M4M Grayson Hawthorne x Reade...

By Junindu

10.8K 239 193

Y/n is a close of friend of suddenly rich Avery, meeting multiple people along the way. But the most memorabl... More

Some things to know before we get started
- Chapter 1 and 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
-- Chapter 5 --
-- Chapter 6 --
-- Chapter 7 --
-- Chapter 8 --
-- Chapter 9 --
-- Chapter 10 --
-- Chapter 11 --
-- Chapter 12 --
-- Chapter 13 --
-- Chapter 14 --
-- Chapter 15 --
-- Chapter 16 --
-- Chapter 17 --
-- Chapter 18 --
-- Chapter 19 --
-- Chapter 20 --
-- Chapter 21 --
-- Chapter 22 --
-- Chapter 23 --
-- Chapter 24 --
-- Chapter 25 --
-- Chapter 26 --
-- Chapter 27 --
-- Chapter 28 --
-- Chapter 29 --
-- Chapter 30 --
-- Chapter 31 --
-- Chapter 32 --
-- Chapter 33 --
Another A/N
-- Silly Chapter --
-- Chapter 35 --
--Chapter 36--
-- Chapter 37 --
-- Chapter 38--

--Chapter 34--

188 6 26
By Junindu

Yippee!! A Chapter after I finished editing all the other 33 ones. THAT TOOK SO LONG. Lol I'm listening to my playlist while do this. Anyways, MAKEOVER TIME!!


Avery had left the library to ask Alisa since she probably knew more about the will. You has headed to your room and saw a phone on your bed with a note.

It read only Grayson's full name in neat cursive on a small piece a paper. So he does keep promises you thought as you picked up the phone. He didn't even promise you he'd replace your phone that was sadly dropped into the deep end of the pool. You turned on the phone and signed in to see multiple messages from Max wondering why you randomly were cut off and why you weren't responding to her messages.

It would only be right to call her back.

"Hey Max, sorry, I... I dropped my phone in water." You didn't need to explain what, or more likely who, made it slip from your hands.

"Oh my faxing god, Y/n, I was worried." Max turned on her camera. "but besides that. Was that who I thought it was behind you?"

"No of course not-"

"You're lying, Y/n." Max pointed at the camera. You were a good liar when you wanted to, that just only made you a better liar.

"Okay, it was Grayson, but that doesn't mean anything.

"Hah, I knew it, mother-faxer." She said proudly. "About that photo we were talking bout earlier, its no longer on the internet like its been erased."

"Yeah, I got Gray to get some people to take it down." That photo was your fifteen seconds of fame, more than you asked for though.

"I got to go now, but we'll talk later." Max said before quickly shutting off her phone.

You messaged Avery since you needed to know about that red will. A little while later Avery updated you over text that there was, in fact, a red will, and Alisa would be willing to show you guys, but you two had to do something for her. That was all you knew before Avery left you on delivered.

You wondered what exactly the favor was. What would Alisa want from Avery?

The Hawthrone Brothers didn't bother you about Grayson so you guessed he's better from that awkward interaction at the theater place. How could someone not get lost in that place, not just the theater but the whole building. Does a person even need this much rooms and other things? You didn't need THAT much to live a fine life. You've been living just fine for the past 18 years.

Sure, the bed might've been a lot better then yours. So was the food, and the setting, and overall atmosphere, except for the tension between everyone. Money can do strange things to people, and you have learned that the hard way.

Suddenly, Xander peeked his head through you door. "Hey, just checking on you, Y/n." He smiled.

"You can come in you know." You said, calming down that it was only him. You trusted him. You would tell Avery that you did trust some guys.

Xander stepped into your room, now eating a scone.

"So how have you been since the last few days?" He asked sitting on some table instead of a chair.

You weren't sure how to answer that. It hasn't even been that long and there was already drama and events like the clue with the letters, Libby's ex, your parents... Grayson.

"It's been alright." You shrugged, putting your hands behind you head as you leaned back against the headboard.

"You know I've been looking at the stuff on the internet." Xander kicked his feet. You wondered if he was trying to tell you he saw something. And if that was the case, would it do with Grayson? "There were these two old people who said you were their son, but I know a lot of people make false claims."

You were relieved, but you weren't as tense anymore.

"But it really seemed like they knew you and everything. They even look like you." Xander went on.

"'Knowing me's a bold statement." You accidentally came off a little more annoyed than you wanted.

"Oh, I see." Xander looked around the room. "Scone?" He got off of the table, and showed you the different scones.

(If you got some allergy to dairy or smth, just imagine you dont)

"Sure." You grabbed the scone that was closer to you. You couldn't help but notice the way Xander kept the blueberry scone away from you. "You possessive of your foods or something?" You chuckled.

"We just aren't at that stage yet, Y/n, no offense." Xander laughed with you. "Anyways, I was thinking about giving Avery some. Do you wanna come too?"

"Yeah, why not?" You said, knowing it was kind of perfect timing. You could ask Avery what that favor Alisa wanted from you and Avery.

"Then lets go!" Xander took you hand, leading you around like he already knew where she was.

You then remembered some parts of the path to go to Avery's room. Was she taking a nap right now instead of doing Alisa's favor

Once you two had gotten to Avery's room, you heard some other woman's voice talking about some random stuff, and Avery asked why she needed to 'tell a story.'

"Because if you don't tell the story, someone else will tell it for you." Xander answered before anyone else.

Just about everyone's attention went to you and Xander, who still had his plate of scones.

Now what kind of favor is this? You just saw racks of clothes and a man and a woman who looked similar to each other. They even looked at you with the same face of shock with a small hint of disgust. You could already tell they were into fashion and were judging you appearance.

"Now what's going with you, Ave." You bit into the scone you almost forgot was in your hand.

"Makeovers." Xander spoke again. "like the recreational building of Rube Goldberg machines, are hungry work." 

"What do you know about makeovers?" Avery grumbled. "If I were a guy, then there'd be two racks of clothing in this room, max."

"And if I were white," Xander returned loftily. "people wouldn't look at me like I'm a half a Hawthrone. Scone?" He offered.

"Can I have one of the blueberry scones?" Avery asked.

Xander handed her a lemon scone. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"So this is the favor Alisa talked about?" You had finished eating your dessert.

"Yeah, I-"

"So this is the other kid we were addressed to fix?" The lady asked, looking you up and down. She hadn't expect the other one to be a boy. The siblings believed you'd be another girl or someone like that. 

"We can work with this." The taller man looked like he was imagining a different attire on you.

"I'm right here, you know." You said, now getting used to people talking about you like you weren't there. "Hi, Libby." You greeted her. She didn't look that different from before, same hair and other things, just different outfit. So you weren't worried these two new people wouldn't make Avery look extremely different.

You had been looking through the multiple clothing racks while Avery was changing into some outfit. You had to admit you were impressed by the amount of clothes they had for Avery, but that didn't mean you like the design. All of them looked uncomfortable, and itchy, which is the worst part of clothes. Why would you want to wear something that felt weird on your skin, and not something comfortable? You can be stylish and comfortable at the same time if you wanted. The only issue is that people judge you for that or call you lazy.

"What do you guys think?" Avery asked looking at herself in the mirror.

"The lady's color skill are pretty good." You commented. You didn't like the name 'preppy with an edge' for Avery's outfit, but it was the one that suited her most out of those other ones. You weren't sure how to feel on Avery's new hair, and the fact that she was wearing makeup. That was a thing you never though you'd see until Avery would go on a date with someone.

"Lib?" Avery called.

Libby looked up from her phone, like she forgot she was even there. "You look great." She said sincerely.

"You look fantastic!" Xander declared grandly. "You also don't look like someone who might have seduced an old man out of billions, so that's good."

"Really, Alexander?" Zara had announced her entrance. "No one believed that Avery seduced your grandfather."
It felt strange seeing the lady that accused Avery of assaulting her father. You had honestly forgot that she even lived in this place. Where had all of the adults been? You prefer to consider yourself a young adult than an adult adult. You already knew that Skye was probably somewhere, closing herself off from others. There was Zara's husband, and those Laughlin people. 

"Avery." Zara smiled in a off putting way. "Might I have a word with you?"

Your friend nodded, glancing at you before she followed Zara like she was hoping you wouldn't interfere. It's not like you could anyways. Those two designers had already started their work on you.

"Hm, he has a nice facial structure." The lady pinched you cheek as she turned your face for a better look. 

"But his hair is a mess." The man commented.

She let go of your cheek, which you immediately rubbed in pain. "His clothes is also not it." The siblings had already been told that you were a friend of Avery, but that didn't mean they'd do their job any less seriously. 

"We've got much to do." For being a woman shorter than you she was surprisingly strong, proven by when she started dragging you out of Avery's room.

"Where are we going?" You asked the lady.

"We're going to your room." The man said as he walked beside you. "We already have your possible clothes prepared."


"What's more your color? Red? Black? White?" The woman had small pieces of colored fabric and held them next your skin, looking for which colors went well with your skin tone. "Definitely not yellow." 

She handed her brother all of the yellow fabric squares.

Avery was incorrect about the racks only being two if she was a boy. You had gotten less then Avery's amount of clothes options, but it was quite the variety. There were about seven or six racks, and those were only the ones you could see at the moment since your room was smaller than Avery's. You were surprised about how quickly they were about to get all of the attire in your room in less than 30 minutes.

"We never had to deal with something like this before." The man was moving your hair around in possible styles.

"It's not like I dress terribly." You said in more of a curious tone.

The siblings looked at each other.

"Oh come on." You rolled your eyes.

"We're going to do the same prompt we did with Avery. With you." The man ignored your sigh.

"Now, we need you to try and say something to the public, but without speaking." The female stylist held up a part of your shirt where your shoulder was lightly. "The message your sending right now is that you don't care about yourself."

Her brother nodded. "When we change you into the best version of yourself, what would that look like?"

You head was turned to the lady. "Are you a guy who dresses and impresses? Or are you a rebel that went against everything everyone says and goes with your own rules. Or perhaps, a mysterious figure that doesn't cause a scene; yet gets everyone's attention and admiration?" 

"How about just a guy who's not there?" You'd rather not be an eye catching monument.

"Never." The male stylist shook his head. "You must take the opportunity to make people remember you, which is now."

"Let's start with some simple options, since you clearly don't know what style to go with." The woman began going through one of the clothing racks.

"While my sister works on your clothes, lets see your features instead." The man snapped his fingers. "You haven't gotten a hair cut in a while. Maybe a little off the side, work on those sideburns and that would be good enough until we're fully sure what would go perfectly with you."

"You're neither short, nor tall in my opinion." He continued.

"You sure about that?" You crossed your arms.

"See, with clothes like that, you give off a plain look that everyone sees everyday."

"What if that's the point?-"

"Do you hate yourself?"

"Want me to answer that truthfully?"

The woman suddenly stepped forward to you holding four outfits. "I'm going to show you and outfit and say their style and you tell me what you think." She transfer all the clothes onto one of her arms. "Stylish, natural, and eye-catching."

"What's the fourth outfit for then?" You asked.

"That one you'll be trying one. We need to see if your look good in formal attire."

"Formal attire?" You repeated.

"Like a suit."

"Oh?" Your tone a mix of disappointment and curiosity.

The woman handed her brother one of the outfits, keeping two of them, and set the suit on your bed. The one in her left hand was a white, long sleeve button up shirt with some unique design on it, black leather pants, a beige coat that would go to your knees, and a grey belt. A turtle neck paired with a loose shirt over it, and dark jeans was not your definition of 'natural.' The third one's jacket was way too big for you to see the other parts of it's outfit.

"We're gonna go with a less colorful stuff for now." The man said still holding up the third outfit option.

At least they were going to be less stood out, you didn't care what color it was.

"We'll give you some time to think about what outfit." The woman put away the two clothes and picked up the suit and handed it to you. "for now, put that on."

"Okay?" You headed over to the walk-in closet and closed the door behind you. It was one time your were glad a closet was designed that way with a door.

You never believed it'd come to the event you'd were something fancy, not unless it was a funeral or the opening to a movie you've been waiting to see for months. You looked into the mirror, fixing the sleeves of the suit.

"Gross, how does Grayson wear this all day?" You pulled on your shirts collar.

"It's not that difficult, Mr. L/n."

"You should learn how to knock, Grayson." You eyed him. "You're acting like some sort of ghost showing up when I saw your name."

His hand raised to the open door, and knocked on it. "Happy?" Grayson raised an eyebrow.

"What do you think?" You focused on doing your tie instead of his eyes.

Grayson was surprised to see you wearing something besides casual clothes, just as you were shocked when you saw him wearing something other than a suit. You looked more sophisticated, more mature, more professional. and maybe just a little hot in his eyes what-

"Are you struggling with your tie, Mr. L/n?" You could've sworn you could hear some amusement in his voice.

"Pft- no." You scoffed, your tie still undone.

"Turn around."

You turned around and saw Grayson right in front of you.

"You should try learning at some point." He grabbed your tie, untangling the nearly unrecognizable tie due to your clumsiness.

As he worked on your tie, you looked everywhere, but him while still making yourself look natural. It was such an awkward moment to be in.  Too close for comfort situation really. 

"You know, I don't need your help. I could've tied my tie myself, Gray." You look at him.

"Grayson." He corrected you as always, his face implying he had already anticipated you'd say his nickname sooner or later. Grayson let go of your tie, stepping back a bit.

You turned around back to the mirror, but at a speed where you didn't like excited or eager to look at yourself now that your outfit was finally finished.

You had to confess Grayson definitely knew what he was doing... tying your tie of course. What were you thinking?

"I still don't get why you wear these all the time." You said over your shoulder. You were for sure going to learn how to tie a tie after that.


Do you guys think I'm doing to many y/n and Grayson interactions? Or is this good? Cuz you know I wanna make sure I'm not overdoing in it even though it's kinda the point on why you're reading this... idk. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

OH BTW, CHOOSE WHICH OUTFIT WOULD BE BETTER OPTION 1 (stylish) OR OPTION 2 (natural) or if your weird... option three...

--- your fav author

(2777 Words)

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