Bad Boy, but Good For You

By Feychild1225

45.7K 2K 169

Rain is new to the neighborhood and has been warned to stay away from Phayu, known subordinate of Mafia boss... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 4

3.1K 137 4
By Feychild1225

Phayu studies the bike he is working on carefully, he takes a lot of pride in his work whether it's working on an engine or a model for class. Despite being engrossed in what he is doing, he is also enjoying listening to Rain chatter away behind him. It's Sunday so the garage is deserted except for Phayu and Rain. Phayu enjoys having the omega there, he enjoys listening to him tell his stories, even if sometimes he tells the same ones over and over. The omega's voice is music to his ears.

Rain is sitting on a crate, kicking his heels against the side while he tells Phayu all about his freshman classes, as if the senior hadn't taken the exact same classes a couple years prior.

Phayu finishes checking over the bike and deems it ready for the race next week. He stands, pulls a rag out of his back pocket to wipe the grease from his hands, and goes over to where Rain is sitting.

"Finished, Phi?" Rain asks.

"Uh-huh, are you hungry? Let me get washed up and we can go get some lunch." Phayu says.

"I'm starving." Rain answers happily. "Can we get Korean?"

Phayu laughs at this, Korean is Rain's favorite, the boy would live on Korean food if he could. Not surprising since it's what he had grown up with. "Anything my boyfriend wants." Phayu leans in and gives Rain a kiss, unable to resist those sweet lips any longer.

"Phayu, you...." Comes the voice behind him. Phayu rolls his eyes, Saifah always has the worst timing. Sometimes Phayu is sure he does it on purpose. "Oh, god, it looks like I am interrupting." Instead of sorry, Saifah sounds amused.

Phayu notices Rain is looking curiously from him to Saifah. "Rain, this is my twin, Saifah. Saifah, this is Rain."

Rain gives him a polite wai, and says, "Nice to meet you. Phi."

"Feel free to call me, P'Fah. If this idiot annoys you, feel free to let me know." He says, grinning. Rain giggles at this.

"What are you doing here, Fah?" Phayu asks, not trying to keep the annoyed tone out of his voice.

This makes Saifah grin all that much harder. "P'Chai called, Aek has the flu and P'Pakin wants to know if you can take his and Tho's collection runs this afternoon."

P'Phayu looks uncertain and glances over at Rain.

Rain quickly says, "It's fine, we can go to lunch another time."

"Take Rainy boy with you," P'Fah suggests, "plenty of good places to eat and he can see what you do."

"I don't know." P'Phayu says.

"Please, P'Phayu, I want to see it." Rain says, making a cute begging face.

P'Phayu sighs, "Okay, let me get cleaned up and we'll go. Just promise me you'll follow my lead and do what I say."

Rain nods, smiling. He's been dying to see what P'Phayu does for P'Pakin, but has been afraid to ask. He is very happy that P'Fah brought it up instead.

Rain opts to leave his mother's SUV parked at the garage and ride with Phayu on his bike. Phayu enjoys feeling the feeling of the omega wrapped around him, even if Rain is sometimes a little naughty and likes to slip his hand down Phayu's legs teasingly. Luckily for them both Phayu is a good driver, although he does smack Rain's hand and puts it back around his waist when the omega does this.

Rain bites back a giggle when P'Phayu smacks his hand and pulls it back into place. He can't help but to tease the alpha a little bit. He grins and lays his head against P'Phayu's back. He loves riding behind P'Phayu like this, at first he'd been a little nervous to be on such a big bike, but his boyfriend is so obviously in perfect control of the machine at all times. It wasn't long until Rain had relaxed and just enjoyed the sensation of the wind whipping around them and the cityscape flying by.

They park in front of a nice looking Korean restaurant. Rain looks nervously down at his jeans and T-shirt while P'Phayu stores their helmets on the bike. "Am I dressed okay for this place?" he asks.

P'Phayu is wearing black jeans and a button up shirt open at the collar and a blazer, still casual but beside him Rain feels like a lost teenager.

"You look cute," P'Phayu says, "this is a nice place but it gets a lot of tourist so the lunch dress code is casual. If we come here for dinner sometime I will let you borrow something more appropriate."

They enter the establishment and Rain sees that P'Phayu was right, there are several people in shorts and t-shirts and even flip flops. A smiling hostess greets P'Phayu by name and shows them to a table near the back without asking and Rain feels like this is a usual spot for P'Phayu.

They have barely sat down when two women, an omega and a beta, join them. "P'Phayu," the omega says, "Happy to have you here today." She slips him a fat envelope which P'Phayu puts inside his jacket pocket without examining the contents.

"Rain meet Natsu and her girlfriend, An. Not only are they in our friend group at the university, but Natsu's parents own this establishment." P'Phayu says. "Ladies, this is my boyfriend, Rain."

"Oh," An says, "This is the famous Rain that stole our P'Phayu's cold heart."

Rain blushes at this. He hadn't realized that his and P'Phayu's relationship was so public yet. Not that they had made any secret of it.

"An has classes with Pai," P'Phayu explains.

"We'll let you get on with your dinner. Rain choose anything on the menu. It's on the house. P'Pakin helped my parents get this restaurant started and they refuse to let him or his men pay here." Natsu says brightly.

Rain nods, he likes these two.

"See you at the race next month?" P'Phayu asks.

Natsu laughs, "An wouldn't miss it, any chance to show off her bike skills against all those alphas."

After their lunch they stroll hand in hand up the street visiting all the shops along the way. The shop owners all greet P'Phayu happily as if he is an old friend. Several have envelopes for him, although at a few of the poorer shops they are given small handmade gifts instead. Several of the shop owners also try to feed Rain, give him soft drinks, and small boxes of candy. When a bookstore owner finds out Rain likes Mangas and comics he presses the latest edition of a popular Manga series into Rain's hands free of charge. Rain doesn't have the heart to tell him he's already read this one. He takes it graciously.

Outside the shop, Rain says, "They are all so nice, I thought P'Pakin..." he didn't know how to finish. He thought what? That it was like a drama series where the mafia threatened to burn down a shop owner's establishment if they didn't pay protection money.

P'Phayu smiles at this as if he knows what Rain is thinking. "P'Pakin, or his father before him, helped everyone one of the businesses get their start or helped in some way to keep them going. They pay him back in whatever ways they can afford, not because he forces them to but because they want to."

Rain indicates the bag full of treats, snacks and candies he is holding. "I'll have to take these and share them with my entire class, there is no way I can finish them on my own."

"That's actually a good idea," P'Phayu says. "Thank you for accepting them and not making a fuss, that would have just embarrassed the shop owners."

Sky answers the door and just rolls his eyes. P'Pai gives him what he probably thinks of as his cutest expression, a charming smile and puppy dog eyes. Sky just bets he practices that look in the mirror every morning.

"What do you want?" Sky asks, half tempted to just slam the door in the alpha's face.

P'Pai pouts a little and holds up a bag of food. "I just thought if you haven't eaten we could have dinner together." He says.

Now Sky does start to shut the door. "Wait," P'Pai says, "At least take the food, I bought it just for you."

"Give it to the stray dog around the corner," Sky says. "I didn't ask for it."

"So mean, I waited in line for an hour for this, in hopes someone would feel at least a little sorry for me." P'Pai says. "The shop is famous throughout Bangkok."

"So, is that supposed to impress me?" Sky asks. "I don't know why you are playing games with me but I AM NOT INTERESTED. Got it? Try again in your next life. Is that clear enough for you?"

"Crystal clear." P'Pai says, "I like you and plan on pursuing you, is that clear, nong Sky?"

Sky's mouth drops open at this, he makes an inaudible sound and slams the door in the Alpha's face.

"Shameless, as if I would want someone like you for a boyfriend." Sky says, his back against the door. His expression softens for a moment as he imagines it but then he frowns and says, "No, never again."

Outside Pai smiles. "So cold, but so cute." He says. He sees the old auntie next door and offers her the food. No need to let it go to waste and he knows she is alone since her husband passed away. She takes it with a smile and tells him he is such a good boy. Pai wishes the omega thought of him that way.

"Are you staying at the garage tonight, P'Phayu?" Rain knows that P'Phayu and P'Fah share a house, but he hasn't been there yet. He has been to the apartment over the garage a few times and has even slept over twice. He and P'Phayu haven't progressed past the snuggling and making out phase in their relationship, Rain is a little nervous to take that next step and P'Phayu is happy enough to take it slow.

"Why, want to sleep over?" P'Phayu asks with a smile.

"Can I?" Rain sometimes gets lonely in the house by himself. Sky stays over a lot, but he also enjoys staying here with P'Phayu as often as he can get away with it.

P'Phayu seems to consider this. "Done all your homework? I probably won't have time to drop you by your house in the morning, I have an early meeting before class. So you'll have to wear something of mine." Phayu keeps a few white uniform shirts at the garage for personal use.

"It's okay, I have a bag in the car and all my work too, I can drive myself to school in the morning." Rain says.

P'Phayu lifts an eyebrow at this. It sounds like Rain was already sure that P'Phayu would let him stay. He's probably right, the omega has him wrapped around his finger, best not to let the naughty boy know that though.

"And your homework." P'Phayu says. "You need to balance your time, I don't want to hear about you getting bad grades in class."

"All done," Rain says happily, "I finished it yesterday so we could spend today together."

"Fine," P'Phayu says with a sigh, "Grab your things out of the car then and we'll watch a movie on my laptop."

"Awesome, I'll provide the snacks," Rain says with a laugh indicating the bag in his hands. "Can I have a soda?"

"Didn't you have enough from the shops today, I think plain water for tonight will be better for you. Also don't expect me to let you stay up too late, tomorrow is a school day." P'Phayu says. Rain pouts slightly but nods his agreement. "Good boy," P'Phayu tells him.

They go up to the apartment and Rain takes a shower first. Although he has clothes with him for school he scrounges some of P'Phayu's sweats and a T-Shirt to wear to bed. He likes sleeping in the alpha's clothes even though they are way too big on him and he has to turn up the cuffs of the pants to keep from tripping over them. It's nice to sleep in clothes that smell like P'Phayu even after being washed. He has secretly taken a few home with him and when he feels less embarrassed over the subject plans to ask P'Phayu if he can have some for his nest before his next heat. It would be comforting to have some of the alpha's things there.

Even more comforting to have the alpha there, a voice in his mind says. Rain blushes furiously over this thought and won't tell P'Phayu when the alpha asks what he is thinking about.

Rain picks a movie and they cuddle on the sofa watching it, although the alpha doesn't fail to steal a few kisses. Rain sighs and leans against P'Phayu's shoulder snuggling into his side. He thinks he could spend an eternity just like this.

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