
By jmarley96

29.5K 629 65

Enemies to lovers Two women in an office always compete for the top spot. There is constant arguing between t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

1.5K 40 7
By jmarley96

Drew's POV

"Hold that please!"

I stick my hand in between the elevator doors so I don't miss it and step inside.

Almost late per usual but, I'm technically my own boss so it's fine.

I start tucking my shirt into my pants when I hear and annoyed sigh next to me.


I look up and see it's the Ice queen herself leaning into the corner of the elevator so that she can put as much distance between us as possible.

I didn't even realize it when I ran up.

My eyes wander a bit and I see that she's wearing a loose fitting blue blouse with a black pencil skirt and some nice black heels.

The way her light brown skin looks against all of that fabric makes her look stunning.

What a way to start the day.

"Good morning to you too."

I finish straightening my clothes as I watch the elevator numbers rise.

Today is supposed to be a good day since it's Friday and the office is throwing a little party to celebrate how well we did all week.

Sales have gone up a lot thanks to a certain someone and myself.

We may not work well together on the surface but behind the scenes, I'd say we're a great team.

Communication is terrible.

A couple words here and there and a lot of files being tossed onto desks but when everything gets presented, we hear praises all around.

She's good, I'll give her that.

Her mouth on the other hand, is going to land her in a whole mess of trouble one day.

I take a deep breath as we begin to near our floor when all of a sudden the elevator shifts.

The lights flicker for a moment before going out completely and triggering the emergency light.


"What the Fuck just happened?"

I sigh and lean against the back wall as she rushes over hitting the emergency button repeatedly.

"It's stuck. This happens sometimes during the cold season. Something about the grease on the gears hardens and it gets stuck. They were supposed to fix it last year but I guess they didn't get to it."

She groans and starts pacing back and forth on the other side of the car.

"Well what do we do now? I have a meeting to get to in 20 minutes. I can't be stuck in a box with you."

I scoff and pull my phone out to text randy.

"Trust me princess, this isn't my idea of a good time either. Just calm down. Someone will get us soon."

She growls out in frustration and slouches back into the corner of the elevator.

"Great. Just great. Thanks for ruining my day once again drew."

I frown and give her a confused look before standing at my full height and stepping closer to her.

"How is this my fault? I can't control the fucking elevator."

She pushes her body out of the corner and steps in front of me.

Her body language tells me that she wants to punch me so bad but she's trying with everything she has to hold it together.

Randy replies and says that their working on the issue so it won't be long.

"Everytime I'm around you my world goes to shit. Just get out of my life!"

I chuckle a bit before stepping a little closer to her.

I like seeing this side of her.

"Oh you don't mean that. Who else would entertain you in this place?"

She rolls her eyes and huffs as she pulls out her phone to sends a text to her boss.

"I don't need entertaining. I need to get to my fucking meeting."

I roll my eyes and lean onto the back wall with my shoulder as a look down at her typing.

"Sucking the bosses Dick under his desk isn't going to help you beat me this quarter."

She turns to me, eyes blazing as she steps right into my space.

The energy coming of off her causing me to gulp.

She's almost there.

Almost as close as we were a week ago in my office when I felt her pressed up against me.

That fire in her eyes wanting to burn me where I stand.

I think I'm starting to get a little crush.

"You started that shit didn't you? I fucking knew it!"

I raise an eyebrow at her reaction and shake my head.

"Not me princess. I just heard about it. I figured it wasn't true but It doesn't hurt to confirm."

My eyes flick down and watch as her chest heaves below me and I can feel my body wanting to draw her in.

When I raise them up to hers, I know she caught me.

She has to know by now that I find her attractive but she also doesn't seem to care.

"Don't call me that. It wouldn't surprise me if you started it. Your life goal is to make mine a living hell."

I scrunch up my face a little shaking my head.

"Mmm Actually it's to retire by 40 but that's a close second."

She growls and turns away from me causing a slight chuckle to escape my lip.

Such an angry little thing.

"God you're such an ass!"

"Well that makes two of us."

She turns back to me and glares up at me, pure hatred in her eyes.

It takes me aback for a moment and I stand up straight.

Maybe I should cool it.

"What is it huh? Why do you torment me every fucking day? You want my attention that badly?"

There's something different about the last thing she just said that sent a tingle right down to my core.

I laugh a little as I cross my arms.

"Now why would I want that?"

She shrugs, take a step towards me with her hands behind her back.

"Beats me. Maybe your compensating for something."

My eyes darken as I watch her eyes flick down for a split second.

This woman still thinks she knows me.


"Listen to me, princess. Ever since you got here you've been on my ass everyday. I used to basically run this company. Everyone came to me for answers but since you showed up things changed."

She scoffs stepping right up against my chest.

Her head tilts in the most condescending way and now I'm the one getting pissed off.

"Oh so you are jealous?"

I roll my eyes.

"Far from it. I'm annoyed. All of the connections that Took me months to make, you got in a week. All because you have a pretty face and are half decent at your job."

Her eyes raise as I continue.

I take a few steps towards her, inching her back against the wall until I'm towering over her.

Our eyes burn into each other and I'm starting to feel like if they don't open this door soon, I'm either going to fuck the shit out of her or say some things I really

"I normally wouldn't mind. Someone else coming in to lighten my load would be amazing. You did the opposite. Every time I tried to make a move you would be right there interfering and it wasn't even coincidental. Ever since I corrected you that one time in a meeting you've been persistent. You barged into my office and gave me that snarky ass remark that makes me want to-"

"Want to what huh? What are you going to do?"

She cuts me off.

Her eyes are a shade darker now and the air between us is thick.

My words get stuck in my throat.

I can smell her perfume and I can practically feel the heat coming off of her body as she glares up at me.

"It makes me want to shut up that pretty little mouth of yours."

The corner of her lip curls up in the slightest way and I feel my legs weaken a little.

What's going on?

"The only reason I can think of that you would try so hard to get under my skin is that you want my attention."

I raise an eyebrow at her as she places a hand on my stomach to create a little bit of distance between us.

"You enjoy pissing me off. Love when I get angry at you."

My arm rests above her head and I slowly ease a hand onto her hip.

"Even now, you can't stop staring at me."

I watch as her teeth pull her bottom lip in ever so slightly at the sensation of me pulling her in.

She's trying so desperately to hide the fact that she likes my touch but I can see it all over her face.

This woman wants me.

The idea is what really pisses her off.

She wants to hate me so bad, but she can't deny what feels good.

I want to make her feel really good.

"You mean to tell me you've never thought of me when you were laying in your bed touching yourself?"

Her eyes widen slightly as I lean my head down towards her neck.

I don't kiss her or anything.

I just inhale her intoxicating scent before whispering in her ear.

"The thought of me praising you after a good fuck never crossed your mind?"

She's biting her lip so hard I'm afraid she might start to bleed.

How hard she's fighting this is only making me hotter.

"Your presence pisses me the fuck off. The way you smile, the way you move, the way you seem to grab everyone's attention the moment you step into a room."

I can't help myself.

I place a soft kiss into the crook of her neck and I finally hear it.

The soft moan that she's been holding in finally escapes.

I've got her right on the edge and I feel as if I might be myself.

She squeezes the front of my shirt as I gently suck on her collar bone.

I don't do this.

I don't lose control like this with any woman, but I can't help myself.

"It drives me insane. I can't touch you. I can't kiss you. I can lift you onto my desk and fuck all of that tension out of you and it's agonizing."

She laughs a little and to my surprise, she reaches a hand up and cups my chin.

Her hand pulls my face so that I'm looking into her hooded eyes and I almost drop to my knees at the sight.

"So what you think just because you say a few sweet words I'll fall into your arms?"

I smile down at her and shake my head.

"Oh no. You're too strong for that. Besides, if anything did happens between us,it would make work very distracting."

She bites her lip as a finger slides down the buttons on my shirt.

"Oh I don't think anything would happen. You'd never make it past first base."

I chuckle, watching as her fingers twirl around my tie.

"Why because you'd slap me before I got that far?"

She shakes her head.

"I'd never even give you the chance."

This woman is the devil.

"Sounds like a challenge."

She smirks and it might be the sexiest thing I have ever seen.

Our faces are mere inches apart and I'm so lost in her that I don't even feel the elevator start to move.

"Why don't you stop by for lunch? I won't bother you anymore afterwards."

She raises an eyebrow and tugs on my tie a bit.

"I don't think so."

The elevator dings and I feel the cold air rush between us as she steps out.

I watch as her hips sway with every step and it takes all of my energy to straighten up and exit myself.

"So umm..."

I catch up to her and walk beside her as we head towards our work areas.

"Some other time then?"

She rolls her eyes but I see a small smile cause her lips to curl.

"Get to work drew."

She lightly pushes me towards my office and once I'm inside, I know that I'm not going to get shit done today.

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