Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4...

By MyWickedWays

333K 36.4K 17.2K

[Contains Volume 4-6] There are different types of kids. There are kids who play around, kids who bury themse... More

108 | The Promise
109 | Not So Cliché
110 | Make It Gold
111 | Announcement
112 | Queen's Visit
113 | The Vixens
114 | House Of Queens
115 | Stage Fright
116 | Amber Eyes
117 | Surprise Gift
118 | Hinted Past
119 | Let's Talk
120 | Wasting Bullets
121 | Eating Out
122 | Winter Break
123 | Private Request
124 | Eve
125 | Mistletoe
126 | Second Term
127 | Top 100
128 | Class II-A
129 | Senior Advisor
130 | Seventh
131 | Club Month
132 | Confession No.1
133 | Red Kiss Mark
134 | Confession No. 2
135 | Confession No. 3
136 | 8 Seconds
137 | The Unfavored
138 | Seven Executives
139 | Unmasked
140 | New Leaders
141 | Untold Truth
142 | Revelations
143 | Making Plans
144 | Confession No. 4
145 | Do-over
146 | Fourth Protectors
147 | The Tamer
148 | New Rank
149 | New Chapter
150 | Chosen Battles
151 | Field Trip
152 | Very First
153 | Awkward Encounter
154 | The Banquet
155 | Brother Conflict
156 | Who to Trust
157 | Entangled
158 | Task 01
159 | Connections
160 | Secret Post
161 | Sleepover
162 | The Informant
163 | Looking For Clues
164 | Lincoln High
165 | Friend on Queue
166 | Troublesome Lord
167 | Fake Evidence
168 | Much Needed Audience
169 | Codename: Iris
170 | 2 Birds 1 Hacker
171 | Tasks Complete
172 | Best Suit
173 | Greatest Desire
174 | In Need Of Help
175 | Friends
176 | Save A Friend
177 | Campbell's Jewel
178 | Elite School Convention
179 | Class Transfer
180 | Give Them Hell
181 | Be Our Guest
182 | Impressive
183 | Battle of Royals
184 | First Impression
185 | Applause
186 | Never Running
187 | Intimidate
188 | Private Table
189 | An Old Acquaintance
190 | Moving Too Fast
191 | Stakeout
192 | Obsessive Admiration
193 | Convention Disaster
194 | Let Go
195 | Powerless Heirs
196 | Little Birds
197 | Fifth Day
198 | Our Truth
199 | Real Monsters
200 | Just Kids
201 | Economy Trip
202 | Rank 11
203 | Hot Ramen
204 | Annual Brotherhood Meeting
205 | Revelations
206 | Exchange Secrets
207 | Annual Brotherhood Reranking
208 | Day 01
209 | Prison Fight
210 | Day 02
211 | Royal Underlings
212 | Day 03
213 | Dark Clouds
214 | Illegal
215 | Chairman Valor
216 | Hanging Bridges
217 | Day 04
218 | Run
219 | Don't Hold Back
220 | Sacrifices
221 | Desperate Desire
222 | Burning Welcome
223 | King's Orders
224 | Day 05
225 | Crowning Ceremony
226 | Grey
227 | Five
228 | New Era
229 | Dormitories
230 | Roommates
231 | Tax Collection
232 | Paint It Red
233 | Faith Is Strength
234 | Proposition
235 | His Resolve
236 | Selfless Vice President
237 | Making Alliances
238 | Old Friends
240 | Bluff
241 | Dangerous Man
242 | Trust Me
243 | Important Factors
244 | Real Devil
245 | Memphis
246 | The Proposition
247 | Information
248 | The Condition
249 | Bruised
250 | Mr. Congeniality
251 | Sunday Offering
252 | Ruled By Kings
253 | Honored Guests
254 | Ice Prince
255 | Anniversary
256 | Lemiuex Family
257 | Congratulations
258 | Impatient Prince
259 | Alone Time
260 | Exchange Program
261 | Unfortunate School Rep.
262 | Bow Down
263 | Third Suspect
264 | Chaos
265 | Addicted
266 | Records
267 | Family Secret
268 | School Secret
269 | Little Bees
270 | Tapes
271 | Late Visit
272 | Interrogate
273 | Approved Request
274 | Final Plea
275 | Type of Man
276 | Cast Your Votes
277 | Antihero
278 | Changes
279 | Rejected Appreciation
280 | Role Model
281 | Dangerous Waters
282 | Greatest Secret
Vol. 7 - 9

239 | Power Difference

1.5K 163 60
By MyWickedWays

AFTER ALL THE PLANNING that occurred at the cafeteria, the serfs started going around and volunteering for the smallest task anyone could think of. Max was honestly worried that the serfs wouldn't care, but he's definitely glad that they're starting to do their best to change the situation they're in.

     "The meeting earlier was really funny. At the end of the day, most of the students here are heirs. Did you hear them complaining? It was hilarious!" Keigo exclaimed as he, Xander, Stefan, and Max were heading to the Dining Hall to have their lunch.

     "Someone really said that they've been enduring the smell and that they've always felt like vomiting whenever they're at the dorms. I can't believe those bastards have been acting like they didn't care all this time," Stefan then adds.

     "That's why our top priority should be cleaning Hell Sanctum first. I'm gonna visit Omega Society later and ask for supplies, and then we'll start cleaning after classes," Max explains, and everyone nods their head in understanding.

      When the four of them arrived at the Dining Hall, Max was instantly welcomed by the loud chatter from the white uniforms. He looked around and realized that their cafeteria was two times bigger than the Great Hall in J.S High. It was so big that the students didn't even notice that they arrived.

      Brotherhood banners were spotted hanging from the ceiling, and there was only one large balcony where all the brotherhoods ate together. But what really caught Max's eye was that in the middle of the hall was the Saints's banner. Max couldn't help but be surprised since the Elites don't display their banners in the open like that, but the council here does.

     "I think what's more surprising to me is that the student council here seems to have more power and authority over the brotherhoods. Unlike in J.S High, which balances both," Max explains, and his friends couldn't help but agree.

     "It's probably because of the Division Program implemented in our school," Xander answers.

     The hall looked like a church that was turned into a place to eat. And instead of tables that fit ten white uniforms, the Dining Hall instead had insanely long tables, each table divided by Division.

      "I thought our Great Hall was impressive, but look how big this place is. And the's so high," Max says as the four of them walk their way to where the other serfs are found.

     "I know, I was shocked too. In J.S High, it's a lot smaller, but it's big enough for all of us, so it kinda feels intimate in a sense. This just feels too much," Keigo explains as they finally arrive at their division's area.

      Stefan and the others sat first while Max continued to look around. He noticed that the gaffers's table were filled with delicious food that would make anyone's mouth water. The Dwellers had less, but it was manageable. But for the serfs? The serfs were only given individual plates that had fried fish, beans, and wheat bread. It almost felt like prison food.

     "Even our lunch food is different?" Max asks as he finally takes a seat beside Keigo.

     "At least we have unlimited water," a serf who was also at their table added, making Max sigh and massage his temple in frustration. How can they be happy with unlimited water?

      When Max and his friends' food finally arrived, the four of them started eating. Despite only being transferred here yesterday, Max suddenly remembered their rowdy table back in J.S High. During lunch, Krist and Cj would have already been bickering with each other while Brave stuffed his mouth with food. Hans would be scolding them, and then Ari and Felix would fight over their answers in a test. Ervin and River would have been quietly sipping their tea with a smile on their faces while the other brotherhoods just enjoyed their time together.

     In the past, brotherhoods and white uniforms being friends was never a thing. It was almost taboo. But because of the things that Max was able to do, genuine friendship and brotherhood were formed, not just with Max and the brotherhoods he conquered, but also between the other white uniforms who started respecting the brotherhoods more than just fearing them.

     "I miss them," Max mumbles under his breath, making Keigo, Xander, and Stefan turn to look at him.

     "Miss who?" Keigo asks out loud.

     "Oh, just our friends," Max answers, and the serfs at their long table end up turning to look at him. When Max mentioned his friends, everyone automatically thought of the brotherhoods he conquered. Sometimes, they forget that Max is wearing those brooches for a reason. Those aren't just accessories. They are literally having lunch with a white uniform who successfully brought those brotherhoods together.

     Trusting Max to help them was not baseless at all.

     "Anyway, we should—" Before Max could start his sentence, a low bell started ringing throughout the Dining Hall, interrupting him. In an instant, the loud hall turned silent, and everyone immediately got up from their seats as the large door slowly opened, revealing the strong brotherhoods of the House of Bishops.

      The brotherhoods didn't really enter in any particular order. First, it was the Archers, and then the Gallants, followed by Secret Letter. While the rest of the brotherhoods were walking inside, everyone touched their chest as a sign of respect. Max did the same and stretched his neck a little to get a better view.

     Checkmate entered the hall next, following behind the intimidating Red Tigers. Soon after, the Clan went in, and Max was honestly expecting to find PHD, but the students that followed were no longer brotherhoods but instead were the members of the student council, Saints.

     "Wait, they eat here?" Max asks in shock because the Elites always eat in their office.

      "They honestly just want to flaunt their status," Xander whispers as the Saints walk to a private area in the hall that even has a stanchion placed around the table to separate them from the common white uniforms.

     Obviously, the white uniforms looked at them and touched their chest as a sign of respect. Max couldn't really explain it, but he always felt like there was something off with the Saints. President Justice and Vice President Leviathan were fine, but the rest of them just felt different.

     "What the hell is wrong with your uniform?" An officer suddenly asks when they walk past the Serfs Division. Based on the brooch he's wearing, he's rank 3, better known as the Saints' secretary.

     "You have the nerve to face us, yet your stole isn't properly aligned?" The secretary asks.

     "I apologize, Secretary Perseus!" The serf says, immediately bowing down to show remorse for something that shouldn't be this much of a big deal.


      "Perseus Odair, fourth-year gaffer. He was expected to be the vice president, but President Justice suddenly rose up, so he was pushed back," Xander answers back, and Max's expression instantly changed.

     Perseus was about to raise his hand on the serf, but thankfully, President Justice Thorndyke got in between them on time. "Alright now, you're being too much. I know you like attention, but you gotta cool the fuck down," Justice says as he walks towards the serf. The serf flinched, but then the President reached out and fixed his stole for him, surprising the others.

      "See, much better," Justice adds, and for a split second, Vice President Levi's usual blank expression almost broke into a smile.

     "T-Thank you...P-President Justice," the serf says, and Justice nods his head before looking back at Perseus. "And you, it's just a stole. Just because your name is Perseus, it doesn't automatically make you a god, so get off your high horse. It's embarrassing."

     "Why you—"

     "Why you what, rank number three? What can you possibly do to me that you haven't tried and failed already?" Justice asks back, and this time, the smug look on his face turns into something more intimidating, instantly making the Saints' secretary take a step back.

     Max couldn't help but try and contain the expression on his face. This was the first time he had ever seen their president in action. Looks like he really is different from the rest of them.

     Everyone becomes completely quiet as the two stare into each other with so much tension that the others are already holding their breath. When Secretary Perseus doesn't say anything anymore, Justice puts his smile back on before reaching out to touch Perseus's brooch, which was the Roman number three. "Looks like we understood each other. Now, let's go. I'm starving," Justice says as he lets go of him.

     Justice walks away first, followed by the vice president and the rest of the Saints. Secretary Perseus was so embarrassed that he tried not to make eye contact with anyone. But when he followed, he suddenly tripped on literally nothing, making some of the brotherhoods laugh.

     Perseus bravely turned around and faced the brotherhoods with an angry expression, but before he could say anything to any of them, the door suddenly opened, interrupting his moment. Everyone turned in the entrance's direction, even the Saints and the Brotherhoods. But when they saw who it was, they couldn't help but be shocked to see that it was actually the members of PHD.

     Dangerous Five entered first, followed by Pretty Duo, Adachi Ren, and Akihiro Sakuraii. Right after, the Hot Wingmen entered the Dining Hall. Killshot and Blade walked inside, looking like they were ready to shoot anyone who dared stand in their way. But what really surprised them was the man following right behind them.

     It was none other than Kim Hee-Joon.

     "It's the ice prince," One of the white uniforms said in shock.

     "No way. He actually showed himself..."

      As soon as Hee-joon transferred to St. George Academy with the rest of his members, the students immediately started making fun of him, calling him weak and pathetic for letting a mere bullet stop him from keeping his title. But, after all that talk, everyone immediately cowered in fear when they finally saw him face to face for the first time. Some even unconsciously bowed to him, acting like he was still a prince even though he wasn't anymore.

     "Well, I'll be damned. Look who finally decided to show up," Ruby Rose, the leader of the Scarlet Letter, says with a smirk as Hee-joon walks towards Secretary Perseus Odair, who instantly flinched when the lord stood in front of him.

     Joon was wearing an eye patch that covered his injured eye, but for some reason, it intimidated Perseus even more.

     "What's with your eyes? How can a mere white uniform glare at the brotherhoods like that?" Joon asks, his hands inside his pockets while he continues to stare at the Saint. "Based on your brooch, you're not even the president nor the vice, which only means that you're not on the same level as any of the brotherhoods here. Or is the House of Bishops just so different that they allow such disrespect?"

     "It seems like it, Joonie," Blade answers as he and Killshot stand behind their leader.

     "It seems like their system here puts gaffers in a pedestal so they think they're high and mighty," Killshot then adds. If someone else said it, Killshot would have met his end. But because he said it, no one dared to even open their mouth.

     "Hmm? Gaffers?" Joon asks, turning to the Gaffers Division that instantly flinched just by his mere gaze. "You put these fuckers on a pedestal? How pathetic. Most of them can't even stand up for themselves."

     "You better watch your mouth," a gaffer bravely answers, instantly making the white uniforms gasp.

     "What did you just say?"

      "I better watch your mouth," the gaffer repeats, now standing from his seat so he can face the lord head-on.

     Joon stares at the white uniform without saying a single thing. He didn't want to waste his saliva on him. He wasn't going to stoop to that level.

     "Just because you were a prince in J.S High doesn't mean you can disrespect our system here," the gaffer continues to say.

     Killshot takes a deep breath and looks at his leader. Kim Hee-joon sighs and nods his head, giving a signal that only they know about. So, while the gaffer was talking about how Joon shouldn't be disrespecting their division like that, Killshot walked toward him. Without any warning, he quickly grabbed his arm and suddenly slammed his body towards a table, instantly making the other white uniforms move away in fear.

     The Saints were left completely speechless. At this point, they should be doing something, but their house didn't have the White Uniform Protection Code, which completely protected the white uniforms from the brotherhoods. They knew that they couldn't do anything now, and Kim Hee-joon used their stupid rules as an advantage.

     "Levi...what do we do? Should we stop them?" President Justice asks, trying to remain calm.

     The vice takes a deep breath and stares at Joon before answering, "If you want to go between that, then be my guest. But the smartest thing to do now is watch, so I suggest you stay put and watch what will happen."

     Justice takes a deep breath and nods his head, staring at PHD as well.

     These were the brotherhoods of J.S High. The House of Bishops is actually lucky that the brotherhoods they have here don't act like them.

     The gaffer who got slammed on the table gasped as he tried to catch his breath. He attempted to sit up, but Killshot pushed his arm against his neck and pinned him down again so he could no longer move.

     "What the hell is going on?" Stephan says with his eyes wide in shock. Max turns to him and notices his reaction, as well as the reaction of the other white uniforms. It seems like in St. George Academy, the brotherhoods don't usually pull such a stunt, especially to a gaffer. Of course, Max and the other students who came from J.S High weren't as shocked as they were. This was their norm. The brotherhoods had power and authority over the white uniforms. That's why the royals, who have the highest power, shouldn't only be physically and mentally strong, but they must also have the right character and personality to lead their entire house.

     As much as it pains others to admit, Buster and PHD are definitely the ideal Kings and Princes.

     "You've got some nerve to speak to our leader like that," Killshot warns, still pinning the gaffer down while staring directly into their eyes.

     The gaffer tries to push Killshot's arm away, but it is no use. The Wingman was way too strong.

     "You can't do that! Let go!" Another gaffer shouts. He was about to approach Killshot so he could pull him away from his friend, but Blade immediately pulled out a gun from his pocket, surprising everyone even more.

     "Should we be doing something?" A member of Checkmate asks as all the brotherhoods watch the scene attentively on the balcony.

      One of the members of Checkmate was about to take a step forward, but their leader, Uchdryd, immediately touched his chest to stop him. "No, this is a great opportunity. This will be the only time we'll be able to see the princes do their work. Wouldn't you want to see that too?"

     "I'm actually quite intrigued myself," Chandler Heptinstall, leader of Rank 11, the Gallants, then says with his arms crossed.

     "We don't have a White Uniform Protection Code, but the Division Program heavily protects the gaffers in a way. It's refreshing to see someone put them in their place for once," Ruby Rose of Scarlet Letter adds.

     "And we didn't even have to lift a finger," Elijah Memphis Valor, leader of Rank 9 Red Tigers, comments next. "If push comes to shove, they're gonna get punished, not us. It's a win-win."

     While the brotherhoods were discussing amongst themselves, the white uniforms were all staring at Killshot and Blade in complete fear. For a long time, everyone thought that the gaffers were untouchable. But it seems like PHD isn't the type to care.

     "I suggest you don't move, little bunny," Blade says while still pointing his gun at the gaffer.

     Everyone didn't move a muscle, and the tension rose. Even Secretary Perseus Odair didn't make any sort of movement.

     "H-Help...m...m-me..." The gaffer who Killshot was strangling now begs. Killshot still didn't let go of him, while Joon only yawned in boredom. But after a while, the wingman finally moved away from him, instantly making the white uniform sit up to catch his breath.

     "You gaffers won't even survive J.S High," Killshot says as Blade slowly puts his weapon down. "You think you're all that because your system protects you. But in fact, those who truly should be praised are the dwellers and the serfs who are at a clear disadvantage."

     After his short speech, Killshot and Blade moved aside, making way for their leader, who was starting to look even more bored.

     Kim Hee-Joon walks his way toward the gaffer, who is still sitting on the table. When Joon got closer, the gaffer immediately backed away, knocking the plates and utensils off the table. Joon doesn't even say anything as he looks up, staring directly into the Saints, who have also silently watched the scene unfold.

     If they were the Elites, they would have immediately stopped PHD and sent them to the office. But none of them did anything. Joon could only look at his old friend before turning back to the white uniform.

     "What did you say to me again? I better watch my mouth?" Joon finally asks.

     "N-No...I'm sorry..." the gaffer starts to beg.

     Joon continues to stare at him with his cold eyes. But as the entire Dining Hall was filled with complete silence, Joon gently adjusted the brooch in his chest before finally saying, "Listen and Obey, gaffer."

     As soon as those words were spoken out loud, all the brotherhoods immediately looked at the leader in shock. Even Uchdryd and Ruby, who were both previous students at J.S High, felt chills run down their spines when they heard those words again.

     "H-Hey, wait a minute. Can they still do that here? That was a power given by President Janus, right? That shouldn't mean anything in the House of Bishops," Yun Donghyun, leader of Rank 10 Archers, asks in shock, but no one answers him because they aren't sure themselves.

      Unfortunately for them, there was one person among the white uniforms who knew exactly what this meant.

      When President Janus gave PHD this power, he gave them one condition. So, seeing how Kim Hee-joon can still use this very power here only means that the condition still applies to St. George Academy. And that realization left the white uniform completely speechless.

     "T-this can't be—"

     The White Uniforms were left speechless as well because they already heard about this before. Some thought it was just rumors, like a story you tell kids to scare them. But hearing it now has left them completely dumbfounded.

      "I may be a lord now, but I will show you the difference in our power," Joon says as he leans towards the gaffer. Soon after, the cold expression on his face changed into a menacing grin, making the gaffer gulp in terror. "In three days, if you are still in this house, I will forcefully remove you and the rest of those unworthy Saints with no ounce of mercy. This house does not need another sinner, so make yourself useful and remove yourself from my presence," Joon declares, making everyone in the hall drop their mouth in shock.

      They couldn't believe Kim Hee-Joon had this much power and authority. But what surprised them even more was the fact that PHD had this much power all this time, yet they never once used it selfishly in the House of Kings.

     And that's the exact reason why Pretty, Hot, & Dangerous...

     Are the only worthy princes among all of them.

     "This is the Prince's Law...and those who defy it...will be stained in red."

- END -

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