Fairy Tail Adventure Resort (...

By makasxru

554K 15.9K 15.7K

The Fairy Tail guild has been whisked away to a hotel. Plans awaited them, unexpected arrivals from other gui... More

Currently Under Changes.
Chapter one : Going on vacation?
Chapter two : Lets go!
Chapter three : On the plane
Chapter four : Arriving
Chapter five : Pool party
Chapter six : Rock climbing
Chapter seven : The obstacle course
Chapter eight : Treasure hunt
Chapter nine : Find the rings
Chapter ten : The nightmare
Chapter eleven : Visiting him
Chapter twelve : Paintball
Chapter thirteen : First date
Chapter fourteen : The other guilds
Chapter fifteen : Concert
Chapter sixteen : Fancy dress party
Chapter seventeen : Rescued
Chapter eighteen : Ice bucket challenge
Chapter nineteen : Off to the bookstore
Chapter twenty : Feeling ill
Chapter twenty one : The renaissance fair
Chapter twenty two : Renaissance Fair (part 2)
Chapter twenty three : The eventful date
Chapter twenty four : Juvia vs Natsu
Chapter twenty five : Breakfast
Chapter twenty six : Open gate of the rainbows?
Chapter twenty seven : Rise and shine
Chapter twenty eight : Ren and Sherry's wedding
Chapter twenty nine : Want to dance?
Chapter thirty : Want to dance? (part 2)
Chapter thirty one : Gaming
Chapter thirty two : It isn't a date!
Chapter thirty three : Training
Chapter thirty four : Looking for a needle in a haystack
Chapter thirty five : The flower blooming Capital
Chapter thirty six : Merry Christmas!
Chapter thirty seven : Merry Christmas! (part 2)
Chapter thirty eight : The fight
Chapter thirty nine : Pranks
Chapter forty : Mount Hakobe (Part 1)
Chapter forty one : Mount Hakobe (part 2)
Chapter forty two : Revenge
Chapter forty three : Acting differently?
Chapter forty four : Let's not give children nightmares
Chapter forty five : Goodbye
Chapter forty six : Home
Thank You.
Time To Vote!
Results + 10 Facts About Me.
Prompt Ideas?


7.6K 228 334
By makasxru

Gajeel's eye slowly opened up followed by the other to see the ray's of sunlight streaming through onto the wooden floorboards. His eyes traveled up along the white bed sheets seeing the large book open with a tiny hand rested on top of the pages. His eyes got further up travelling his eyes along the porcelain arm to stop on the beautiful sleeping face. His fiancee's red glasses were lopsided on her nose with her mouth slightly open.

Gajeel's mouth turned up into a smile and he gently retracted his strong arm from her tiny waist. Levy needed her sleep. But her alarm would go off soon enough.

He pushed the covers off of his body and found his white t-shirt to put on. After slipping it on he swung his feet round and got off the bed. Gajeel walked around the bed and pried the book from Levy's hands putting her bookmark in the open page. He closed it over and sat it by the table. After that he crouched down a little and gently pulled off her glasses sitting them on top of the book.

Gajeel remembered how he proposed.


Levy was sitting in the living room with a cup of hot tea beside her. She flipped the page on her new book, her red glasses were on the bridge of her nose.

"Shut it cat!" Levy heard Gajeel shout.

Levy frowned lifting her eyes away from the pages "is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah fine!" Gajeel shouted back.

Levy nodded and craned her neck back down to her book. What was he up to?

She heard footsteps and the creak of their new floorboards. From just above she could see Gajeel coming through, he stopped in front of her. Levy kept her nose in the book asking "is something wrong?"

"Oi shrimp." Gajeel called.

Levy frowned looking up "don't call me-" She stopped when she saw him standing there with a book in his hands facing it to her. "Is that for me?"


Levy read the title, 'Wizard Magic.' "I already have this?"

Gajeel sighed "just open it."

Levy frowned but nodded, she pushed her glasses up her nose then took the large book in her tiny hands. She opened the book and gasped, there was a hole in the pages, shaped like a neat square. But when she looked in she saw a ring?

Levy reached her hand into the hole and pulled out the ring. It was made of iron, a small neat ring with minuscule diamond shapes around the ring.

When she looked up she saw Gajeel take the ring from her hand and was down on one knee. Levy's mouth was open, no words came out of her mouth.

"We've been together for bout' a year or so, and I love you. So I thought screw it."

Levy knew her eyes were going glassy with water. She let out a little laugh from his words.

"So, Levy shrimp McGarden, will you marry me?"


Levy's mouth twitched a little but then she sunk further into the pillow. Gajeel smirked and then left their bedroom. Their bedroom was a mix of books and nails. He went down the wooden stairs to the living room and found Lily sitting on the cream coloured sofa. He looked up "good morning."

"Morning." Gajeel stretched and let out a deep yawn. He raked a hand through his long black hair then said "I'll make breakfast what do you want?"

Lily shrugged "anything is fine. We should get to the guild soon."

Gajeel nodded "yeah I know. Preparing and all blah blah." He waved his hand in a circular motion, making a left and going into the kitchen. He turned on the rings atop the cooker then pulled out a pan from the bottom cupboard. Gajeel then opened up the fridge taking out some eggs.

He got to making eggs, Lily liked them scrambled, Levy liked them scrambled and Gajeel liked them boiled.

He cracked some eggs putting them on the pan that was atop the heating ring. With his foot he opened the fridge again stretching down to get slices of bacon.

Sizzling noises crackled in the kitchen the aroma of bacon and egg swirling. Gajeel heard Lily say "good morning Levy."

"Morning Lily! Excited for today?"

"Of course."

Gajeel heard footsteps come into the kitchen "staying up late reading isn't good for you."

Levy shrugged turning on the coffee machine "maybe. But it was a really important moment in the book." She smiled and turned to face him leaning her back on the black marble worktop. "Morning."

"Morning." Gajeel smiled taking a look at his fiancee. Her hair was tied up with a lilac ribbon in her hair with the usual blue strands of hair falling down her face. She was wearing Gajeel's black shirt that funnily enough went to just above her knees. Once a shrimp always a shrimp.

Levy leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He raised his eyebrows but smiled "I think it's a good day for it."

"You bet."

"You better be in it this year! Last year you weren't in the fantasia parade!" Levy sighed.

Gajeel sighed "yeah yeah I know."

Today was a special day, the Fairy Tail Fantasia Parade.


Juvia opened her eyes her blue hair splayed across the pillow, she yawned and pushed herself up with effort she pushed the hair away from her face. The other side of the bed was empty, the light blue sheet ruffled a little. Juvia looked down lightly touching the bump on her belly.

Gray and Juvia had married last year, and were expecting a child. She was seven months pregnant, a bump was visibly evident, it was pretty large, it made Juvia cringe that it would get even larger. She heaved herself up swinging her legs up off the bed pushing herself up and standing up. Juvia tied up her hair in a ponytail and put on some slippers leaving their bedroom.

Their bedroom had cream coloured walls with a grey desk and bookcase at the far wall, a mirror was above the desk. There was a large wardrobe taking up one wall, it was ironic since Gray barely wore clothes. The bed was a double with light blue sheets and matching pillows. There was a bedside table on each side, on Juvia's side was a framed picture of them at their wedding.

It was a portrait picture of Juvia and Gray kissing overlooking the water, Gray was in a black suit and blue tie what surprised Juvia was he didn't strip at all at their wedding, and it lasted the whole day. Juvia was in a floor length strapless lace dress, there was a light blue belt around her waist and she was leaning up kissing Gray her arms around his neck, he leaned down and had his hands on her waist.

Juvia walked along the hallway and put her hand on the banister slowly walking down the steps. She was slightly annoyed she had to do the fantasia parade looking like a whale. She reached the bottom step and walked along the hallway towards the kitchen. Juvia entered and smiled seeing Gray getting himself some cereal.

"Good morning." Juvia smiled.

Gray turned and smiled "you could have told me you were awake and I would have helped you downstairs."

"Juvia isn't that incapable you know." She pointed at him walking to the sink, she pecked him on the cheek then got a glass of water.

Gray saw her bending down to get a bowl and said "I left a bowl for you."

Juvia smiled "thank you." He was treating her like a baby now that she was pregnant, watching her every move, making sure she was eating okay, that she wasn't sick...

Getting some muesli in the bowl she poured some milk and slotted it back in the fridge. Juvia got a spoon and carried her glass and bowl to the table, she sat across from Gray at the table. Gray studied her, he did that every morning to check she was okay.

"Juvia is very excited for today." Juvia smiled.

"Yeah same. I'm fixing up the floats with some of the others."

Juvia nodded "Juvia is just sorting out decorations."

Gray peered "don't strain yourself."

Juvia sighed "Juvia won't."

"Good." Gray smiled putting some cereal in his mouth.

Juvia smiled at her husband and began recalling when she told him that she was pregnant.


Gray and Juvia were sitting in the guild hall across from each other. They were as happy as they could be, they had married a couple months ago.

Gray had no idea it would get even better for him.

Juvia reached in her bag and pulled out a little box in blue wrapping paper, neatly there was a silver ribbon around it. "It's for you." Juvia smiled.

Gray furrowed his eyebrows at the gift sat on the table between them. "Huh? What's this?"

"It's a gift?"

"For what?"

Juvia shrugged "you'll find out when you open it." She pointed at the box again smiling giddily.

Natsu and Lucy came over, Natsu peered at the box "is it someone's birthday?"

Lucy shrugged "I don't think so?"

"Hey guys what's going on?" Levy appeared with Gajeel behind him.

Erza who was eating some strawberry cake came by to see the commotion.

Gray untied the ribbon and teared the wrapping paper off. He opened up the lid and when he saw what was in the midst of the white tissue paper his mouth dropped. "Are you serious?"

Juvia broke out into a wide smile "yes. You're not mad?"

Gray laughed "of course not!"

"What is it?" Levy asked.

Gray pulled out a slender light pink object, a pregnancy test. Everyone gasped and leaned in seeing 2 blue lines, positive.

Lucy gasped and threw her hands up in joy "you're pregnant?!"

Juvia nodded smiling.

Gray stood up and walked around to Juvia sliding in next to her encasing her in a hug. "I can't believe it." He whispered.

Juvia's eyes turned glassy and she laughed lightly "Juvia couldn't either."


The guild erupted in cheers and the mother and father to be smiled hugging each other. "Get out the booze then! None for Juvia though!" Cana grinned chugging a bottle of wine.


Juvia and Gray walked to the guild hall hand in hand, Juvia kind of toddled as she walked, no doubt when she got bigger she would end up waddling like a duck. Magnolia was alive and full of chatter for the fantasia parade, today in the morning decorations would be put up. They planned on putting bright lights on each pole light along the streets.

Of course the job Juvia was given was at first just to sit and relax, but after she insisted on helping she got the job of making some nice decorations. They walked down the cobbled path, Juvia halted stretching her arm out to Gray's chest stopping him. Gray frowned "what?"

Juvia pointed to the ground at his orange shirt on the path, Gray gasped and picked it up slipping it on. "Juvia would have picked it up but she can't."

"Nah it's fine." Gray smiled.

"So what do you think a boy or a girl?" Juvia asked.

Gray shrugged, "I don't mind. But I have a feeling it's a boy."

"How can you tell?"

"I can't, just a hunch. Even if it's a girl it'll be the coolest kid ever, much better than Lucy's and flame brains."

Juvia tilted her head "you think they'll have kids?"

Gray nodded "oh yeah."

They entered the gates to Fairy Tail and Gray held her hand helping Juvia up the steps, they walked through the doors seeing the guild lively and happy as ever. Wendy was first to notice, she smiled running over to them "hello! How are you feeling?" She asked Juvia.

Juvia smiled "Juvia is feeling fine."

"That's good to hear!"

"Juvia is going to go get some food." She waved a goodbye to Gray and Wendy walking towards the bar to Mirajane.

Gray sighed.

Wendy looked up quizzically "is something wrong?"

"She ate 3 muffins this morning."

"Well she is eating for two." Wendy chuckled.

Gray smiled down at Wendy hands in his pockets "anyway how are you and Romeo?"

Wendy shrugged putting her hands behind her back "fine."

Gray shook his head "jeez your fifteen and have a boyfriend, how does that even work. Anyway what are you doing today?"

"We're helping with the stars and the hearts and confetti." Every year they also had some glittering shapes that would float around the street, a bit of magic power was needed to keep them afloat. "I'm so excited!"

"Yeah me too." Gray smiled.


"Yeah well now I'll have to go and buy more food again, if you eat everything in my kitchen within two days you need help!" Lucy scolded.

Natsu shrugged "but you're food is so nice."

"Yeah it's delicious Lucy!" Happy agreed.

The three walked up the steps and into the guild hall, Lucy smiled "everyone seems excited."

"Well why wouldn't they be? It's the fantasia parade!" Natsu cheered so everyone heard him, heads turned to the three and cheered back. Natsu grinned and strode inside dragging Lucy along by the hand. The wedding ring evident on her finger.

They had gotten married last week, it was the best day of Lucy's life. Levy was her maid of honour, surprisingly Gray was Natsu's best man, well when they weren't arguing they were friends. Lucy's bridesmaids were Erza, Juvia and Wendy. Natsu's groomen were Gajeel, Gray, Happy and Laxus, Jellal and Meredy even made an appearance.

They walked in and spotted Juvia sitting at the bar eating something, Mirajane was behind the bar chatting happily to her. Lucy said "I'm going to go see Juvia okay?"

Natsu nodded "yeah sure, see you later?"

"Of course." Lucy nodded. She let his hand go and walked over to the bar sitting on the stool next to Juvia "hey Juvia."

"Lucy? Hi." Juvia turned smiling, she was eating a muffin. Lucy had started to notice this, Juvia ate a lot of muffins.

"Hey Mira." Lucy waved.

"Hi Lucy, can I get you anything?"

Lucy nodded "can I have some coffee?"

"Coming right up." Mirajane turned around going to make coffee, Mirajane and Laxus had gotten married a few months back. It surprised Lucy because Laxus didn't exactly seem like the marrying type.

"So how's everything?" She sang pointing a finger at Juvia's stomach.

Juvia shrugged putting her hand on her belly, "everything's alright so far, Juvia has felt the baby kick every now and then which is good."

Lucy nodded "that's great to hear! I'm so happy for you." Juvia and Gray were the furthest ahead in their relationship, because from all the Fairy Tail girls Juvia was the only one married and pregnant. Well there was of course Bisca but she wasn't pregnant, Asuka was also taller but Lucy refused to accept Asuka grown up.

"Here's your coffee." Mirajane appeared with a cup of coffee, Lucy smiled taking it "thanks." Lucy replied.

"Lucy! Lucy come here!" Natsu called waving her over, he sat at a bench.

Lucy stood up "sorry about this, I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah." Juvia smiled.

Lucy nodded and hopped off the stool and carried her coffee over to the table Natsu sat at, she hopped over Cana who had went drinking all of last night and was passed out on the floor. Apparently Bacchus visited so they had a drinking contest (yet again). Lucy put her coffee down and sat on the bench across from Natsu, Natsu smiled "so what're you doing again today?"

"I'm helping to put up the decorations and I'm sorting out costumes. I need to fix Juvia's because I think her stomach has gotten even bigger than the day before." Lucy laughed.

Natsu sighed "I still can't believe that popsicle is gonna' be a dad. You know when we have kids ours are gonna' be so much better than Gray's!" He shouted.

Lucy choked "that's a little fast."

"We could go get a kid right now and ours will be better!"

"Yeah um not right now N-"

"Huh? What was that ya matchstick!" The opposite side of the guild Gray was talking to Warren when he heard the disturbance. Natsu stood up putting his hand on his hip "yeah you heard me! Our kid will be so much better than yours! Just wait!"

"Oh you think so? Well our's will be older and much stronger than yours!" Gray marched forwards towards Natsu.

Lucy scooted away from her seat and decided to take a seat by Wendy "they're arguing about who's child will be better and I'm not even pregnant." Lucy didn't notice the slight spark in Wendy's eye.



"What's going on here?" They heard a scary voice enter the guild hall, boots clicked on the floorboard towards Natsu and Gray who were starting to sweat and shake. "N-nothing!" Natsu and Gray said sweat pouring down them.

The scarlet wizard stopped in front of the two "well why don't you two go to work?" Erza raised an eyebrow.

"Yes ma'am!"

Erza sighed and took a seat with Wendy and Lucy "hello you two. How are you both?"

"Fine." Lucy nodded smiling.

"Good how are you?" Wendy asked.

Erza shrugged "good."

"How's Jellal? Is he coming today?" Lucy asked taking a sip of her coffee.

Erza shrugged "I haven't heard anything from him." She looked saddened resting her chin on her hand. Erza and Jellal were probably the least progressed in the group, they weren't engaged, weren't married, she wasn't pregnant. But honestly none of that mattered to Erza, she loved Jellal and he loved her so what did the progress matter? It was hard because Jellal was always moving around so they didn't discuss anything like marriage, but Erza felt like she was in the greatest relationship so she didn't care.

It was love so what else mattered?


Lucy had her glasses perched on her nose with a sewing needle in her mouth, she was fixing the waistband of Juvia's dress. Juvia wasn't accepting the fact that she could no longer fit in it, but Lucy snatched the dress to make some alterations.


Lucy looked up from the dress and smiled, she picking the needle out of her mouth "Wendy. How's everything?"

"Great, we just enchanted all the confetti." Wendy smiled.

"So what's up?"

Wendy bit her lip "well. How is everything with you and Natsu-san?"

Lucy frowned narrowing her eyes "fine? Why?"

"Well... Have you maybe... Well..." Wendy's face turned red in a blush.

Lucy froze looking at the small girl, was she trying to ask if they have had sex? But of course they had, they had been together for a few years. So why was she asking. "Why?"

"Well recently..." She prodded her two index fingers together.

Now Lucy wasn't good at catching on sometimes, she was starting to think she wanted the talk or something, she was happy Wendy would turn to her though. Juvia would be too detailed, Levy would just get embarrassed and walk away, Erza would be too energetic about it, and the others.. no not helpful at all. Lucy asked "are you asking if we have recently?" They had, on their wedding night.

What? It's normal?



Wendy gasped looking up, like something sparkled in her eye, she looked overjoyed. Her eyes looked to Lucy's stomach and back to her curious eyes "have you been feeling well?"

Lucy had actually been having some morning sickness... "you don't think!" Lucy gasped and then waved Wendy over to lean in. "Do you think I'm pregnant?"

Wendy nodded and whispered "I think so. When I walked past you I sensed something strange, but I wanted to check with you to see if you were aware."

Lucy rubbed her lips together and smiled "okay come on." She stood up sitting the blue dress aside and taking Wendy's hand "I want you to check if it's definite."

Could she be pregnant?


Levy went on her tip toes shoving the costume in Gajeel's face "change."

"I don't wanna' be in it." Gajeel folded his arms.

"You weren't in it last year so you will be in it this year." Levy said in an ordering voice, she stood in a short lilac dress, the skirt was dark purple and the top lilac. Some wings were attached on the back, Bisca, Cana, Laki, and Lucy also had the same costume as they were sharing a float.

"Gajeel Redfox put this costume on now or I'm going to hide your stash of iron." Levy put a hand on her hip looking up at him.

"You don't know where it-"

"Oh yes I do." Levy smirked.

Gajeel peered cautiously "you could be lying."

"Could I?" Levy shrugged "are you going to take that chance?"

Gajeel grumbled and snatched the costume storming away. Levy smiled, she was determined to have him in the parade this year. He would be sharing a float with Natsu and Wendy, much to Natsu's dismay, that Gajeel was on it.

Even the Thunder God Tribe would be sharing a float this year, after a long argument between Mirajane and Laxus about wearing his costume Laxus had compromised to wear the costume but with his fur coat. Evergreen had continued trying to lower the dress a little to show more cleavage but Mirajane put a stop to that. Then when she tried to pull the skirt up a little to show more leg Elfman sad 'it's not manly for my girlfriend to show that much leg.'


Gray hopped up onto the float and then crouched down at the steps putting his hand out, Juvia put her hand in his and he helped her climb up the steps. Gray and Juvia were always the favorite float, their compatible magic just clicked and made the float beautiful. Their float was blue, at the front of it was the Fairy Tail guild mark also in blue. There was nothing on the float but-

"Ice make, castle!" Gray pushed his hands out and then an ice made castle appeared on the float, it was beautiful. Juvia smiled at the castle, it was like their background. Juvia waved her hand and from the roofs of every point on the castle water sprayed out into the sky.

Everyone was ready on their floats prepared to go. It was now night and the floats were at the start of the street. Gray could hear people up ahead cheering and clapping. At the very end float was the Master in his usual costume. Then in front of him was Levy, Bisca, Cana, Lucy and Laki. In front of those five was the Strauss siblings. After them was the Thunder God tribe. Then it was their three dragon slayers. After them was Gray and Juvia. And  third was Erza. In second was Romeo, Wakaba, Macao, Max, Warren, Jet, Droy, Asuka and Alzack. And to start off was Carla, Pantherlily and Happy their three exceeds.

"Everyone ready to go?!" Natsu cheered walking past Juvia and Gray's float towards his.

The guild cheered "YEAH!"

Juvia smiled "would this count as our child's first parade?"

Gray shrugged "I think our kid would have to be there to see it first."

"Maybe they can hear it? Juvia is  a couple months away anyway so they should have ears." Juvia giggled.

Gray nodded "well maybe the little guy will hear it." He walked over to Juvia and crouched down at her large bump "hear that little guy? This is your first parade."

Juvia chuckled "Juvia isn't exactly looking her best for this parade but to have you with us makes it better." She said looking down at her bump. Her dress was a long blue one with silver glitter on the bottom sprinkling up. The waistband was loosened above the bump. There was a silver tiara on her head with a blue diamond in the center.

Gray's costume was a sleeveless shirt that was blue with glitter on the long zip, he had white trousers and blue boots. A dark blue cape was on his back. On Gray's head was a silver crown with a matching diamond.

Gray sighed "you look beautiful."


Natsu passed Lucy's float putting his thumbs up "you guys will do great!"

"Natsu!" Lucy called.

He halted and asked "what's up?" He walked backwards to the float. Cana, Bisca, Levy and Laki looked interested as Lucy waved him over to come onto the float. Natsu did so climbing up in front of Lucy "you okay?"

Lucy nodded "well I wanted to tell you something before we started. You know maybe to get you in the spirit?"

"Okay...?" This time Natsu wasn't in bandages, he had a red cape on his back and an outfit similar to Gray's but with oranges and reds.

"I'm pregnant."

Natsu grinned "pregnant? I thought you were supposed to put me in the spirit that's nothing- hang on what?"

Lucy smiled "Wendy checked. I'm pregnant. A few weeks or so."

Natsu blinked and whispered "so we're having a baby? I'm gonna' be a dad?"

She nodded happily "you're not mad?"

"Mad?" Natsu shook his head and his signature grin appeared on his face "Luce! This is the best news ever!" He embraced her into a large hug and she broke into a large smile hugging back. "We're having a kid!" Natsu shouted.

"You what?!" Cana exclaimed.

"I'm so happy for you two!" Levy cheered.

Natsu pulled away and Lucy gasped, his eyes were glassy he was about to cry. Lucy put her hands on his shoulders and kissed him, a warm joyful kiss. "Save the tears for later. We've got a parade to do."

He nodded "yeah. See you! And you!" He pointed at her stomach and happily leaped off the float towards his chanting "I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad!"


The floats rolled into Magnolia street, there was dancers lined up on the path at each side doing a routine as they came through. Confetti was floating all over the area and people were on each side of the path cheering. Fireworks began to fly into the air and burst with a loud high pitching whirring noise and a bang.

Happy, Carla and Lily were first, Happy was waving rapidly when he saw Lector and Frosch, Frosch was sitting upon Rogue's head. Rogue was in the crowd smiling, next to him was Kagura who waved to Erza who came in too. Lector was on Sting's shoulder, and holding Sting's hand was Yukino who smiled looking up at the fireworks.

Asuka grinned with her toy gun, as she fired it into the air confetti fired out sprinkling down on the path. The street was illuminated by lights on the lamps. She gasped looking in the crowd "daddy is that Mr Jellal?"

Alzack blinked "so it is."

Erza did a twirl as her swords spun in a circle around her, she spun again and her swords covered away and as she turned back her long dress was gone and she had a white bikini with gold glitter on the straps and white skirt with gold tassles. Erza's scarlet hair was curled and tied in a beautiful ponytail with golden clips. Her swords danced around her and her float and she danced while people cheered.

She looked around the crowd smiling, she waved at her friends belonging to Mermaid Heel. But then she looked up spotting someone. At the back standing by the alleyway masked, only his eyes shown. But she noticed the blue hair sticking out and the slight tattoo. Erza didn't need to see the rest of his face, she smiled at him and just the light in his eyes.

Jellal lowered his scarf and she did see his smile and discreet wave. Erza tilted her head biting her lip and giving a small nod in return.

That was all she needed.

Gray and Juvia's floats came forwards and the cheers were huge. Juvia smiled and nodded to Gray, she raised her hand and water shot up and letters reading 'FAIRY TAIL' appeared. Gray moved his hands and froze the water making it ice.

Juvia pushed her hands up and water sprayed from the floats. After that she raised her hands up and some rain came down, Gray swished his hands and turned the raindrops into ice making them shine bright.

Gray looked around at the crowd and spotted Lyon. He gave a small wave and smile, Lyon waved back. Juvia noticed her familiar pink haired friend standing next to him, she had her cloak and hood up however. Jellal wasn't too far away. Juvia did spot Lyon and Meredy with their hands clasped, Lyon gave Juvia a smile and nod.

And next the dragon slayers. Natsu was on top of the world as he shot fire from his mouth that turned letters into 'FAIRY TAIL.' Wendy was to the left of him dancing and having small whirlwinds spinning around their floats. Gajeel had made iron stars and hearts while Wendy used her sky magic to keep them afloat. People cheered waving to their tent. Wendy gave a huge wave down to her friend Cheria, Sherry was there with Ren smiling.

The Thunder God Tribe came next, Evergreen was flying above the float sprinkling her fairy glitter around the float and into the crowd. Freed had his dark purple wings keeping him in the air, he created small beings to put on the edge of the float. They were dark purple and stickmen like that danced and spun. Bickslow was with his 'babies' and was standing upon them and sticking his tongue out the bore the fairy tail guild mark. Laxus heard the cheers and squeals from women as he used his lighting magic in the sky.

The Strauss siblings came next, Lisanna was also flying with her animal soul bird wings she used a light pen to write in the sky 'FAIRY TAIL.' Elfman was the scary act using full beast mode to roar at the crowd. Mirajane smiled, she was standing in the center of the float.

"Mira! Mira! Mira!" People waved shouting to her.

Mirajane's smile turned wide and she stretched both arms out and transformed, there was a bright light and then her long dress turned beautiful into a shorter dress that was white and blue with diamonds on it. She learnt last year it freaked people out if she turned into a snake.

After that was Lucy's float. They all did a routine with pompoms dancing left and right then doing a twirl. Lucy tossed the pompoms in the air catching them and stepped forwards and back doing a high leg kick. Levy grinned at her and she grinned back.

And the finally float was the Master. He had a small float, he danced quite oddly, waving his hands jumping from side to side. But people still cheered for him clapping and waving.

Everyone smiled. Fairy Tail was home.

And in that moment everyone halted and raised their right hands and pointing their index fingers to the sky and thumb out. Lucy shown her pink guild mark on her hand with pride, she loved Fairy Tail. It was home.

It was hard to imagine life without Fairy Tail. If it wasn't for Natsu her life probably would be without Fairy Tail. Without her friends. Without Natsu.

And Lucy thanked every day she met him. That energetic firey pink haired guy. Who she loved. Who brought her to her home. She couldn't be more grateful to have become a strong Celestial Maiden in Fairy Tail. To meet new people. To meet Natsu.

Lucy knew as their hands were raised.

Fairy Tail would always be watching over you.

T H E    E N D.


Yeah that's it! This story has been a crazy ride and I'm so grateful for all of you reading this, when I uploaded the first chapter I just had a sudden feeling to do it. I didn't expect to get this many readers, comments and votes!

But I'm going to have a huge thank you in a next part. Right now I just want to give you the epilogue, I do hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if it's kind of late.

Please comment and vote!

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Thank you again! You guys are amazing!


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Lemons. Nalu Gruvia Gale Jerza and more. Watch how they all end up together in a bunch or short stories. Love is in the air. I do not own fairy tail...
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After the GMG , Mira comes up with a master plan to get her OTP's together , so she asks master if she can take the guild to a beach resort , what wi...
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Many children of the fairy tail ships? Gone. Will they reunite with their parents? Maybe. Hotel? Trivago.
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This story is about Nashi Dragneel and the rest of the next generation of Fairy Tail wizards. One day, a new dark guild appears in Fiore. With little...