LOVER || r. bowen¹ ✔️

By mabbielqver

13.7K 398 53

"You're my lover." In which you get born with a black stain on your body where your soulmate is supposed to t... More

i was enchanted to meet you.
You're the one I want at the end of the day.
He was a skaterboy she said see you later boy
Hear our song on the radio
how am I supposed to think about anything else?
for your eyes only I'll show you my heart
so take your time while you're mine and smoke slow.
secrets i have held in my heart are harder to hide then i thought.
I'm wasting my time when it was always you.
I like you so much it's kinda gross.
I was a kid but I wasn't clueless
kiss me once cause you know i had a long night.
I'll look after you.
It's the start of something new
two hearts in one home
I see forever in your eyes
I think I'm in love again.
Cause when we'd fight you give me space and not communicate.
All I want is love that lasts.
I get a little bit alone sometimes.
you left me there crying, wondering what I did wrong.
But right now I just feel like shit.
She's getting on my nerves.
I'm the one who burned us down.
We'll be alright.
If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you.
Cause I've got you.
I thought you were my fairytale.
Some of us need to be heard.
falling for you fools gold.
You're the habit that I can't break.
everything you do is magic.
A moment in love.
Nothing can come between you and i.
There's not a star in heaven we can't reach.
we make each other strong.
2nd book

we were to close to the stars.

163 6 0
By mabbielqver

〔 c h a p t e r  t h i r t y t h r e e 〕❞

Eleanor groans as she hides her face in Ricky's chest, hoping to block out the sound of his alarm.

She feels Ricky move before the blaring of the alarm clock stopped.

"Ellie." He chuckles as she tightens her grip on him when he tried to get up.

"Mm, I'm tired." She mumbles into his nude chest.

His fingers run over her naked back, sending shivers down her spine. "I know." He says gently. "How are you feeling?"

How is she feeling? There's a ache between her legs, reminding her that she lost her virginity last night.

And while that aching is fucking annoying, she couldn't feel better.

Ricky and her had sex last night. They took each other's virginity last night. She never felt closer to him before, physically and literally.

"I feel amazing." She says honestly. "Tired but amazing."

After they had sex he had took care of her, cleaned her up, braid her hair for her so her curls wouldn't be that much of a mess in the morning and tucked her in his bed.

He grins. "Good. I feel amazing too."

The girl grabs her clothes she had took from home the previous night and pulls her clothes on.

Her outfit excists of a white tanktop with a plaided skirt, a pantyhose and black ankle boots. Her hair is put into a bun seeing she didn't have her products to do her hair.

Lastly she had put on a oversized leather jacket before they went on their way to school.


Yeah, now they don't feel amazing at all, when they walked into the bombshelter, they were met with the sight of fire fighters and a burned down room, water dripping from the ceiling.

Eleanor gasps softly, her grip on his arm tighting a bit as she looks around her safeplace.

The other theatre kids enter the room and instantly start talking about what could have happened.

"What happened?" Nini asks with wide eyes as she takes in the room.

"It's okay. Nobody was hurt. There was a small fire in the theater over the holiday. And the sprinklers did their job." Miss Jenn explains as she walks towards the group of kids.

"We're almost done in here, We just have to finish up in the faculty room next. Some circuits blew in there over the break."

Eleanor feels Ricky gaze in her and she looks up at him for a second before turning back to face their teacher, leaning her head against his arm.

"Unfortunately, the show cannot go on."

Eleanor her eyes widden. No. No this can not be happening.


"Fire ripped trough half of your costumes, And the sprinkles ruined a bunch of your sets.  I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to red tag the entire backstage area for a month atleast." The fire fighter explains, she then hands miss Jenn a basketball which is almost totally black burned smoke still coming from it.

"Did she just say costumes?" Kourtney asks as the others are just quiet, lost for words. They can't do the musical?

"Okay, okay listen up." Miss Jenn turns back around to face them. "Hug your neighbour, take a moment. And let's all meet in the cafetaria after school to talk about options. Nini and Ricky, spread the world."

"Got it, yeah ofcourse." Nini answers, however Ricky doesn't answer, Eleanor turns to him to see him typing on his phone.

"Ricky?" When he doesn't answer, Miss Jenn repeats herself this time louder. "Ricky?"

Ellie gently shoves her elbow in his side causing him to give her a look, she nods towards miss Jenn.

"Huh?" Ricky looks up from his phone. "Sorry, After school in the cafetaria. got it."

"I can't believe this." Eleanor mumbles as they exit the room. "It can't be over, can it?"

Ricky sighs softly, pressing a kiss onto her forehead.

"I'm afraid so. I don't know what we could do." He says honestly.

She sighs softly before catching Seb's eye. "I'm quickly gonna check up on Seb, okay?"

Ricky nods. "Yeah, I'll see you at lunch?" He asks.

She nods her head, quickly pecking his lips before making her way to her best friend.

"Hey." Seb smiles sadly as the girl appears next to him.

"Hi." She sighs, interwining their arms. "This sucks."

Seb nods in agreement. "It does. How are you doing?"

Eleanor shrugs her shoulders. "You know that theatre is my safeplace. I can just forget about everything, act like someone I'm not. I feel as comfortable as I can be in there. I don't want it to be over."

"I get that. But there should be a way to keep it going. Maybe find another place to do the musical."

So that is exactly what they did.


Right now, Eleanor is walking in the El Rey, People are holding flashlights as they walk trough the dark hallway, If you asks her it's all just a little creepy in here.

As they walk into the theatre, A lot of stuff is standing on the stage.

"Welcome to tech rehearsal. I don't know if you've noticed, but most of the tech in this particular theater appears to be hand cranked. Natalie Bagley, my dear, my stage manager, this is you're chance to be the hero."

They start whispering around, noticing that Natalie isn't here.

Eleanor looks to Seb, sure they have broken up seeing Seb found his soulmate, Carlos. But they still talk and he would probably know where she is.

Natalie Bagley's getting her wisdom teeth out." Seb speaks up.

Out of nowhere Ricky had pulled the girl a few steps back, just in time a bag fell down right where she was standing.

They all scream as Eleanor clings onto Ricky's arm which is around her waist.

"El? You okay?" Ricky asks his girlfriend with worry.

She nods her head. "Yeah." She niw realizes how right she was gripping his arm and lets go. "Sorry."

"Totally normal."

Eleanor frowns, that definetly was not normal.

"Just heads up from now on. Alright, big red. Do you know how to hang a light?"

Big red answers with "I know how to hang out." Causing them to laugh.

"Cool, Carlos. Let's set marks to light Statue Quo. Troy and Gabriella, find somewhere quiet and run the rooftop scene." Miss Jenn orders.

"Come on." Ricky whispers, grabbing her hand and gently pulling her with him.

They walk around trying to find a room to rehearse in.

It is quiet for a little while. "You know, we're alone.."

"Maybe another time when we're not in a creepy probably haunted theatre." Eleanor huffs, he did not just ask her to make out in this place.

"It's not haunted." Ricky shakes his head.

"I just almost got killed." She reminds him.

He purses his lips. "3 minutes at most."

"Richard!" Eleanor exclaims as they walk into a room which was good enough. "Page 53."

"Page 53." He sighs dissapointed.

She rolls her eyes. "After we rehearse." She gives in.

His eyes lit up as he quickly opens his script on the right page. "What are you waiting for? Open those papers!"

She chuckles amused as she opens the script.

"Remember in kindergarten? You'd met a kid, know nothing about them, then ten seconds later you were best friends?" Eleanor reads up from her paper.


"Singing with you felt like that." She looks up at him.

"I never thought about singing that's for sure. Until you, now I don't wanna stop. Ever." Ricky says his lines, nkt breaking eye contact.


he smiles softly before looking back down at her scripts, feeling flustered by the look in his eyes which was the same as last night.

"You know what, I know these lines, should we just lose the scripts?" Ricky asks.

"Yeah okay." She agrees and both put the papers away.

"Remember in kindergarten, You'd meet a kid, know nothing about them, And then ten seconds later you're best friends? singing with you felt like that."

She looks back up and gasps softly from how close he suddenly is standing to her.

"I never really thought about singing, that's.." He trails off, looking down at her lips.

"Ricky," She whispers. "We should be rehearsing."

"I'd rather be doing this." He lifts her face and leans down, making their lips meet in a heated kiss.

The kiss turns into a make out session, and it is clear they had explored each others body's last night as their hands are roaming everywhere.

Eleanor lets out a shaky breath as his hand gently move along the side of her breast.

"Hey guys? We're ordering pizza while Miss Jenn is having some kind of real-time midlife crisis. You both good with pepperoni and soy cheese?" Big Red asks as he repeatidly hits his flashlight which stopped working.

They instantly jump apart, cheeks flushed and Eleanor's lipgloss smeared on each others lips.

"Yeah, that's fine." Eleanor mutters slightly out of breath at the same time as Ricky says "Yeah that sounds good to me."

"Cool." Red says and then turns around to walk out of the room.

"Cool." Ricky repeats before he turns towards his soulmate. "Your lipgloss." He reaches his hand towards her swollen lips, rubbing his thumb under her bottom lip to get rid of some on her skin.

"It's on your lips." She whispers, noricing the shiny stuff on his lips.

"Strawberry?" He asks, licking his lips. "I thought it used to be cherry?"

"My usual lipgloss was out of stock." She rolls her eyes, grabbing a make up wipe out of her bag and gently removing the lipgloss off his lips.

"I like it." He hums. "Tastes nice."

"Weird." She replies.

"What?" He frowns.

"You." She answers bluntly. "You're weird. Anyways, let's go."

They walk back to the room where the others are, permanent blushes stuck on their faces.

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