The Billionaire's Offer

By CelesteABrook

80.1K 4.7K 1.1K

[Billionaire / Fake Relationship] After seeing the women's shelter she worked hard to build burn down to the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 8

2.1K 152 25
By CelesteABrook


Since I got back home, I've been working hard to gain the trust of key stakeholders and to convey my vision for the company. Truth be told, much of it is thanks to Max's efforts, though I'm determined to show them my commitment.

And now, the ultimate test lies ahead: facing the board.

Inhaling deeply, I brace myself as I step into the boardroom. The air is thick with the scent of leather and polished wood, mingling with unspoken tension.

A huge mahogany table stretches before me, surrounded by imposing high-backed leather chairs. Everything here reeks of old money and power, and I can't help but feel out of place.

Max stands at the head of the table, flanked by his trusted advisors and the board members, whose expressions are a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

And then there's Henry, our stepbrother. I can feel his disdain for being caught off guard by my unexpected return, but I choose to ignore it. Our father married his mother a few years after our mother died from a brutal battle against cancer. But we never really became a family since they are both too self-centered and only care about their own interests.

Even after all this time, I'm frustrated our father would get involved with someone who is so vicious; so heartless. She is nothing like our mother, and this definitely played a role in the deterioration of our relationship.

Sinking into a chair, I feel the weight of Max's anticipation bearing down on me. Max's health might be improving, but the road ahead remains uncertain. Besides, I have a lot to prove.

Without missing a beat, Max launches into the meeting, providing a concise rundown of the company's current state and the critical need for a temporary CEO. As he speaks, I observe the board members shifting uncomfortably in their seats, clearly uneasy with anyone other than Max taking the lead.

After some time, Max turns to me, his eyes filled with a mix of pride and hope. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to introduce my brother, Asher Sullivan, back to the company. He has generously agreed to serve as the interim CEO while I focus on my recovery."

The room crackles with palpable tension, and I can't help but notice one of the board members, a distinguished older woman with sharp eyes, raising an eyebrow in surprise. "Max," she says, "are you positive you don't want Henry to step in as interim CEO? He's been effectively managing the day-to-day operations since your accident."

Max's unwavering confidence in me is evident, but instead of easing my nerves, it only intensifies my anxiety. "I have complete faith in Asher's abilities to lead the company right now," he asserts. "I wouldn't propose this if I didn't believe he was the right choice."

Henry leans forward, his gaze locked onto mine with a vicious intensity. "This is preposterous," he sneers, his voice dripping with hatred. "Asher has been absent from the company for years, traveling the world doing God knows what. What makes him qualified to lead this company?"

I refuse to let his words shake me even though they hold some truth. "Henry," I say. "My experiences outside this company have given me a unique perspective. I believe I can inject fresh ideas and innovation into our strategies."

Max steps in once again, his voice firm. "Asher may have been away, but he carries our family's legacy in his blood. He understands our values, our history."

Henry scoffs, his anger at Max for not considering him family clear in his eyes. "Adaptation is one thing; running a multinational corporation is entirely different. Do you even understand the specifics of our current projects? Our financial status? The market challenges we face?"

His questions hit me like a punch to the gut, but I refuse to feel intimidated. "I may not know all the details, but I assure you, I'm a quick learner. I've already begun immersing myself in the company's operations and I'll work tirelessly to get up to speed."

Unfazed, Max interjects, "Asher will have access to the best advisors and consultants to support him during this transition. Along with my guidance, of course."

"Access to advisors won't replace the years of experience needed to lead a company of our stature. This is reckless, Max." Henry says, like a dog with a bone, refusing to let it go.

My eyes dart around the room, taking in the mixed reactions of the board members. While a few are offering signs of support, others are still hesitant.

It's clear that Henry's tactics aim to sow discord and undermine my confidence, but I'm determined to win this battle. "Henry, I'm not here to snatch your position or anyone else's. I'm here to support Max and safeguard our family's legacy. If you believe I'm unfit for the role, then grant me an opportunity to prove myself."

Henry's jaw tightens. "This is absurd. We can't afford trial and error. The stakes are too high."

Leaning forward, I hold his gaze. "I'm not asking for blind trust. I'm asking for a chance to earn it. Let's establish a trial period; a defined timeframe during which I'll show my commitment and capabilities. If, at the end of that period, the board still believes I'm unfit, I'll step down willingly."

The room falls into silence—the weight of my proposal hanging heavily in the air as Henry's objections are momentarily overshadowed by the challenge I've thrown.

The prospect of an outsider, even a prodigal son, taking the reins of this company is sure a hard pill to swallow. But I've done my homework. This is a family-owned business. We have faced many obstacles over the years, but our strong family bond has helped us overcome them all.

"We should consider Asher's proposition," Max says, his eyes on Henry. "It's a reasonable way to address your concerns."

Scowling at me, Henry leans back in his chair. "This won't work, Asher."

I meet his gaze, unflinching. "I'll prove you wrong."

As unease lingers in the room, Max clears his throat. "To ensure that we have enough time to discuss this complex and significant situation, I propose we schedule another meeting in two days for a formal voting session."

Some board members nod in agreement, recognizing the need for time to make a thorough assessment. Others seem eager for an immediate decision.

Henry, however, isn't amused.

"This is merely a delay tactic," he accuses, frustration tinging his voice. "We already know the outcome. The longer we prolong this, the more uncertainty we inject into the company."

I maintain my composure, refusing to let his words provoke me. "Henry, it's not about delaying but making a well-informed decision. Two days will provide everyone an opportunity for careful consideration."

"Look," Max says, his diplomatic tone easing the tension a bit. "We must ensure that this transition, whether it's Asher or another candidate, proceeds with care and precision. Our company's future is at stake."

"Very well, two days it is," Henry reluctantly agrees. "But I still think this is not the right path for this company."


As soon as the meeting ended, Max excused himself to head back home. He's just started a new treatment and it seems to be doing wonders. But despite the strong front he put on while dealing with the board, I could tell how drained he was afterward.

I had no choice but to stick around for yet another meeting with the PR team. We spent hours hashing out details of my public image, discussing press releases, and planning social media strategies. We were essentially piecing together a puzzle, attempting to strike the perfect balance between keeping it real and having that polished corporate edge.

Max made sure I got his office and as I glance around it now, it's hard not to contemplate the lessons life might be trying to teach me. It's almost as if I've stepped into a parallel universe, and I'm still trying to decipher its rules.

But in the middle of all this corporate chaos, fate has led me back to Emma. She's the one thing that feels genuine right now. Even if we're planning a fake wedding, of all things.

Getting my phone from my pocket, I send her a selfie of me sitting in Max's chair. Not even in my wildest dreams, I could've imagined I'd be here in the imminence of replacing him.

Me: "What's going on with my life these days?"

Emma: "So, how'd the meeting go?"

Me: "The board's voting on Monday, deciding whether or not they'll give me a chance to prove myself."

Emma: "I thought it was a done deal?"

Me: "You know how unpredictable these things can be...  What have you been up to?"

Instead of replying right away, she also sends me a selfie. She's covered in paint and dust, clearly at the shelter. She looks so young and carefree that it immediately brings a smile to my face. Her passion for her work and her hands-on involvement in the rebuilding process make me admire her even more.

Without overthinking it, I tap the Facetime icon on my phone and call her.

She picks up immediately. "Hey, you," she says, her face lighting up with a smile.

In the background, I can hear the sound of drills buzzing, the crew chatting away, and the occasional clatter of construction materials. Somehow it eases something inside me.

"How is everything going over there?' I lean back in my chair.

"Noisy!" She chuckles, walking to a quiet spot on the patio.

"I love how happy you look," I say, noticing the sparkle in her eyes as she glances around.

"Just knowing we're going to be able to put this place back together is unbelievable..."

"I wanna hear about it all tonight," I say. The charity gala we chose for our first public appearance is scheduled for seven in the evening, and despite my lack of enthusiasm for such events; I'm really looking forward to seeing her tonight.

"I see you're getting the hang of wearing suits?" she teases, and I playfully shake my head.

"Not at all." I adjust my tie slightly, eliciting a chuckle from her. "I get the importance of fundraising, but rubbing shoulders with the high-society crowd and diving into corporate networking has never been my forte."

"Totally agree with you." She lets out a quick breath. "Hopefully, I'll manage to scrub off all the paint before tonight."

"I don't mind you getting a little messy," I lower my voice, and she rolls her eyes.

"Stop," she tries to sound serious but I can see a hint of a smile on her lips.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow. "Getting you a bit dirty isn't in the rulebook."

"We might need to update those rules later." She gives me a pointed look. "But speaking of rules, what's the plan if the board doesn't give you a chance to prove yourself?"

"Then Henry wins." I give her a small smile, hating that it's even a possibility.

"Wow..." she blinks. "Then, getting married would be off the table."

"Yeah..." I whisper, my heart beating funny in my chest. I've been so focused on getting everything Max and his team have asked of me that I haven't realized that if our plan fails, there's no reason for Emma and me to be married.

"Should I hold off on getting a dress, then?" She jokes, trying to lighten up the situation, but I'm having a hard time processing that we might actually not need to be married if the board rules me out.

"Uh...No... I mean..."

"Hey, it was just a bad joke," she says. "I'm sure it'll all work out in the end. Max knows what he's doing. I can't see him backing down so easily.

"Right." I give her a small smile. "I just got off a meeting with the PR team, by the way. They want to meet with us and our wedding planner so they can start coordinating things."

"A wedding planner?" she says, her eyes widening. "I don't even know how to start choosing one."

"We can figure something out together next week..." I sigh, studying her.

"What?" She says when I keep silent.

"Do you think we can pull off a wedding in a month?" I ask, not missing the way her eyes widen.

"A month?" She chuckles.

"Max has already informed the board I'm engaged and about to get married, so we need to act quickly." I clear my throat. "I'm sure Henry will spend the weekend compiling a list of reasons why I'm not fit to take over as CEO."

"We'll definitely need a wedding planner, then."

"I'll gather some recommendations, and we can choose someone whose style matches ours," I offer.

"That's sweet," she smiles warmly. "At least we'll get to choose our own cake, right?"

"Absolutely," I smile, feeling a surge of emotions I can quite decipher wrapping around my heart. "Pistachio cake with raspberry filling, maybe?"

"Ew!" She wrinkles her nose playfully.

Laughing, I continue, "Okay, guava cake it is."

She scoffs, rolling her eyes. "I'm hanging up now so I don't cancel this whole wedding thing."

"See you tonight, Em," I say and she blows me a kiss before hanging up.

And fuck if it doesn't go straight to my heart.

"Jesus..." I murmur. "I'm in so much trouble with this woman."


A/N: Hope you're enjoying Asher & Emma's story! I have a lot planned for these two!

Please remember to vote every time you hit a new chapter! <3



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