If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you.

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❝〔 c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - s i x  〕❞

When Eleanor woke up the next morning, the boy was still sound asleep on her chest

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When Eleanor woke up the next morning, the boy was still sound asleep on her chest.

She sighs softly as she looks down at her soulmate, she allows her fingers to go trough his curls, receiving a quiet hum from him as he nuzzles closer into her body.

"El, you up? You have school in an hour!" Her mom calls from outside the door.

"Yeah, I'll be downstairs in a bit." She says back.

"Can't we skip?" Ricky mutters into her shirt.

"Nope." She hums, shaking her head. .

He sighs as he lifts his head a bit to look at her. "Can we then atleast cuddle for a bit longer?"

"5 minutes." She agrees.

"Only 5?" He whines.

"5 or none." She raises an eyebrow.

"Fine." He mutters, resting his head back down on her chest.

"Are you gonna go home before school?" She asks, once again playing with his hair.

He closes his eyes, liking the feeling of her toying with his hair. "No, I have my stuff for school already so I'm not going."

"Are you sure, Rick?" She asks gently. "Don't you want to see tourtmom before she leaves?"

He shakes his head. "No, I'm fine with staying with you today."

She nods her head, she wants to say he should go home but it is his decision.

"Okay, anyways 5 minutes are over." She tells him, pushing against his shoulder, telling him to get off.

He groans but gets up anyways. "Hey, I had a question, by the way."

She also sits up, pushing her hair behind her ear. "What's up?"

"Do you wanna go to homecoming with me?"

She frowns. "Uh, we're already going with Red?"

He closes his eyes. "No- I mean like a date."

"Oh." She realizes. "Yeah, I'd like that."

An smile takes over his face. "Really?"

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