His Sculpted Kingdom (TAEKOO...

By Ayraesia

50.5K 2.7K 537

The Blue Moon building is getting ready to welcome the heroes of their kingdom. Along with them, Kim Taehyung... More

¹ Welcomé
² Deja vú
³ Intimaté
⁴ Irrational
⁵ Relief
⁶ Unexpected
⁷ Story
⁸ Safety
⁹ Conspiracy
¹⁰ Moments
¹¹ Truth
¹² Confession
¹³ Departure
¹⁴ Arrival
¹⁵ Nightmare
¹⁶ Surprise
¹⁷ Revelation
¹⁸ Reunion
²⁰ Wedding Day
²¹ Wedding Night
²² Enemy
²³ Broken Cherry
²⁴ Let it out

¹⁹ Proposal

1.9K 82 17
By Ayraesia

The silence was palpable, throbbing and heavy among the three males. Jungkook's jawline twitched phenomenally with his thoughts on the matter at hand. Namjoon and Yoongi shared a quick glance of terror. It was noon time when suddenly Jungkook was bombarded with the news that the prisoner who had attacked them in the camp had escaped under supervision.

Namjoon patted his shoulder to calm him down as the General's face contrited in sheer malice.

"We will capture him in no time." Yoongi said, trying to console, which earned nothing but a disappointed nod.

A faint tinkling sound made the trio spun around to witness Taehyung running to them with a boxy smile. For a moment Jungkook stood there, dazed, forgetting his anger and disappointment. Behind him, were Jimin and Minji.

" Taehyung-ie, stop. You need to eat this." Jimin screamed from behind. Taehyung ran as fast as he could at the sight of the General and pounced on him. Jungkook supported the other's weight quite efficiently, putting his hand below his soft bum. The tinkling sound merged with the soft air around them.

"Kookie, Jimin is trying to assault me." Taehyung said in between his stunt. Jimin shrewdly smiled at Taehyung before taking the bottle from Minji and giving it to Jungkook's one free hand that left on Taehyung’s waist.

" Jin hyung gave me this paste to feed him. It's supposed to reduce his pain during menstruation and make them come periodically rather than once in a blue moon. If you want your babies to be born healthy, feed your beloved this." Jimin walked back to the cottage, sassiness dripping out of his every pores, followed by his minion of a friend, Minji. The four men gaped open their mouth and closed after a pompous time.

" You guys sort it out!" Offered Namjoon and left the duo in the open.

"You heard him." Jungkook murmured near to Taehyung's ears who rested his chin on Jungkook's tough collarbone.

" Koo, it's bitter." He tried to bring his puppy sound.

"Want me to give you a tannie kiss after that?" Jungkook asked, pulling him a little closer to his heated body. Taehyung’s bounded boobs pinched underneath his manhandling.

Shyness caught the boy and lynched him to stay motionless at this proposal.

"No?" Jungkook keened to the level of Taehyung's face and asked.

"Y...yes.. but hyungie told me to say no to every thing you ask in your husky voice." Taehyung said with both embarrassment and confusion in his voice.

" Ew, that old Alpaca." Jungkook murmured quite loudly.

" Hey! That's my brother." Taehyung chided and wiggled out of his hands.

" Is it really good for our babies..?" Taehyung asked softly. Jungkook's ears twitched at this question. His happiness knew no bounds and his all existence wanted to hide Taehyung from the rest of the world and make love to bring their babies and live happily ever after.

"Definitely, but first I want this baby, my Tae baby to be healthy. So will you eat?" Jungkook asked, giving a kiss to Taehyung's forehead and also handing over the green paste.

Taehyung gulped in one go and pulled his tongue out in bitterness. Jungkook tucked the other beneath him and touched his tongue with his own. Their two soft muscles stayed shy for a long time but eventually the older's started to suck the bitter out of him. Taehyung’s eyes closed, breath hitched, neck raised high, hands and feet clawed the free air and his mouth watered that dripped through either corners. Jungkook didn't touch the boy in any place, not even on his lips. His hands are resting on either sides but his  jaws worked hard to dutifully ensure the other's bitterness is completely forgotten.

After a short while, Jungkook let go of him. Taehyung looked amazed, out of breath but a small smile crept on his face.

"I never kissed Tannie like this before." Taehyung said, hiding his face on the other's chest. His head then rumbled with the General's roaring laughter.

" No, you cannot kiss him like this. Well, you cannot kiss anybody but me like this. It's not even a kiss, Tae. The real kiss involves a lot more things than this." Jungkook informed and hugged him closer.

" Tae, can I ask you something?" He continued when he got a happy nod.
" Aren't you comfortable enough to let the bindings go and live freely with your identity?" He asked.

" I...am.. but when I get dressed, I feel something about me isn't normal so I end up concealing them. I'm sorry." Taehyung said in small voice.

"Oh why are you sorry for? I totally get it. You can take your time or if you want I can help to make you like them in my own way." Jungkook said confidently.


"By giving them a lot of Tannie kisses" He whispered. Taehyung felt like an electric beam passed right through his spine. He shuddered a bit at the thought of Jungkook taking his breast in those big palm and licking it strip by strip. His nipples pinched in mere anticipation.


A slipper flew to them and hit Jungkook's head making him groan. The guerrilla attack was followed by a coherent shout.

" Stop sniffing around my brother, you pervert. Now head back inside." Jin’s sound pierced through them, separating each other.

They headed inside with happy giddiness surrounding both males.


"You are okay?" Jungkook asked Taehyung while placing the tiffin boxes, seokjin had packed for them.

"I will miss them." Taehyung said in a small voice and retreated to sleep, cuddling the pillows. Jungkook fiddled with the other's silky hair and kissed his forehead.

" I have a meeting with my parents. So I will leave now. But im afraid you need to wake up soon and join me." Taehyung tiredly hummed and drifted to sleep.

Jungkook quietly walked out of their room and approached the girl who has been waiting for him. They hugged for a moment and both of them approached the chamber belonging to the General's parents and former king and queen.

"Long live." Jungkook and Lady Julia greeted them together. Upon the reply, they sat on their respective places. There were a number of people in the chamber. Mr and Mrs. Jeon, King Jeon Eunwoo and the Queen, Jeon Eunhee.( Jungkook's elder brother and his wife) Lady Amelia who was unchaperoned in the absence of their elder brother and the court astrologer. Some of the other courtesans and helpers are also assembled at the backside.

" Jungkook, I might have to make sure that you have heard the alliance which was brought forward by us." Jungkook nodded, remembering the letter he had got while he was at the cottage.

The letter was sent by Julia to Jungkook addressing the alliance going to form between them and the General. The Queen mother asked Amelia's hand for Jungkook. He was shivering with anger at the news and replied with the information of his return. He didn't say anything to Taehyung or Jimin but to the others. He only wanted to take Suga with him but Hoseok and of course Taehyung glued in. Even though it was very difficult for Taehyung to leave his brothers' side, he couldn't really think of a day without seeing his bunny koo. Before leaving, Seokjin asked Taehyung about taking and having Jungkook seriously, as an answer the latter gave a shy but willing smile to his brother. The same confirming smile was reciprocated by him to the General Jeon Jungkook when he looked back at his man's brother. With the respectful nod, Jungkook is more than sure how to take care of the matter of marriage proposal at hand.

" I know of the matter, mother and I'm willing." Low murmurs and sighs broke out in the chamber. " But I'm afraid that it would be with the one I have chosen." Silence coated the royal air.

" Why don't you settle with Lady Amelia! " Mrs Jeon asked with a furious undertoning.

"It's not because I don't like Lady Amelia but I'm in love with him." Jungkook stood from the chair.

A dreadful silence followed by inhumane murmurs.

" Did you say 'he' ? How it is possible? You know exactly why it is not agreeable not that I'm denying you from marrying a man." His father said.

" I know and I have the solutions for that but it's a matter of privacy which I would like to talk with my parents alone." Jungkook informed.

" Don’t tell me it's that good for nothing, orphan of a boy whom you had bought to your chamber that night." His mother hissed with irritation.

"Pardon, but it is him only. Kim Taehyung, brother of Kim Seokjin and family of Kim Namjoon." Jungkook said rather proudly. But a disdainful smile was the reply.

The door for the chamber opened and a bedraggled Taehyung with a loose white jeogori and disheveled hair came unbothered from the entrance. Soldier Jung was trotting back behind the sleepy boy. Upon seeing Jungkook, Taehyung ran and jumped on him. The General smiled and put him on his chair securely, not forgetting to glare at Hoseok.

"I had done everything in my capability to woke this little boy up but he is not budging. And the time you had told me was up so I just dragged him up here. Sorry but not my mistake." Hosoek genuinely said and stood behind the chair where Taehyung was seated.

" What a disrespect to the throne and the royalty ! Is this the boy you want to marry? " it was Queen Eunhee who showed her disagreement this time. With the booming voice, Taehyung lost his sleep and became aware of the present. He turned his sight to everywhere and noticed some grave topic was on discussion.

" Yes, this is the person I want to marry." Jungkook assured.

The grave topic was nothing else but Taehyung's marriage, the boy understood.

" O..our m..marriage ? " Taehyung stammered.

Jungkook sat on his one knee in front of Taehyung and looked into his muddy brown eyes deeply.

"Yes, Our marriage. I love you and I know you love me too. And I want to be married. Living together with you is fun, but I'm yours and you are mine. I never thought I would be so whipped for a person and pathetically needs a stupid piece of paper to value a relationship, but I want it. I want to see you in a bridal dress, holding colorful flowers. Butterflies flying around you and you looking at them with your boxy smile and a ring on your finger that shouts out that you are mine. I want your family, and my family to sit in the pews and watch me tell the world how I feel about you. About us. About the better man you have made me. I love you. Therefore, Kim Taehyung, will you marry me?" Jungkook asked, the tears almost rolled down to his chiseled cheeks.

"..I ..love you ..ko.. and yess...yes... marry me...marry me koo...yesss..." Taehyung started to wail and weep and sob and cry. Jungkook laughed and hugged him tightly. He slowly got up carrying the crying male in his hands.

" I hope everything is clear for everyone. I'm sorry Lady Amelia. I know that you never wanted this alliance to take place as well. We have been friends for such a long time and that was enough for us to understand what sort of a relationship we have." He turned to the astrologer and said, " Take a clean look at the stars and get us an auspicious date."

" Be ready for the marriage of General Jeon Jungkook and the love of his life, Kim Taehyung." Hosoek screamed at the top of his lungs, receiving several glares and soon sprinting behind the couple, out of the chamber. Lady Julia also joined them.

Hello,,, my unicorns 🦄

I know I have tested your patience for so long.... but I guess if one of my readers reminds me of their longing, I would work fast to make you all not disappointed.🙂🙃

I have missed a pile of incidents recently but here you go...

Our peace maker dove 🕊

The AI  revolution

Our golden maknae 🖤🤍

Our vintage villain ...

I wanna be your vacuum cleaner....
Breathing in your dust...

I wanna be your Ford Cortina
I will never rust...

Just wanna be yours.....

Standing next to you.....

Lil celebration 🍾 with champaign confetti

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