Another Spanking Story...

By Baby16_girly

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Hi! So i'm not really sure where I'm going with this story but it will have love, heartbreak, happiness, and... More



3.3K 35 3
By Baby16_girly


Olivia - Shane?

( I say softly as I see him sitting on a bench. )

Shane - Come here, gorgeous.

( I slowly walk over and sit down beside him. )

Shane - What were you thinking?

( I shrug. )

Olivia - I don't know.

Shane - Let's go for a walk.

( He says standing up and taking my hand leading me down a trail into a greenhouse but it's not a normal greenhouse it's really pretty with a bunch of colorful flowers and a bench. )

Shane - Tell me where you got them from, and I know you're not holding them for Ariel so don't tell me that again.

( He says sitting down and pulling me next to him. )

Olivia - I got them from some kids that we're at the park at school. Kinda behind the trees above the parking lot.

Shane - What?! Why were you even up there?

Olivia - Lola and I were walking one night and saw them.

Shane - So you started smoking with them?

Olivia - Yeah, Mikey called me a baby and was being rude to me and he told me I needed to grow up and then Kendrick said I was a rookie when I started coughing and-

( He cuts my rambling off. )

Shane - Baby why do you care what they say? They're losers. All that group does is sit up there for hours and smoke 2 to 3 packs a day. Why would you even get involved with them?

Olivia - I guess I was just embarrassed because they were making fun of me so I went back to prove them wrong and I actually started kinda liking it.

( I say honestly. )

Shane - That's so stupid, since when do you care what people like THAT think?

Olivia - I don't know.

Shane - You're never going up there again because there's absolutely no reason for you to, understand?

Olivia - Yes.

Shane - Well I'm sure you already know you're getting a spanking so let's get it over with.

( He says then takes my arms and pulls me over his lap and lifts his heel up off the ground to get my butt up higher. Oh God this is gonna be a sit spot and upper thighs spanking. I'm doomed! )


Shane - Tell me why you're over my lap right now.

Olivia - I did something wrong.

Shane - Be more specific.

( He raises his hand and brings it down hard on each cheek. )

Olivia - Because I was smoking.

( I say annoyed. )


Olivia - Ouch! That hurts!

( He made those smacks VERY hard. )

Shane - Do you want to try again or should I continue that hard?

Olivia - No! Because I was smoking and lied to you about it.

Shane - You're not going to make this lying shit a continuous thing.


Olivia - Ow! I won't.

( He pulls down my shorts to my knees and I really feel the cold on my legs but my butt is warm. He lands 5 hard smacks on each of my cheeks then rubbing my pantie clad butt and I wipe my moistened eyes. )

Shane - Are you gonna smoke again?

Olivia - No.


Shane - You sure?

( He quickly pulls down my panties to my knees as well and I cringe. )

Olivia - Yes!


( I squeal as he's making the smacks REALLY hard and focusing on my sit spots more than anything which sucks. His hand must be crazy strong from football and working out all the time and I feel like I'm gonna die from the pain. )

Olivia - Owie! Shane please stop! I'm sorry!

Shane - I don't want to have this conversation with you again and if we have to you're gonna get my belt for a week and I'm not kidding.

( He says seriously momentarily pausing my spanking. )


Olivia - Okay! I promise I won't!

( I flinch when I feel a cool surface on my butt and try to turn my head to see what in God's name he has but I can't. )

Olivia - What is that?

( I ask sniffling with tears running down my face and put my hand back )

Shane - It's a wooden spoon, move your hand.

( He says then pushes my hand away and tightening his grip around my waist. When did he get that thing?! He must've got it when I was upstairs. OMG this is gonna be hell. )

Olivia - Shane no please I'm sorry I promise it won't happen again please don't spank me with that I'm gonna die!

Shane - You're not gonna die Olivia, I'm not gonna lie It's going to hurt but you know you deserve this.

( With that he pats my butt one time with the wooden spoon and my doom starts. )


( I have to put my hand over my mouth in order to not scream my head off and risk someone hearing and coming out here. I would REALLY die if someone saw that. )


( Tears are rapidly streaming down my face and I start coughing from crying so hard. Shane rubs my butt for a few minutes and pulls up my panties and pants and pulls me up on his lap with his arms under my butt where it's not touching anything. )

Shane - Calm down you're gonna make yourself sick.

( Well who's fault is that?! I lean back into his chest and let out a sigh from exhaustion as he wipes my tears. )

Olivia - I'm sorry for smoking and lying about it.

( I say sincerely. )

Shane - All is forgiven gorgeous.

Olivia - Are you mad at me?

Shane - No, but you need to promise me this isn't gonna happen again. You know I care about you so much and smoking is so horrible. You can get lung cancer and die an early age from it, I don't want that and neither do you.

Olivia - I know, I don't know what I was thinking they don't even taste good. But I think a nectarine patch.

Shane - A what?

( He asks laughing wiping my tears away again. )

Olivia - A nectarine patch.

Shane - Baby, It's a called a nicotine patch a nectarine is a fruit.

Olivia - No wonder the lady at the store looked at me weird.

( He laughs and shakes his head. )

Shane - You want to take a nap?

Olivia - Probably shouldn't, your parents party is this afternoon and I need to get ready soon.

( I say then push myself off his lap. Omg my ass is soooo sore. A few hours later the party starts and everyone is talking and having a good time but I'm EXHAUSTED. I usually take a long nap after my spankings but I obviously can't. I'm currently in the living room on Shane's lap leaning against the arm of the couch with my arms. )

Shane - You okay, baby?

( Well besides the fact that you just beat my butt a few hours ago and how tired I am i'm perfectly fine. That's what I wanted to say but there's no way I'm risking getting in trouble again. I nod my head. )

Chris - Shane mom wants our help in the garage carrying some shit up here.

( He says from the doorway. )

Shane - I'll be back, you'll be okay?

Olivia - Mmhm.

( I get off his lap and he gets up and follows Chris to the garage. )

Andrea - Hey Olivia.

Olivia - Hey.

( I say with a small smile. )

Andrea - Can I ask you for some advice?

Olivia - Sure what's up?

Andrea - Jarod's coming in a few minutes so I have to make it quick. What do you think I can do to make more like... Dominant?

Olivia - Huh?

Andrea - I want him to be like more manly, in bed.

Olivia - Oh, I don't really know to be honest. I feel like it kinda comes naturally. Maybe you can talk to him about it. If you want to try different things you should ask.

( I always knew Jarod was a little bitch, not a surprise that he's like that during private times. Why is she asking me this, anyway? We just met yesterday. )

Andrea - Yeah I suppose you're right, I'll talk to him. Ahh there he is!

( She says the last part excitedly and runs over to Jarod into his arms. I wait a few minutes for Shane to come back but when he doesn't I go to the kitchen and find Zach shoving chips down his throat. )

Zach - Hey Olivia, want some?

( He asks with his mouth full of chips thrusting the chip bowl at me. )

Olivia - I'm good.

( I say with an awkward laugh and pushing the bowl back towards him. )

Zach - Are you having fun?

Olivia - Yeah I am, you?

Zach - Well the food is obviously the best part.

( He says putting down the bowl of chips and picking up a cupcake. OMG. How is this guy in good shape? All he does is eat and not so gracefully I might add. I lean up against the counter and Zach and I talk for a few minutes before a middle aged woman comes up to us. )

Zach - Hey Linda this is Olivia, Olivia this is Linda our aunt.

Linda - Hello doll.

Olivia - Hi how are you?

Linda - I'm fine.

( She says looking me up and down. Um... Okay? )

Linda - Are you Zach's girlfriend?

Olivia - No I'm-

( She cuts me off laughing. )

Linda - Ohh! Lora mentioned that you might be here, you're with Shane right?

Olivia - Right.

Linda - That's funny.

Olivia - What do you mean?

Linda - Oh nothing, it's just funny. There was this girl before Shane went to summer camp this past year and-

( Zach cuts her off. )

Zach - Oh uh Linda we don't need to talk about that, that was ages ago.

Linda - Yeah it was a while ago I just had hope for those two.

( She says the last part with a disappointed sigh. )

Linda - Anyway Zach, I'm gonna go find your mother. Great to meet you Olivia.

( She walks out of the kitchen and I scoff. )

Zach - Don't worry about her, she was somehow married into the family and has been a witch ever since.

( He says before patting my shoulder and walking out of the kitchen. I go upstairs to Shane's room and text Jamie about what just went on. )

Shane - Gorgeous?

( He says as he walks in the door closing it behind him and smiling at me. )

Shane - You alright?

Olivia - Yes I'm just texting Jamie.

Shane - Oh yeah?

Olivia - Yeah.

Shane - What about?

Olivia - She was just asking if she could borrow one of my jackets. What did your mom need help with?

( I ask trying to change the subject and walk into the bathroom connected to his room. )

Shane - A poker table, they're gonna play in a bit.

( He says following me into the bathroom while i'm fixing myself in the mirror and wrapping his arms around me. Damn, usually I'm over my spanking by now but I'm still slightly pissed and sad that I got one. )

Olivia - I'm tired.

Shane - I know baby, do you want to go back to the dorms tonight?

Olivia - No your mom would be disappointed, she really wants us to stay.

Shane - She really lays it on thick doesn't she?

( He says with a laugh and shake of his head. There's a knock on the door and Shane goes to open it but I stay in the bathroom. )

Shane - Hey Linda.

Linda - Hey can I talk to you in private?

Shane - In a bit, I'm talking to my girl right now.

Linda - Hmm, okay.

( He shuts the door and comes back in the bathroom. )

Olivia - Who was that?

Shane - My aunt.

Olivia - What'd she want?

Shane - Talk to me about something, I don't know what though.

Olivia - Probably me.

( I say sighing and turning to face him. )

Shane - What do you mean? Have you met her?

Olivia - Uh yeah briefly.

Shane - How was it? I know she can push buttons.

Olivia - I was just talking to Zach and she came up and said that you had been talking to some girl before summer camp. I don't know why she would say that, not my concern.

Shane - Oh for real? I wouldn't say she was my girl, we talked for like two weeks.

( He says with a shrug. )

Olivia - Yeah I mean I don't care it was just weird.

( A few hours later Shane and I are laying in his bed watching TV and I'm texting Jamie. )

Shane - Get off your phone and turn the light off on your side and go to sleep, it's late and we have to get up early.

( I look at the alarm clock and it's 11:30, even though I'm tired I'm still not too happy after my earlier spanking and so I don't listen. )

Shane - Liv I'm serious.

Olivia - But I'm not tired.

Shane - Yes you are your eyes are barely opened, you're fighting sleep.

Olivia - Not true.

( I say rolling over facing away from him. Probably not the best idea to have my butt facing towards him but I didn't think about it until I rolled over. )

Shane - Turn off your phone and the light now or I'm gonna take it from you.

Olivia - You can't take my phone!

Shane - Last chance.

Olivia - I'm texting Jamie!

( He reaches over and grabs my phone and then pinches my butt HARD making me yelp and tears spring to my eyes. It probably hurt worse because I already got spanked today. UGH! )

Olivia - Ow!

( I say getting out of his bed. )

Shane - Lay down.

( He says sternly and I roll my eyes. I know I'm pushing it right now and I can tell Shane's annoyed. He gets up out of bed and makes his way towards me and I back up against the wall with my hands protectively on my butt. )

Shane - Do we need to have a repeat of earlier?

Olivia - No.

Shane - Then get in bed and go to sleep, I'm tired of having to tell you to do things over and over. If I tell you to do something you do it the first time. Get in that bed!

( He says the last part raising his voice a bit and I can tell that he's definitely NOT going to take no for an answer. I quickly walk past him and get in bed and turn the bedside light off. I feel him get in bed and then turn the TV off. I'll never be able to go to sleep now! The pain in my butt was calming down until he pinched it. Jerk. A few hours go by of me laying there and I huff when I look at the alarm clock and It's 3:00 AM. We have to be up at 7:00 to make it back in time for Shane's last football practice. I can't believe the coach is making them practice on Sunday, he's such a big jerk too. Well I guess it's not really a practice, it's like them going over how the season went and a breakfast type thing. I'm just closing my eyes when the alarm on Shane's phone goes off. Nooooo, I just dozed off for a few seconds and now I'm up again! I hear Shane groan and he turns it off. I sit up and go to the bathroom and take a shower, get dressed, put on lipgloss, mascara, highlighter, and my hair in a high messy bun. )


( We're getting ready to leave and saying goodbye to Shane's family. )

Lora - It was so great to meet you Olivia, you're so gorgeous and a sweet girl. You're really good for Shane.

( She says then gives me a hug. )

Olivia - Aw, thank you so much for having me and letting me stay.

Lora - Well of course! You're welcome anytime honey.

( We say bye to the rest of the family and I go back in to find Devon. )

Devon - Are you leaving?

( She asks with a pout. )

Olivia - I am but I'll see you soon, I promise.

( She comes up to me and gives me a big hug and I smile giving her a hug back. I wish I had a little sister especially one like Devon, she's so cute and sweet. )

Devon - Here take one of my dolls so it'll feel like we're never apart.

( She says handing me a barbie doll. I take off one of my bracelets and put it on her wrist. )

Olivia - Here's my bracelet, it's one of my most favorites and I want you to keep it.

( She smiles and gives me another hug. I say bye to her and get in Shane's car. )

Shane - What's that?

Olivia - Devon gave me a barbie doll, I gave her my bracelet.

Shane - How nice, I'm glad you guys get along she really likes you.

Olivia - Well who doesn't?

( I say and Shane laughs. I could actually name a lot of people who don't hehe. Finally we get back to the dorms and get in my door. )

Jamie - Hey Liv.

Olivia - Hey.

( I say out of breath and plop down on my bed, gosh carrying things up steps is tiring! )

Jamie - How'd the weekend go?

( She asks sitting next to me on my bed. )

Olivia - It was okay, I really like Shane's little sister Devon. The rest of his family is nice too but she's definitely my favorite.

Jamie - Even more than Shane?

Olivia - Well when he beats my butt, yeah she's definitely my favorite.

Jamie - I can't believe he found out about you smoking.

Olivia - I know! I was so careful at first but I guess I got lazy. It was so embarrassing when it fell out of my shirt.

Jamie - Well at least you didn't get into too much trouble.

Olivia - Yeah it could've been worse, he needs to stay far away from Felipe when I do get in trouble.

( She laughs. )

Jamie - Seriously! I cussed at him a few times and he spanked me with Mr. Meanie Belt.

Olivia - Ugh he's so strict.

Jamie - Right. Anyway I'm gonna go meet him for dinner tonight. Do you and Shane want to come?

Olivia - Maybe, I didn't sleep at all last night so I'm gonna sleep.

Jamie - Dang Liv you need to go to sleep.

Olivia - I am.

( I change into some shorts and crop top and turn the fan on and It's nice and freezing cold just how I like it. I lay down and turn all the lights off and go to sleep. My beauty sleep is interrupted by someone knocking on the door. )

Olivia - Ugh! Go away!

( I yell with my eyes still closed trying not to fully wake up but the knocking continues. )

Olivia - Oh my God! Who is it?!

( I yell again getting up and stomping to the door and swinging it open so hard it hits the wall. )

Olivia - WHAT?!

( I yell rubbing my eyes to get clearer vision. )

Erin - What's up Cha Cha?

Olivia - Erin what do you want?!

Erin - How's it going hot stuff?

Olivia - What. Do. You. Want?

( I say putting emphasis on each word getting more pissed every second I'm talking to this asshole. )

Erin - Have you seen Ariel?

Olivia - No I haven't, bye.

( I go to slam the door shut and he stops it with his foot. )

Erin - She's not answering any of my calls or texts and it's starting to worry me. I also went to her dorm and there was no answer.

Olivia - I don't care! I'm not even friends with her go ask someone else!

Erin - Wow Cha Cha why are you in such a bad mood?

Olivia - Just leave!

Erin - Not until you help me get in touch with her.

Olivia - Okay fine, wait right there just one sec.

( I walk over to my bedside table and grab a cup of coffee that I got earlier and take the lid off. I walk back over to the door with it behind my back. )

Olivia - Here's some help asshole.

( I say and then throw the cup of coffee in his face and he stumbles back and I start laughing. He wipes his eyes and looks pissed. )

Erin - Are you God damn serious?!

( He grabs me by my shirt and then pushes me back into my room. )

Erin - You're gonna pay for that.

( I scoff and slam the door shut and lay back down. About an hour later I realize I'm not gonna be able to go back to sleep so I get up to get ready for dinner. I put on my cute outfit from this morning and walk to Shane's dorm to see if he's going to dinner. Before I can knock his door opens. )

Shane - Oh I was just coming to find you.

Olivia - I was coming to ask if you wanted to go to dinner.

( I say going into his room and plopping down on his couch wincing from still being a bit sore. He closes his door and comes sits down next to me. )

Shane - So, dinner?

Olivia - Well only if you want to, Jamie invited us but I told her I wasn't sure.

Shane - What were you doing when I was at practice?

Olivia - Sleeping.

Shane - And then what?

Olivia - I came here.

Shane - Oh really? So you didn't throw coffee in Erin's face?

Olivia - Oh did he tell you that? Of course you're gonna believe him over me.

Shane - I'm not believing him over you I want you to tell me what happened.

Olivia - Well okay I did but it wasn't my fault.

Shane - Then whose was it?

Olivia - I was trying to sleep because I couldn't last night and then he was banging on my door waking me up out of my peaceful sleep and asking about Ariel and when I told him to leave he wouldn't.

( He rolls his eyes and sighs before pulling me over his lap. Omgggg noooo! )

Shane - You threw coffee on him because he woke you up?

( He asks me rubbing my butt. )

Olivia - Yes and because he wouldn't leave but he totally deserved it. Shane please don't spank me I already got spanked yesterday and I'm so sore.

Shane - So you don't think you deserve it?


Olivia - Ouch!

( Damn those smacks hurt like hell. )

Shane - Should I pull down your leggings?

( He asks then gives me 6 hard smacks on each cheek making tears come to my eyes. Usually it wouldn't be this early on but my ass is still hurting from yesterday. )


Olivia - Oww! No!

Shane - When we're done here you're going to go apologize to Erin. He can definitely be an asshole but just because you're tired and grumpy doesn't mean you get to do shit like that. Understand?


( At least he's rubbing my butt in between so i'm not in complete trouble I guess. )

Olivia - Yes.

( I say with annoyance in my voice hoping Shane doesn't catch it. )

Shane - Lose the attitude.

( He says sternly with one HARD smack in the middle of my butt. Point taken. )

Shane - Are you going to behave the rest of the night?



Olivia - I will!

Shane - Hope so, because if I have to spank you again it's not gonna be with my hand.


( He says seriously with four very hard smacks on my sit spots making me cringe. God I hate when he spanks me right there. I mean I hate when he spanks me at all but that's the worst place. He rubs and squeezes my butt for a few minutes then pulls me up and wraps his arms around me. )

Shane - I want you to go apologize to Erin.

Olivia - Do I have to?

( I ask with a pout after wiping my wet eyes. )

Shane - Yes and stop pouting.

( He says squeezing my butt hard in a warning way. I push myself off his lap. I decide to make one last attempt not to have to apologize. )

Olivia - I'll never do anything wrong again if you don't make me say sorry.

( He laughs and shakes his head. )

Shane - Yeah, right. We both know that's not true so I suggest you go now before I change my mind and continue spanking you.

( He says the last part standing up and I hurry to the door. )

Olivia - No! I'm going.

( I go out his door and make my way to Erin's dorm room, ugh! This is going to be SOOOO embarrassing. I finally knock on his door and he opens it a few seconds later. )

Erin - Jesus christ, what do you want?

Olivia - Uhh I just wanted to say that uh..

( I trail off not making eye contact. )

Erin - Yeah?!

Olivia - That uh I guess I'm sorry.

Erin - It's fine Cha Cha. I found Ariel by the way, see ya later.

( He winks at me and I roll my eyes and walk back to my dorm room. )


hope you enjoyed xoxo

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