The Other Winters [Male OC x...

By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

55.7K 1.5K 1.6K is the Resident Evil (Mostly Village) Story that we are making because once the ideas come in... More

Blue Winters
Prologue: Escaping The Baker House
Chapter 1: Military Training
Chapter 2: Blue's First Mission
Chapter 3: Family Dinner Gone Wrong
Chapter 4: The Village
Chapter 5: The Four Lords
Chapter 6: Alcina Dimitrscu
Chapter 7: Showing Mercy
Chapter 8: Peace With The Enemy
Chapter 9: The Four Pieces Of Rose
Chapter 10: The Need To Know More
Chapter 11: Donna and Angie
Chapter 12: Journey to Moreau's Lab
Chapter 13: The Winter Brothers
Chapter 15: The Factory
Chapter 16: The Real Fight
Chapter 17: Heisenberg's Downfall
Chapter 18: Who Am I?
Chapter 19: Saving Rose
Chapter 20: Comatose
Chapter 21: Waiting For You
Chapter 22: Awakening
Chapter 23: Ending The Past
Chapter 24: Ending The Past 2
Chapter 25: Ending The Past 3

Chapter 14: The Truth Revealed

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By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

Blue: I....It just feels wrong to take away a life, I know some people would call me an idiot for thinking like that but......that's not who I am

Ethan: Exactly! That's not who you are! You are my brother, the kindest person I have ever known. If you want to spare someone, that's fine, that's how you do things. But don't always expect that everyone can be saved, because it can never go that way.

Blue: I know, but I have to try always

Ethan: And you can, it isn't wrong for you to think that everyone can have a happy ending.

Blue: Yeah, so.....can we go now?

Ethan: We can, but first, we have a lot of catching up to do

Blue: Yeah, I need to tell you some things.

Ethan: Same here.

Eveline: Are you happy now?

Blue: Yeah, yeah I'm happy, but now we got a mission to do

Me and Ethan exit the reservoir and headed towards the village centre again, we decided to head to Castle Dimitrscu for a quick break. We had one more Lord to defeat and I had a feeling that Miranda will show herself right after.

That's why I want us to plan ahead in a safe environment. I told Ethan and he was a bit sceptical but trusted me since I came out of the castle on good terms with the residents.

Ethan: And you're absolutely sure they can be trusted?

Blue: Of course, Alcina might hate you but the daughters are cool people. Well Cassandra might have a problem with you

Ethan: Oh great

We were at Castle Dimitrscu because we were going to plan our next move, from what I know, Heisenberg is the most dangerous Lord and I didn't want to hang around him for too long. I want to find the flask of Rose and then leave, maybe I might have to confront Miranda because of the fact that she wants me alive.

Oh yeah.....and both me and Ethan have some explaining to do to each other, which I know wasn't going to be a good time but screw it, we need to press on with that. It was the perfect time to do so.

I knock on the main doors to the castle and wait, Cassandra was the one to open it and she doesn't look happy to see us.

Cassandra: Oh great, I thought you were joking

Eveline: Not today

Blue: Usually I would be, but times are getting serious

Cassandra: That won't stop you, would it?

Blue: Oh you know me so well

Cassandra: I wish I didn't

Ethan: Oh wow, you actually got on good terms with them

Cassandra: Please, I would love to see him fall and die

Blue: That's not very nice

Cassandra: Wasn't meant to be, just....come in already

She leads us inside the castle and into one of the main rooms, there was a table and sitting on it, was the other two sisters. Alcina was also there but she was standing in the corner and seemed to be thinking.

Blue: Hello There

Daniela: Oh, you did come back

Bela: Welcome back to our home, Blue

Alcina: So this is Ethan Winters? The Father.

Ethan: U-Umm yes, hello

Alcina: You can have the room to talk, we will be outside, but don't try anything funny.

Blue: But I'm a comedian

Alcina: that way

Ethan: Don't worry, I'm married

Blue: Isn't Mia-?

Ethan: Just wait Blue

Blue: Oh fine

The four leave the room and now it was just me and Ethan, oh yeah and Eveline as well. We sit down on the table and it was quiet for a moment, we didn't know who should speak first because both of us had a lot to say.

Blue: Soooooo.....

Ethan: Yeah......

Eveline: Oh my god, just speak!

Blue: Umm, you first?

Ethan: Alright....I'm the older brother, so I'll go first. alive

Blue: Oh bloody hell, we're starting like that huh? She's alive?!

Ethan: Yeah, even I didn't believe it at first but it's true. Chris, Leon, Jill and the others.....they didn't kill Mia. It was Miranda in disguise

Blue: WHAT?!

Eveline: Oh....oh wow I didn't expect that

Blue: B-But if that was Miranda....where is Mia?

Ethan: We don't know, but I assumed she was now in this village, taken by Miranda and locked up somewhere

Blue: Well then, it's a family reunion

Ethan: You're right, just not in the way I like it

Blue: But still.......that was Miranda the whole time? How long as she been disguising herself as Mia?

Ethan: I don't want to think about it

Blue: That is scary, so Chris and the others are good?

Ethan: Yeah, I already apologised so you're going to have to do the same....right?


Ethan: Blue, you're going to apologise


Ethan: [Sighs] I should've expected this from you

Eveline: Same here T_T

Blue: So I know that, is there anything else I need to know?

Ethan: No, not really, Elena is fine, the team is okay, they're planning to stop Miranda but Chris might head over to a factory or something

Blue: Heisenberg.....

Ethan: He did mention that guy, heard he was dangerous

Blue: Oh yeah, he is. That's why we shouldn't screw around with him, but before we leave, I....need to tell you some things

Ethan: Oh right, what is there to tell?

Eveline: I'm assuming you're going to tell him about Rose?

Blue: I am, but I'm also gonna tell him.....a-about you

Eveline: WHAT?! No no no no! You are not!

Blue: Don't worry, Ethan will understand

Eveline: A-Are you sure? I don't think he likes me still

Blue: Don't worry, if anyone would believe me that someone is a good's Ethan

Eveline: O-Okay....

Ethan: Blue? Why are you talking to yourself?

Blue: Oh damn, I was speaking out loud. Umm well...then...yeah I was just....talking in my head....more like to my head....umm, what do you want me to talk about first? The "I talk to myself?" Or about Rose?

Ethan: Rose, where is she, Blue?

Blue: Dammit Ethan, you're making this hard for me, look....just.....don't overreact because I was shocked too but after some conversations with the Duke, I have found the solution

Ethan: Solution.....solution to what?

I don't say anything and explain why I've been collecting the yellow flasks, how each flask contains a part of Rose. I'm still missing the torso which I know that Heisenberg had, Ethan was confused but then I explain the situation to him.

Of course, like every Father should be, he was shocked, enraged and ready to kill someone but I explained the solution to fix her.

Ethan: What the fuck man........and you're sure that collecting all of them and placing them into that altar will bring her back?

Blue: That's what I've been told and I don't know any other way

Ethan: Okay, how could they do that? To my daughter! I swear.....someone will pay, whether it's Miranda or that Heisenberg guy

Blue: We will cross that path when we reach it, for now.....I have to tell you about something else.....something about Eveline

Ethan: Eveline? Isn't she....gone? What does she have to do with this

Eveline: Well.....

Blue:....Yeah, so you remember how I just casually speak to myself? Well......Eveline is in my head

Ethan: WHAT?! In your head?! How do we get her out?!

Eveline: And now he is reacting badly!

Hold on, let me cook. I've got this

Blue: That's the thing, we don't


Blue: We are on good terms and she doesn't attempt to take over my body [Cough] Because she can't

Eveline: Hey!

Ethan: Wait, you're both good?

Blue: Yeah I know it sounds mind blowing but it's the truth, Ethan. She's been inside my head for a while now, since we left actually, we are chill now and have conversations, she has changed for the better and you know I wouldn't lie about these things.

Ethan:.....Wow, well....I didn't expect that from you

Blue: Come on, you should. I'm that friendly guy

Ethan: You just make friends with everyone, don't you?

Eveline: He is right, do you even know what a grudge is?

Blue: Oh yeah, Eveline agrees with you, and you're right, I....don't particularly hate anyone...I just can't. Even when I try to hate someone, it isn't for long, I just forget about it and try to move on.

Ethan: It would be uncharacteristic of you if you were to hate someone to the core

Blue: Yeah, so, the plan. Alcina doesn't have a layout of the factory but I know it's big, he is hiding something as well. Mr Magneto from Wish might have the B-TEC mutants inside and might be planning an uprising to take over the world using the Lean Skull



Blue: Okay, yeah, that's a bit specific but I like doing that okay?

Ethan: Fair enough? So, where do you think this last flask is?

Blue: It should be with Heisenberg or another secluded part of the factory, and considering it's big.....

Ethan: It might take a while

Blue: Yeah, so maybe we should split up?

Ethan: Oh no, we are not doing that Scooby Doo shit!

Blue: Oh come on Ethan! It's not like we are in a horror movie or horror game, right?

Ethan: Doesn't matter, we are sticking together, we are brothers so we win together

Blue: Oh fine, you're strapped right?

Ethan: Of course, I got my handgun

Blue: Might need more but I'll be here to back you up

Ethan: The little brother trying to out work the elder?

Blue: I've always been doing that

Ethan: Haha, you're not wrong. You've always been special, should we go now?

Blue: Yeah, let's go

We leave the room and got ready for Heisenberg's factory, but before we could leave, Alcina wanted to talk to me.

Blue: What's up?

Alcina: Look, be careful when you go there, Heisenberg is always hiding something and doesn't allow anyone to enter his domain. He will offer you a deal so be wary.

Blue: I'll do my best, and then it's Miranda

Alcina: I don't think I need to tell you about how to stay safe, do I?

Blue: Nope

Daniela: Wait, mother, shouldn't he avoid Mother Miranda?

Alcina: Yes he should

Eveline: Absolutely....but....

Alcina: But he won't, I know he is going to confront her

Bela: Is that not wise?

Blue: It's not wise, but it's the next move. There is a saying, Knowledge has always been chasing me....but I'm too fast for it....or something along those lines

Cassandra: Those words have never been more true, you are an idiot and if you somehow die then don't expect any sympathy from me

Bela: Don't listen to her, Blue. Myself and Bela would be saddened if you were to pass

Blue: Oh, so does that mean we're friends?

Daniela: Yes

Cassandra: No

Bela: Maybe

Alcina: No comment

Eveline:........[Sighs] Yeah, I guess we are friends

Blue: Good enough for me, now time to pay a visit to Uncle Hobo Magneto and deck him in the schnoze!

Everyone: 0_0

Ethan: That's my brother for you

Cassandra: How are you two brothers?

Ethan: Well he is adopted

Alcina: Alright, leave now, I've got more important matters to deal with.

Me and Ethan leave the castle and made sure we were prepped for the factory, we were getting close to the gates but I stopped for a moment, I had a chill go down my spine and that usually meant something bad like.....

Someone watching us.

Ethan: Blue? What's wrong?

Blue: We're being watched

Ethan: What? We are? By who?

Blue: I don't know but you trust me right?

Ethan: I do, why?

Blue: Stay here, I'm going to confront whoever is watching us right now

Ethan: Are you sure? Do you need help?

Blue: Nah I'm good, it's me, remember?

Ethan: Alright, but be safe, shout Stranger Danger if you need me

Blue: I will........nah, who am I kidding? I won't!

Ethan stays behind while I go towards the direction where this mysterious person was. I said I didn't know who it was but really I do know, I just didn't want to tell Ethan who it was because he might go ballistic on with them or me.

Eveline: It's....her, isn't it?

Blue: Yeah

I was now in a secluded part of the village and felt something behind me, I look and watch as crows begin to swarm around me and then disperse to reveal the one behind it all.

Blue: Miranda

Miranda: Blue Light, we meet again, properly, it was impressive of you to know that I was watching, you even managed to track me down

Blue: Yeah, I'm just that guy you know? So, it's the official face off between me and you, although I think you should take off your mask. Don't think hiding behind it makes you intimidating.....although I could probably pull it off

Eveline: I doubt it

Blue: You're jealous that I can

Eveline: I am not! Why would I jealous anyways?

Miranda: You're right, it isn't right for me to hide my face from a cute and handsome boy like you

Eveline:......I don't like her vibe

Blue: Why? She's just complimenting me

Eveline: Yes but not in the right way

Blue: There's a right way and a wrong way?


Miranda smiles and takes off her mask, revealing her beautiful face. Hey, she isn't ugly at least, would've told her to put the mask back on if that was the case.

Is that rude of me to say? It might be but hey, I don't care, I don't hold back on my insults.

Miranda: So Mr Winters, are you entranced by my beauty?~

Blue: I mean, I would lie if I say that you aren't beautiful

Miranda: Oh you flatter me, you're just a kind hearted boy, aren't you?~

Blue: I mean yeah, you're still my enemy though so don't expect compliments all the time

Miranda: It's unfortunate......but it doesn't have to be like that, you know?

Blue: Hmm? What do you mean? You want me to compliment you all the time.

Miranda: While I don't mind that, that is not what I'm talking about, what I'm referring to is that you can join me, Moreau is dead and I'll need someone to take his place, Heisenberg too if you plan to kill him, maybe your brother?

Blue: How

Miranda: Why refuse? I can you want~

Blue: Anything?

Eveline: Blue, don't you dare!

Miranda: Anything~

Blue: Can I have the abilities to turn Super Saiyan?

Miranda: W-What? No!

Blue: Then I decline

Eveline:.....Nevermind, we're good, his idiotic mind can be useful

Miranda: Reconsider your choice, you might not regret it

Blue: Nah, I'm happy with what I got. I mean, you can reconsider if you want?

Miranda: What? Are you saying that I should surrender?


Miranda: You are certainly a foolish boy, are you not?

Blue: No, I'm a smart boy. You give up, and then I won't have to kill you

Eveline: Blue, what are you doing?!

Blue: Hold on Eveline, let me cook

Miranda: You think you....can kill me? Surely you're joking around, right? There is no way your mind would go there

Blue: I mean, it mostly goes to milkshakes and ice cream which I'm really craving at the moment, but who knows? I could be very serious right now, but we will have to find out later. For now, I'm going to go and see your homeless son

Miranda: If this is how it's going to go, then I hope you find peace with your option, because I won't

Blue: Oh I already found peace, not every solution has to lead to one of us stabbing the other, we can solve things the peaceful way

Miranda: I admire your optimism, Blue Winters. But it will get you nowhere but into the next world

Blue: Oh I hope it's not the world of Attack on Titan

Miranda: Do you even care? Your life is at stake here, both you and your brother's

Eveline: I mean, he doesn't really care when facing death......when he should

Blue: We shall see, because at the end of the day.....One Shall Stand....and One Shall Fall

Miranda: And fall is what you will be doing

Blue: I don't think so

I walk away from Miranda as she eyes me for a moment before disappearing. I head back towards the factory gates and found out that it was open, Ethan was still waiting for me but stretches when he sees me.

Ethan: Finally, you're back, dealt with our stalker?

Blue: Yeah, just a Lycan, almost bit my face off so I introduced him to the ground.....they were getting along

Ethan: I can imagine, now let's go, that Heisenberg guy opened the gates and basically is inviting us to come in

Blue: Ooo, I do hope he has the tea and biscuits ready for us

Eveline:......I miss eating cookies

Blue: If I can somehow feed you, I will

Eveline: Thank you Blue

Blue: No problem, now let's go bash in some skulls and get that flask!

Eveline: Right after when you gave that talk huh?

Blue: What talk?

Eveline: You tell me! Mr "Not every solution has to lead to one of us stabbing the other!"

Blue: I don't know who that man is, but I will find him and I will make him give me a fiver for the ice cream store

Eveline: I swear, you're going to be the death of me, Ethan and everyone else!

Blue: Oh I can just imagine the kill streak! Mothership, here I come!

Ethan:......At least he is having fun

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