Tender Trifles of Love

By diamonds_and_pearlz

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University ain't easy, especially first years who have to adapt to the transition from high school. However... More

#1: Hola amigos.
#2: Just a kiss?
#3: Ew, you're wet.
#4: Someone better?
#5: Sealed.
#6: Step up your game.
#7: Friends?
#8: Take responsibility.
#9: Mark?
#10: K.
#11: Boyfriend of the year.
#12: Jealous of my car.
#13: Good kisser.
#14: Princess.
15: Sugar daddy.
#16: Fitness freaks.

#17: Baby's father.

184 11 10
By diamonds_and_pearlz

Chapter Seventeen: "Baby's father."
A/N: bolded name = pov; my exams are finally over but I'm sick to my stomach😭😭😭 I've been sleeping so much and can't even get out my bed. It's such a crazy week. But hey, hope you guys like this chap😘


I feel a sense of ease settle in me as the professor collects my answer booklet. The last paper for this term.

"Okay you are dismissed," he tells us, walking out with the papers first and chatter immediately erupts in the examination hall.

I internally groan as a few people try to discuss answers with me. I hate discussing them so I let them talk, excusing myself politely when Jackson reaches me. He was seated far back than me.

"I didn't know shit on that paper but at least we're done." Is the first thing he says as he slings an arm around my shoulder and I chuckle.

"Good job."

"You going out with Tae-Tae today?" He smiles suggestively and I almost gag at the nickname.

"Never call him that."

He smirks. "Why? Is it reserved for you?"

"No. Because it's a very bad nickname." I say in distaste. The nickname made Taehyung seem like a kid and I did not want to feel like a pedophile.

"Whatever. So you planning to drag him out? If you are, now's your chance." He pointed towards him.

He was walking down the aisle with a couple of his friends, his hair falling on his face. He always looks extra adorable when his hair was like that.

I shake my head. "Not today."

Jackson looks surprised. I don't blame him because I always try to convince Taehyung to go out with me but I had a plan to bring him out tomorrow so I did not want to waste my luck today.

"Let's go."

That afternoon, I go out with Jackson, Jin and my sister for lunch. Mingyu was out with his friends from his major, Lisa and Jennie were going shopping and Yoongi was taking Jisoo on a date - unknown to everyone else except Chaeyoung.

We decided to keep it quiet since Yoongi did not want anyone to know till it's something. Knowing the Jennie situation which he had no idea of, Chae and I were perfectly happy to accept his wish.

Everyone else would understand about why Jennie shouldn't know but the more of us who knew, the more probable it would be that we end up spilling it.

"How did Lisa not manage to convince you to go with them?" Jin questions my sister who was next to me at our table. "She was saying it was going to be a girls' date between you three."

"Yeah, how did she?" I ask curiously. Lisa is known to annoy someone into agreeing.

"She's stubborn but so am I." She shrugs.

"Why didn't you go anyway?" Jackson pipes up. "I thought you like shopping."

"They're shopping to restock their dorm room like everyday supplies and stuff. I ain't third-wheeling while they shop for their lovely home."

We burst out laughing at her joking perception of the two girls as a couple especially because we all knew they were hung up over different guys.

"Oh yeah," Jin seems like a realisation came over of. "Speaking of, what happened to the favour Lisa's guy wanted."

Jackson looks interested. "Hoseok? What happened?"

"His friend's sister wants to join our university and he asked Lisa if she would show her around so she could decide if she wanted to apply early." I update them.

She had come over to our earlier last week but Chaeyoung was out practising so she ended up using me as her therapist instead of my sister.

"Okay, I can't stay I'm surprised." Jackson shrugs and when we all stare at him, he continues defensively, "Come on. He thought she was five years younger than him till a couple weeks ago and this is the first time they're actually talking. Did you except him to confess his undying love for her?"

He had a point.

It made me wonder why we were all pining for people who did not even like us back when there were so many people who'd accept us in an instant.

Feelings were annoying.

"What's with you?" I ask Jin. "How's your relationship? I got to say I'm surprised you're here with us instead of Irene."

"It's Friday." Jin reminds us. "She always goes back home for meals as much as she can."

"She's such a family person," Chaeyoung sighs. "And look at us. I miss Chanyeol oppa."

"How about your two present brothers?" I ask sarcastically.

"You're here. Why would I miss you two?"

Jackson nudges my foot. "Let her love her older brother in peace. Girls have some special love reserved for them. It's the same for my older sister. She has a special place for our older brother even though I've spent more time with her than he has."

"But I'm like the twin."

"Okay stop sulking." Chae rolls her eyes. "Why aren't you with Taehyung anyway? I noticed you two have become chummy lately."

"I'm planning to bring him out tomorrow." I reply. "What's with you? It's the longest I've seen you without a boyfriend."

Jin slaps a hand. "Oh ya. How are you the only one with nothing going on?"

Come to think of it, Jin was dating, Lisa, Jennie and I were into someone not into us, Yoongi was sort of with Jisoo. Everyone has something going on except her, Mingyu who wasn't here and Jackson who looks offended at Jin's words.

"Excuse me. Only one?" Jackson fake coughs. "How about me?"

"Oh yeah? What about that girl from gymnastics?" Chae raises an eyebrow, a smirk on her lips. Jin had a knowing look and Jackson looked taken aback.

Was I the only one who didn't know who that was?

"Okay, I need a filler." I interrupt. "Who's this mystery girl."

"Mina." Jin replies. "She's friends with Irene."

"We're friends." Jackson waves it off. "She likes someone else. Jeon Jungkook. He's all she ever talks about."


I was not jealous, no.

It did cause a thought though. I recognised her name. Jungkook had said this name, back when he was explaining to me about getting coffee with her.

I guess it was another Jennie situation. I just hope Jungkook knows how to handle it but I wasn't confident because my dude was pretty oblivious.

"That movie was shit." Jin comments when we leave the movie theatre that night. "You have horrible recommendations Jimin."

"Hey," my brother exclaims. "It had good comments on the internet."

"Whatever, at least it was fun mocking it." Jackson says carefree, slinging an arm around both of them while Jin hooked his arm through mine.

We still talk about the movie, mostly negatively, as we head down to the parking lot. I get in the driver's seat and we head out, towards the campus dorm first to drop the two men in our backseats first.

The gates close at 10:30 and it was already past ten so we had to hurry and luckily we reach at exactly 10:27.

"Thank god, thanks Chae. See you Jim." Jin says and Jackson waves before they get off. We wait for them to get in before turning back.

"Home?" I ask.

Jimin looks at me. "Can we stop by Redd? I need a drink after this stressful week."

So that's how I end up driving to Redd, a little pub around fifteen minutes away from campus.

"What can I get for you miss?" The bartender asks me after taking my brother's order.

"Just water thanks."

"You aren't drinking?" He looks surprised.

I give him an unimpressed look. "Someone's got to drive."

"Right." He realises. "Why don't we call our driver?"

"Don't worry about it." I wave it off. "Not in the mood."

As the bartender sets his glass of vodka in front of him, he doesn't pick it up. "Are you okay princess?"

"Yes?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Why?"

"Just checking." He finally takes a sip. "I thought he'll froze over when you turned away alcohol."

I rolls my eyes. "Very funny."

While Jimin drinks, I go through my phone replying to my unanswered texts when I hear a familiar voice.

"One more shot, kind sir." He slurs.

I look to my right where the guy had slipped into the bar stool next to mine. "Taehyung?"

He doesn't hear me so he doesn't look back but it was clear as day that it was him.

I nudge Jimin. "Your unrequited love is here."

He looks across me, surprised. "Is he drunk?"

"Very much so." I say quietly as Taehyung stumbles off the stool with his drink, swaying as he attempted to walk. "Don't they need to be in the dorm by now?"

"Yes," he replies tersely. "Is he alone?"

We decide to go after him in time to see him clumsily sit at a table, a guy opposite him. This was even more familiar to me.

Kim Yugyeom.

His face was flushed red and he was resting his head against the seat, clearly drunk too.

Jimin and I share a look. The uptight kids were not as uptight as we had thought.

He heads to their table, soon enough to stop Taehyung from knocking over his own glass - he was animatedly talking to a Yugyeom who was clearly not listening.

"Hey, you..." Taehyung trails off as Jimin holds his elbow. He squints his eyes, taking a closer look at my brother's face before yelling, "My pursuer! You're my pursuer! Or is it suitor?"

Suitor? Was he in Bridgerton?

Jimin tries talking to him. "Taehyung, why are you still here? The dorm gate closes at 10:30."

"There's still time," he whines, shrugging Jimin's hold off of him which knocks the glass - the very drink Jimin saved from him a moment ago. The liquid trails onto his shirt.

There's a moment of silence before Taehyung announces, "I want another drink."

"Tae, no. You're way over your limit."

"How would you know that?" Taehyung crosses his eyebrows. "Did you stalk me? Your my stalker too? That's creepy."

"What? No." Jimin exclaims.

The look on Jimin's face had me want to burst out laughing.

"I know because it's crystal clear that you've passed your tolerance. Otherwise you wouldn't be a bulldozer and bump into everything around you."

Taehyung pouts. "Mean."

Oh god. It was like a Kdrama scene.

Plus I've never seen that guy look anything except annoyed. So this facade was an eye opener.

"Okay, let's get you two out of here." Jimin decides before looking to me. "A little help here?"

I hold in a laugh and go on to lend a hand, helping Yugyeom so he could deal with his crush who was currently sulking at him.

"Dude, come on." I grunt as I struggle to get Yugyeom to stand because he was barely conscious. Once I get him to, I have to support his weight because this dude was completely hammered that he couldn't even stand.

What made them drink so much?

If you thought my situation was hard, Jimin's was worse. He was dealing with a Taehyung who had suddenly gone to a five-year old kid throwing a tantrum.

"I don't want to go!"

Jimin looks exasperated after repeating himself thrice to convince him to leave but to no avail. People were starting to look and it was getting a little awkward.

I hope they didn't think we were kidnapping them.

I drag Yugyeom out first while Jimin struggles to pull Taehyung along behind us but we somehow make it to our car.

I drop Yugyeom in the back seat, angling him into a sitting position and Jimin has to force Taehyung to sit beside him.

"Okay now what?" I ask, shutting the door as Jimin and I stand outside the car, Taehyung peeping at us through the window though he won't be able to hear us. "The dorm gates are closed, but there should be a warden or something right?"

"My guess is as good as yours." He says. "Even if there was, where do we find them? The gate is an automatic system so we can't even go to the security post."

"Well, we can't exactly leave them on the road." I mumble. "Or in the car."

"Should we bring them back home with us?" Jimin proposes. "We have so many guest rooms. They can use them for the night."

"What if they freak out when they wake up?" I question.

"They should be grateful we didn't leave them on the road."


When I open my eyes, I could not help but immediately close them again as sunlight courses through and into my eyes.

I frown. Our dorm room's window did not let in that much light.

I groan as an aggressive wave of dizziness and a throb in my head attacks me while I attempt to wake myself up. My hand automatically goes over my eyes to block the light and I squint them open again.

I see a blurry image of an unfamiliar room through my eyelashes that were partially impairing my vision since I was squinting. A wave of blue materialises first due to the walls which were painted in dark shades of the colour. The room is wide, a couple doors and a balcony to the right. White furniture filled the room, and I wonder who's it is because I had no idea.

There weren't even any pictures.

Suddenly one of the doors opened and someone walks out, making me shriek.

Park Jimin.

"What the hell?" I scream, automatically sitting up, the uneasiness in me worsening but I barely notice.

He smiles. He fucking smiled.

"Oh hey-"

"What the fuck did you to me?" I yell.

He looks surprised at my reaction. "What did I do?"

I don't pay attention to it as I look down at myself under the covers. I was clothed but it was not my shirt. "Shit. Shit. I'm so done. Fuck my life."

Jimin sits on the edge of my bed tentatively. "Dude, can you calm down?"

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?" He looks taken aback at my loss of control. "It's my first time with a guy, especially drunk, and you're telling me to calm the fuck down?"

I didn't even know the first thing about how it worked.

"Did you at least protection?" I start to go crazy.

"What? No."

"NO?" I scream in shock. "You fucking idiot. What are you going to do if I become pregnant. Will you be the father? Oh my god, I am not ready for this." I start mumbling when a laugh perches at his throat.

Why was he laughing?

It made me angrier. "Jimin, I'm going to fucking kill you."

"Aw. You want to kill the baby's father?"


I try to get up but Jimin grabs my arm, a wide smile as he chuckles. "Where are you going with my baby?"

I try to shake him off but we end up in a tug of war with our arms, with me grunting and his laugh resounding in the room.

I scream again when I feel my body leave the bed. The next second I fall hard but not on the floor. Jimin's body is underneath mine.

I fell on top of him.

"You're insane! Oh my god!" I slap his chest before trying to get up but he wraps an arm around my waist, pressing me down.

"Listen," he says. "Look to the right."

I crease my eyebrows and turn my head when the loudest scream leaves my mouth that morning.

RIP my vocal chords.

There was a body and it had a familiar face.

"What did you do to Yugyeom?" I question, horrified. "Did you kill him? Oh my god! Why on earth would you do that?"

"Do you always think of the worst scenarios in that head of yours?" He asks back, unimpressed. "He was passed out like you, drunk. He just has not woken up."

OK so he's alive. "Why is he on the floor then?"

"We put you both on the bed last night and when I came in this morning, you were on his side of the bed and he was gone." He explains. "Who knew you kick people off the bed while you sleep."

I turn red. It was embarrassing.

I had been drunk, passed out, acted like a wild animal when I was sleeping and woke up a crazy man. If this guy underneath me still liked me, I couldn't think of anything else that could drive him away.

Speaking of, I realise I was still lying above him and scramble to get up while he just smirks at me, not in a hurry to do so unlike me.

"Go ahead and wash up. There's breakfast downstairs." He tells me.

I quickly deny. "Oh no. I'll get home and-"

"Don't bother. Your friend, Jungkook brought both yours and your friend's clothes. It's in the bag on the table." He points to a blue bag.

"Jungkook? How?"

"My sister knows him apparently." He shrugs.

I knew Yugyeom knew her because they both played the same sport and trained together sometimes. Jungkook had never mentioned knowing her personally apart from the party she had invited us to.

I just nod. "Thank you."

"No problem," he says. "Next time, maybe don't jump to conclusions that I'm a rapist. The shirt you're changed into is because you poured a glass of soju over yourself and I didn't want you to sleep with a soaked shirt. I didn't change your jeans because I felt like that crosses the line. I just want to say, I may be what you label a flirt but I know where to draw a line."

The atmosphere stills. The accusation I threw may have been a passing comment that happened in a state of comical and panicky state, but it was still an accusation. A serious one if phrased as such.

He doesn't wait for my acknowledgment of his explanation. He passes me a small smile and leaves, closing the door behind him.

continuation in the next chappy! hope you liked this super delayed update. anyway, i have a favour from all you readers. I have recently started a multistan kpop edits account on tiktok and instagram. I would like to ask for your support and it would really mean a lot to me. Follows get followbacks as well, so if you do have accounts, please consider following me and liking my videos (I'm scared the logarithm would mark my content unpopular coz it hasn't receiving much attention) Links below, if your interested!

instagram: https://instagram.com/rose.tte_c?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA==
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rosette1103?_t=8g3au4f7C8G&_r=1

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