek. It kinda looked like a scale. 

"Hey, you have something green on your face, behind your cheek." 

Peter looked at her. He felt his face. "I do?! Um I'll be back." He said. 

With that he ran off. Gwen raised a eyebrow. Her senses went off. Something was wrong and Gwen wanted to know what.

A phone buzzed. Gwen looked down at the dresser after school. A two text messages awaited. It was from Peter. Gwen put her pencil down and shot a web pulling her phone up. She was sitting in a corner on the wall doing her Calculus homework. She looked at the message.

Peter: Question, you said yes 2 me 2 go as friends 2 prom, but I can get you some'n if you want

Gwen looked at it. She texted back.

Gwen: I'm ok. Thanks tho Np How are you?

Peter: I'm good, u? Good. I still can't find tickets for the movie What?!? That's stupid Ikr? I got to go, Aunt may needs help with laundry 

Gwen: Ok. Bye

Peter: Bye

Gwen sniffled. Her allergy's were acting up, but it wasn't pollen that made her sick now, it was the bug spray her mom got. 

It didn't choke her, it just made her nose stuffy. 

Gwen looked at the calendar. Prom was in a few days. It made her realize that all the 'training' with Harry made stuff go by quickly. 

Harry got a little bit better, he was walking again, and was just told in a few days he would be released from the hospital, till things went south again. 

Her senses went off. She got off the wall, and looked out the window. A man ran out of the gas station with a gun. 

Gwen shot a web and got a hoodie, and a mask. She but them on and jumped out the window.

Gwen kicked the man down. She took his gun and crushed it with her hands. She shot webs tying the man up. 

Sirens came. 

The police. 

Gwen ran for the wall. 


She looked and it was her dad. Gwen panicked. She ran at the wall. She ran up it. Shot a web and swung around the building.

Gwen had thrown the mask and jacket away. If her dad saw it, she was dead meat. 

Gwen sat down for dinner next to her mom and Howard. He nudged her and grinned. Gwen kicked his foot under the table and he winced. 


Philip looked at the potatoes as his eyes widened. 

"MOM! Can I pweze have some potatoes?" He asked in a squeaky voice. 

"Yeah, but you actually have to eat your own food first. Last time I recall, you ate all of the potatoes. And NONE of your food!" She said bitterly. 

"That's because you weren't home and dad said I could." 

Gwen, Howard, and Simon watched as their mother looked at Philip then their Dad.

"What? Okay I know it wasn't the best choice but he's a growing boy." 

"George! You let that happen?!" 

Gwen's dad shrugged slowly. Her mom turned and looked at Gwen and Howard.

"Did you two know about this?" 

Howard and Gwen looked at each other. They looked at their dad.


Philip dumbed the whole bowl into his mouth. Gwen and Howard stood up cheering. Simon dumped water in his mouth as his dad patted his back. 


Gwen's father but a finger up to his mouth. 

"We didn't know about this... we were... doing homework." Gwen lied. 

"Yeah... Gwen also needed help on her homework." Howard lied. 

Their mother eyed them, then their father. 

"Alright... George, we will talk about this later." 

"We most definitely will." He said sarcastically. 

Gwen looked at Simon who was on the edge of his seat.

"Anyhoooo DAD!" 


"Did you catch any bad people today?"

 He looked up. Gwen felt a chill down her back. 

"You're in High School now, technically your supposed to say criminals, but I was about to get this guy but someone was already there." 

Gwen felt another chill. She grabbed some potatoes herself and started to eat some. 

"What do you mean someone was there?" 

George Stacy looked at his son. "You see, I watched as this person whooped this guys butt. They grabbed the gun and crushed it with their bare hand. Then they shot something from nowhere at this robber. They turned as saw me, mostly because I did the usual thing when there is someone in my crime spectrum. They turned around and ran up a wall like it was solid ground and shot another one of those things and swung around the building." 

Everyone was silent. Gwen could hear her heart beating. For the first time her senses were completely shut off. She couldn't really move. 

"So like a superhero?!" Philip said excitedly. 

"No, a visualante. This person's actually been around in our files since Monday, but today I saw them in person. We need to take them into out facility, and... talk. The more broken guns, or even loss of criminals means that people would be encouraged to do wrong. This person brings fear to us in the police force.But this is an amateur who's assaulting civilians in the dead of night. There clumsy, they leaves clues, but their still dangerous." 

Gwen felt a bit angry at her father. "They are assaulting people? I'm not sure. I mean, I saw that video with them and the car thief and I think most people would say they were providing a public service." She said calmly. 

Her father looked at her. "Most people would be wrong. If I wanted the car thief off the street, he'd already be off the street." 

"Well I think this person is trying to do good, and bring hope." She said. 

Her father looked at her. "What do you mean?" 

"Well that's what most people would do if they somehow achieved a power of some sort. Try and bring hope." 

"Gwen, so you... know this person?" 

All eyes went on her. "No. I don't." She said softly. 

Her father nodded his head. Gwen finished her food. She put it in the sink and went to her room. She sat down on her bed and sighed.

She knew she couldn't tell anyone. She knew she shouldn't.

A lonely feeling came over her as she looked down. She pulled her phone out and texted the one person who might  understand.

She texted Harry Osborn.

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