The Heartstone Journey II

By DryZStarZ

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*SPOILERS* This is the continuation of my previous story The Heartstone Journey BOOKS: 1-4 If you wish to lea... More

★ - Prologue - ★
Book 5 | Ch. 1 - The Way Ahead
Book 5 | Ch. 2 - An Emotion Going Rogue
Book 5 | Ch. 3 - Guild Insignia
Book 5 | Ch. 4 - Face To Face Against Monstrosity
Book 5 | Ch. 5 - What Goes Around, Comes Around
Book 5 | Ch. 6 - Forged From Fire
Book 5 | Ch. 7 - Fort Albatross, The Impenetrable City
Book 5 | Ch. 8 - Axe Trial
Book 5 | Ch. 9 - Aura Evaluation
Book 5 | Ch. 10 - Guild Ranking
Book 5 | Ch. 11 - The Upper Echelon Of The Fortress
Book 5 | Ch. 12 - A Foreboding Waltz That Ends With Somberness
Book 5 | Ch. 13 - A Throbbing Sensation?
Book 5 | Ch. 14 - A Practice Match
Book 5 | Ch. 15 - Wings Of Cinder
Book 5 | Ch. 16 - Contract Completed?
Book 5 | Ch. 17 - 73 Great Demons
Book 5 | Ch. 18 - Fledgling vs Hunter
Book 5 | Ch. 19 - The Winner Is..!
Book 5 | Ch. 20 - A Second Heavenly War
Book 5 | Ch. 21 - A Clue That Comes With Violence
Book 5 | Ch. 22 - Crushed By Reality
Book 5 | Ch. 23 - The Echoes Scream Vividly
Book 6 | Ch. 1 - The First Day Begins
Book 6 | Ch. 2 - Do You Believe?
Book 6 | Ch. 3 - Lesson: Smoothening
Book 6 | Ch. 4 - Alone Only To Hear Null
Book 6 | Ch. 5 - How Rude..
Book 6 | Ch. 6 - Party System
Book 6 | Ch. 7 - Failing An Oath
Book 6 | Ch. 8 - Eyes Of Destiny
Book 6 | Ch. 9 - A Goal That Hasn't Even Began
Book 6 | Ch. 11- Scrolling On
Book 6 | Ch. 12 - A Crumbling Power
Book 6 | Ch. 13 - Aura Blade
Book 6 | Ch. 14 - Critical Failure
Book 6 | Ch. 15 - Love Is Like A Dozen Flowers
Book 6 | Ch. 16 - Dead End [𝐈]
Book 6 | Ch. 17 - Lunar's History
Book 6 | Ch. 18 - Self-worth & Realization
Book 6 | Ch. 19 - Goodbye Innocent Flower
Book 6 | Ch. 20 - To Heal Fresh Wounds
Book 6 | Ch. 21 - Paladin Of Light Versus Prince Of Darkness
Book 6 | Ch. 22 - Unexpected reunion
Book 6 | Ch. 23 - Sanctified Meeting

Book 6 | Ch. 10 - Love Is Like Rose Thorns

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By DryZStarZ

An hour prior...

"Where am I~?" Caroline sat up from one of the beds, the sheets were rough compared to her own.

"Oh your awake? I'll explain everything." Cloudy turned around leaving his bag on the ground to assist her up if needed.

After a bit of communication and details she was left behind on, she understood most of what happened afterward.

"... I see."

"Then.. do you know as to why that guy dislikes Royal that much? It doesn't make sense to harbor so much hatred for no reason."

Cloudy couldn't help but tense up, his shoulders raised slightly in response.

"It's.. a rather uncomfortable subject for him, I wouldn't want to speak of it without Royal being here."

"I think I have the right to know given how I was attacked." Her brows lowered as she pushed for an answer.

"Look.. I get it that your upset, scared even but it's a personal matter between family and Gatlin." 

"If you're really going to search for answers than it's not from me." Cloudy stood firm, his stare kept sharp making his intentions clear.

Caroline shot up facing the doorway and walked out of the dorm room.

"...Perhaps that was too harsh." Cloudy muttered before returning to his activities.

Rushing down and outside the dorm Caroline looked to her right spotting Veronica calling for her.

... They're together again. Like peas in a pod that has no room for more.

They really fit one another, truly they do.

I hate this..

"Caroline? Why are you coming from the boys side?" Veronica approached.

"H-huh? Ace? Veronica? What are you guys doing?" I sidetracked the conversation unable to tell them the truth.

"I haven't seen Ace in a long while so I wanted to chat with him."

"Oh~! I know! Would you like to come with us and catch up with Ace?" Veronica smiled gently, her tone confirmed they all knew each other for longer than most would expect.

Caroline couldn't face them properly, her eyes kept to their feet.

I know I should give up, my one-sided crush won't last and can't be eternal. Yet..

Love is also cruel in that regard..

Even when my chest is being flattened by my emotions.. my love is still holding together by some miracle.

Almost.. like a curse.

"Some other time.. I-I need to go~." She rushed away her face hidden thanks to her hair.

I try and run from my problems yet they come right back around..

I know Veronica is in love with Ace since I was the one who introduced her to him all those years back. He shows obvious signs as well.

I can't even be upset, Veronica is precious to me just as much as Ace is. She's making progress while I can't even muster the courage to so much as ask him on a date.

It should be clear to me who will be together with him.

But it hurts.. it hurts so so~.. much.

She slumped down onto the ground, a wall behind supported her, a shadow kept her cool away from the morning sun.

"Huh? Are you ok? Don't cry~."

I'm not crying~.. Wait.. who said that?

She panned up finding Royal on his wheel chair bringing his hand out to help her up.

*She seems to be going through a dilemma*

Do you think I can't see that?

What do I do?

*I have nothing of value here to comment.*

She's telling me it's not important enough? Bullshit, she's in tears with no one to comfort her.

"Do you mind if I sit down with you?" I asked seeing her frantically wiping the tears off herself.

"... Mhm~." She nodded keeping her face low, her hair covering her eyes.

"Could you tell me what's wrong?"

She stayed silent, her reaction was to only ball up shielding herself from me.

".. I understand. Instead.. how about you release that tension on me. Go on."

"Why~..?" She mumbled.


"Why~..? Why are you doing this~."

"Why am I doing this~? Hmm~.." He scratched his cheek thinking of what to say.

"Well.. I can't leave someone I know- a girl no less stranded here in tears. It doesn't set well with my morals."

"Royal~.. Why are you so nice despite what happened yesterday?"

Why am I so nice?

I'm not.

It's as simple as that.

I show kindness when needed, stay out of bad business if possible.

I've killed, I've slaughtered, I fought for my life in horrid lands.

I merely do what it takes to satisfy others.

That may be seen as kindness in peoples eyes but.. that's merely my way of gaining favor.

I'm not the angel those expect me to be, I'm no saint.

"I'm not nice, I'm resourceful." I put it bluntly unable to say anything more.

"Why didn't you do anything to that guy, Gatlin?"

"..." My face said everything.

"So you're afraid?"

"..." My tongue was tied, my eyes locked to hers.

"It's ok. I'm scared, even now.. I'm afraid of the events in the future."

What does she mean?

Does this have to do with why she's here?

"What about yourself?" I asked.

"..?" She tilted in response.

"What are you afraid of?"


"It's such an uncooperative feeling, it can be a dagger to the back yet it can be as sweet and soft as a rose."

"I can't control it. That's what makes me afraid."

... I wish I could understand that feeling. 

The closest thing to love I can think of is my bond with my family but I understand that isn't love-love.

I wish to learn what that feeling Hunter had, that smile he harbored when facing his wife for the final time. His smile was genuine but frightening to see how different he was compared to his normal self.

"W-would you li-like~..." I stuttered, my words started to trip on another.

"*Sniffle*.. W-what?" Caroline muttered still clearing up her tears.

"Would you like to be my friend?" I shut my eyes too embarrassed to look and see the result.

Her jaw lowered slightly before it rose into a smile.

"You know, Royal? You're quite funny."

I opened my eyes finding her giving me a sweet smile.

"I'm already your friend, silly~."

Goosebumps ran down from my fingertips to my toes.

If I could look at myself in third-person I'd be embarrassed to say my jaw is open out of awe.

"I mean- not everyone makes a group and doesn't try to get along with them r-right~?" She blushed realizing there was more meaning to the words than she intended.

"Thank you."

"Huh? For what? I didn't do anything? If anything it was you who did something for me?" Caroline tilted her head.

"For helping me understand a little bit more about myself." I replied before turning away.

Suddenly I could hear footsteps dashing toward me, her scent got closer as I flicked back seeing her grab ahold of my sleeve.


"What's wrong?"

"Could you stick around a little longer~? My face is a mess and I don't want anyone else who knows me to see myself like this."

"Sure." I smiled willing to spend time.

*Aren't you the little talker, pupil.*

Quite, Master.

I'm simply helping her.

*The way your breathing and blood are moving is irregular, the beating of your heart is also out of rhythm from how it's normally.*

She manifested before his eyes before sitting beside Caroline, her jeweled eyes scanned her body.

*Hmm~? This little one is--?*

Ok stop looking at her like that it's creepy!

*As you wish little pupil.*

She stood up and phased past a wall, her umbrella at hand before she returned with an ice cream cone on the other hand.

"Where did you get tha--" I got interrupted hearing Caroline speak.


"Y-yes?!" She must've been calling for me, I got distracted.

"You were talking to yourself for a moment there, who were you speaking with?"

"J-just myself, sometimes I need to organize my thoughts."

"I see~. Well I'm ready to go now. I'm sorry you had to deal with me."

"No-no~! It's no problem at all. We're friends right?"

"Y-yea of course!" She gleefully smiled before hopping up from the ground wiping the dirt from her bottom.

She paced herself a few feet away, her hair jingled grazing her back.

"Let's do a study session sometime, it'd be great to learn more from you seeing how you know more than you let on in class."

Wait what? 

I've hardly spoken in class very much? 

What does she mean by that?

"I'll see you around!" She waved hastily before rushing down the alleyway turning a corner.

Lilah appeared beside Royal with her ice cream half devoured. Her face relaxed and satisfied with the ice cream.

Now tell me where you got that from?

*It's unimportant.*

It is important!

Who did you steal that from!?

*None of your concern.*

She expressed before floating away, I chased after her in a hurry not wanting her to cause anymore trouble.

"Get back here!"

An hour later at the front of the fortress gates

*Huff*.. *Huff~*..

Mother fucker~.. I had to get up early~! Because of that I feel like I can't use some of my strength.

I was so cautious as well that I bought more items for the mission earlier!

I haven't eaten either, FUCK!

I rushed ahead finding Rogue and his group waiting for me.

"Oh there you are! I assumed you woke up late, correct?" Rogue chuckled.

"No~.. I woke up early and got some things for this god damn mission."

"Damn it~."

"You owe me 30 copper man." Gris snickered elbowing Rogue's arm.

"Take it and let's get a move on." He handed a bag of copper to Gris before leading the group away from the fortress.

We move down the winding concrete path, people still walking past weary from their travels, merchants ready to sell their products.

Khorc extended his hand revealing strips of dried meat above some cloth.

"What's this for?" I wondered but didn't deny his offer snatching it from his hand.

"Food obviously, keep your energy high. When you got here I could smell your hunger and that isn't going to benefit us in battle."

"You can smell my hunger?" I replied a bit weirded out.

"Orcs tend to have a stronger smell than most, we can smell fear, hunger and any negative emotion. I don't have as keen of a smell as the rest of my kind do but it's obvious you're not at your best."

How did he manage to keep this meat from rotting?

It smells amazing, won't complain about that.

I gobbled down the dried pieces of meat, chewy and salty was the perfect way to explain it. 

"I also have a few others scrolls that we'll be using for later on when we set camp." Khorc mentioned but I couldn't really care less, the food he gracefully handed me was keeping me from talking.

After a few hours in we finally took a ten minute break to start the planning phase of the mission, reiterating that it was vital to go over it at least twice before jumping into the actual mission.

"If you don't want to die with your ass sticking out of the ground that is what's needed." Rogue laughed with a big grin on his face.

Using aura he wrapped his finger with energy, it was tangy orange that coated the surrounding finger that had the scent of sweetness but nothing citrusy.

He began to write in mid-air, the ground forming words and strategies as to how to avoid major conflict.

I've seen Hunter do that I'm pretty sure.

I should see if I can do that later.

"Already huddle up ladies!" Rogue confidently expressed.

We grouped up beside him, the words on the ground added with the drawings helped me from getting out right confused.

Rule 1. We prioritize our teammates lives over our own, no matter the situation- or shituation be it.

"We are all like brothers, you included now Nick, even if it's temporary we will do our best to keep you alive as each of us would with each other." Rogue added making it clear how much this rule means.

I couldn't help but become flushed, I looked away a bit embarrassed.

"That's how we keep our parties relationship strong and friendly."

Rule 2. Listen to everyone's commands, recommendations and favors.

"Despite me being the leader here, Khorc, Gris and Blake have just as much control in order to keep the party alive. We do what we think is best for our party and if we have disagreements we vote it out."

"Isn't that right guys?" Rogue snickered looking at his friends.

They nodded joyfully, their attitudes said everything about their trust in Rogue.

"..This next rule is the most important one above all else. Nothing else can overthrow the urgency of this rule."

Rule 3. When in a situation one of us were to pass away in combat we must do that member the service by living on for them, we MUST make it out alive for them to pass peacefully.

"You understand this right, Nick?" His tone lowered, I could tell he wasn't joking around compared to before.

"Mhm~." I nodded locking eyes with him. I panned over to my bicep, the bandana left behind by Winn left a constant reminder of what I had to do.

"Alright ladies! Stretch those thighs and move out!" Rogue announced, we all snatched out bags and rushed along side him.

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