you're annoying | ryeji

By ylrcyjyl

35.3K 1.6K 482

A story in which two teenagers meet in the worst possible way, but somehow managed to turn it around... [RYEJ... More

!! new book !!


1.2K 57 43
By ylrcyjyl

chp. 32 (last)

"You look nervous."

"That's because I am," Ryujin replied to her sister as she dug through her closet. It was her seventh outfit and it wasn't working, so she was hunting for other clothes she may have. Never in her life would she have known that she'd be here right now, destroying her closet's organization system, simply because she was going on a date.

Oh, there's one thing missing.

She was going on a date with Hwang Yeji.

And it wasn't just any date.

It was a Valentines date.

Not that it made much difference, because to Ryujin, any date with Yeji was just as nerve-racking as this one.

Yeji brought that out in her.

The nervous, unsure, and overthinking side of her. But Ryujin liked that, it practically proved how special of a person Yeji was to her.

"It's like what, your twentieth date together? Why are you nervous?" Yuna asked again, leaning on her sister's closet doorframe with her phone in her right hand, her fingers tapping away at the screen.

"I don't know either." Ryujin turned off her closet light. "Move, I gotta get my helmet."

Yuna obliged with her eyes still glued to her screen, only to tuck it away when the older Shin walked through the door. "You're thirty minutes early." She trailed behind the latter.

"Being early is better than being late."

"That's debatable." Yuna jogged down the stairs to catch up with her sister, snatching one of the crackers from their snack table before munching on one. "By the way, can you ask mom and dad if I can go out too? They won't say yes to me unless you, the caring and responsible sister, ask them."

Ryujin paused in her tracks, her left brow slowly raising. Her sister was a lively girl, no doubt, but this late?


"What could you possibly be doing out on Valen..." Ryujin gasped. "DOES MY BABY SISTER HAVE A VALENTINES DATE??!"

Yuna kicked her sister in the shin, stuffing the older's mouth with the cracker in hand. "What? It's not a crime! I'm fifteen!"

Crack, crack.

"Yeah! You're only fifteen!" Ryujin exclaimed around the cracker, chewing it hastily and swallowing it before the younger could say anything else. "Spill the beans, who's your date?" She crossed her arms.

Yuna huffed, mimicking the other. "None of your business."

Ryujin narrowed her eyes. "Do you want to go?"

With a sigh, Yuna clamped her hands together. "Please, Ryu. Just one time! I never ask you for anything in particular! I didn't even tell Yeji how you drank toilet water before... Imagine how she wouldn't want to kiss you—"


"Let me go!"

Even though she'd like to know Yuna's date before agreeing, Ryujin decided that the younger was wise enough to go out with someone reasonable, someone that Ryujin probably needn't worry about. Thus, she let out a defeated sigh. "Fine."

Yuna's eyes lit up. "Thanks! I owe you." She patted the older on the shoulder and ran back up the stairs, eager to prepare herself for the date after confirmation.

Meanwhile, Ryujin watched as her sister ran away, a blank look on her face before she frowned. "That's it?" She shouted. "You're not gonna like, give me a hug, or something?"


"Awesome," Ryujin muttered to herself. "Thanks for being the best sister ever, Ryujin! I love you so much! Aww, I love you too!" She rolled her eyes. "What a sweet sister I have. Right, Yuna?"


"Uh... Why are you talking to yourself, Ryujin?" Taecyeon appeared down the hall, scratching the back of his head as he contemplated whether or not he should fetch hallucination pills.

Ryujin sighed dramatically. "You wouldn't get it, Taecyeon."


"'Kay, babe. What we're gonna do when we get in, is you talking to them and captivating them with those dreamy eyes of yours, and while you're doing that, I'll slip right by!" Ryujin snapped her fingers, a suggestive grin on her lips. "Oh, and remember that you can't actually give them your number."

Yeji deadpanned her girlfriend. "I'm not doing this because you forgot to buy two tickets, Ryu. We can just go somewhere else."

Ryujin sighed, the light in her eyes slowly fading. "But I know that you've been wanting to watch this movie..."

Clicking her tongue, Yeji smacked the shorter on the back of her head.


"Don't forget to buy two tickets next time then, dumbo."

And before Ryujin could get another word in, her girlfriend who looked insanely cute when annoyed was already dragging her out of the cinema, bringing them out into the busy streets.

It was Valentine's day, so it was automatically expected for every restaurant and attraction to be packed with people. But when Yeji pulled Ryujin into a restaurant, stating that she had a reservation, Ryujin's jaw practically fell through the floor.

"When was this?"

Yeji glanced at the purple-haired, trying to contain her amused smile. "What? When I got a reservation?"

Ryujin nodded eagerly.

They turned into a reserved corner hand-in-hand, a semi-bright candle in the middle of their table, doing its job of setting the mood on a Valentine's date. Yeji did the honours of pulling out the chair for her girlfriend.

"I'm supposed to do that," Ryujin murmured to herself, sulking as she defeatedly plopped her bum down.

After settling into her own seat, Yeji answered to the other's question from earlier. "I knew you were going to mess something up. I had a plan B just in case."

"What?" Ryujin was baffled, offended, almost. "Are you saying that you didn't trust me to go through with our date?"

Yeji casted her a sidelong glance before replying. "Yes."

Gasping loudly like the dramatic person she was, Ryujin's eyelids tightened as she stared ahead at the brunette, who was nonchalant as ever, scanning the menu. "Have some faith!"

"How can I when you've forgotten your wallet almost every date we've had?" Yeji shot back, glaring at her with a hint of playfulness in her orbs. A little while after their mini staring contest, giggles escaped both girls' lips.

Later on, the girls got their food and began to dine, alongside a few chitchats relating to their day. It was like every other date, though that didn't mean it wasn't special. They shared the highlights of their days, argued over who was going to pay the bill, strolled down the chaotic streets of their city, and even went on a mini adventure in an aesthetically pleasing chocolatier.

As they were browsing, Yeji had slowed down behind her girlfriend just to get a better look. An adoring smile played on her lips when she noticed the sparkles in Ryujin's eyes every time she turned to her, either with an exotic-looking chocolate in hand, or something delicious that Ryujin would beg her girlfriend to get for them until Yeji agreed. Yeji could never disagree.

And despite their romantic evening spent with each other, Yeji couldn't help but reminisce their salad days, even if it wasn't that far away. The night walks, calls, taking long detours just to avoid the purple-haired Shin that had annoyed her before (and still did.)

It felt like a dream to Yeji, the good kind. The kind where you'd wake up disappointed and go back to sleep to continue the dream. The kind where you'd remember the details and wish that you could experience it again. And the kind that warmed the heart and made you giddy when you thought back on it.

Ryujin, was the dream.

Although she wasn't only a dream anymore, meaning that she was no longer unreachable and had became reality. In Yeji's case, reality was better than any dream. She cherished these moments with Ryujin, the intimate, romantic, playful, or even irritating ones. She loved them all.

And most of all, it was unbelievable to think that their relationship had started off with... a very wrong accusation. Whether that was thanks to her friend Yeonjun or not was absolutely debatable. And while Ryujin claimed that she would've somehow captured Yeji's attention without his help, Yeji didn't think so, claimed that she'd annoy her to no end until she really noticed the purple-haired, just like how it was at the start.

Or perhaps, they would've somehow befriend each other because of Minjeong and Jimin. However, the couple didn't bloom before Yeji had ever taken notice of Ryujin. So maybe that was also thanks to Yeonjun.

Whatever, Yeji thought. Either way, she had everything she's ever wanted, and no way was she about to contemplate on the 'whys' and the 'what ifs'.

"Yeddeong! Come look! Come look!" Ryujin shouted over the now bustling crowd and cracking fireworks, forcefully tugging on her dazed girlfriend. "Fireworks!"

Yeji giggled and followed along, allowing herself to be pulled by the Shin like many times before, only this time, she didn't feel so obliged. She was pleased. "Slow down, I'm gonna lose you!"

Ryujin glanced over her shoulder for a split second, her signature grin full on display just for Yeji to see. "You won't ever lose me!" Then she turned back, unaware of the light-pink that had trailed over the brunette's nose bridge, onto the faint caramels of her cheeks.

Sooner or later, they halted on the middle of a wooden bridge, huffing and puffing as they slowed. The bridge was filled with people, yet there was enough space for the two to squeeze in and watch the fireworks from there.

It was a beauty. The fireworks illuminating the night sky, bursting into a dazzling display of different shapes in a variety of colours. There were pink and red hearts in the air, reminding them of the special occasion tonight. Almost everyone around them were a couple.

"They're beautiful," Yeji whispered, loud enough for her girlfriend to hear. Her gaze shifted from the fireworks to Ryujin's radiant smile, unable to help the smile of her own that appeared.

Ryujin turned to her, and instead of the mischief she'd normally wear, her orbs were directed at the brunette softly, as if she was afraid to mess anything up. Her eyes reflected the mesmerizing glow of the fireworks. "Not as beautiful as you," she whispered back.

Yeji rolled her eyes playfully, glancing back at the night sky. "Smooth talker, aren't you?"

And with a peck on her girlfriend's cheek, Ryujin pulled her even closer by the hand. Their bodies were flush to their sides. "Only when I'm with you."

That said, the fireworks continued to light up the dark night, each explosion more spectacular than the last. It was as if the universe itself was celebrating their love and the love around them. It was wonderful.

"I wish I could stay in this moment," Yeji murmured, gripping the bridge's edge at the thought of reality. Her mother was having her wedding soon. She didn't know how to feel about it. She never did.

The shorter girl shifted her softened gaze to her girlfriend, understanding Yeji's words. She always knew that Yeji had a somewhat complicated situation when it came to her mother, whether it was because of their broken relationship, or because of her parents' separation and her mother's haste in finding a new partner. Ryujin understood, she often did when it came to her brunette. So, when she heard those words, knowing exactly what Yeji was referring to, Ryujin didn't hesitate to take Yeji's hand that was gripping the edge, taking it in her own.

"I know it's a lot to process, Ddeong," Ryujin began gently, leaning closer to Yeji. "But you have to remember that no matter what happens, I'm here with you through it all. And you can think of the wedding as your mother's happy ending, like ours. If your father wasn't the one, then it's possible that she's found the one, even if that's painful to digest."

The brunette nodded softly, a slight frown replacing her delightful expression earlier. "But... I don't want him to be replaced."

Ryujin chuckled, all but amusedly. "He's not being replaced, babe. He'll always be your dad, and he'll always be there for you. I'm sure your mother would agree."

Taking a moment to process Ryujin's oh so reassuring words, a small, genuine smile had taken over the frown on Yeji's lips. She looked over at her girlfriend. "Thank you, Ryujin," Yeji spoke with sincerity. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Ryujin smiled, the mischievous kind, and shifted her eyes back on the sight above them. "You'll never have to find out. I'll always be here."

Yeji's heart swelled with overwhelming love and gratitude as she gazed at Ryujin, her rock and her anchor in a world full of uncertainties. Although the fireworks were doing an excellent job at lighting up the night and painting the sky with vibrant colours, Yeji couldn't deny that it was the warmth and comfort of Ryujin's existence that truly illuminated her life.

And at that moment, Yeji couldn't help but to cradle her girlfriend's face, taking her by momentary surprise. Once their eyes met, Yeji saw her. The girl who squeezed herself into her mundane life as the ever-so-bright sunshine she was, lighting up every corner of her life whether she liked it or not. The girl who Yeji inevitably fell in love with and couldn't live without. The girl who annoyed her to death yet never failed to make her smile. And the girl who had changed her life for the better, making her look forward to going to school compared to the start of the year.

"Ryujin." Yeji's voice came out soft, filled with a depth of emotions that words couldn't ever capture. Thus, she settled with— "I love you."

Grinning playfully despite the mutual and possibly even more love, Ryujin poked her girlfriend in the stomach. "You're getting romantic lately."

Yeji raised a brow, her smile present as she did so. "I may or may not have a girlfriend who's ten times more romantic. I'm pretty sure she's rubbing off on me. I don't know though," she shrugged, only to release a laugh alongside Ryujin's fond chuckles after.

They spent a couple of stretched moments gazing into each other's eyes, observing them as if they were each other's galaxies. Ryujin had never felt so full with love.

"I love you more," she replied tenderly. In that moment, with the fireworks painting a breath-taking backdrop to their declarations of love, it felt like the whole world faded away, and Ryujin wanted nothing but to cherish it.

The corners of Yeji's eyes crinkled as her lips pulled into a smile, not feeding the urge to argue with her girlfriend about who loved the other more. Actually, she didn't need to worry at all. Because when Ryujin's sweet lips collided with hers, every emotion and love was exchanged, proving that they loved each other just as much as the sun and the moon, creating an eclipse.

It was moment frozen in time, like all cliché stories, and the two teenagers deeply in love amidst it all.

As their lips parted, the two broke into immediate smiles. Sharing one last glance, they diverted their attention to the last wave of fireworks, admiring them fully as their hands intertwined.

If Yeji had to pick the most memorable moment she experienced this school year, it would surely be meeting the nutcase that was Shin Ryujin.

Who knew that one person could impact her life so much? Nevertheless, change her perception of love that was damaged early on in her life?

Well, definitely not Yeji. That was for sure.



"So, you're saying that you'd save Hongsam and Insam before me?!"

"Don't put words in my mouth! And I'm sure you would save Byul-e and Dal-e if it came down to it too!"

Ryujin scoffed, taking the wet dumpling wrappers that was supposedly demonstrating herself and the two dogs that were 'drowning'. "I wouldn't," she murmured sulkily, slapping the wrappers down on the table.

Yeji rolled her eyes in response, snatching the wet wrappers before throwing them into the trashcan beside her. "Don't take it so seriously, Ryu. You can swim and our pets aren't dumb enough to jump in the water with you."

The now raven-haired Shin crossed her arms, feigning annoyance as she did so. "Fine. But I'll have you know that I'd save you first with no hesitation."

Grinning from ear to ear, Yeji nodded. "Right."

It had been exactly five months since their graduation, a day that was so significant to the Yeji from before that she couldn't believe it when she cried because she was leaving the school. If her memory was serving her right, she clearly remembered dreading school and wanted the year to go by fast. But once the year flew by and she was clad in her graduation regalia, she found herself reminiscing.

Aside from that, Ryujin had been with her ever since graduation, successfully getting into the same university as her girlfriend. Even with their different lives and backgrounds, they managed to move into a cozy apartment complex near their university together, decorating it with everything they desired.

The girls had grown even closer with each other, their love and support for each other going above and beyond despite their occasional struggles and problems.

Along with two cute puppies. Although, both dogs were back by Yeji's dad's place. He claimed to be needing some company, so the young couple didn't hesitate to send them over to him.

Back to what was previously mentioned, what they were doing as of now was credible evidence; they were seated around their coffee table in the living room, hand-making dumplings on a Saturday afternoon. Just like a normal, loving couple.

"Minjeongie called earlier today," Ryujin began, carefully placing another neatly wrapped dumpling on the flour-covered plate, amongst Yeji's messy creations. "She invited us to that beach house she rented for the weekend. You know, the one right by shore."

Yeji's face and body quite literally lit up with excitement, her eyes reflecting the sun setting right beside them through the living room window. "REALLY? That sounds amazing! I've been waiting for them to invite us. Jimin said it was still under renovation a month ago."

"Well, it's finally finished. Jeong said that the others will visit too."

"When is it?"

"Next weekend. Apparently, she wanted to celebrate our first semester at the university."

"Should we bring the dogs?"

Ryujin paused, narrowing her eyes. "If we do, that's when the scenario of me and the dogs drowning become reality."

Yeji chuckled, a playful smirk across her rose pink lips. "You dramatic girl. I already said, the dogs aren't that dumb!"

"I'm serious! What if one of them decides to chase a seagull and ends up in the water?"

The brunette bursted into fits of giggles. Her girlfriend's ridiculous humour was still present and a constant in her life. "That will never happen, babe," she shook her head, an amused smile on her face. "But— for your sake, fine! I'll leave them by my dad's for next weekend too, they'd probably enjoy his company more anyway."

"Great! Problem solved." Ryujin smiled and reached over for another wrapper. However, during that action, it seemed as if her excitement was also overflowing, causing their new vase of flowers to tumble off the coffee table. Both of them stared at the vase as it fell in slow motion, water splashing out, and flowers scattering across the floor.

Yeji's narrowed cat eyes direct over to Ryujin's widened, alarmed ones. "What'd you say about never knocking them over again?"


"Clean it up!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Ryujin scrambled up to her feet and ran into their kitchen for paper towels, hasting back to dry up the mess before picking up the fallen flowers.

Meanwhile, the now distressed brunette had her head in her hands. "My dear flowers..."

"Yeddeong, they're not dead yet," Ryujin chuckled at her girlfriend's dramatic theatrics. Maybe she really was rubbing off on her after all.

"They will be if you keep doing this! It's our fifth vase this month!"

Ryujin sighed heavily, wet paper towels and very much alive flowers in her hands as she spoke. "They will never die, Yej. Not on my watch. They're like our love and relationship, indestructible and resilient—"

"Ryujin, are you seriously comparing our love to flowers that are on the brink of death?"





"Um... I take back everything I said."

"Babe..." Yeji sighed, standing up from her spot just to snatch the flowers away from her girlfriend. Once she noticed the frown that surfaced on Ryujin's face, Yeji didn't hesitate to press a kiss on her lips to kiss it away. "Just finish up the dumplings. I'll take care of this."

Ryujin pouted, a teasing look amidst her adorable act. "So you wouldn't save me before Hongsam and Insam, but not only that, you're saving the flowers before me?"

"Oh my god," Yeji fake-cried. "You're so annoying!"

"But you love me!"

"Yeah... I do."




thank you to those who commented, voted, and interacted with the book in any way :) i genuinely appreciate you all taking your time to read this made-up story of mine. ALTHOUGH i do admit that i will miss writing for this book, i think i'm pretty satisfied with how it ended, so there will be no epilogue (unless i somehow change my mind)...




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