- Doomsday - Volume One: Gods...

By minesweeper0

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[Doomsday Male Reader x Overwatch/DC AU] An undisclosed black site, not registered on any official document o... More

Contents Page
Chapter 1: Prelude to the 'Omnic Crisis'
Chapter 2: The 'Omnic Crisis'
Chapter 3: Subject #17 - 'The Doomsday' Part. 1
Chapter 4: The Overwatch Strike Team
Chapter 5: Prelude to Project 'Doomsday'
Chapter 6: Subject #17 - 'The Doomsday' Part. 2
Chapter 7: [Y/N] Part. 1
Chapter 8: [Y/N] Part. 2
Chapter 9: The Aftermath of the 'Omnic Crisis' and the 'Golden Age' of Overwatch
Chapter 10: Dr. Bertron, Laboratory Journal
Chapter 11: Slade Wilson
Chapter 12: Combat Training
Chapter 13: [Y/N] Vs. Harry
Chapter 14: Perspective
Chapter 15: Confidential
Chapter 16: Dictator, Despot and the 'Doomsday'
Chapter 17: Revolt Part. 1
Chapter 18: Revolt Part. 2
Chapter 19: Containment
Chapter 20: Breach, Part. 1
Chapter 21: Breach, Part. 2
Chapter 22: Hell Let Loose
Chapter 23: Mission Objective
Chapter 24: Calm
Chapter 25: Before the Storm
Chapter 26: Capture
Chapter 27: Coming to an Understanding
Chapter 28: Thaw
Chapter 29: Accommodating
Chapter 30: Battle of Mombasa Part. 1
Chapter 31: Battle of Mombasa Part. 2
Chapter 32: Corporate Sabotage
Chapter 33: Blackwatch
Chapter 34: The Sting-Operation
Chapter 35: The Offer
Chapter 36: Holiday Part. 1
Chapter 37: Holiday Part. 2
Chapter 38: Holiday Part. 3
Chapter 39: Lobo
Chapter 40: Land Down Under
Chapter 41: Bizarre
Chapter 42: Reunion
Chapter 43: The Iris
Chapter 44: Metallo
Chapter 45: Unfolding Events
Chapter 46: Rose
Chapter 47: Comfort
Chapter 48: Prodigal Son
Chapter 51: Assault on Pretoria Part. 1
Chapter 52: Assault on Pretoria Part. 2
Chapter 53: Assault on Pretoria Part. 3
Chapter 54: Recovery
Chapter 55: Rematch
Chapter 56: Onslaught
Chapter 57: Retrieval
Chapter 58: Betrayal
Chapter 59: Regroup
Chapter 60: Doomed Part. 1
Chapter 61: Doomed Part. 2
Chapter 62: Reflection
Chapter 63: Outback
Chapter 64: The Yowie
Chapter 65: Stone
Chapter 66: Junkerking
Chapter 67: Fallout
Chapter 68: A Horse with No Name
Chapter 69: Junkertown
Chapter 70: The Reckoning
Chapter 71: Ventura Highway
Chapter 72: Night Terrors
Chapter 73: Wicked Game
Chapter 74: Siege
Chapter 75: Battle for Junkertown Part. 1
Chapter 76: Battle for Junkertown Part. 2
Chapter 78: Battle for Junkertown Part. 4
Chapter 79: Scorched Earth
Chapter 80: Into the Storm
Chapter 81: Eye of the Storm
Chapter 82: The Omnium
Chapter 83: For the Man Who Has Everything Part. 1
Chapter 84: For the Man Who Has Everything Part. 2
Chapter 85: Desolation
Chapter 86: A Clear, Blue Sky
Chapter 87: Jamboree
Chapter 88: Postbellum
Chapter 89: Consciousness
Chapter 90: Revelations
Chapter 91: Radiation
Chapter 92: Renegotiation
Chapter 93: So Long, Cowboy
Chapter 94: Law of War
Chapter 95: Rules of Engagement
Chapter 96: Terms
Chapter 97: Biohazard Part. 1
Chapter 98: Biohazard Part. 2
Chapter 99: Biohazard Part. 3
Chapter 100: Biohazard Part. 4
Chapter 101: Biohazard Part. 5
Chapter 102: Biohazard Part. 6
Chapter 103: Biohazard Part. 7
Chapter 104: Steel and Stone
Chapter 105: S.T.A.R.
Chapter 106: Communion
Chapter 107: Born on a Monday
Chapter 108: Buried on Sunday
Chapter 109: The City of Tomorrow
Chapter 110: Metropolis
Chapter 111: Devil's Night
Chapter 112: Jokes and Riddles

Chapter 77: Battle for Junkertown Part. 3

133 9 4
By minesweeper0

(AN: Okay... It's going to be a four part-er, but the next one will definitely be the last one of this arc. I also wanted to ask, do you guys normally see the announcements and are they useful at all? I put them out an hour before, but was thinking about posting them earlier, it's not really a big deal, just a thought. Also also, I've got classes starting back up, so updates probably won't be as frequent, but I'll still endeavour to release as often as possible. Hope you all enjoy as always!)


The storm only appeared to grow heavier and heavier, sand wrapping and dancing across the beige plains, dense and sharp, encasing the entire region within an violent dust blizzard, isolated from the rest of the world, at this time it might as well have been its own plane of existence. The sun's deadly glare that bore down upon the vast landscape soon disappeared, unable to penetrate through the earthen layers, it could take no part in the war down below. Even the fire from guns, the screams of combatants or from the dying, and the roar of a fleet of engines did little to match the desert's thunderous bellowing, asserting its dominance over the insects marching atop its mantle. Yet, even the strength of the earth shuddered, as the two monsters collided with one another, the force from their propulsion creating sizable craters where they once stood, an explosion of dirt firing out from beneath their footfall.

Within the blink of an eye, both hulking combatants collided with one another, both with an arm outstretched, each responded with a devastating initial blow, striking the others skull. Yet, as would be expected, neither warrior budged or moved, letting the fist remain in place, displaying their resolve as warriors. Pulling back their first blow, eyeing the other up, moving fast to match the other, the Doomsday performed an aggressive barrage of attacks, pressing forward, eager to get the matter over and done. Mongul reacted with haste, parrying and blocking each individual blow. [Y/N] threw his arm forward, the warlord catching the hand, seizing the advantage, attacked in kind, delivering a blow of his own to the Yowie's chest. No reaction was given, but a blast of wind shattered backward, an earsplitting crunch detonated in its wake, cutting through the air. This was a much more competent opponent than any he had faced before...

With his free hand, [Y/N] grabbed the Mongul's attacking arm, pulling him closer, crashing his skull into his opponent, leveraging his substantial height advantage, his opponent remaining firm. Quick to follow up, bringing his leg up high, he kicked hard and fast, booting him backwards, but the warlord didn't fall or stumble, his heavy feet digging into the sand below. The two held a glare, however, while the Doomsday's dark grimace expressed only disdain for his opponent, the Mongul was grinning, showing the whites of his teeth, "Interesting..." The exchange continued, yet the speed of the movements increased drastically, appearing much faster, with lightning jabs and punches, while the other dodged and blocked or took the blow, before switching roles, relatively evenly matched. Breaking through the monotony, the warlord switched up his attacks, feinting with one arm and ducking low, as if picking something up off the floor, [Y/N] attempting to back off to evade a surprise upper-cut. A thick, metallic pole slammed into his bottom chin, his teeth clattering against one another, confusing the Doomsday, Mongul unfurling the spear he had thrown like a javelin upon arriving.

"I had this weapon crafted specifically to put down upstarts like you!" thrusting forward, the shaft sliced forward, the point penetrating through the Doomsday's marrow armour and even the rocky outer layer. He'd have to be much more careful than usual, not take as many hits, since this opponent could actually dish out damage, gripping the end of the weapon, the two fought for supremacy. When fighting against an opponent with such reach, the most important thing was to get in close, to rid them of any long range advantage, and [Y/N] knew this well, closing the distance. The Mongul attempted to bring the spear back, yet it was held forward, while a meteoric fist rocketed from below. The warlord wouldn't be taken advantage of so easily, bringing his other hand forward to hold the blow, managing to lock the advance in place. With this distraction however, with his focus on the uppercut, the Doomsday leveraged the spear with his other arm, wrenching it away, narrowly managing to claim the weapon. With the weapon in his grasp he knew it wasn't a personal proficiency, the best situation was to simply remove it from the equation entirely, hurling it as far into the distance as he could, "You were saying?" a hint of snark biting through.

"No matter..." Mongul retorted back, battering the Doomsday's held arm with a strong blow, directed precisely at the elbow, pummelling the joint, unable to recoil. [Y/N] squirmed free from the lock, pulling the arm back but the warlord wasn't finished, pushing the offensive, unleashing a flurry of blows at the mountain, pounding his skull in rapid succession. The Doomsday stumbled slightly, backing away, spitting out a mouthful of blood, darkening the sand below, "That all you got?" Mongul chuckled ominously, "Hardly..." Yet, unlike previously, he didn't drive forward, looking back towards his forces, "I think that's enough. It's been enjoyable, but this little war has been going on too long, and this city has been a parasite that needs to be exterminated..." With a simple gesture, the soldiers soon began funnelling out of their vehicles, well armed and lusting for blood, "MARCH FORTH MY WARZOON HORDE!" They shouted back with a collective cry, racing towards the city.

Anger and dread suddenly set in for the Doomsday, he was sure that he could make it out of this fight in one piece, but he hadn't kept up with the situation in the city, focused on the duel. If this new army collided into them from the back they would be decimated, dead on sight. [Y/N] turned his back, unwise given the circumstance, but desperate to check the defences, a sucker punch colliding into the back of his head. "You're fighting me, remember? They can survive without you for a little while longer..." The warlord's face was monstrous, and in that moment, it was as if he had returned to the nightmare he had suffered only a week prior, the dunes of bones, the eradication of whole villages, as if he were living through a vision. "Bastard..." he spat out, readying himself, he had to get this fight over with quick, or else the whole city would be doomed. It would be a good time for you idiots to show up...


The fighting was fierce, the garrison giving their all, and so did the rebels, however, slowly but surely, the well armed capabilities of the revolutionary forces was proving too hard for the guard to keep up with. Able to fire out far more bullets per minute, the only advantage the city's soldier's held were defensible positions, and even then they were being overrun quickly, as more and more funnelled in towards the front line. Ammunition reserves hadn't been properly prepared, especially for the attackers, and so their modern rifles soon turned to metal clubs, and large scale street skirmishes began, bashing and hacking away at each other. Bodies fell silent, others crying out for help, trampled under the stampede of boots and metal, among the masses, innocents tried getting through, they were treated as the rest of the rebels were, dead to rights. However, as the line weakened and weakened, under the heavy strain, rebel pockets broke free, escaping into the city, raiding and looting, and unleashing their anger and resentment on any they came across.

"HOLD FIRM!" A commanding presence shouted out, Howl at the front of his forces, side by side with the guard, and fighting hard, taking out many as he attempted to push through, many unprepared and unable to deal with his gargantuan strength. Whirling saw blades and saws could be heard over the combat, mechanical clanking stomping towards the city gate, as Junker mechs raced towards the fight, using every advantage they could to win. Behind the main fighting, a group of young rebels narrowly avoided the conflict zone, guided past the main junction; they would need to find an infirmary as soon as possible. In the arms of two the revolutionary leader Dune laid still, blood covering his torso, without any help he would be sure to die.

The streets outside the main warzone were chaotic, people running too and fro, some towards and others away from the militarised area, pure anarchy seemed to have taken a hold of the city, as whispers of the Mongul's arrival quickly spread like wildfire. Odessa kept racing ahead, not daring to look back, though not really sure as to where she was going, any semblance of order had fallen apart, and she didn't even know if the Yowie, her father, or Howl were still alive. She couldn't think like that, she had to have hope, and a promise had been made, as long as that deal was in play there was still a fighting chance. More bullets lodged themselves in the dirt squarely behind the teen, covering her head anxiously, a shrill cry echoed out behind her, "STOP RUNNING KID, WE JUST WANNA' TALK!" It was the same pair from before, impossible to shake off, as they kept pestering her, like an impotent fly wielding a gun, but as long as she kept her distance, it shouldn't have been an issue.

High above her, in between the narrow streets of the Junker metropolis, an explosion crashed into one of the buildings, rocking the entire neighbourhood, as the structure began twisting and bending, followed by even more explosions seemingly all across the city. Rolling to one side, Odessa raised her head, looking towards the sky, helicopters soared high above, dropping unknown crates as they went down upon the city, the foundation of the metropolis shaking as even more explosions thundered out. A loud chant roared from the city gates, different to any she had heard before, it was no Junker cry, as the gunfire seemed to grow louder and louder by the moment. Distracted by the destruction all around her, the twisting of metal didn't catch her attention until it was nearly too late, large metal slabs and plates collapsing to the street floor from the tall buildings, falling apart from the bombs.

A wave of adrenaline kicked in, eyeing an alleyway in between the collapsing buildings, if she could get through she could avoid the carnage, skidding out with speed, nimbly evading the debris, as it crashed in a dusty pile. The same voice from before shouted out with even more anger, cursing profanities towards the heavens, but she could pay no attention now, continuing the marathon. Yet, before her, a small firefight had broken out, garrison forces fighting a new threat, larger green men in armour, charging straight through their opponents. The Warzoon horde had breached the city. Odessa's heart dropped realising the severity of the situation, freezing momentarily, and that was all it took for them to notice the teen, the guard falling within seconds. "Shit, shit!" She said aloud, scanning her surroundings, there were multiple pathways she could take, but she wasn't sure where any would take her, hastily choosing the first she could lay her eyes upon, barrelling down the dark avenue, the Warzoons in hot pursuit.

Further and further she ran, her legs getting more and more tired the longer she continued, eventually they would give out, but her will to live outmatched her bodily restraints, though where she had found herself within the city's confusing layout, she was unsure. The barbaric shouts from her pursuers continued, sooner or later they would catch up, needing to find a place to hide, anything would work. The tension kept mounting, nothing helped her, the street barren and isolated, and fears that she may actually die in this wet, decrepit place began to set in. She wondered what her family would think, her mother and all her younger siblings, but especially her father, would they even find her? That would suggest that they even won this battle, which seemed to grow increasingly ill likely. As she broke around a corner a strong arm reached out from an unseen alcove, grabbing a hold of her collar, she was roughly pulled through a dark doorway. Squirming to break free she ripped her knife from its place upon her waist, slicing at the hand, a pained grunt followed as she was released from the grip, "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME, I'LL KILL YOU!" she bellowed out, in a last ditch attempt to scare away the monsters.

"Odessa, Odessa, it's me!" a familiar voice soothed, the pain still evident in his voice as he held his wounded arm, relief washing over her face, "Dad?!" The two embraced in a hug, the teen burying her face into his torso, tears threatening to break loose, "What the hell are you doing out there, it's a warzone!" he shouted, a father's anger threatening to raise hell, but upon seeing her sad expression, it too vanished within an instant, "I just wanted to help you, and the Yowie..." she said weakly, realising how close she'd been to death. "Come on, this isn't a safe place, we've reinforced the infirmary, it's safe there." he said, grabbing the girl's arm, the two quickly took off, the sanctuary that was the infirmary a safe haven, the last place they may be able to find some peace in the dying city.

Crossing across destroyed streets, a larger building standing apart from any other stood untouched, somehow unfazed by the bombings around it, with Stone's personal guard standing outside, watching for a potential attack. "Boss, we've had loads of people, more and more seem to be showing up every minute!" Stone waved his hand, disinterested, "Don't turn a single one away, we need to help as many as possible..." pushing his way through the front entrance, Odessa gave a final look towards the front area of the city, where the fighting only seemed to be intensifying. "Dad, what's going to happen to the Yowie, and the city?" Stone didn't look at the teen, focused on other matters, "I'm sure he can handle himself for now, we have bigger issues to deal with..." the inside smelt clinical, chemicals suffocating the entire room, while hundreds of weak and injured covered the floor in small bag, with only a limited amount of doctors to administer treatment.

A few soldiers flanked Stone, their faces hard as they tried to persuade the man against his iron convictions, "Boss, you can't go back out there, it's like hell!" He didn't listen, "Our people are dying out there, what sort of leader would I be to leave them." gesturing for a few soldiers to follow him. He turned towards his daughter a final time, "I'm going back out, there are so many more who need help, it's our duty to do whatever we can, don't do anything stupid." It was hard to leave, but it was what was needed of him, embracing his daughter one last time, he marched out into the chaos without hesitation. Odessa looked around, people running around, people mourning the loss of their friends and family, while others screamed out in pain, but what did take her notice was a silver lock of hair peeking out from the corner of the room.

Racing over, she was deathly worried, she couldn't be dead, hopefully she was just resting, but with each step the dread seemed to loom even larger, hoping to whatever being out there that she was still breathing. Crouching down besides the assassin, she remained still, trying to gauge whether or not she was breathing, grabbing her wrist, waiting for a pulse of some sort. It was weak, but still there, Odessa collapsing onto her back, solace washing over her, nobody close to her seemed to have died yet, but whatever was going on at the gate was unknown to her. All she could do was tend to her friend and hope that the Yowie's promise held strong, or else she wasn't sure there would be a tomorrow...


"Bastard..." [Y/N] spat at the Mongul, venom dripping as he pulled himself together, quickly recovering from the surprise attack, regaining his fighting form, the warlord continued to smirk, not fazed by his reinvigorated foe. "You are certainly strong, there is no denying that. However, you lack the conviction to win, I can tell you aren't coming at me at your fullest potential, that is what will doom you Yowie, your weakness to act." [Y/N] didn't work this hard to hear a lecture, "Why do you sort talk so much!" but he acknowledged what the warlord said, he hadn't been fully engaged in the fight, too worried on what was going on elsewhere, and for good reason. For now, it seemed that in order to win, he'd have to trust in the Junkers to hold for a while longer, just as they hopefully believed in him, it had to be a symbiotic relationship for victory.

The Doomsday charged at full speed, within only moments eliminating the distance between the two, with his right arm held high, crashing down hard upon the warlord, Mongul's eyes trying to keep up with the movement. He raised his arms defensively, taking the brunt of the damage, however the impact was noticeable, forcing him into one knee, surprise flashing upon his face. The enemy unprepared, [Y/N] ripped his other arm forward, grabbing the Mongul's skull with his entire palm, slamming his entire torso into the dirt, a large explosion of sand blasting out as he sank.

With the warlord down on the floor, [Y/N] grabbed him by the shoulder, holding him up, delivering a strike to his stomach, similar to what he had suffered before, causing the Mongul to heave, red pouring from his gullet. He wasn't finished yet however, bashing the arm away, responding with a quick flurry of blows, not receiving a reaction from the Doomsday, his glare hardening even further. "Your style of fighting, it is familiar to me, though unrefined..." [Y/N] didn't care for the commentary, holding his arms in an x-shape, blocking the hits, the two continued their back and forth. Yet, every other hit, the Mongul seemed to slow down slightly, falling behind; a jab to the jaw, a crack at his neck, while the Doomsday kept firing shots without resistance

The Mongul's eyes' flared with rage, "You dare think you can beat me, THE MONGUL?!" delivering his own headbutt, much stronger than before, [Y/N] dazed from the surprise attack. With his full might, clutching onto the Doomsday's outstretched arm, he threw the mountain high into the air, soaring through at great speeds, smashing into the desert floor, forming a crater upon collision, his limbs splayed out. He let out a grunt, massaging the back of his shoulder, readying for the next round, watching the Yowie from afar.

Yet, Mongul wasn't going to take any more risks, walking menacingly towards the Doomsday, who had been slowly rising from the pit. Upon standing, two concentrated beams launched out from the Warzoon's eyes, [Y/N] holding his arms up to block the fiery laser, soon scorching the stony exterior. "You see mut." the Mongul said, continuing his ranged attack as he walked, the cadence of his strut domineering and prideful, "We cannot even be considered on the same playing field." From the Doomsday's perspective, an invisible ripple waved through the air, his defensive arm suddenly crumpling, ripped away from the attack, allowing the beam to crash into his skull, launching him backwards, skidding across the dunes. His head heavy and throbbing, he regained control over the limb, shaking it confused, what had he done to control his movement?

"You are no warrior, you are just a wild dog that needs to be put down!" [Y/N] cracked his bottom jaw, fixing the joint back into place, watching the warlord race up towards him at breakneck speeds. The Doomsday held his anger, controlling the rage, it wouldn't do anything to lose composure now, holding his shoulder low, waiting for the gap to narrow. Mongul charged, leaping forward with fists ready to strike, [Y/N] ran forward, taking the first hit and avoiding the second, his fist colliding with his enemy's skull, the warlord losing his momentum. "We'll see about that..." [Y/N] chided, getting behind the Warzoon, he hung his arm around the combatants throat, completing the lock with his other hand, squeezing harder and harder, no one would mourn the loss if he'd snap the monster's neck.

The two struggled, knees sinking within the sand, the warlord clawing his fingers, trying to free himself, while the Doomsday kept pushing, slowly gaining ground, the Mongul shouting out guttural screams of anger. Mongul used his elbow to keep bashing into the Yowie's torso over and over, however [Y/N] powered through, it would only be a little further and the whole war would be over. In a desperate ploy, reaching for any hold he could find, the Warzoon's fingers scurried up the Doomsday's rocky face, feeling the eye sockets, before clamping down, digging into the red, piercing eyes, holding with an iron grip. It was too much, [Y/N] losing the advantage as Mongul broke free, more concerned with the preeminent lack of vision, a red cloud masking his sight.

A pointed knee struck into the Doomsday's sternum, a right hook following up, blasting his neck, and then a left, and another right, the warlord not stopping, continuing one after the other, snapping one of the horns from the monster's skull, tumbling aside. Yet, [Y/N] didn't seem fazed, even while under the constant bombardment from the Warzoon, after every blow, not allowing himself to show any weakness, to the Mongul's fury, enraging him further. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE!" blood, bone and small stony chips flew with every hit, "YOU ARE NOTHING!" he screamed with another strike, "BAD PRODUCT!" his own fists bleeding and torn after repeatedly punching the bedrock like layer. [Y/N] held firm, watching out into the distance, far beyond Junkertown, across the vast plains, keeping his gaze upon the horizon, though hindered behind the violent desert storm. The Doomsday's tenacity didn't falter, waiting for something specific to appear.

Breaking through the storm, far off in the distance, a metallic sheen flashed for a moment, before disappearing again, engulfed by the sand blizzard, but that was all he needed to see, victory would be ensured for today.

A low chuckle escaped the Doomsday's grim maw, an unusual sound that not many heard, as if it were the harbinger for some great evil. Demonic and hellish, the Mongul leaning back, astounded. "I must have really broken you Yowie, you've gone mad...'' standing up from his dominant position, "It's a shame, but know that I will enjoy separating your head from the rest of your body..." The chuckling didn't stop however, rather it grew louder and more daunting, [Y/N] raising his head, not even looking at the enemy any longer, Mongul's eyes lighting up with a fiery energy, ready to explode. With his rage simmering, the warlord kept his cool for now, "Indulge me Yowie, what could possibly be so funny at this current moment. Your closest allies have abandoned you, the Junkers are close to annihilation and you lay here beneath my boot on death's doorstep. What joke am I not understanding here?"

[Y/N] slapped a hand down over his eyes, the laughter continuing, with the Mongul only getting increasingly frustrated, "Fine, keep your lunacy to yourself, it makes no difference either way. Know that your failure here was what finally doomed these people, who had put so much hope in you..." The Doomsday interrupted, uninterested in the monologue, "You don't stop talking do you?!" the Warlord confused by the sudden outburst, "You think you're so smart, but you're just an idiot!" Mongul only grew more and more confused, "Insolent wretch---" he began, yet, he was interrupted when a cartoonishly loud horn shattered the tension, the Warzoon ripping his head around, anger boiling over.

Escaping from out the storm, a horde of bikers tore out like a swarm, hundreds upon hundreds, each screaming out a mighty battle cry, firing bullets into the sky, with three at the helm, Lobo, Bizarro and Mako himself, hidden behind a steampunk gas mask.

The Mongul's teeth ground together, "What is the meaning of this?---" he said to himself, a wild haymaker crashing into the back of his head, launching him far away, scraping against the hard dirt, forming a crater. A layer of sand falling from atop his head, scorn written all over his face, punching the floor as the Doomsday rose across the desert, ignoring the injuries he had suffered, "Your fighting me, remember? Let's get this over with warlord..." 

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