Bad Boy, but Good For You

By Feychild1225

36.1K 1.6K 150

Rain is new to the neighborhood and has been warned to stay away from Phayu, known subordinate of Mafia boss... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

2.2K 91 2
By Feychild1225

“Sky, you’ll go with me, right?” Rain asks, “Please, I’m scared to go by myself.” 

“Rain, you don’t have to do this, you know.” Sky says, “If P’Phayu is pressuring you to do something you don’t want to, you will tell me, right?” 

“He isn’t pressuring me, he has been very patient about waiting, it’s what I want, Sky, I promise.” Rain says sincerely. 

Sky sighs, “Fine, but you are buying me ice cream if I have to spend my Saturday at the Omega Clinic.” 

Rain leaves the clinic with his prescription, instructions on how to take them, and the suggestion to use backup protection, especially at first.

“What did the nurse mean by backup protection?” Rain asks.

It’s all Sky can do to keep from facepalming. He knows his friend isn’t dumb but Rain can be so naive sometimes. “Condoms, Rain, she meant you should also use condoms.”

Rain blushes at this. 

They go to a pharmacy across town to fill Rain’s prescription because Rain is afraid the auntie at the pharmacy near his home might say something to his mother. Not that his mother will be home anytime soon, the job she is working on has been extended for another few months, but Rain doesn’t want to take any chances. 

Afterwards, he and Sky go to get ice cream and visit the bookstore to see if the latest issue of the manga they follow is in stock. 

The next morning, Rain takes his first pills, not forgetting to set a reminder app on his phone. Next Friday is his and P’Phayu’s two month anniversary and Rain has decided that will be the day, special to both of them. Even though he has made up his mind doesn’t mean Rain isn’t scared. Actually, terrified might be a better way to put it. He meant what he told Sky though. He does want this more than anything. 

P’Phayu has let him choose what he wants to do, and Rain has opted for dinner and a movie at his boyfriend’s house. P’Fah was staying with his girlfriend for the night, and Rain knows they will have the house to themselves. That fits in perfectly with Rain’s plans. 

Rain arrives early and lets himself into the house with the spare key that P’Phayu had given him  two weeks ago. Rain has been here a few times and no longer feels awkward about just walking in. P’Phayu had told him that was one of the boyfriend privileges he had. P’Phayu is already in the kitchen preparing dinner, and Rain can hear him humming happily. Rain pauses in the living room, listening to the senior’s voice, he has a beautiful voice, and Rain is sure that if P'Phayu decided to give up architecture, he would make a fine singer. 

“Ready for dinner?" P”Phayu asks when he looks up and spots Rain. 

Rain nods and goes to the kitchen. “Will you keep singing? It sounded nice.”

P’Phayu seems to consider this, “If I have to cook and sing what will my sweet boy give me for doing all the work?”

Rain kisses P’Phayu on the cheek with a loud smack. “There, I paid you already,” he says. 

P’Phayu laughs and tousles Rain’s hair. “All right, but you can chop the vegetables.” He pushes Rain towards the cutting board, “Be careful of the knife though, if you cut off a finger I’m too lazy to doctor you.”

Rain pouts. He’s clumsy but not that clumsy. Well, not usually anyway. He carefully chops the vegetables, keeping the knife well away from his fingers just in case and listens to his boyfriend, singing as he works.  Somehow being around P’Phayu has eased his nervousness about tonight. Just being in the senior’s presence makes him relaxed. 

The food is good, Rain wonders if there is anything P’Phayu can’t do well, and they clean up the dishes together comfortably working side by side. 

“Do you still want to watch a movie?” P’Phayu asks.

Rain shakes his head, suddenly feeling shy again. “Can we go to your bedroom?” 

“Rain?” P’Phayu asks. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” Rain says. He takes P’Phayu’s offered hand and lets himself be led to the bedroom. 

P’Phayu stops them just inside the door and kisses Rain, lightly holding the back of Rain’s neck with the palm of hand. Rain breathes in P’Phayu’s fresh scent and wants more of it. He moans into the kiss and P’Phayu takes the opportunity to push his tongue into Rain’s mouth. They have done this much, and Rain is familiar with how good P’Phayu tastes. The taste and the scent of his boyfriend always leaves him wanting more, and now finally he can have it. 

Rain runs his hand under P’Phayu’s shirt, feeling the firm muscles of his back. P’Phayu breaks the kiss and whispers in Rain’s ear, “undress for me, I want to see you.” 

Rain pulls his t-shirt over his head, his fingers tremble a little on the snap and zipper of his jeans, but he manages to get them undone and slip them off. He hesitates, feeling a little self-conscious before sliding out of underwear. “So beautiful,” P’Phayu says and Rain can feel himself blushing. Somehow slipping off the collar and exposing his neck to the alpha feels more intimate than undressing, but Rain slides his hand up and unsnaps the collar letting it fall onto his pile of clothes before presenting his neck to the alpha.

P’Phayu’s eyes darken at this and he pulls Rain close, nuzzling his nose into Rain’s neck and breathing in his scent. He brushes his lips just under Rain’s ear. It feels so nice. Rain closes his eyes and enjoys the sensation. Rain’s breath catches when the alpha lets his teeth graze Rain’s neck, hard enough to bruise but not enough to break the skin. 

“Want you,” Rain murmurs. He can feel the slick trickling down his thighs and knows P’Phayu can smell his arousal. 

P”Phayu picks him up and lays him on the bed before sliding out of his own clothes. Rain stares at how beautiful he is for a minute before the alpha joins him on the bed, pausing to grab something from the bedside stand. P’Phayu kisses a trail down Rain’s body, teasing his nipples with his tongue until they are hard little nubs. At the same time his hand moves down between Rain’s legs and strokes his cock in little motions that make Rain groan and whimper before moving his hand down and teasing his fingers and the entrance to Rain’s hole. “Relax sweet boy,” he says before pushing one finger in. Rain gasps and tries to push into the finger, wanting to feel more. “Stay still,” P’Phayu says and Rain tries his best to obey. Another finger joins the first, then a third and that’s better, but still not enough. 

“Alpha.” Rain whines, “Please.” 

“Shh, I will take care of my good boy,” P’Phayu removes his fingers, and grabs the condom he laid aside earlier, rolling it on. He positions himself between Rain’s legs and slowly pushes in. Finally, Rain feels deliciously full as P’Phayu slowly begins to move. 

Rain gives himself over to sensation as he feels himself sliding to the edge. He cries out as the orgasm hits him and feels himself tightening around the alpha’s cock while his body spasms. Soon P'Phayu's reaches his own climax groaning with the pleasure of it. 

The next morning Rain examines his neck in the bathroom mirror. He slowly runs his fingers along the mark there with a smile. It isn't a mating mark but it still makes Rain feel claimed. He thinks he might have to borrow Sky's collar for a bit longer or stop by and pick up a few of his own before school Monday. 

Rain dresses in some of P'Phayu's clothed and retrieves his phone from his jeans pocket. He frowns when he sees a missed call from his mama. He calls her back hoping he doesn't miss her. They seldom get to talk these days. 

"Mama, is everything alright?" He asks nervously hoping his voice sounds normal. He isn’t ashamed of what they did last night, it was beautiful, but that doesn't mean he wants his mama to know. 

"Everything is fine, Raindrop. I just missed you. Are you home?" She asks. 

Rain is just coming down the stairs and he makes a motion for P’Phayu, who is in the kitchen, to stay quiet. "No mama, I stayed at Sky's place last night so we could study." He feels bad for lying and even worse when he sees a slightly hurt expression flicker across P’Phayu’s face. 

"My hard working boy." His mama says, "I won't keep you long. I just wanted to hear your voice. I will call for a longer chat later. Love you, Raindrop." 

"I love you too, mama." Rain says before pressing end. 

"You haven’t told your mama about me?" P'Phayu asks. 

"I will," Rain says, "It's just that mama has some prejudices towards alphas because of my dad. I want to wait until I can talk to her face to face." 

"Your dad left you and your mom?" P'Phayu guesses. 

Rain nods, "'As soon as he found out she was pregnant. She was only sixteen too." 

"Not all alphas are like that." P'Phayu says. 

"I know that," Rain gives him a sunny smile and puts his arms around P’Phayu’s waist, "You're not like that. Just give her time. I will introduce you to her when she comes back and she'll see what a responsible, loving, caring, handsome and cool boyfriend I have."

"I look forward to meeting her." He kisses Rain on the top of the head. "Hungry?" 

"Starving!" Rain says. 

"Oh, did you work up an appetite last night?" P'Phayu teases. 

Rain blushes and smacks him on the arm. 

"Sky, Sky darling." Sky sighs as the old auntie next door calls him. He knows she is lonely but he has had a long day and would like nothing more than to disappear into his house and lose himself in his new manga. 

He puts on a polite expression and turns to give her a polite wai, "Hello, auntie."

"Sky, your handsome boyfriend with the expensive car left you something. Wait here a second" She says turning back to her house. 

Sky stiffens at the word boyfriend but when she mentions the car he knows she means P'Pai. He hasn't been found by… Sky breaks off the thought before his mind can conjure the name. 

The auntie comes back with the most beautiful bouquet of sunflowers Sky has ever seen. 

"Auntie, are you sure these are meant for me?" Sky asks.

"Absolutely, you are the only Sky on the street." She says, shoving them into his arms. 

Sky takes the sunflowers into the house and takes out the card. It says, "Meanie, I can't get you off my mind. I hope you keep these flowers to remind you that someone is thinking of you." 

"Bleh so cheesy." Sky says but a smile crosses his lips before he can stop it. He looks at the flowers and considers throwing them away, but in the end decides they are too beautiful not to keep. 

Saifah comes home just as they are putting lunch on the table, luckily P’Phayu had cooked plenty just in case. Despite Saifah being there, P'Phayu cutely teases Rain by feeding him food off his own plate. 

"Aren't you the cutest?" P'Phayu says squishing Rain's cheeks. Causing Rain to giggle. 

"Oh, Phi Chai, did you forget I was here too?" P'Fah asks, rolling his eyes. 

"So when are you going to move out?" P'Phayu fires back. 

"Did you forget that this house is a shared inheritance?" P'Fah says, then changes the subject, "Are you going to take Rain to the race?" 

P'Phayu frowns at this, considering, then shakes his head. "Too many assholes." 

"They're just rich kids wanting to show off. Don't you want Rain to see it?" P'Fah says. 

P'Phayu seems to consider this and Rain says, "Please, P’Phayu, I want to see it." Rain has heard rumors of the races since he moved into the neighborhood. 

"Fine, but if anyone asks you must say that you are P’Phayu's wifey." P'Phayu teases him causing Rain to huff and P'Fah to roll his eyes. 

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