Meeting With The Villain | Pr...

By flowery_170

10.1K 272 118

Ramona Hernandez, 17, is just living her normal life in Brooklyn, New York, starting her junior year of high... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 10

278 9 0
By flowery_170

I'm scared to ask about the party to my parents.

What if my dad goes onto a full hiatus mode?

What if he intends to go to the party with me?

I'm on the phone with Noelle, Evie, Jason, and Kaleb as I go into an internal abyss.

"Of course, I'm going. Why am I here on earth then? To go to a black hole?" Kaleb states.

"My mom says I can go but if everyone is going," Evie explains.

"My parents said I can go only if no one is going to do anything stupid and I should only check on you guys," Jason says.

"Duh! Why would I not go to a party?" Noelle chimes in.

"I'm sure your parents won't be too strict. Unless this is your first party to go." Jason questions me.

It is my first party...

I chuckle slightly faltering my voice as Jason sighs.

"Okay, so..." Noelle starts. "You're officially dead."

"Thank you for being supportive, Noelle!" I sarcastically state.

"I gotta go and finish my chem homework otherwise my dad will ground me again," Evie grunts.

"Okay, good luck with Chem," I tell her as she logs off from FaceTime.

"I gotta leave too, I have to go to an event with my parents in an hour," Kaleb tells us.

"Bye, Kaleb!" Jason, Noelle, and I simultaneously say.

After a while, the three of us had a conversation for another fifteen minutes about college essays and SATs. Then Jason and Noelle had to leave because they were going out together somewhere on a picnic.

Aha! I'm the official matchmaker.

I always knew I should trust my gut.

■ □ □ □ ■

I'm now downstairs having lunch with my parents. We eat quietly until my dad props up a question, "Did you finish all of your homework?"


"Have you signed up for SATs?" He asks another one.

"Yes, on the 13th of October," I answer him.

"Do you have anything you want to tell us?" My mom inquires.

Dang it, she knows my thoughts too well.

As the saying goes, Mamas know everything.

"Well... I was wondering if I could go to a party with Evie and Noelle this Saturday. I promise I will only stay with them and not touch anything. I'll just stay with them." I rant hoping they won't get mad at me.

The dining table stayed silent after I said that. I watch my parents' expressions waiting for an answer.

Then my mom commands, "Have your phone on at all times. Don't talk to anyone other than Evie and Noelle. Stay with them at all times even if you have to use the bathroom." And that's all she says.

My dad adds, "Don't do anything stupid otherwise we'll know and be back before 10 pm!"

I nod my head in agreement vigorously.

I finish lunch and wash my dishes closing the dishwasher machine.

I go back to my room and I read my book.

■ □ □ □ ■

I'm in Evie's house and we're all hanging out before we get ready for the party.

"I'm surprised that you're alive, your parents might've been fuming," Noelle states, as she brings nachos chips into the living room

"You have no idea. My mom was dead serious about the rules she gave me and I intend to follow them." I say as I take a Miss Vickie jalapeño chip bag opening it.

"Good, as you should." Evie agrees as we all watch season two of Scooby-Doo: The first episode.

I remember watching all of the chase scenes with my siblings and I used to either hide my face in Gabriel's body or Camila's because they would just give me anxiety.

And mostly felt scared by the villains.

Oh, come on. The masks were just terrifying. I was five!

We ended up finishing the nachos bowl by the end of episode five and we started to get ready.

Evie changed in her bathroom while Noelle changed in the downstairs bathroom and I changed in another bathroom. Evie's parents went out on an adorable cruise to celebrate their 40th anniversary.

Evie told us she got them a stuffed teddy bear and handmade a card for them.

I finished changing and went to Evie's room to do some final touch-ups.

I see Evie in a full-sleeved black blouse and white jeans. She has her brown hair in a braid down on her shoulder. Evie sees me and she drops her jaw down.

"You look so pretty!!!" She jumps up and down in excitement at the sight of looking at me.

I'm wearing a burgundy fitted twist-front top with blue jeans that flare at the bottom.

Since I have long curly hair, I just let it down otherwise brushing it through would be chaos.

I blush at her compliment because I usually don't know what to say when I'm being complimented.

"Thank you. You look gorgeous." I compliment her back. Noelle enters the room and immediately drops her makeup bag on the floor looking at us.

"You guys look so fab!!" Noelle squeals. She's wearing a white shirt with a black jacket and a green skirt. She has her blue hair up in a bun letting her baby hairs' hang.

She then picks up her makeup bag and states, "We should do our makeup!" We got to business and after ten minutes we finished our makeup.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Time to go to the party!" Noelle and Evie simultaneously exclaim. We gather all of our belongings including pepper spray if God knows what happens to us. We go downstairs and put on our shoes. We set the alarm, picked up the house keys, and left the house locking the main door.

"I call shotgun!" Noelle yells as she gets into the passenger seat.

"Dang it," I muttered as I got into the back seat. Evie gets into the driver's seat and says, "Everyone wearing their seatbelts?"

"Yup!" Noelle and I simultaneously answer her.

Evie adjusts her mirrors and then turns on her headlights before driving. She drives out of the curb and onto the street.

After five minutes, we arrived at the party.

■ □ □ □ ■

Authors Note: Heyy!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter will be Miles's POV! So get ready for that!

Question of the day: Favorite movie and why?

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