Harbinger Of Doom: The Attain...

By eeriesage

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Lores Taptallen was born in a chaotic time of war and domination. In a world where two species of humans poss... More

1. A Conflicted Heart
2. The Ceremony
3. An Explorer
4. The Wanderer
5. Initiated
6. Liz
7. The Hunt
8. A Hard Task
9. In Need
10. Departure
11. Experiment
12. The Capital
13. The Bounty Hunt
14. Exclusive Tavern (1) - The Riddle Contest
15. Exclusive Tavern (2)- The Prince's Agent
16. House Of Berath
17. The Conspiracy
18. Recruited
19. Snowfall Palace
20. Street Fight
21. The First Assignment
22. Summoned
23. The Conference
24. A Man In The Pool
25. Fense County (1)
26. Fense County (2)
27. Fense County (3)
28. Star Of Doom
29. Recovery
30. The Archery Contest (1)
31. The Archery Contest (2)- Commencement
32. The Archery Contest (3) - Bad Blood
33. The Archery Contest (4) - The Second Phase
34. The Archery Contest (5) - The Final
35. Smokescreen
36. Azure Mystic Art
37. Ill Omen
38. Progress?
39. Bane
40. The Teahouse
41. Art Of Tea
42. Remarkable Outing
43. A New Ally
44. Red Moth Village
45. The Dragon Flintstone
46. The Sage
47. Medicine Chef
48. Seven, Where Are You?
49. Overhaul
50. Accepted
51. A New Stage
53. The Queen Visits
54. Mystic Blade of Asura
55. Back To The Prince.
56. Enjoying The Moon

52. The Life of Shawlunge

20 10 21
By eeriesage

"Alright. Alright. Don't be so happy. I call the second stage a stage of neutrality. In this stage, you're neither an amateur nor a professional. Calm down."

Lores simmered down. He proceeded to search for an explanation with regards to his trance.

"Master, I saw myself in a vast tempestuous land. The thunder and lightnings were scary. For a moment, I thought I had met my demise. Strangely, I was unscathed by the lightnings. Then suddenly, I was swept to the pinnacle of a tower I thought had no end. It looked so real until I heard your voice urging me to return to reality."

The sage smiled a little and nodded impressively.

"That was the realm of awareness. You weren't harmed by the lightnings because your will was stronger. If you had not jumped down from that tower, you would've have been consumed by your inner self." The sage's face turned bitter. "It would be a terrible experience. You would have gone berserk due to wrong practice of magery."

Lores cogitated on what the sage had said. He was beginning to comprehend the versatility of the phenomenon. Witnessing the impartation, unveiling the truth of the esoteric knowledge of the cosmopolitan world. Many have met a dead end, and have been swallowed up by their fates. Resolves have been shaken, leading many to succumb to overwhelming ordeals. Lores was bent on writing his own story as opposed to the omnipotent writer- fate.

How far can he go?

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

After the phenomenal day that Lores broke through to the second stage, he had been radically training on channeling his essence energy to his sword but ran into a bottleneck. He pined for a tangible improvement, for he was desirous and also...bemused. His avid performances were so-so whereas he fought like a top tier mage against the lady at Red Moth Village. Till now, Lores couldn't find any concrete explanation to his anomaly at the village. "Lores, what's happening? Was I possessed by some supreme being when I fought the mage of Snowil?"

By now, Lores was already sweating bucket beckets. Normally, when a natural advances into the second stage, they would be able to sufficiently channel their essence energy to their weapon. But Lores' case seemed to differ. The sage had told him that it was all the demanding disposition of his being an attainer, yet each time Lores thought of his anomaly at the village, he lacked conviction. He occasionally sensed that something was out of order in him.

He capitulated with a frown, then left for the house to meet the sage.

The sage seemed to be getting set for calligraphy as he conscientiously grinded ink on an inkstone. Near the oil lamp were neat sheets of vellum waiting to be used. The mild crushing sound hung when Lores entered. He unhurriedly sat close to the table with a complex frown of frustration and fatigue.

"Still no improvement?" The sage smiled indifferently, seemingly amused by the Lores' wild-goose chase, the rhetorical question a further evidence of it.

Lores sighed, then shook his head. He goodened his expression before making a statement.

"Master, let me help with that." He would rest for a while and try harder next time. The sage allowed him. Lores held the ink grinder and started grinding conscientiously.

"The core of the energy vessels is situated in the abdomen. Perhaps you need to regulate your breath by using a special breathing technique to effect your essence energy." The sage easily said. He took a brush and smeared it on the inkstone, his eyes keen on his actions, his body language accentuating his personality trait of reluctance.

(A/N: For emphasis, in case you're wondering what energy vessels look like. Energy vessels are unnatural veins that are all connected to a point known as essence core in the abdomen. So, normal humans have sea of essence while mages have essence cores)

Desire burned in Lores eyes. "How do I do that?"

The sage put his brush on a sheet of vellum and started sketching something. "Understanding the law of balance; yin and yang, essence and function. While you were unconscious, I checked your elemental affinity. It's water." The elder then lingered as if he was tired of talking. "In this context, we have to apply the theory of essence. You have to circulate yang energy around the vital areas. Allow the primordial energy of the sun to nourish your energy vessels. It allows you to tap into your warrior state. Don't be hasty. I'll guide you." He added after an unclear amount of time.

Lores fell into thoughts. The sage did not lie. Lores was truly capable of manipulating the water element. He watched as the sage attentively sketched on the vellum. This mysterious old man had a way of speaking casually without having to think the slightest, as if everything he says was innate in him. He was a very wise man with a substantial knowledge.

How can one know so much? His title as the sage had authenticated it. He was well versed in concepts and wisdom. His teachings were full of insight. His wits were peerless compared to several royal preceptors whereas he exuded the aura of a doofus and a petty lover of herbs not worthy of attention.

Lores opted to ask questions he thought had little or no answers to. Meeting the sage was an unparalleled chance to grow in invincibility as well as in....wisdom.

"Master, could there be any other stage after the stage of earthly celestiality?"

The sage continued sketching without looking up. He answered fluently at his own time of convenience.

"Earthly celestiality is the highest stage of magery. However, the legend said that there is a supreme stage known as divine permanence. It's the stage of complete immortality, although no one is known to have advanced to that stage till date."

"Do you personally believe there is a stage like that?" Lores asked inquisitively.

The sage smiled. "After examining the principles of the world, I conceptualized the law of impermanence. As long as time and space exists, nothing in this world is permanent. Wealth, glory, power....and even humans cannot stand the test of time. Anything that contradicts the law of impermanence cannot be accepted by me. Once upon a time, a mage attempted to break through to the so-called stage of divine permanence but he ended up dying."

"Who is that mage? Shawlunge? I mean, only Shawlunge would dare to take such risk." Lores shrugged, doubting if his presumption could be false. The sage glanced at Lores, the writing brush stock still in his hand. He brought back his attention to the sketch later on.

"Mm." He grunted after a hush sigh. Lores swallowed. He was unnerved by the rude response of his master. When it came to matters related to Shawlunge, the sage seemed to be moody, not to mention it was about the death of the mage. Lores replied nervously.

"That explains the cause of his death. It's okay if you don't want to talk about him." He shrugged off the issue and kept on grinding the ink. After a long whist, the sage spoke abruptly, as if he had been warring with his thoughts. Lores shared a similarity with Shawlunge, and he felt an inexplicable connection with the youth. To him, Lores was just another version of Shawlunge. But he needed time to bring himself to believe it.

"Shawlunge used himself as a specimen to experiment the truthfulness of divine permanence. Some said he died from the explosion of his internal organs due to the practice of a forbidden soul mantra while others said he took a mercury refined elixir and died of mercury poisoning. There are some mysteries surrounding his death." The sage's voice was grave and slightly emotional. "Which of the causes of his death would you choose to believe?" The sage asked casually, smearing the writing brush on the inkstone.

Lores mused. "Considering that Shawlunge proposed the theory of essence, his death is most likely to be caused by mercury poisoning. I believe his taking of the mercury refined elixir was for the nurturing of the essence. Reciting a forbidden soul mantra seems more of nurturing the mind, and it doesn't fit in the principles of Shawlunge."

The sage smiled but it did not brighten his face. "You're smart."

Lores face creased, oblivious to the accolade. "How are we sure that this Shawlunge is dead for sure. If there are mysteries surrounding his death, it's possible that he could still be alive, probably living as a hermit in some mountain or forest....like my master." He teased and giggled. The sage smiled while giving Lores a nostalgic look. This time, his face brightened a little.

"A poem was recovered in the abode of Shawlunge after his death." The sage began. "The evening primrose faintly shimmers on the dark alley to the graveyard. A lost soul, a vanguard of death I am. On the road of no return, I go first." The sage's face was wistful and nostalgic. "It was believed to be written by him. The poem creates an impression of his death"

"How do you know Shawlunge so much?" Lores asked puzzled. The sage froze again, his eyes affixed on the vellum without moving. His composure transmitted a warning, and Lores thought he was prying too much. After a grave silence, the sage spilled the beans.

"Shawlunge....was my student." His eyes remained on the vellum as he resumed sketching. Lores 'oh-ed' in sheer surprise. Who could ever have thought that? He bobbed his head in congruence the sensible overall effect of the sage's huge secret. "Now it explains why he's so touched when it comes to Shawlunge. Damn! This Shawlunge. Why didn't he clarify that the sage was his master in his book?"

"Little wonder you refused to accept me as your student at first." Lores confirmed. "The sorrow of Shawlunge's departure still lingers in your heart, and I was ignorant of it." He felt guilt brewing in his heart. He knelt down and bowed his head. "Master, accept my condolences, and forgive my rudeness from the outset."

The sage smiled warmly. "It's alright. Actually, it's been more than two hundred years ago."

Lores' face creased into a frown. "Huh?"

The elder demurred before blasting lightning. "I have a lifespan of 300 years."

Lores eyes widened incredibly in astonishment. If he had added a little more effort, his eyes would have popped out of their sockets. It seemed as if a sudden jolt of electricity had coursed through his veins leaving him momentarily stunned. "Holy cow!!!"
Meanwhile, the sage was calmly sketching, abandoning Lores to deal with the shock alone.

"Wait....y...you..." Lores stuttered. "Y... you're partly an immortal?"
"Little wonder you know a lot!!! If you can live that long, that means the wanderer is also....damn!! All of you are mysterious!"

"You're saying you met Shawlunge more than two hundred years ago??"

More than two hundred years ago, Shawlunge was born into a noble family in the Eastern Province of Solice. His father was sealed with the title of a Duke by the then king. His mother was from the northern kingdom of Liz, making him of mix races. Shawlunge's upbringing was thorny due to his mother's status as a concubine. The legal wife found him unbearable to the core. His appearance alone irked the hell out of her. His father was usually occupied with official affairs and took no notice of this. As a matter of fact, he didn't know much of Shawlunge's life and hardships, for he was a busy official. Consequently, Shawlunge grew up as a lonesome individual who wanted to explore and unravel the mysteries hidden in the world. His personal guard was the only person who was concerned about his wellbeing.

His journey into magery began when he stumbled on the sage while exploring. That day was a phenomenal day that led to a turning point in his life. It all happened in a cool evening by the riverside. He met an elder who was standing close to the river, gazing at the sky with a faraway face, as if trying to compile the vastness of the world in his head. The elder appeared to be collected, allowing the serenity to reach his bones. His demeanor exuded an otherworldly grace and knowledge. Shawlunge perceived the comfort provided by the elder's presence. He was like a refuge in the midst of a storm. Shawlunge initiated a conversation, asking several questions and expanding his knowledge through the hospitable elder.

Shawlunge continued visiting the riverside from time to time to meet with the elder. At sixteen, he already discovered his potentials and practiced tirelessly under the tutorship of the elder. After acquiring a factual knowledge of magery, he started to conceptualize his principle. He found out that primordial energy could also be used to nurture the essence, other than being manipulated by the mind. The elder assented to his concept and stated that his student would be the precedent if he followed that untraversed path. Shawlunge was intrigued by the mystery he uncovered. He observed the world and studied strictly to make his approach concrete.

At the age of twenty-eight, Shawlunge had already mastered the stage of earthly celestiality with his established principles which shot him to fame in the society of mages. He was seen as an epiphany for mastering the fourth stage at such a young age. Many mages began to study his theory of essence and practiced in accordance to it. Shawlunge's complicated life left no room for affection. He turned down all the arranged marriages organized by his father. He was subsequently labeled as unfilial and rebellious. As a punishment, he was banished westernmost part of the kingdom where he wrote his book...and probably died.

Lores was in a complete daze. "How can you guys live that long?"

The elder continued sketching with composure. "Those who have reached the stage of earthly celestiality will form an emergent soul and a heart of longevity that endows them with earthly immortality."

Lores frowned. "But you're still in the stage of exaltation." His eyes instantly sparkled. "Or where you...?"

"Yes." The sage replied. "When Shawlunge was still my student, he fought with a mage and was gravely injured. His essence core was almost damaged. I spent a huge percentage of my prowess to heal him. That was how I dropped to the third stage. After Shawlunge died, I decided to live a simple life free from desire."

Lores could tell the experienced sage had seen enough of the world. Shawlunge was dear to him. Nothing else in the world piqued his interest. He was just a contented fellow waiting for his time to come. Lores' eyes fell on the vellum sheets. He saw several sketches with written descriptions under them.

"Master, what are these?"

"These are steps you need to follow in order to progress. I'm going to guide you on how to perform them. You want to be strong, don't you?" The sage asked with an interesting smile. Lores agreed emphatically.


"Now let's get started."

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