Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

54.5K 2K 9.9K

Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



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By sun_ve

When you got home that night you went back to the guilds scout center and brought back any valuables. Eda was impressed with the notebook of potions you found, and the different shaped potion bottles.

"We'll make copies of this notebook and distribute it to those interested in learning." She smiles.

"Did you run into any trouble?" She asks.

Your eyes flash to that golden boy, but you quickly shake your head and brush it off.

"No I was stealthy." You smile

"Good to hear, I'll be sending you to the knee to gather some things maybe next week if you're interested." She says.

"Like what?" You ask.

"Let's see, St. Epiderm used to be a magic school up there, they were great at healing magic, unfortunately the emperor disbanded that school because the healing coven is stocked on followers he doesn't want anything else to persuade them." She says.

"St. Epiderm is just a ruin now, but I'm sure they have some good things there you could take a look at, it was around for much longer than Glandus and Hexside." She smiles.

"Will do!" You nod.

"Let me know if you need anything, copies of this notebook will be out probably in the next day or two if you'd like to come back." She grins.

"Thanks!" You say and begin making your way home.

You knock on the door hoping Viney or Rowan will come answer. Rowan opens the door and smiles a little.

"Took you a while." He rolls his eyes and let's you come in.

"I brought some good things back, I found a notebook filled with so many different potion combinations." You say and put your bag on the couch.

"Wow, I just sat distributed materials." He rolls his eyes.

"Sounds fun." You say.

"No not really." He grumbles.

"Is Viney home?" You ask and look around.

"She just got back not too long ago from tending some beasts. She's in the shower right now." He informs.

"Oh cool." You nod.

"I'm gonna need to steal that from here when she's done, I'm exhausted." You smile.

"Anything weird happen?" He asks.

You open your mouth about to say something but you stop yourself. You look at him and shake up ur head followed with a shrug. You'd rather tell Viney, Rowan gets so angry whenever you tell him anything like... what happened today.

"So why are you here?" You ask.

"I offered to help with Dinner, and I wanted to ask you something." He says turning his head from you and walking to the kitchen.

"Like what?" You say.

"I'm going to the bazaar tomorrow to grab some things, I'd like if could accompany me." He says flatly.

"Well that doesn't seem like something you wanna ask, it seems like more of a demand." You chuckle.

"Whatever, same thing, I don't know." He rolls his eyes.

"Sure I'll come." You say.

"Viney will be coming too but she's going to be doing her own thing, so it'll be just us." He says.

"Okay, what is it you need to get?" You ask.

"Just some materials." He nods.

"Are you building something?" You ask.

"Yeah, I am." He says.

"Like what?" You ask.

"It's kind of... well... it's for later, but it's important, you'll see." He smiles subtly.

The door to the bathroom opens and Viney comes o with a towel wrapped around her head followed by some pajamas.

"Oh you're home! How was you day?" She smiles.

"It was really good!" You grin.

"Soooo... what happened?" She smirks.

"I'll tell you later." You say, sort of glancing at Rowan.

"Okay okay!" She grins.

"Seemed eventful from what she told me." Rowan says sarcastically.

Viney rolls her eyes and walks over to Rowan.

"So what exactly are you making?" She says.

"I'm making soup." He says.

"Right on." Viney smirks and sits down next to you at the table.

You smile at her.

Dinner was quiet and uneventful, well atleast for you and Viney. Rowan seemed to be complaining about his job while you and Viney were side eyeing each other making fun of him in your minds. It's like you could tell what she was saying with how she looked at you.

When he left, you and Viney began laughing and started getting ready for bed.

"So tell me what happened!" She said sitting down on her bed.

"Would you believe me if I ran into the golden guard?" You smile.

"NO?!" She exclaimed.

"Well, I did." You shrug.

"You're not in trouble are you? He didn't follow you home or anything right?" She says.

"No no, I'm fine, we're fine." You smile

"Oh my Titan Y/n, start from the beginning." She giggles.

And you did.

"So he just let you go?" She asks.

"Surprisingly... yes." You nod and laugh.

"Wow, maybe he likes you." Viney grins.

"Ew no." I shiver, Viney laughs.

"I'd rather die." You roll your eyes.

"The only reason he let me go is because I saved him, a life for a life." You shrug.

"But why would he ask you questions about your tracks?" Viney says.

"I don't know, curiousity?" You shrug.

"But there's always a meaning behind curiousity." She says.

"I mean it's not like he gets the chance to talk to a wild witch, it's usually he just arrests them and carries on." You shrug.

"I'd be curious too." You say.

She nods and smiles "Yeah that makes sense."

You turn off the light to the room and tuck yourself in your bed, Vineys bed is just on the other side of the room next to yours.

The best part about living with her makes it feel like every night is a sleepover. Just like the sleepovers from when you were kids.

"What's with your brother lately?" You suddenly ask.

"Oh, Rowan? He's sort of been really moody lately, I think he's jealous of your position in the guild but so dealing with... other feelings and stuff." She shrugs.

"Hopefully he feels better, and gets over it." You smile.

"I can't tell if he's jealous of you or if he likes you is the thing." She laughs.

"You think he likes me?" You smirk.

"Maybe, I mean he asked you to go to the bazaar right?" She smiles.

"Well yeah, but more like he demanded instead of asked." You roll your eyes.

"He can be so annoying." Viney rolls her eyes.

"Yeah I'm not gonna let my mind ponder on him, he's kind of a jerk, but I mean, he's tolerable." You shrug.

She shrugs as well.

"We can make fun of him together." Viney grins.

You giggle and nod. Before you go to bed that night you stay up a little talking mainly shit on Rowan, and how he was when you guys were younger.

The next morning you get up around 9 o clock. Rowan wanted to go early in the morning because that's usually when they have the parts he needs. Viney tags along too for her own leisure, she wanted to check a specific store to see if they have any of the food that Puddles likes.

"Get your invisibility glyph ready." She says as you're about to merge out of the sewer entrance and into the crowd.

You and Rowan ready your glyphs and one by one slap them on as you exit the sewer. You all make sure to hold hands with one another so you can still feel each others presence and not get lost while invisible.

Eventually you merge into the crowd, and you let go of your breath. One by one Rowan and Viney do the same. Viney let's go of your hand.

"I'll be over on that side of the bazaar if you guys need anything. I might come back in a bit to hand you some of my things though, I didn't bring my own bag." She laughs.

"Got it." You nod and smile.

Viney smiles brightly and heads the other direction. Rowan still holds your hand in his, and you begin walking around the bazaar with him.

"Are you gonna tell me what it is you're making with these tools." You roll your eyes.

"It's something me and my friends have been working on." He says.

"Like...? What exactly..?" You egg him on.

"It's important, I think it'll help make things safer." He says.

"You sure are strange." You say and slightly grip his hand.

Golden guard POV

Patrolling citizens is the most boring work Belos can give me. I genuinely hate it, it's just what he gives me when there's nothing else in the isles to do.

It's not like I can find any wild witches running out and about, they all blend in perfect and they never cause scenes in public areas like this.

It's funny, because as soon as I think that to myself,  I see that girl from yesterday. My eyes widen.

"Well there's a wild witch." I mumble.

I start thinking maybe there's a lot more out there than I think there is, they just actually do blend in, like how she is doing right now.

I glance closer at her from up at the rooftop and notice she's with a guy.

"He's probably a wild witch too, isn't he." I mumble.

"They're close... that's for certain." I glance at their hands.

I start thinking if I wanna know more about wild witches I should listen to them. Maybe I should drop down and listen in on what they're talking about. See if they're up to no good.

I take my mask off and leave it up on the rooftop along with my cape. I'm just wearing my casual leather clothing.

I drop down and fix my hair up. It's not like she'll recognize me since she's never seen my face, only the mask.

I manage to find them in the crowd and walk behind them, pretending to be a regular bazaar customer.

"Are you gonna tell me what it is you're making with these tools?" She asks him.

"It's something me and my friends have been working on." He replies coldly.

"Like...what? Exactly?" She asks.

"It's important, I think it'll help make things safer." He says

How curious. Is this some wild witch propaganda? Maybe I should be worried. Maybe I should report suspicious behavior.

"You sure are strange." She says and squeezes his hand.

I don't know why but seeing that makes me cringe inside. I shake my head and pretend to be browsing some stalls.

Maybe this propaganda isn't something I should be worried about. He's probably just trying to make something to impress her.

"Did big boss set you up on some new quests?" He asks her.

Big boss. Quests. This must be critical information.

"She has me set off next week to go to the knee to gather healing artifacts." She replies.

"Healing? You suck at healing. Sending you to a potion ruin would make more sense, but healing just isn't you." He scoffs.

Wow, I don't even know this guy and he already seems rude. How does she deal with that?

"I'm... doing my best." She shrugs.

That definitely must have hurt her. I can tell from that delay in her sentence.

"I know more about healing than you, this is why she needs more scouts, she can't send someone who barely knows the subject." He rolls his eyes.

"Well it's not like I really need to know, I'm just gathering the artifacts and information." She replies.

From what I'm getting, he seems jealous of her job.

"Besides, my healings improved." She states.

She's right. When she healed me just yesterday, yeah it didn't fully work.... but it still fixed most the damage. It wasn't like it was nothing.

"Yeah right it has, remember when I let you heal that Venus fly trap bite I got?" He asks.

"That was a year or two ago." She rolls her eyes.

"I still doubt it's gotten better since then, you never practice, I never see you, and I've known you for a while." He rolls his eyes.

He's starting to tick me off.

"Well, by all means Rowan, if you're that curious, why don't you trip and fall on your face and you'll see?" She says sarcastically, with a hint of annoyance.

She's good.

He scoffs and let's go of her hand and folds his arms. They go silent for a bit, I try wandering infront of them a little bit and I stop at a booth and pretend to look interested.

That's when I notice they stop at the booth next to mine. It's machine materials. Maybe he is building some concerning propaganda I should be worried about.

"If I could have two of these please and one of those, and do you have bulks of these?" He asks.

The salesman stared at the guy and raised an eyebrow.

"What exactly do you need these for?" The salesman asks.

"It's a gift for my family." He says simply.

"Sure, go ahead. It'll be 30 snails." He says.

The guy takes it and puts it in his bag. The girl from yesterday watches patiently. She seems annoyed, is he just dragging her around while he does his little chores?

"You guys!" A girl says from farther off.

The two seem to recognize the voice and turn their heads instantly. The girl from yesterdays face instantly lights up as soon as she sees her.

"Y/n, look, you remember these right?" The brunette girl says.

So her names Y/n.

"Are those silky worms?" Y/n says, her tone of voice lighting up.

"I knew you'd remember!" The brunette says.

"Viney where did you get these?" Y/n asks.

"The booth on the way other side, where we started off, it's over there." Viney points.

"We used to eat these all the time as kids!" Y/n grins.

"I know it's insane right??" Viney giggles and gives some to her.

I glance at the boy, he looks fairly annoyed, seeming like he's waiting patiently for their conversation to end.

Suddenly before their conversation ends, it's interrupted by a 3rd party.

"No way." She says.

It's Boscha. One of my head scouts. She tends to be really rough on the other scouts. I'm surprised she even knows these witches.  I watch things unfold, continually pretending to be interested in the booth next to them.

"I didn't know runts like you were still around." Boscha scoffs.

Viney and Y/n don't seem to say anything. Rowan the other guy seems like he could care less.

"What have you low life's been doing?" Boscha rolls her eyes and steps forward to them.

"Nothing." Viney says.

"Nothing? You're telling me you aren't doing anything, oh come on... what about your futures? Anything your pursuing..?" Boscha teases.

They go silent.

Im starting to know where this is going and I don't like this, I run off to go get my uniform I left on the roof.


"Oh, so nothing? Like... what is it you were interested in... healing?" Boscha says towards Viney.

Viney stays silent.

"Or.... Was it beast keeping?" Boscha smirks.

"Did you even make up your mind like a good witch yet?" Boscha smirks.

"And what about you Y/n?" Boscha says.

"What is it you liked? Potions...? Or was it beast keeping...? Didn't you also like plants?" She tilts her head.

I glance at Viney nervously and back at Boscha. Boschas a part of the emperors coven now. She's become the boss she's always wanted to be.

What pissed you off though, is Rowan is just sitting there without a care in his eyes. You glare at him.

"So what is it you do? Don't tell me you guys are still figuring it out." Boscha scoffs.

"Because I hear that a lot from other wild witches and stuff you know?" Boscha laughs.

"Speaking of wild witches..." Boscha smirks and walks up closer to us.

My heart starts racing as well as Vineys. She is just as equally nervous as I am and it shows. She keeps glancing at me nervously, I do the same.

"Where are your sigils?" She smiles.

You both take a step back from her. That's it you guys are doomed. You for sure thought you'd never see her again.

Then, something unexpected happens.

"Boscha." A familiar voice says.

You both turn your heads to see none other than the golden guard himself here.

"Golden Guard." Boscha nods.

"Why is your mask off? It's supposed to be on at all times, don't make me bring this to the emperor." He says.

You glance at him wide eyed, he glances his head towards you a little bit as well. His mask shimmers in the sunlight.

"And aren't you supposed to be assessing the forbidden stacks in the library, that was your post given to you today was it not?" He asks.

"Yes sir." She nods.

Just like that, Boscha leaves. The golden guard stares at her as she walks off. Once she's out of sight, he glances at us, directly at me honestly and he nods his head.

You gulp a little and nod your head in return. Viney does as well.

A second encounter... Titan you never even thought that would happen. Seeing him so often is so rare.

As he walks off, he bumps past you and whispers...

"Be careful unless you want something bad to happen."

A chill goes down your spine. And then he leaves.

You, Viney and Rowan watches as he walks off into the crowd.

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