UNKINDNESS (When The Dead Ari...

By Amayablackheart

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Disclaimer. A solo leveling x female OP protagonist/oc x MHA, JJK na bit HK. Sorry if there are some grammati... More

Character Introduction
Her Backstory
Queen's arrivel at UA High
USJ (Part-2).
Author note.
let the battle begin (UA high school sports festival).
UA sports festival part-2 (Calvary battle begins)
Sports Festival: The Final 18
Back to campus (sports festival)
A Bully or a Hero (sports festival)
Sparks vs Shadow (sports festival)
Run for a match (sports festival)
Clam before the storm (sports festival)
Final clash (sports festival)
Win a one on one (sports festival final part)
Hero Name
Welcome to the Endeavour's Agency
Welcome to the Endeavour's Agency (part 2)
Monarch's arival
another day with my boys
Final exam
Author note

what a way to ruin a day

21 2 0
By Amayablackheart

Author pov

The next morning, petrol was like a piece of cake. There were no crime in the area the hero's were petroling, not even a purse got snatched. So the hero's in training decided to take a lunch break at the nearby cafe withe three flame sidekicks.

Shoto pov

As we were siting over one of the window booth at the nearby cafe we decided to take a lunch break, i couldn't help but stare at the girl who was infornt of me.

I glanced at y/n, noticing some small details.

Her dark fluffy hair, pale skin, faint eye bag but it suit her dead yet gorgeous look. She even had an ear piercing, l haven't even notice that before but I think no one did.

Her eyes focused forward, listening to the flame sidekicks as they struck in their own conversation.

Her charm was leaving me stunned. Of course I noticed she was a attractive girl, but looking at her now, it was more than that. She was striking.

Her hair was long, flowing almost to her shoulder blades, as she left half of it down and the other half pulled back. Large black piercings filled her ears 'did i just repeat myself ?, Who cares'. Most of all her perfectly shaped eyebrows and dark eyelashes made her eyes pop.

And her eyes...Holy fuck her eyes were hypnotizing. Those dark steel gray orbs that were filled with a subtle passion and curiosity yet still look dead, more like a cloud of smokey voids, they consumed all of me.

"You're staring" she whispered to me.

"You have an ear piercing?" I whispered back, "I can't picture you in a saloon for that" I mumbled "Is that so" was her only reply.

Time skip a whole day
Now, night time.

Y/n pov.

We were petroling again, it's been a whole day and not even a single crime happened. But suddenly I started to feel like something bad is going to happen.

As our evening patrol in Hosu City with the flame sidekicks. We were walking around the city patrolling when smoke suddenly started rising from the middle of the city.

"Burnin Smoke at 12:38 o'clock." Shoto said as he checked his phone for the time showing the others, while gaining attention of the  said flame haired hero. "What the-!?" She said at the sight of the firey hue changing the midnight blue sky.

We started to rush towards where the fire seemed to be coming from. As we neared the scene I noticed something flying towards Kido.

"Kido duck!" Onima shouted. He ducked just in time for me to send a fire blast at the flying creature.

It got stunned for a second and fell to the floor, It looked familiar. "What the hell is that!?" Kido asked rather confused. I stepped closer to it. "Don't go near it!" Burnin shouted.

I stopped as I analyzed it. Then it hit me as shoto screamed. "These are Nomu." With his eyes widening.

"A what?" He asked, I looked at him, "It's genetically engineered by the league of villains." He furrowed his brows as i explained, "You mean those guys who attacked your class at the USJ?"

I nodded, looking back down at it. Just then it got back up and lunged towards Onima. I thrust myself and turned behind, kicking it while sending it flying into a wall.

Kido looked at me wide eyed. "What?" I shrugged. "That was impressive." He smirked. "Yeah well, it won't stay down for long." I said getting into a reading pose.

Sure enough,.we know we got seperated by the others, Kido and Onima was doing their best to held against the Nomus. While I used my rulers authority to slam it into the ground.

It got back up again and tried to punch me but I used my rulers authority again as Kido held the other back, soon I summoned my dagger and cut through it into half. I let again go of my rulers authority and scowled at the veiw.

"Its not human so technically that's legal." Kido shrugged at my outrage "but where the hell that dagger came from?" he asked. "Yeah still could've gone my whole life without seeing it though." I gagged ignoring his question while shoto and Burnin was nowhere to be seen.

I turned to him as Onima spoke "C'mon let's go see where that fire is coming from to see if we can lend a hand." He said while we nodded.

As I turned around Kido called out to me, "Uuh- Y/N..." I sighed, "What Kido?" I turned around to see the Nomu regenerating itself like it was putting its body back together.

"What. The. Fuck." I heard Onima said besides me as It got back up and rushed towards us. I blasted it with my flames and this time it flew into a wall.

"What do we do!? It's immortal!" Kido panicked. "It must have some weakness!" I said analyzing it. "Nothing is immortal. Therefore, it must have a control panel." Onima said as i was thinking about a ways to defeat it.

"It's not a robot! Humans don't have control panels!" Kido shouted fighting the nomu with as I held one with my rulers authority again."That's where you're wrong! Humans have brains just like the Nomu does, except his is exposed!" I said as I blast mine held one with a punch.

"I have a plan." I said. "Anytime now!" He said punching the creature. We started to clear the area at a fast pace due to my plan (which is a secret).

Time skip

As Kido punch the Nomu and drop kicked it as I stabbed its exposed brain with my dagger.

It fell to the floor and I got off it. "Is it out?" Onima said, out of breath while taking down the other one. I crouched down and poked it. "Yeah, It's gone." I said getting back up.

"Let's go then." He said turning towards the smoke settled skies. Just then I got a notification from my phone. I pulled my phone out as I was following Kido and Onima while checking what it was.

Onima turned around, "Are you seriously looking at your phone right now, Y/N!?" He asked in a mad tone. "Shut up. I just got a location drop from Deku." I said serious.

"Who?" He asked. "It doesn't matter. You two go on without me, its close by, I'm going to check it out." I paused, "I sent you the location. When your done, come with backup." I said.

"How do you know it wasn't a butt dial!?" Kido asked as I put my phone away. "I know Deku, he'd only send a location if it was serious." I said running towards the location he sent me.

"Stay safe, Y/N!" He shouted. I ran further away from them and deeper into the streets of Hosu City. The night sky was no longer visible due to the amount of smoke coming from the commotion in the middle of the City.

I ventured closer to the alleyway in which the location was sent from. I turned the corner into said alley, to see Shoto firing his left side at a distant figure at the other side of the alleyway.

I quickly noticed Iida was infront of him and on the floor in a fetal position. Surveying the situation further, I noticed Deku was on the floor leaning against a wall next to what looked like a pro hero.

The three of them were severely injured, the pro being in the worst condition.

"Y/N! You're here!" Deku shouted from the floor. "Y/ N!? What are you doing here!?" Shoto asked still firing fire at the figure deep in the darkness.

"Oh I don't know, Icyhot. Im just taking a stroll through your dad's ugly ass closet." I said with a sarcastic smile. "What the hell do you think im doing here!?" I seethed.

"That was a dumb question." The Pro said from the ground. I sighed, "Give me a run down, what's going on?" I said calmly.

"We're fighting the-" Shoto was cut off by a blood thinning voice. "If it isn't my lucky day. Not only do I get to kill the son of Endeavor but I have the pleasure of meeting  Eraserhead's daughter too."

I looked to the figure to see it emerge from the darkness. "Y/N, isn't it?" He asked. "I'm sorry, who the hell are you?" I said standing next to Shoto.

"Y/N, that's the hero killer" Sho whispered into my left ear. My eyes widened but then narrowed, "So you're the asshole that keeps going around killing good people." I hissed while Beru was making a commotion due to my low-key language I was using this far, not gonna lie Katsuki's humour is really rubbing on me.

"Now, now Y/N, you and I both know that not all heroes are heroes for the sake of being 'good'." He said. "Many 'heroes' are in it just for the money or fame." He said twirling a knife through his fingers.

I scoffed, "You're not wrong." My classmates looked at me like 'what the hell' faces as I was agreeing with a villain. "But even though those people are deluded by what our society calls 'power', killing them for the sake of proving a point is morally wrong." I said staring him down.

"What is right from wrong? Our society fights for justice, but what is justice?" He said in question. "I'm sure you're old enough to know what right from wrong is Stain. Justice is bringing light to those who have been wronged." I stated.

"Who has been wronged here? I'm trying to remove greedy people from the world. You of all people should understand that." He retorted looking me in my eyes.

"So killing people just because they have a selfish heart is right but killing someone who has taken the lives of others is wrong? Your logic is flawed and it shows." I said.

"Many heroes are not true heroes. The one true hero in this world is All-Might and he is the only one that deserves to kill me." He said manaicly.

"You're right, all might is a true hero. But so are so many other heroes. For example, Shoto and Deku here. They are the future of this hero world so how come you want to take their lives?" I asked.

"The green haired boy tried to stop me from killing this unworthy pro and Endeavors son is unworthy too because he is the son of Endeavor." He said leering closer.

"He tried to stop you because that's what a hero does. They save peoples lives, whether they're worthy or not. Shoto on the other hand is nothing like his shitbag of a father. You don't know half of his story so stop acting like you know everything." I sneered.

Stain smiled like a crazy talking to the symbol of peace himself. You do really are like all might, don't you?. I can tell by the way you talk about heroism that you are worthy."

"Well shit. That's probably the nicest thing someone has said to me. Sucks I'm gonna have to kick your ass now." I frowned in fake pity. "Oh well," I shrugged firing a powerful punch at him.

He shot back into the wall. "Y/ N stay out of this!" Iida cried from the floor where he was stuck down by two knives in his arm. "Iida if you don't man the fuck up and let me handle this" I sassed.

"Y/N! Don't let him lick your blood! His quirk paralyzes people when he ingests their blood!" Izuku said from the floor where he still seemed to be paralyzed.

The hero killer was getting back up. "No! You kids get out of here! You'll get killed!" The paralyzed pro said. "I said let me handle this!" I shouted as a dagger appeared in my hands.

The Hero Killer raced towards me and Shoto. I used rulers authority to stop him in his tracks and fling him into the ground. He got back up after a few seconds.

"I forgot you are Eraserhead's daughter. So I guess this will be more of a challenge than I expected." The hero killer mumbled. "What? You thought killing me would be easy? I'd have to be immobile before you can even touch me." I smirked.

He raced towards Shoto and me again Shoto shot his fire out at the same time as I blasted myself towards him while dealing with his attacks as it was obstructing my view.

All of a sudden I felt wind race past me and as the fog cleared up, I saw the hero killer lick the blood off of Shoto's cheek. Shoto dropped to the floor paralyzed. "Todoroki-kun no!" Deku shouted.

The Hero Killer went to stab him but I compressed his sword making it disintegrate. He looked at me with a scowl and as he raced towards me I ducked, tripping him with my legs.

He sprung up quickly and tried punching me but I ducked and grabbed his fist body slamming him on his back.

He groaned as I put my foot on his chest keeping him still. I then felt hot liquid drip from my ankle and I looked down to see him licking my blood.

The others eyes widened and they stilled expecting to intern for me to become paralyzed, but I didn't. I looked down and furrowed my brows, "If your gonna use your trump card atleast use it right." I said.

"What!? I did use my quirk! How are you not paralyzed right now!?" He screamed in rage. I furrowed my brows, "We'll I don't know! Maybe your just broken?" I asked slowly.

"Thats not how it works! Unless you have non human blood." He said rolling his eyes. "Ofcourse I have human blood you idiot! What do you think I am, an alien!?" I seethed more like l lied, of course I don't have a human blood I'm a freaking connecting link between the godly races for the sake of absolute being.

"It's either that or you have a blood type quirk." He sighed. I thought for a second then I remembered I still had to fight this loser. I quickly took my foot off his chest and blasted him into the ground.

As I blasted him with my authority, the smoke from the unsettled concrete became a part of the surrounding air. This caused me to jump back and wait it out till the dust settled.

As the dust settled Stain sprung toward me only for me to duck behind him and punch him harder than I've ever not even Beru recive a strong blow like that. Sending a purple mana brighter than the sun itself.

It was so hard the ground shook and there was a loud Sonic boom, even Beru cringe at the sound it make. I looked to see the Hero Killer lodged in the wall at the top. I sighed knowing there was no way he was still conscious.

I looked over to Izuku, Iida and Shoto, the pro sitting I looked over to Izuku, Iida and Shoto, the pro sitting there wide-eyed. "Who are you?" He asked in bewilderment. "I'm Kuroshi." I said to him. "Can any of you move at all?" I asked.

They seemed to be able to move now that he was knock out. "I can move." Izuku said the rest of the boys nodding in agreement.

"In that case, we need someone to tie him up. Find some rope and quick." I said calmly.


Here's another chapter hope you enjoy.

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