Never know// Ricky Olson

By deadlydisguise

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Here's a quick background information about never know - Hello my name is Rowan I'm struggling in a very tox... More

The start
We will rise
𝑵𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘
The broken
Will we ever learn?
Sign of life
Lost it all
Who are you?
What you left behind
The waters rising past my eyes
Remember me
The fear
You still belong to me
I don't belong here
In my arms
So alone
Its time to break the cycle
Part 2


28 1 4
By deadlydisguise

Rowan's pov
Yesterday was an unforgettable day! We were lucky enough to witness some of the most breathtaking mountain views and the most mesmerizing light shows. And to top it off, Ricky proposed to me! I can't even begin to describe how ecstatic I am with how everything has been unfolding during these past few days. However, there was one incident that left a bad taste in my mouth. I am referring to the Ash incident with Leo. Just thinking about the situation sends shivers down my spine. I sincerely hope that no other unfortunate incidents occur during the rest of our tour.

As Chris bursts into the room, I look up and smile at him. "Hey Rowan!" he exclaims, his excitement almost palpable. I ask him what's up, amused by his enthusiasm. "So you know how you made me in charge of the gender of the baby?" he says, nodding eagerly. I nod back, wondering where this is going. "Can we announce it on stage tonight!" he blurts out, bouncing up and down like a little kid. I can't help but chuckle at his childlike excitement. "I don't think I've seen you this excited," I say, grinning. "But sure, why not!" Chris practically jumps for joy, and I can hear Ricky's voice in the background, shouting a warning. "Don't break the hotel room!" he yells. Chris laughs as he leaves the room, apologizing for his exuberance.

I began to experience a nauseating sensation in my stomach, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what might have caused it. Nevertheless, I'm determined not to let it spoil the rest of my day, and I'm hopeful that everything will turn out okay.

Ricky's pov
I gently placed my hand on Rowan's and asked, "Are you going to be okay for tonight? I know the baby has been giving you some trouble." She smiled faintly and replied, "I should be okay! Plus I can't miss the gender of the baby. You know how much Chris is excited about doing this. He's excited to be a grandfather."

As she laid her head down on my shoulder, I sensed her tensing up a little bit. Concerned, I asked, "Are you okay?" After a brief pause, she admitted, "I guess I'm still worried about the Leo and Ash situation. I don't know what's going to happen. And once our baby is born, it will be scary..."

I put my arm around her and pulled her closer, assuring her, "I won't let anything happen to you or the baby. And if something does, you know that me and the team will come and get you no matter what. We'll be there for you every step of the way."

As Rowan gave me a quick peck on my cheek, Vinny unexpectedly walked into the room. "Sorry, guys. I was hanging out with Ryan and Chris. Chris asked me to remind you all to get ready. Our set is starting early today because In This Moment had to cancel due to illness. However, they did want to make sure they didn't miss the gender reveal!", Vinny informed us. Rowan immediately stood up and began to search for an outfit. "Sounds great!", I exclaimed, pulling Vinny aside to speak privately. "We have to be extra vigilant tonight and tomorrow since this is our last day on tour. Rowan is worried that Leo or Ash might come back," I revealed to Vinny. He looked puzzled and said, "But Leo is in jail and we already removed Ash from the tour because of the previous incident." "I know, but we can't be too careful," I replied, sounding a bit annoyed. Vinny nodded, looking stressed.

A few hours pass
Chris' pov
As the clock ticked closer to showtime, the fans grew increasingly restless, their voices ringing out in a deafening chorus of "MOTIONLESS". I couldn't help but notice that Rowan, one of our crew members, seemed to be feeling uneasy. Perhaps the pressure of tonight's performance was getting to her. One by one, my bandmates took the stage. Vinny went first, followed by Ryan, Ricky, and Justin. Finally, it was my turn. As I stepped out onto the stage, I could see Rowan standing at the side, watching us intently as we prepared to perform alongside Ice Nine Kills and In This Moment. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are Motionless in White!" I shouted into the mic, eliciting a thunderous round of applause from the crowd. "And tonight, we're going to give you a performance you'll never forget!" With a grin, I launched into our opening number, "Infamous". The heavy riffs of our guitars blended seamlessly with Vinny's thunderous drumming, sending the audience into a frenzy. "Sing along if you know it, and if you don't, sing along anyway!" I shouted, and the crowd responded by belting out the lyrics at the top of their lungs. It was going to be a night to remember.

As we were performing our fifth song "Underdog," I paused to make an exciting announcement to the audience. "Before we play any more songs, we have two surprises for you guys!" I said, and the crowd erupted in cheers. I then introduced a nervous-looking Rowan to the stage, who tried to hide her jitters as best she could. "Okay, Ricky, the mic is all yours!" I said, and Ricky ran over to my mic.

He then made a heartfelt announcement. "Well, yesterday night, I asked this lovely woman to be my wife!" Ricky said, pulling Rowan into a side hug. "And she said, 'Yes!'" he added happily. The fans were cheering for them, but there were also some who were perhaps a little envious of their relationship.

Before we resumed our set, Rowan wanted me to announce the gender of their baby. I grabbed the note and read it aloud into the mic. However, to my surprise, it showed that they were having twins! "It's a boy and a girl!" I announced to the crowd, and they erupted in even louder cheers. Ricky and Rowan looked at each other, initially confused, but then they hugged each other happily, realizing that they were going to be parents of not just one, but two beautiful babies.

Rowan's pov
As the concert progressed, my mind went completely blank and my body began to ache. Spencer, who had been watching me closely, noticed my discomfort and rushed to the stage to fetch Ricky. Ricky, sensing my distress, hurried over to me, his face etched with concern. "What's going on?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. "I think it's the babies," I muttered, aware that they were not due for another two months. Panic began to set in as I realized that this might be an emergency. "We need to go to the emergency room," Ricky said firmly, gripping my hand and rushing us out of the door. We hailed a cab, but the wait for one to arrive felt like an eternity. "I'm sorry, but we need to get to the hospital as soon as possible. My wife is having an emergency," Ricky pleaded with the driver, desperation creeping into his voice. The driver wasted no time in speeding us to the hospital.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, we were finally called in. Ricky, my husband, looked visibly stressed as we made our way into the hospital room. The atmosphere was tense and I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. As we stood there, waiting for the doctor, my discomfort grew worse by the minute. Suddenly, Ricky's face changed and he looked like he had seen a ghost. "I'm sorry but she's having an emergency and she needs to be seen now!" he said, his voice trembling. I grabbed his hand tightly, trying to stay calm as we both followed the nurse into the examination room.

The nurse quickly assessed the situation and instructed us to follow her into another room for scans. I began to feel a chill run down my spine as the nurse prepared me for the tests. "Okay Mrs. and Mr. Olson, we are going to do some scans to check on the babies," she said calmly. I looked at Ricky, who seemed equally anxious. As the nurse ran the scans, she suddenly looked panicked. "I'm sorry, but we have to get you into an emergency c-section!" she said urgently as she wheeled me into a different room.

I felt a sense of panic rising in my chest as I shouted for Ricky. "Ricky!" I called out, but he was nowhere to be seen. The nurse reassured me that he would join me soon and that everything would be okay. As she pushed me into the operating room, I couldn't help but worry about what was going to happen next.

The preparations for the surgery were taking longer than expected. Anxious and worried, I expressed my concerns to the doctor, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to proceed without my husband, Ricky. He needs to be here with me for this." The doctor replied apologetically, "I'm sorry, but we can't allow that. Please try to calm down." I couldn't help but feel angry and frustrated at this point. "I understand, but you need to understand too. Please go get him!" I demanded, my voice laced with irritation. The doctor finally agreed to my request, but not before reminding me to stop stressing out."

Ricky's pov
Before entering the room to be with Rowan the doctor stopped me. "Listen this surgery is going to be risky. And I hate to say this but there's a chance that she might not make it after the babies are born. But we will do whatever we can to help her." My heart sank "I need you guys to help her! I don't care what it takes or costs! Her children need her! I need her!" I shout in a panic. "Mr. Olson please calm down! We will do whatever it takes to get her the help she needs" the doctor said ticked off while entering the room. As I entered the room, my heart raced with anticipation. I tried my best to act calm and composed, hoping that Rowan wouldn't notice my anxiety. But, as I walked over and took her hand, I could sense that she knew exactly how I felt. She gave me a small smile, as though to reassure me that everything would be alright.

"You're going to do great!" I said, trying to sound confident. I squeezed her hand gently, hoping to convey my support. She nodded slowly, her eyes filled with tears of both joy and fear. We both knew that this was a momentous occasion, one that would change our lives forever.

The doctor's voice interrupted our thoughts, bringing us back to the present. "Okay Mrs. and Mr. Olson, are you ready for all the excitement about being parents today?" The doctor's words echoed through the room, adding to the tension. But, we both nodded slowly, determined to see this through.

Tears rolled down Rowan's face, as she realized that this was it - the moment she had been waiting for all these months. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. I looked at her with a mixture of pride and love, feeling grateful to be by her side. "We sure are," I said, hoping that my words would comfort her. And, with that, we both prepared ourselves for the journey ahead.

It had been many hours since Rowan had gone into labor, but finally, the moment had arrived. We were overjoyed to welcome their two healthy babies into the world. We had decided to name the boy Caleb, after Rowan's father, and the girl Rosie, after my grandmother. As we basked in the warmth of the moment, a nurse interrupted us. "Sorry to interrupt your beautiful moment, but you have four people waiting outside who would like to meet the new arrivals," she said. Rowan, exhausted but content, gave the nod to let them in.

The guys, eager to meet their new niece and nephew, walked into the room with wide smiles on their faces. "Can we hold them??" Chris asked excitedly. Rowan, protective of her newborns, gave them permission but not without cautioning them to be careful. She was to stay overnight at the hospital, and so would the babies. They would be back at the hotel room before the next show, but Chris had some news. "I may have booked us a couple more shows, but we'll talk about that when we get back on the tour bus," he said.

Rowan's face betrayed a hint of worry. "Please don't make me take care of them on my own. I need help too," she said, her voice betraying her exhaustion. "Don't worry, we'll all be pitching in to help." I say.

Now we wait to see what tomorrow brings us with the babies and the tour.

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