Bleach: Ultimate Alien


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This chapter doesnt belong to me but from fanfic writer Bigby the Big Bad Wolf More

Chapter One: Welcome to Hueco Mundo, Ben Tennyson.
Chapter Two: Meet the Espada
Chapter Three: Ben 10 the Fraccion?
Chapter Four: A day in Las Noches
Chapter Five: Top Dog in Hueco Mundo
Chapter Six: Nuclear Winter in Karakura Town
Chapter Seven :Everything else is a Paradox
Chapter eight: Nel's Secret Revealed: Nnoitra and the wrath of Ben 10
Battle of the Brains: Brain Storm vs. Szayel
The Las Noches Battle Royale
Ulquiorra's Secret! The Segunda Etapa!
Night of the Monsters
Karakura Town Battle Part 1
Karakura Battle Part 2
Karakura Battle Part 3
Chapter 17: Bonus Chapter Meet the Parents

Chapter 16: When Everything is Said and Done

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Ben shook his head in confusion. "Hold on," he said to Gin. "You mean you were some kind of double agent the whole time?"

"News to us," Kyoraku said. The other captains nodded in agreement.

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes at Gin. "Explain yourself, Gin Ichimaru!"

Gin just gave Yamamoto that grin of his. "Aw," he whined. "I don't feel like it."

Yamamoto gritted his teeth as he prepared to yell at Gin.

"Now, now," Paradox said, appearing before everyone. "No need to get so worked up, Yamamoto. Considering the fact that Gin helped get rid of Soul Society's number one enemy, I believe he's earned a bit of slack, don't you?"

Yamamoto turned his glare over to Paradox, who merely ignored it.

"You know," Kyoraku said. "He does have a point."

Yamamoto turned his glare at Kyoraku.

"Now," Paradox said as he pulled out his pocket watch. "The others from Hueco Mundo should be coming here right about..." Just then a Garganta opened up in the sky. "Now."

Everyone looked up at the Garganta as it opened. Someone was walking out of it, someone with black hair, pale skin, and a broken helmet.

"Ulquiorra?" Starrk asked.

Ulquiorra did not make any movement once he reached the entrance of the Garganta, he merely observed the scene before him. When his eyes landed on the dead Aizen lying on the ground, his eyes widened in shock.

"You did it," he breathed. "You killed him."

Gin raised a hand. "Guilty as charged," he said. Ulquiorra's eyes widened even further.


"But you have little Ben here to thank for it," Gin said, nodding towards Ben. "He's the one who actually beat Aizen to the ground. I just finished him off."

Ulquiorra turned his wonder filled eyes at Ben. Ben was looking at the ground. He wasn't very happy about being given credit for Aizen's defeat since Gin had killed him.

"Don't feel bad, kid," Gin said to him. "I'm no better than he is, so it's no big deal if I killed him."

"But..." Ben started to say.

"Captain Ichimaru," Kira said, causing everyone to look at him. "Was that really your intentions? Were you really planning on killing Aizen from the get-go?"

Gin's face softened, looking at his former lieutenant. "Yep," he said. "That was the plan."

"I see," Ulquiorra said. "Never once did I suspect you of eventually betraying Aizen."

"Aizen?" Gin asked in amusement. "No more 'Aizen-sama'? Never expected that from you."

"Ulquiorra-kun," a familiar voice said from within the Garganta. "What's going on out there?"

Ben blinked. "Orihime?" he asked.

"Was that Tennyson I heard?" another voice called.

"Captain Zaraki?" Ichigo asked.

The Garganta opened wider to reveal the whole gang back from Hueco Mundo. There was Orihime, Uryu, Chad, Renji, Rukia, Captain Zaraki, Yachiru, Captain Byakuya, Captain Kurotsuchi, Nemu, and some tall silver-haired girl that Ben hadn't met.

"Captain Unohana," the tall girl said. "What happened?"

The others looked at Aizen. "He's...he's dead?" Rukia asked.

"That's right," Gin said, drawing the others attention. "I decided to do you all a favor."

"Wait a minute," Zaraki said. "Are you telling me you killed him?"

"With Ben's help of course," Gin said with that smile of his. The group in the Garganta looked at Ben in wonder.

"Tennyson?" Renji asked. "Tennyson beat Aizen."

"Sure did," Gin continued. "Turned into this guy called Alien X and beat Aizen around like a rag doll.

Ben felt a knot in his stomach. He really didn't like being given credit for helping in murder.

Soon, everyone came down to the ground and having group discussions about what was going on. Now that everything was settled, Ben was properly introduced to the Gotei 13. They each treated Ben with respect and kindness. Even Suì-Fēng grudgingly thanked Ben for his part in the war. Matsumoto had tried to flirt with Ben but Gwen quickly pulled Ben away before she could anything other than introduce herself. Kevin turned back to normal but not before Kurotsuchi had seen him. The guy was looking at him like a predator to a meal. But tough guy Kevin just glared back. Many thought it was impossible for a tiny creature like Azmuth to have made Ben's Ultimatrix and it was funny to see Azmuth react so impulsively whenever someone commented on it. Byakuya, Zaraki, and Kurotsuchi were surprised by the Visoreds, but accepted that they had come to settle the score with Aizen. According to Orihime, Ulquiorra had stayed behind to protect her, thanks to Paradox's words. Whatever those words had been, Ulquiorra kept them to himself. Ben's friends had all gone back into their sealed states except for Harribel. Nobody asked why but figured it was because she didn't fully trust the Shinigami. Lilynette was chewing Ben out for keeping a powerful form like Alien X a secret. Yamamoto kept his eyes on Gin. Despite Gin being the one to kill Aizen, he still couldn't be trusted. Gin just looked back at him with that smile on his face.

Then of course there was the issue about Isshin Kurosaki being a Shinigami this entire time. Ichigo had to constantly tell everyone that he had no idea but then his dad did a crazy flying kick into Ichigo's head and that lead to the two getting into a comical fight. Gwen and Orihime tried to stop the fight while everyone else laughed at the exchange between the father and son.

Hinamori was looking at the fallen body of Aizen. She remembered that day in Soul Society when everyone thought that Aizen had been murdered. She had been so devastated that day. Even when Aizen had been labeled as a traitor, she believed that Gin had been the one to pulling the strings that Aizen was Gin's puppet. However, when she had joined in the battle against the Arrancar, she had accepted the fact that she might have to fight her former captain. Even when he had used his powers to trick the captains into attacking her, she tried to reach out to whatever decency he had left. Unfortunately, there was none. The man she knew was just an illusion, no different than the ones he could create with Kyoka Suigetsu and now that the real Aizen was dead...


Hinamori turned around to see Hitsugaya walking towards her. The captain of the 10th division was afraid of what Hinamori would do now that Aizen was dead. Personally he figured the whole Gotei 13 thought she would attack Gin in fury but Toshiro was surprised to see her look a lot calmer than how he thought she'd look.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Smiling softly, Hinamori nodded. "Yes, Shiro-chan," she said. "I feel...I I've woken up."

Hitsugaya allowed himself a smile. He feared what would kind of toll Aizen's death would take on Hinamori's mind. But if she was telling the truth, then maybe Aizen's hold on her was finally gone.

Ben was sitting off to the side against some rubble. He looked at all the people he'd saved, though. That was one consolation. Once again, Ben Tennyson had saved the world. So why didn't he feel like celebrating?

He was just so tired now. War was never a good thing in his book. People got hurt and killed. He looked at Aizen's body. Sure, the guy had been the biggest jerk in history but Ben never wanted it to end this way. As a hero, he's always tried to prevent people from dying but even he couldn't have stopped Gin. He just never saw it coming.

Now, he just needed a break from all this. He needed to see his folks. They missed him according to Gwen. Then he was going to get a smoothie with some chili fries.

But, there were still things to settle. Like his women troubles. To think he had five women after his heart and he never even knew. Guess Gwen was right. He really wasn't the most observant guy when it came to these kinds of things. How was he going to deal with this now that the war was over?

"Something troubles you, Tennyson-san?"

Ben looked up to see Captain Ukitake and Captain Kyoraku walking towards him. Ukitake had a concerned look on his face.

"Er," Ben said, not sure how to explain his problems.

"You are still troubled by Aizen's death," Ukitake figured.

Ben's eyes widened as he looked at the white haired captain in surprise. Well it was that and the girl problem. But it was probably best not to bring up the latter.

Ukitake knelt down next to Ben. "I do not blame you," he told the 16 year old boy kindly. "You had no control over the situation."

"Aw, is he still moping?" Ben turned to see Gin looking at him with that smile of his. "What are you still moping for?" he asked. "Aizen's dead and you won! Shouldn't you be celebrating?"

Ukitake frowned at Gin's words before looking at Ben.

"Kid," Kyoraku said to Ben, "War's never a good thing. People will die."

Ben frowned as he looked back down at the ground. Ukitake glanced at his long time friend.

"Granted, none of us would have thought of taking Aizen's powers away," Kyoraku admitted. "But it's not your fault he's dead. Gin was planning on doing it from the beginning and he's been in Aizen's ranks for what I suspect to have been a long time. None of us saw it coming."

"So you see, Tennyson-san," Ukitake said kindly. "You are not to blame. Taking Aizen's powers away and sparing his life just proves that you were the best out of all of us."

Ben felt as if some of the weight had been lifted off his shoulders by Ukitake's words. Maybe he was right after all.

"You said that you had been saving the entire world ever since you were a mere child," Ukitake said. "Is this true?"

"Of course it is," Gwen said, overhearing the conversation. "Ben's been through a lot ever since he was ten years old ever since he found the Omnitrix. There were plenty of times he could've died but he never gave up helping people." Her eyes softened. "There was even a time when he was going to leave me and our Grandpa Max because he didn't want us to get hurt."

Ben cringed, remembering that day well. It was the day he had stopped a robbery as Four Arms. The leader had that woman Rojo. In the process, Grandpa Max had been hurt. Blaming himself for the incident, Ben had thought it would be better if he left Gwen and Max so nothing else would happen to them. Of course, Gwen had convinced him otherwise.

Ukitake looked at the young man sympathetically. "One so young should not have to bear such a burden on his shoulders."

Azmuth snorted. "Burden, nothing," he said. "When young Tennyson obtained the Omnitrix, predecessor to the Ultimatrix, he originally used it as a toy. He took advantage of the powers given to him so that he could goof around and have fun."

Ben pouted at Azmuth's words.

"He does have a point, Ben," Gwen admitted, causing Ben to frown at her.

"However," Azmuth said. "Ben was unlike all the other beings that would rather use the Omnitrix as a weapon of war. And of course, Ben began using the Omnitrix to save people's lives. Originally he did it for attention as most children would, but in time Ben was willing to put the entire universe's very existence before his own."

"And Ben has done an excellent job keeping the universe safe," Paradox said. "And he will keep it that way for many years to come."

The other captains and fighters looked at Ben in respect and awe.

"I guess hanging out with Aizen wasn't so bad after all," Lilynette said, causing everyone to look at her in confusion. She then grinned at Ben. "Cause if Starrk and I hadn't, then we would never have met you."

"I will admit," Suì-Fēng said. "The boy is remarkable."

"Risking his life for the universe at ten years old," Gantenbainne said. "I'll say that's remarkable."

Rukia grinned. "He's even cooler than you are, Ichigo."

Ichigo shot her a look. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"He saved the whole universe at ten years old," Rukia said smugly. "You never even saved the world."

This was followed by mostly everyone laughing as the two started arguing with each other.

Nelliel smiled and tried to keep the joy from exploding out of here. She had special treat in store for Ben. She had finally decided that it was time for him to see how much she wanted to be in a relationship with him. He was going to be her first kiss. She was waiting until the right moment because she wanted everything to be just right. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink at the thought.

Harribel was thinking along the same lines. The more she heard about Ben's life, the more she loved him. There was a reason she had stayed in her released state, and not for the reason everyone thought she did, but they would find out when Harribel wanted them to.

"You know, Ben," Redder said with a grin. "You're okay."

"Oh, Ben!" Charlotte cried. "Even as a young boy, you were willing to risk your life for your entire universe. That truly is the most beautiful thing ever to behold."

"The kids got guts, I'll give him that," Ikkaku said with a grin. "And he's not a bad fighter either."

"Ten-chan is so brave," Mashiro chirped.

Matsumoto had sly smile on her face. Oh the fun she was gonna have with little Ben.

Just then a shadow loomed over Ben. He looked up to see Kenpachi Zaraki looking down at him with a big grin on his face. Or was it a leer? Ben couldn't tell with this guy. Either way, that look on the guy's face gave him the chills.

"So, Ben," Zaraki said. "Word is that you got this form called Alien X who beat Aizen like he was nothing."

"Uh..." Ben said nervously, not liking where this was going. "Yeah."

Kenpachi's grin widened. "Perfect." He raised his sword. Ben's eyes widened as Zaraki brought his sword down. If he hadn't rolled out of the way the last minute, Ben would've ended up just like the destroyed rubble that had received the full force of Zaraki's blow.

"Taicho!" Ikkaku and Yumichika both cried.

"Captain Zaraki," Ukitake said calmly but firmly. "What is the meaning of this?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Zaraki asked. "I want the kid to turn into Alien X."

"Why?" Ben asked as he reached for the Ultimatrix, hoping for some kind of form that could get him out of there.

"I want to fight him," Zaraki, as if that was the most obvious thing in existence.

Ukitake went to talk but then he had a coughing fit.

"Captain Ukitake!" Ben cried. "What's wrong?"

"It's tuberculosis," Kyoraku said grimly as he rubbed his friend's back. "He's had it for some time."

"Tuberculosis?" Gwen asked. "Does he have any medicine for it?"

"Who cares about that?" Zaraki asked before looking back at Ben. He raised his sword. "Turn into Alien X," he ordered.

"Get away, you barbarian!" Kurotsuchi yelled. "I want to experiment on Alien X and I won't have you damage it in any way."

The next thing Ben knew, Harribel and Nelliel were at his sides. Both had their weapons pointing the two captains.

"Touch him and I will kill you where you stand," Harribel threatened firmly. This statement caused everyone's attention to focus on Harribel. Yamamoto was about to open his mouth.

"Considering the fact that your own men were trying to harm young Ben," Paradox interrupted. "You can hardly blame Harribel for being so protective."

Yamamoto glared at Paradox.

"We do not wish to fight," Nelliel said softly. "But Ben is not something for you to do whatever you please."

Zaraki snorted. "Hiding behind women, Ben?" he asked. "I thought you were tougher than that." He looked at Harribel and Nelliel. "You want to fight me then?"

Now it was Ben's turn to become furious. He nearly lost Harribel and Nelliel to Aizen and he was not going to let that happen ever again.

"You hurt them and see what happens," he challenged, activating the Ultimatrix.

Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun were watching as all of this was taking place. They were back in their sealed states and Ayon was turned back into their arms that they were able to reattach to themselves. They each exchanged a knowing look with each other. Now that there were no more distractions, they could focus on getting Harribel-sama and Ben together.

Further away, Pesche and Donodchakka were thinking the same thing. They were determined for Ben to be with Nelliel-sama.

"That's..." Ukitake said as he took a deep breath. "That's enough." He looked at Zaraki sternly. "Ben does not want to fight you, Captain Zaraki. You cannot force him to."

Zaraki scoffed at Ukitake's words.

"He's right," Kyoraku said. "Besides, if Alien X was able to beat Aizen then he could probably beat you."

Zaraki's grin came back. "That's why I want to fight him."

"Enough!" Yamamoto yelled, causing everyone to look at him. "Aizen is dead and the war is over. I will not have you squabbling with each other!"

He looked at Zaraki as he said this, as if daring Zaraki to make a move. Zaraki just looked back at him without a worry in the world.

"Tch," Zaraki said scoffed. "Fine." He sheathed his sword.

"Paradox," Ulquiorra called. "I brought them."

Everyone turned to see Ulquiorra, Redder, and Charlotte. They were carrying Baraggan's other Fraccion. Charlotte was carrying Findor while Redder was carrying Vega. Ulquiorra was carrying Poww and Nirgge. Even though Ulquiorra was easily carrying both of them, it was a good thing that Poww had gone back into his sealed state while unconscious. Ulquiorra and the other two deposited them down on the ground.

"Do we finish them off?" Suì-Fēng asked.

"What?" Ben cried. "Why?"

Yamamoto looked at Ben. "Ben Tennyson, as the one who defeated Aizen, I respect your judgment but we cannot allow them to live. They will just keep coming back for revenge."

"Can't you like, close the doorway to Hueco Mundo or something?" Gwen asked. "Seal them in there? There's got to be another way besides killing them."

"We could always chuck them to the Null Void," Kevin suggested. "No way could they get out of there."

"The Null Void?" Ukitake asked.

"Interdimensional prison meant for the worst criminals," Kevin said. "I should know. Those guys would never get out of there."

Gwen gave Kevin a look, bothered that he would bring up his time spent in the Null Void.

"We can return them to Hueco Mundo," Ulquiorra said. "But someone will need to look after them as well as the other remnants of Las Noches."

"What do you mean?" Shinji asked.

"Las Noches is in ruins. Aizen and Baraggan are dead as well as most of the Espada," Ulquiorra explained. "If someone does not bring order to Hueco Mundo, it will be ugly. Normally this responsibility would fall onto the most powerful Hollow or Arrancar and that would apply to Starrk. After all, he was the Primera."

Starrk rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, about that," he said. "Leadership was never really my thing."

Lilynette kicked him in the shins. "What?" she cried at him. "You jerk, we'd get a whole kingdom all to ourselves and you turn it down. What's wrong with you?"

Ulquiorra ignored Lilynette's ranting to look at Harribel and Nelliel. "I would ask either one of you to do so, but I already know your answer."

Harribel nodded. "We would have to refuse," she said.

"We understand that Hueco Mundo needs order in it now," Nelliel said. "But we want to stay with Ben."

"Ulquiorra," Ben said. "What did you mean by most of the Espada are dead?"

"Baraggan, Nnoitra, Zommari, Szayel, Aaroniero, and Yammy are dead," Ulquiorra explained. Ben cringed. Zaraki, Byakuya, and Kurotsuchi had to be the ones responsible.

"Wait," he said. "What about Grimmjow?"

"Grimmjow is alive," Paradox reassured him. "I had Unohana heal him before while everyone else was battling the other Espada."

"Grimmjow, Nelliel, Harribel, Starrk, and myself are the last of the Espada," Ulquiorra said.

"What about Dordonii and Cirucci?" Ben asked.

"They're dead," Ulquiorra answered. Ben's eyes got wide. "Dordonii and Cirucci were defeated when Kurosaki and his friends came to rescue the woman. Szayel had the Exequias execute them so he could research their data."

Ben felt his body tremble with anger. Szayel really was the lowest of the low. Now he didn't feel as guilty that Szayel was dead. But...

"Can't you do something, Paradox?" he asked the time walker. "You managed to bring Ulquiorra back."

"Ulquiorra was dying, Ben," Paradox explained. "I told you before that there are things even I can't do, and bringing the dead back to life happens to be one of them."

Ben looked at the ground in sadness. If he had known what had happened, he would've used Alien X to bring them all back.

"What about Wonderweiss?" he asked.

Paradox shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry Ben but there are things even my powers cannot do and meddling with the laws of nature is one of them. However, just because I cannot help him, doesn't mean nobody else can. However, there are people who can."

"Don't worry about that, Ben," Urahara said, waving his fan. "Paradox and I already talked about that. I'll take care of him for you."

" can?" Ben asked.

"With Orihime-chan's help of course," Urahara said, looking at Orihime. Orihime gave him a confused look before her eyes widened and she nodded in understanding.

"Orihime?" Ben asked. "What does..."

"You better do something fast, Tennyson," Kevin interrupted. "I think they're waking up."

Ben turned to look at the fallen Fraccion. Sure enough, they were starting to stir. The next thing Ben knew, everyone began pulling out their Zanpakuto.

"Everyone, wait!" Ben said. "Let me talk with them first."

"And do you think they'll listen to you?" Hiyori asked.

"It's worth a try," Ben told her.

"Besides," Urahara said. "Considering the fact that Ben's the one who actually beat Aizen, I believe he's more than earned this."

"I agree," Komamura said. "This boy has done so much for us; it is only far that we respect his wishes."

The other captains all looked at each other before looking at Yamamoto, awaiting his next orders. Yamamoto looked back at them, then at Urahara, and then at Ben.

"Very well," he relented. The captains began to sheath their Zanpakuto. Nodding a thank you to them, Ben walked over to the fallen Fraccion. Charlotte, Redder, Harribel, Nelliel, and Starrk gathered around, ready to protect Ben at a moment's notice.

Findor was the first to awaken. Bringing a hand to his head, he started to sit up. Shaking his head in confusion, he looked around. His shock was understandable at being surrounded by Shinigami.

"What is going on?" he asked. More like demanded. His eyes landed on the one person he had truly grown to hate. "Ben Tennyson." He glared. "Where is Lord Baraggan?"

"Baraggan's dead," Starrk said in his monotone voice.

The other Fraccion, who were starting to come to, became alert when they heard him say that.

"You lie!" Vega cried. "Lord Baraggan could never be killed."

"He is," Starrk said with a shrug. "I'm the one who killed him."

Baraggan's Fraccion looked at Starrk in complete and utter horror.

"Your master is dead," Harribel said. "And now you are left with a choice."

Vega snarled at her. "Who did you think you are to boss around, traitor?" He kicked off the ground and came at her.

"Vega!" Findor cried. "Don't be a fool!"

Vega had tried to punch Harribel but she caught him with one hand easily. She looked down at him calmly.

"You were foolish to try and attack me," Harribel said. "I understand you are mad that your master is dead, but you must accept what has happened and that you cannot win. And..." she pushed Vega backwards, causing him to crash into the ground. "Ben is the only one who may touch me."

Harribel's words caused a moment of shocked silence throughout everyone, or at least those who cared. Some like Ulquiorra and Kenpachi didn't care. Whether or not she meant it in a suggestive way was unclear, but that didn't stop people from reacting to her words. Some were speechless that this woman possibly wanted to be intimate with the bearer of the Ultimatrix. One example was Gwen. When she tried to speak, all that came out was sputtering. Matsumoto and Yoruichi had amused smiles on their faces. This was going to be fun in their minds. Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun were thrown off by the forwardness of their leader, but they were also glad. Harribel possibly showed that she was more than willing to be intimate with Ben. How could any young man resist something like that? And now that the war was over, Ben could finally take the time to notice Harribel. He already respected her. Maybe now that respect could turn into love.

Nelliel on the other hand was shocked at what her rival had done but she knew that Ben was an honorable boy and would not jump at the chance to be with a woman because of her body. That was one of the many qualities about him that she respected and loved. Some of the more logical mind blushed at Harribel's words. Namely those like Renji, Uryu, Chad, Rukia, Orihime, and Ichigo. And the one who naturally blushed most of all was poor Ben. He hadn't seen that coming and could feel his cheeks burn. He felt like he had a bad case of sunburn.

"Dude, Tennyson," Kevin said impressed. "You totally scored."

"Shut up," Ben hissed at him through clenched teeth as his cheeks burned hotter.

"Ben Tennyson!" Azmuth cried out. "What have you been doing all this time?"

Ben felt his face burn even hotter than ever, red with embarrassment. "It''s not like that, Azmuth!"

"Really?" Azmuth asked, narrowing his eyes at Ben. "Then perhaps I misheard her words somehow."

"It'''s...." Ben tried and failed to say.

Kevin patted him on the back. "You might want to get that fixed." He said.

"My, my," Shinji said with a grin. "Aren't you the lucky one, Ben?"

Ben put his head in his hands. He just wanted to turn into Goop and melt into the ground. Or turn into Nanomech, that way he'd be too small to see.

"What is this?" Hiyori yelled. "This boy's got a whole bunch of girls after him? What's up with that?"

"Well," Mashiro said with a giggle. "Ten-chan is kinda cute."

"So what are you going to do with us?" Poww asked, interrupting the moment. "Where is Aizen?"

"Aizen's dead," Gin said with that grin of his. "I killed him."

"You did what?" Nirgge asked. He and the other Fraccion were shocked by Gin's words.

"But Ben's the one who beat him," Gin said, looking over at Ben. "Beat Aizen like he was nothing."

"Impossible," Poww said. "That boy could not have defeated Aizen."

"It's the truth," Nelliel said to them. "And it's only because of Ben that you are alive now."

Baraggan's Fraccion all stared at Ben. How could a mere human defeat Aizen? It just didn't make sense. Sure, he had all those strange and powerful alien forms but none of them could've defeated Aizen.

Oh, if only they knew of course. If only they knew what Alien X was capable of then they'd fear Ben and consider him a god and a Celestialsapien was as close to a god as one could get with their reality warping abilities.

"Look, you guys can fight all you want, but that would just mean you'd get killed," Ben said. "I don't want that and I'm sure you guys don't want to die either."

"And what of them?" Poww asked, looking at the Shinigami. "I doubt they are keen to let us live. We were at war with each other, how can we believe that you will just let us go?"

"Because there's nothing to be gained by not believing," Charlotte said to his former teammates. "Baraggan and Aizen are dead and you're outnumbered and outmatched. To fight would be suicide and I know all of you well enough that you would value your own lives over avenging Baraggan."

The Fraccion looked at the ground. They would never have admitted it aloud but it was true. They would have put their own safety before Baraggan. That was especially evident for Findor, who had been about to flee fore before he got scrambled by AmpFibian.

"It is best if all of you return to Hueco Mundo," Ulquiorra said.

Vega looked up at Ulquiorra. "Why should we listen to...?"

Ulquiorra began unleashing his spiritual pressure upon them. The four were easily brought to their knees by the sheer strength of it.

"You will listen," Ulquiorra told them, "Because it is much more preferable than the alternative. You are nothing more than Fraccion. Starrk, Harribel, and myself are Espada. Nelliel is a former but has lost none of her powers. Do you really think that you can stand up to us? Let alone the entire Gotei 13?"

The four Fraccion looked at Ulquiorra and they realized that he had a point. Most of the people here were captains and Espada. Even if they were to attack the weaker fighters, the stronger ones would intervene. Plus, Starrk said he was the one who killed Baraggan. Now they were never thrilled that Aizen had made him the Primera instead of Baraggan, but Starrk had to be powerful and he never seemed the type to lie. And if Ben Tennyson had in fact, defeated Aizen...

Just then, Ben was struck by inspiration. "I know what we can do," he said. "We can take them back to Bellwood with us and place them under house arrest."

Everyone's heads turned when Ben said that.

"What?" Vega demanded. "Us? Go to the human world?"

"Tennyson-san," Ukitake said. "Are you sure that is the wisest choice? Would it not be better to send them back to Hueco Mundo?"

"Well," Ben said, suddenly becoming nervous and scratching the back of his head. "You see, I was...kinda hoping Nelliel, Harribel, Starrk and the others would like to come back to Bellwood with me, Kevin, and Gwen."

All of Ben's Arrancar allies looked at Ben with wide eyes. Ben was inviting come live with him? Matsumoto and Yoruichi shared a knowing smile with each other. Gwen on the other hand had raised an eyebrow while looking at Ben. For obvious reasons, she was curious about what his intentions were.

For Ben it was either the option he'd given them or the Null Void. He really didn't want to put anyone there without giving them a chance, even enemies.

"And I figured," Ben said quickly to cover up his embarrassment. "These four would probably not want to cause trouble with three Espada living right alongside them."

Suì-Fēng blinked at Ben. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" she asked. She looked impressed.

Yamamoto frowned. "The Arrancar do not belong on Earth."

Ben narrowed his eyes at Yamamoto. "Says who?" he asked.

"Arrancar belong in Hueco Mundo," Yamamoto told him. "That is where they will return to."

"And who put you in charge?" Kevin asked. "You're in charge of the Shinigami, not the Arrancar."

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes at Kevin but Kevin was not bothered at all. Sure he knew that Yamamoto could easily break him like a twig but he also knew that they had an ace in the hole.

"Are you sure you want to mess with Ben?" Kevin asked. "Cause you know, he could just turn into Alien X again and take away your powers and I definitely think Alien X would agree to defend himself."

"I agree," Azmuth said, seeing where Kevin was going with this. "Celelstialsapiens are capable of warping the fabric of reality itself. Why, in the blink of an eye, Alien X could take away the powers of everyone here."

Those who were not aware of Alien X stared at Azmuth in shock. They looked back at Ben in a reverent awe and Ben, who was used to attention, felt uncomfortable by this new attention.

"Can..." Findor said. "Can Ben really turn into this...Celestialsapien?"

"He can," Charlotte said. Once again he got all dramatic. "That being, that 'Alien X' had to be the most beautiful being I had ever seen in my entire life. His glowing green eyes were like the finest emeralds ever to be crafted and his body was like a carving from space."

"Alright that does it," Kevin said, finally fed up with Charlotte. "I don't know if you're complimenting him or hitting on him."

Charlotte opened his mouth to retort...

"Now, now," Paradox said, interrupting them. "No need for everyone to get excited." Then he looked over at Yamamoto. "But since Ben is the one who defeated Aizen, perhaps it would be best if we left this decision to him. Don't you agree, Yamamoto?"

Yamamoto glared at Paradox. How many times did that man have to bring up the fact that Ben was the one who defeated Aizen? Paradox was so infuriating. Yamamoto never thought he would meet a man like this who would get under his skin so quickly and so badly.

"Very well," Yamamoto said to Paradox. "I will leave the fate of the Arrancar in Ben's hands."

Ben let out a sigh of relief. Truth be told, he was afraid that things were gonna get worse and that a fight would break out. Trust Paradox to find a way to settle things.

"So, guys," Ben said to the four Fraccion. "What's it gonna be?"

Findor, Nirgge, Poww, and Vega looked at each other. They knew that Ben was being merciful and that if it wasn't for him, they would be dead and if this Alien X was really as powerful as everyone was saying, not to mention that Ben had three of the Espada and two former Espada on his side, they knew better than to try and pick a fight with Ben. So the four of them got up and then they bowed. Vega refused to do so but Poww nudged him. Gritting his teeth, Vega bowed too.

"Ben Tennyson," Findor said. "Thank you for your mercy. We accept."

Ben nodded in approval. Taking a deep breath, he looked at his female Arrancar friends.

"Nelliel," he said, "Harribel, Apacci, Mila Rose, Sung-Sun. Would you like to come back to-oomph!"

Nelliel had caught Ben in one of her bone crushing hugs.

"Ben," she said sweetly. "I'd love to."

This felt like the happiest moment in Nelliel's life. Aizen was gone, the Shinigami were sparing them, and now she'd get to live with Ben. Of course she would have to put up with the other girls coming too, but she knew it was because Ben wanted to them to have a better home than Hueco Mundo. She could tell by being around Ben that he wasn't the type of guy that wanted a harem. And well, maybe Nelliel decided that she didn't feel like sharing him. So she just nuzzled Ben happily, blissfully oblivious to Ben's grunts of pain from being in her hug.

Pesche and Dondochakka pumped their fists in the air. Score one for Team Nelliel. Meanwhile Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun shot irritated glances at Nelliel. Harribel herself did not do anything. After all, Ben hadn't made his choice yet so it was okay for him to receive affection from the other girls but now that there was no Aizen to worry about, Harribel decided that Ben would now be hers.

Kevin grinned. "Gonna start making your love nest, Tennyson?"

Ben managed to glare at Kevin despite being hugged tightly by Nelliel. "Knock it off, Kevin."

"Love nest?" Shinji asked with a sly grin.

"Didn't you know?" Kevin asked with his own sly grin. "All five of those girls love Ben."

Gantenbainne's eyes widened. "Even Nelliel and Harribel?" he asked.

Kevin's grin widened. "Especially those two."

Ben's face went red again, especially since he felt everyone's eyes upon him.

" succeeded in seducing Tia Harribel and Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck ?" Nirgge asked. "The most powerful females in Hueco Mundo?"

Ben's face went a darker shade of red. "I didn't seduce anyone!" he yelled. This was led to Kevin and the Shinigami laughing at Ben's embarrassment.

Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun said nothing but simply smiled. Even though they were going to be focused on getting Ben to fall in love with Harribel, they didn't want Nelliel's Fraccion to become aware of their plans for fear that they would do something similar for Ben and Nelliel. Which of course they were. Pesche and Dondochakka vowed to do everything in their power for Ben and Nelliel.

"My," Unohana said pleasantly. "You must have a very interesting love life, Tennyson-san."

"Taicho!" Her lieutenant, Isane, whined. Her own face was a little red from all this.

Ben groaned in annoyance. It wasn't like he had asked for this to happen. This was worse than all those crazy fangirls back home.

"Five girls after you?" Yoruichi asked with a grin. "Gotta say I'm impressed."

Ben groaned again.

"From the looks of things," Kyoraku observed. "It seems that Ben didn't do anything at all."

Nelliel smiled softly. "He didn't need to," she said. "Being himself was good enough."

Kevin snorted. "Then you don't know Ben like we do."

Matsumoto raised an eyebrow in amusement. "He won you over just by being himself?" she asked, impressed. She looked at all the men among them. "You guys could probably learn a thing or two from Ben."

"Like what?" Ichigo demanded, annoyed with all of this.

"Like how to actually get a girlfriend, Ichigo," Renji sneered. "Ben's got five girls and you don't even have one."

No sooner had Renji said that did Isshin fly out of nowhere and kick Ichigo right in the face. The blow was enough to send Ichigo flying backwards and smash into some rubble.

"Kurosaki-kun!" Orihime cried out in concern.

"What did you do that for?" Gwen demanded from Isshin.

"That's what I want to know," Ichigo said as he got up from the rubble. "What was that for?"

"My son," Isshin said. "You are a disgrace! Ben has five girls in love with him while you don't even have one! How dare you call yourself a man!"

At this, Orihime gave a little squeak that went unnoticed by everyone else. Almost. Ben, Nelliel, and Harribel all looked in Orihime's direction when Renji had commented that nobody liked Ichigo. They were aware of Orihime's feelings and Ichigo's obliviousness and Ben had spent enough time with Orihime to know that a sweet girl liked that deserved to have her affection returned.

"You know, Ichigo," Ben said, his arms folded. "It wouldn't hurt for you to pay attention to those around you. Maybe there's someone out there who really likes you."

Ichigo blinked in surprise along with several others. Orihime gave a slightly louder squeak of surprise and her face reddened. Did Ben figure out her crush on Ichigo?

"What are you talking about?" Ichigo asked.

Ben groaned. Honestly, Ichigo might be a powerful fighter but the guy was as thick headed as a brick wall. Scratch that, make it the Great Wall of China and you'd understand about fifty percent of how thick Ichigo was.

"I mean that there might be someone who likes you," Ben said, wondering just how clueless Ichigo was to the whole thing.

Renji laughed. "Yeah right," he said. "Who in the world would fall for this strawberry?"

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Strawberry?" he asked.

"Ichigo means strawberry in Japan," Gwen explained to her cousin.

"You know Japanese too?" Kevin asked impressed.

"Anyway," Rukia said, looking at Ben with interest. "Who likes Ichigo, Ben?" she asked him.

Ben shrugged. "Not my place to say," he told her. Rukia's face deflated with disappointment. "But it wouldn't kill Ichigo to pay attention once in a while."

Ichigo raised an eyebrow. Was Ben messing with him about some girl liking him?

When we thought you died, Orihime was devastated. She looked as if her whole world had been taken away from her. She couldn't stop crying. It was as if something inside of her was broken that couldn't be fixed.

She did?

Ichigo froze. He remembered he and Nelliel talking about that back in Hueco Mundo when he was going to help Way Big fight Yammy.

Her pain is something I can understand.

You can?

Yes. Because, that's how I'd feel if I ever lost Ben.

Ichigo's eyes widened. He had forgotten all about that during everything that had went on, but he had time to ponder on Nelliel's words.

She said that Orihime was devastated the way Nelliel herself would feel if she ever lost Ben. Nelliel loves Ben and she'd be devastated like Orihime was if she ever lost him. Orihime had been devastated when I had died. Does this mean that Orihime...

I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Tennyson," Kevin snorted. "You had five girls after you and you were totally oblivious."

Ben felt his face redden again. "I...I was busy with dealing with Aizen," he said, trying to excuse himself. In retrospect, it was the truth. Kinda.

Matsumoto smiled coyly at Ben. "Right," she said. "And now that the wars over, you can focus more on your new friends."

All the color drained from Ben's face. She was right. She was absolutely right! There was nothing from stopping these girls from trying to do whatever, but they did say they would wait for his decision so maybe he could find a way out of this.

"Don't see what the big deal is, Tennyson," Kevin said with a shrug. "Most guys would kill to be in your shoes. All five of them are pretty hot." Then he smirked. "Not to mention Harribel and Nelliel have some nice-Ow!" Gwen had jabbed him in the side with her elbow. "Eyes! I was gonna say eyes!"

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Sure you were, Kevin," she muttered sarcastically.

Ben would rather face Vilgax, Agreggor and Aizen combined then be put on stage and under the scrutiny of everyone because he had five girls after him. Sure, he enjoyed the attention he got from being a superhero but this kind of attention he could live without. It was bad enough when he had to run away from rabid fangirls. Now he was being teased by Kevin and he had a lot of mileage.

Then, to his horror, he thought about what his folks might think. Sure, if everyone found out Ben had 'seduced' five beautiful women then it'll be all over the news. He didn't care much about that but what would his mom and dad say?

"I always said you were going places, Ben," Gin said with that amused smile on his face. "You must be the luckiest man in the world now."

Ben made a face. Even Gin was making fun of him now.

"So," Gin said looking at the Gotei 13. "Looks like the only ones to worry about now are me and Tōsen. But first." He started walking towards Aizen's body. This brought everyone's attention back on him. Nelliel even let go of Ben out of suspicion to what Gin might be up to.

"What do you think you're doing, Ichimaru?" Byakuya asked.

"The man is already dead," Unohana told him. "What more do you want?"

"The Hogyoku," Gin said.

Urahara's eyes narrowed. "Why do you want it?"

Gin smiled at him before looking at Paradox with that smile. "Why do I have a feeling that you already know?" he asked.

"Because I do," Paradox told him. "However, I also know better than to tell things that other people might want to keep to themselves."

Gin grinned. "You know, Paradox," he said. "You're an okay guy."

"What are you two talking about?" Hiyori complained, glaring at Paradox. "I'm sick and tired of you talking in riddles, Paradox. What does he want the Hogyoku for?"

"Nothing bad if that's what you are concerned about, young Hiyori," Paradox reassured her.

"What is that supposed to...?"

"Let it go, Hiyori," Love told her sternly.

"What!" Hiyori yelled at her fellow Visored. "But Love..."

"Paradox hasn't been wrong yet," Rose told the former lieutenant. "It was through his wisdom that Ben came into our ranks and guaranteed us Aizen's defeat. If he says that we can trust Gin with the Hogyoku then I believe him."

"Same here," Hachi said.

"Got that right," Kensei said.

"Professor-chan is our friend," Mashiro said.

Love and Lisa nodded.

"Splendid," Paradox said. "However, I do believe that Gin here would like a moment alone with Ms. Matsumoto here."

Matsumoto blinked in surprise at Paradox. "Me?" she asked him.

"Everyone," Paradox said to the others. "We should give them a few minutes alone."

"Alone?" Hitsugaya asked. His eyes narrowed at Gin. "How can we trust...?"

"Trust me," Paradox said with a smile. "I know."

Yamamoto's frown deepened. Usually he would argue against Paradox but it looked like no matter what he'd say, this man would just prove him wrong, which seemed to be all the time. So, Yamamoto decided that he would allow Paradox to make the decisions for the time being.

"Fine then," He said. "We'll do this your way, Paradox. Everyone! Let us leave them alone."

One by one, the Shinigami began using Shunpo to go another part of the city. Ichigo picked up a startled Orihime. The healer's face blushed deeply as Ichigo picked her up. Ben smirked at the sight, having figured out that Orihime liked the guy. Ichigo used his Shunpo to join the others. Uryu and Chad also disappeared using techniques similar to Shunpo and Sonido.

"Guess we'd better head there too," Gantenbainne said. He used Sonido to follow the Shinigami.

Ulquiorra did not say anything, merely using Sonido to leave the scene.

"Okay," Kevin said. "Someone's got to teach me how to do that."

"Good luck with that one, human," Apacci said with grin. She grabbed Kevin. "Better get ready for this." And then she used Sonido to carry him off.

Sung-Sun walked over to Gwen. "Would you like some help?" she asked.

"Uh," Gwen said, not certain of what to do but after she considered the fact that she didn't have a speed move of her own, she nodded. Sung-Sun grabbed her arm.

"You might want to close your eyes," Sung-Sun recommended. Gwen only had time to blink in confusion before she was yanked away by the Fraccion. Mila Rose silently followed them.

"Come on, Starrk," Lilynette said. "Don't want to ruin the moment." She sounded disgusted, like how a regular kid would act to romance.

Ben laughed, causing Lilynette to glare at him. "And just what is so funny?" she asked.

"You really are a little kid, Lilynette," Ben said with a grin. Lilynette's eye widened before she became furious.

"What did you say?" she screamed. She leaped forward to lunge at Ben but Starrk grabbed her by the collar. That halted her mid jump and made her fall flat on her rump. She turned her head to glare at Starrk. "What's the big idea, Starrk?" she demanded.

Instead of an answer, Starrk used Sonido to follow the others. The last the others heard of them was Lilynette about to yell at Starrk.

"Come on, you four," Charlotte said to Findor, Poww, Nirgge, and Vega.

Vega glared at Charlotte and was about to open his mouth but Findor put a hand on his shoulder. Vega looked back at Findor and Findor shook his head. Growling softly, Vega relented. Baraggan's Fraccion used Sonido. Redder and Charlotte included. Aside from Matsumoto and Gin, all that remained was Paradox, Ben, Nelliel, and Harribel.

"Shall we go, Ben?" Nelliel asked.

Ben frowned, looking back at Matsumoto and Gin. Uncertainty was edged on his face. Gin saw this.

"Aizen had to die, Ben," Gin told him quietly, "For what he did."

Ben's eyes narrowed in thought. He remembered Gin saying that the reason he killed Aizen was personal. His eyes landed on Matsumoto. Had Aizen done something to her? Something so terrible that made Gin want to kill him so badly?

"Alright," Ben finally said. He sighed. There was nothing more he could do here. He looked at Nelliel and Harribel. "Guess we'd better get going too."

Nodding, the two girls calmly looped an arm around both of Ben's and used Sonido before he could say anything.

And then there were three; Paradox, Matsumoto, and Gin. Matsumoto looked at Gin. Why did Paradox want her to stay behind? Did Gin have something he wanted to tell her? Gin looked at her and his face softened. Matsumoto actually expected him to say something to her. But instead he turned around and continued walking to Aizen's corpse.

"Paradox," Gin said once he reached Aizen's body. "Can your powers...affect the Hogyoku?"

Paradox chuckled at the question. "The Hogyoku is not as unique as all of you may believe. This is not the first wish granting object I've encountered in my travels and I doubt it will be the last."

Gin himself chuckled at Paradox's words. "I'll take that as a yes," he said. Kneeling down, Gin flipped Aizen on to his back. There, resting in Aizen's chest was the Hogyoku and right above it was the hole Gin's blade had made. If one thought about it, they would think that the Hogyoku would have healed Aizen but since Alien X had taken away his powers, Aizen could not be affected by the Hogyoku anymore. Without saying a word, Gin plunged his hand into the hole where the Hogyoku rested and just as quickly he yanked it out. With the Hogyoku now in his grasp, Gin got back to his feet and turned around. Matsumoto looked at Gin with disgust. The black Hogyoku was stained with Aizen's blood but Gin was holding it like a little kid holding a marble.

"Gin," Matsumoto said firmly. "What do you intend to do with the Hogyoku?" She grabbed her sword's handle.

Gin, who was still looking at the Hogyoku as she said this, looked up at her. The look on his face was one that surprised her. She had seen many faces of him. Mocking, friendly, regret, but this...this face was different. It looked...gentle and tender.

"Paradox," Gin said quietly, bringing his attention to the time walker. Paradox himself looked saddened, and he was, for he knew the reasons why Gin wanted revenge against Aizen and what Gin's intentions were for the Hogyoku.

"Yes, Gin?" Paradox asked despite already knowing the question.

"Will you help me?" Gin asked him. Matsumoto was surprised by the tone in Gin's voice. It was almost pleading. What was going on here? Why was Gin acting like this?

Paradox nodded at the former captain. "Of course," he replied quietly.

Matsumoto raised an eyebrow. "What's he talking about, Paradox?" She turned to look at him only to see Paradox walking towards her. She instinctively backed away from him. "Paradox? What are you...?" then she saw Gin walking towards her as well, a determined look now on his face. Matsumoto moved to pull Haineko from its sheath but Gin was at her in an instant, his hand on hers to prevent her from pulling out her blade. Matsumoto's eyes widened in fright.

"It's alright, Matsumoto," Paradox once he reached them. "We're not going to hurt you."

"Then what are you doing?" Matsumoto demanded. She tried to pull away but Gin suddenly wrapped his arms around her. She gasped at the sudden action.

"Don't be afraid, Rangiku-chan," Gin whispered in a soft voice. Rangiku felt her heart increase its pace at the way Gin said that. Gin looked at her. His eyes were fully open so that she could get a good look at them. They were bright sky blue and they...they were filled with an emotion that Rangiku Matsumoto never thought she'd see in Gin Ichimaru. It looked and tenderness.

"Rangiku-chan," Gin muttered again. He removed one of his hands off her and brought it front of her face so that she could see the Hogyoku in his hands. "I'm going to give back what that man took away from you."

Rangiku's eyes widened again and her jaw dropped. "Th...this...this whole time," she breathed. "You did this...for me?"

"Yes," Gin whispered as he embraced her, hugging her close as if she was going to vanish, "All for you."

Matsumoto felt her voice get caught in her throat as tears formed in her eyes. Gin slowly let her go and looked at Paradox. The two shared a nod with each other. It was time to give Matsumoto back what Aizen had taken away from her.

Ben let out a breath as he found himself among the others again. Kevin took a look at him and chuckled at Ben's position. Ben was in the middle with Harribel and Nelliel at either side of him. Nelliel had her arm looped around Ben's left arm while Harribel had her arm wrapped around Ben's right. A little pink around the cheeks, Ben looked at the group. He was relieved to see that Poww, Vega, Findor, and Nirgge hadn't tried to run away or attack the others. Then he noticed something odd. Urahara and Orihime were not among the group. Odd. Where did they go? His thoughts were interrupted by a chuckling Kevin.

"You know you can let go now, Tennyson," his former enemy turned friend said.

Ben tilted his head in confusion until he realized that his arms were still looped around Nelliel and Harribel's. Blushing yet again, he nervously un-looped his arms from theirs, much to the amusement of the majority.

"My," Kurotsuchi said, looking at three interestedly. "You seemed to be very attached to those female Arrancar aren't you, Ben Tennyson?"

Ben frowned at Kurotsuchi's tone. The man already reminded him of Szayel, which immediately caused him to be distrustful of the clown looking captain.

"This might actually be worth experimenting," the captain of the twelfth division said. "Nemu!" he called to his lieutenant.

"Yes, Mayuri-sama?" Nemu asked.

"Prepare my notes," Kurotsuchi told her. "I want to experiment the possibility for a human and Arrancar to produce an offspring."

"What?" Ben cried, reeling backwards and falling on his rump. His face was redder than Four Arms and felt hotter than Heatblast and NRG combined.

Kevin started laughing so hard that he clutched his sides. Gwen on the other hand looked at Kurotsuchi furiously.

Many present were staring at Kurotsuchi in shock. Most, such as the lieutenants and Ichigo's group, were beet red from embarrassment.

Nelliel immediately felt her own face burn at Kurotsuchi's words.

A child? she asked herself. Mine and Ben's?

Nelliel's imagination:

A little girl that looked like Nelliel with her red mark, but with Ben's eyes and hair, smiled up at her. She had inherited the cuteness of her mother and the innocence of her father.

"Mommy," the little girl said cutely. "Can Daddy pway eternal tag with me?"

End of Imagination:

Nelliel felt joy at the thought of being a mother sometime in the future.

I hope. She thought. Someday...that can be a reality. Not now of course, but when Ben's older...She blushed at this thought. I hope I get to be known as Nelliel Tennyson and the two of us can have a family of our own.

Harribel was much more collected about it than Nelliel was but if one were to look closely, ever so closely, they could see that there was a small hint of redness on her cheeks.

Ben and I, she thought. A family?

Harribel's imagination:

A young boy smiled at her. He looked like Ben but he had Harribel's skin and hair. His face had the friendliness of his father and the determination of his mother.

"I'm ready to train, mother," the boy said with a grin. "I hope as I get to be as strong as you and father some day."

Harribel's eyes widened in wonder. All her time in Hueco Mundo, it was nothing but a fight to survive. Even when she became an Arrancar, there were no men worthy of her affections until Ben came. The thought of the two of them possibly starting a family sometime in the future...

Could I...? She thought. Could I really be...a mother someday? Not only that but a wife as well? Someday, could I be...Tia Tennyson?

Ben's jaw dropped in horror as the two girls stared off into space. Were they actually considering this?

"What is the meaning of this, Captain Kurotsuchi?" Ukitake demanded.

"Well we already know what happens when a Shinigami and a human reproduce," Kurotsuchi explained. He pointed at Ichigo. "That boy is the proof of that. But what happens when a human and Arrancar reproduce? I'm curious to see what that result would be."

Gwen created pink mana around her hands. "You are going nowhere near my cousin!" she threatened.

Kurotsuchi brought his attention over to her. His eyes landed on the mana around her fists. "My," he said. "That is rather interesting. I might experiment on you instead."

Kevin immediately stopped laughing when he said that. He touched the ground and his body was instantly covered in rock.

"Try and I'll break your face in," Kevin threatened, punching his hand with his other fist.

Kurotsuchi looked at Kevin now. "My, what interesting abilities you all have. I would love to experiment on all of you. It seems I've hit the jackpot."

"How interesting," Ulquiorra said as he looked at Kurotsuchi. "You are very similar to Szayel."

"That Arrancar?" Kurotsuchi asked, looking insulted. "Do not compare me to him. That man is nothing compared to me. How dare you say that!"

"Nonetheless," Ulquiorra said, undaunted by Kurotsuchi's actions. "I highly doubt that Ben or any of his female companions would agree to this experiment willingly."

Kurotsuchi stared at him. "You have a good point. I will need to see how best to approach this situation."

"I'm afraid you won't be doing any experimenting today, Captain Kurotsuchi," a stern voice spoke.

Everyone turned to see Paradox walking towards them. Kurotsuchi grit his teeth. "Paradox," he muttered under his breath.

"So, what happened?" Ben asked.

"Mr. Ichimaru and Ms. Matsumoto have some things to discuss in private so I decided to let them have their privacy," answered Paradox cryptically, as always. He reached into his pocket and opened his hand as he offered, "Gumball?"

"Uh, no thanks," Ben said.

"Me! Me!" Yachiru cried excitedly from Zaraki's shoulder. "I want some, Candy-kun! Gimme!"

Chuckling, Paradox reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of gumballs. Eagerly Yachiru jumped off Zaraki's shoulder, ran over to Paradox, snatched the gumballs from his hand, and stuffed them all into her mouth.

"Quite a pair of jaws for one who rarely eats anything other than sweets," Paradox said pleasantly as Yachiru swished the gumballs in her mouth. He looked back up at Ben. "Now, I believe there is someone else you need to see."

"What?" Ben asked. "Who?"

"Why, Tōsen of course," Paradox answered. Ben's eyes widened in surprise for a moment. In all the excitement, he had forgotten about Tōsen. He turned around to face Komamura.

"Where is Tōsen?" Ben asked the large captain.

"He is with Hisagi," Komamura told the bearer of the Ultimatrix. "Would you like me to take you to him?"

Ben nodded.

"Should we come too, Ben?" Gwen asked.

Ben shook his head. "No," he told her. "I want to talk to him alone."

Yamamoto was about to open his mouth to object.

"Ah, ah, ah," Paradox said to the captain commander, wagging his finger like a teacher to a naughty child.

Yamamoto glared at Paradox in frustration. Was this man's real power the ability to annoy him to no end?

"Tennyson-san," Ukitake said. "Are you sure that it is a wise choice?"

Ben looked at him. "I don't know if it's the smart thing to do," he admitted. "But I know it's the right thing."

"What about us, Ben?" Nelliel asked.

Ben smiled at her. "Don't worry, I'll be fine," he reassured her. Then he looked at Komamura. "I'm ready," he said.

"Very well," Komamura said to Ben. "I will take you to him." He walked over to Ben and then looked at Nelliel and Harribel. "You have my word that I will allow no harm to come to the boy."

Harribel nodded. "Very well," she said to the wolf captain. "We will trust you with him. But rest assured that if anything happens to him..."

"I understand," Komamura told her. He looked down at Ben. "Ready, Tennyson-san?"

Ben nodded again. "I'm ready," he said.

Nodding, Komamura grabbed Ben's arm and the two vanished as the Captain of Seventh Division used Shunpo.

In the blink of an eye, Ben found himself back in the part of the city where he had battled Tōsen. Komamura began walking so Ben followed him. As they did, Ben looked around at the countless destroyed buildings and scattered rubble. He whistled at the sight. Had any of his previous battles ever been this intense?

"Captain Komamura!"

Ben shook his head as he looked ahead. Walking towards him and Komamura was none other than Hisagi.

"I...I can no longer sense Aizen's reiatsu," Hisagi said. His body was trembling and sweat dripped from his forehead. "Is he...?"

Komamura nodded at the lieutenant. "Aizen is dead," he told the lieutenant.

"Aizen-sama," a voice nearby said softly. "Dead?"

The trio looked behind Hisagi. Tōsen was in his human form, lying on the ground with his back up against a large chunk from a building. His eyes were still working fine apparently. He was looking right at them and his eyes seemed completely normal. He truly was no longer blind.

"Aizen's dead," Ben said sadly. "Gin killed him."

Tōsen's eyes widened for a moment before nearly closing. "Gin," he said quietly. "How could I not have known?"

Ben looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, Tōsen," he said. "I didn't mean for Aizen to get killed."

"What did you expect, Ben?" Tōsen asked. "If Aizen-sama had been merely defeated by all of you, then he would have been executed for his treason."

"Probably not," Ben said. "I already took away his powers before Gin killed him. They probably would have given him a lighter sentence because of that."

Tōsen looked at Ben in shock. "You did what?" he asked. "You took away his powers?"

Hisagi gaped at Ben. Ben noticed this and frowned. Hisagi was looking at him with awe and fear and it bugged him. He didn't want to be seen as something to fear. Well, maybe to his enemies, but not to other people.

"Tennyson-san did take away Aizen's powers," Komamura confirmed. "Needless to say, however, none of us expected Gin's betrayal."

Tōsen looked down at his feet. "I often wondered Gin's reasons for joining us. I knew that a man like him did not care about justice but I was willing to put up with him because Soul Society needed to pay." He looked up at Ben. "Are you satisfied now, Ben?"

Ben sighed as he looked at Tōsen. "When you put it like that, no," he admitted.

"Tōsen," Komamura said softly. "I understand you are angry. I understand you are bitter. I am not asking you to not be those things. I just...I just don't want you to lose yourself to your anger. If you did, then like how you felt when you lost your friend, I would have a hole in my heart."

Tōsen said nothing. He just continued looking at his feet. Then he looked at Ben.

"Ben," he said to the 16 year old. "What would you have done in my place?"

Ben blinked at the former captain. Tōsen raised his head and looked him straight in the eye. "If someone killed your loved ones, your family, or perhaps those girls of yours and the killer was allowed to go unpunished? What would you have done in my place?"

Ben looked down at the ground again. "I've been in your place," he said.

Tōsen's eyes widened in surprise. "What?"

"A while back," Ben said. "My pal Kevin went under a mutation. He went crazy with power and constantly craved more of it. Over time, I started to think that Kevin couldn't be saved and that the only thing to do was to end him for good. If...if my cousin Gwen hadn't intervened, I probably would have done it."

Tōsen looked at Ben, interested with his tale.

"Ever since that day," Ben said. "I started thinking about what happened. Now that Kevin's back to normal, the guilt ate away at me. I tried convincing myself that what I was doing was the right thing to do. If Gwen's plan hadn't worked, then I would've had to end him. But...I remembered my grandpa asking me "is it the Ben thing?" And now, now a similar situation had come up." He paused. "Aizen fatally wounded Starrk, Harribel, and Nelliel," Ben explained. "I thought I was going to lose them. They were dying and there was nothing I could do about it at the time. When I turned into my most powerful form, Alien X, I was ready to wipe Aizen from existence, but I didn't."

"What?" Tōsen asked bewildered. "Why?"

"Because I realized something," Ben replied. "Kevin was being a mindless monster, but Aizen...Aizen was worse. He knew what he was doing and he didn't care at all. He was in full control of his actions and did it all on purpose, just to please himself. If I had given into my anger, if I had let my emotions get the better of me, I would be no better than him. "

Tōsen studied Ben as the bearer of the Ultimatrix retold this tale.

"I spared him," Ben said. "But I used Alien X's powers to heal everyone and take away Aizen's powers. I wasn't gonna kill Aizen, but I wasn't gonna let him hurt people ever again. Then Gin killed him out of his own personal vendetta."

"Tell me, Ben," Tōsen said. "When Aizen-sa...when he had wounded your friends, did it become personal for you?"

Ben looked back at him. "It did," he answered. "Originally I fought Aizen the way I fought most of my enemies. He was gonna hurt people and I needed to stop him, but it became personal the moment he hurt those close to me."

"So," Tōsen commented. "You and Gin both went after Aizen because of your personal feelings. Both of you thirsted for revenge and the outcome was different for both of you. You had your revenge, but in a way none of us could have imagined. Gin, on the other hand, took the revenge that most people took. The type of revenge that I wanted."

Ben walked over and kneeled next to Tōsen. "I don't blame you for being angry," he said. "It means you cared about your friend and believe me, there was plenty of times I nearly gave into my anger." He chuckled. "I guess it was luck that always stopped me from going too far." His face became solemn again. "All I'm saying is this: do you think your friend would want you to do this? To kill so many people for her sake? Do you think she'd be happy about that? Would she...really consider this justice?"

Tōsen froze when he looked at Ben again. Those words seemed to have caused the gears in his head to begin turning rapidly.

"I'm not telling you to forgive the guy who killed her either," Ben continued. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that you need to think about what she'd want you to do. Would she want you to kill so many people just to avenge her? Or would she want you to live a full, happy life? What do you think she'd want if she was here right now?"

Tōsen felt the gears in his head spinning faster. Was...was Ben speaking the truth? Would she...would she really not want him to do this? What would she think of him if she could see him now? See what he had done? Would she be proud of him? Or would she hate him?

"She'd...she'd want justice to be done," he said quietly, probably a piece of his mind that was trying to support his reasons for joining Aizen.

"And she will receive justice," Ben said as he got up. He looked at Komamura. "Can't you do something about this?" he asked. "Can you captains do anything?"

Komamura looked down at Ben. This boy...This boy had been protecting his universe since he was only ten years old. Compared even to the long living Shinigami, that was an achievement of noticeable caliber. In fact, no Shinigami could ever say that they had done what Ben had accomplished during his, compared to Shinigami, short existence in his life. The boy was bearing the burden that child should not have to bear but was more than willing to accept the responsibilities that came with such a burden. And this boy...this boy had done what all the others had failed to do. Even when he had every right to destroy Aizen, he had shown the man mercy. Thus, who was he to deny this boy any request?

"Tōsen," Komamura said kindly to his friend. "I will make sure that your friend does receive justice and this time it will be done right."

Tōsen's eyes widened in surprise. "Can it...can it really happen?" he asked.

Komamura chuckled as he gave Ben an amused smile. "Something tells me that this boy would probably do something about it even if it couldn't."

Tōsen smiled as he nodded in agreement. "Yes," he said. "This boy...has done what none of us had ever achieved."

"But," Ben said. "Will Tōsen be put on trial?"

"Oh don't worry about that, Ben." Everyone turned to see Paradox walking towards them. "I will take care of all that," he said. "For now, let's head back to the others."

Feeling relieve now thanks to Paradox's words, Ben smiled as Paradox pulled out his watch to teleport them back to the others.

"Captain," Hisagi said. "Let me help you." He went over to pick Tōsen up but Tōsen raised his hand.

"It's okay, Hisagi," Tōsen said as he started to pick himself up. He got back up to his feet. "I'm ready."

Paradox smiled. "Splendid," he said. "Now that's get back to the others shall we?"

He opened his pocket watch and the four were engulfed in blue light. Now they were standing amongst the others again.

"It's all right," Komamura said to everyone. "There is no need to worry."

Ben walked over to Gwen. "Gwen," he said. "I want to thank you."

Gwen looked at Ben in confusion. "Thank me?" she asked. "For what?"

"For seeing the things I couldn't," Ben told her. Leaving her confused, he walked over to join Nelliel and Harribel.

Tōsen looked at Yamamoto. "Captain Commander Yamamoto," he said, removing his Zanpakuto and dropping it at Yamamoto's feet. "I am surrendering myself to the Gotei 13."

Yamamoto looked at Ben first, then at Tōsen. "Bind him," he told the other captains.

"Hold on," Ben said. "There's no need for that."

Yamamoto frowned at Ben. "I have respected your judgment but this matter no longer concerns you. The fate of Kaname Tōsen and Gin Ichimaru lies in the hands of Soul Society."

"My ears are burning. Are you talking about me?"

Everyone turned to see Gin and Matsumoto walking towards the group. What shocked most was Matsumoto clinging onto Gin's shoulder and tears pouring from her eyes.

"Matsumoto!" Hitsugaya cried out. He glared at Gin as he pulled out his Zanpakuto. "If you've done anything to her..."

"No, Taicho," Matsumoto said between sobs. "It''s okay. Gin...Gin didn't do anything wrong."

Gin looked at her softly before he walked up to Ben. "I owe you one, Ben," he said quietly. He reached his arm out with his hand in a fist as if he was about to drop something. "Here."

Curious, Ben held out his hand underneath Gin's. Gin's hand opened and the Hogyoku fell onto Ben's open palm.

"Personally," Gin said with that grin of his. "I'd rather trust it with you than any of these guys. They're a little on the weird side."

Ben tried not to grin at Gin's comment but it was hard not to.

"Well now. It looks like you guys are doing fine since we left."

Urahara stood for all to see. He was waving his fan dramatically. Next to him was Orihime and she was carrying something in her arms. Ben's jaw dropped.


Sure enough, it was Wonderweiss. He was fully restored but unconscious, resting in Orihime's arms like a baby.

"" Ben asked.

"Young Orihime has more abilities than just healing," Paradox said to Ben. "She is quite a unique girl."

"Isn't she?" Urahara asked.

Hachi nodded and chuckled. "That is a fact."

"It will take time," Urahara said. "But I think we can help Wonderweiss out."

Ben walked over to him and held out the Hogyoku. "Will this help?" he asked.

Urahara grinned as he picked up the Hogyoku. "You know, Ben," he said. "I think it will."

"I still can't believe that thing can grant you whatever you want," Lilynette said.

"Correction," Paradox said. "It grants you what you want if you possess the power to make it happen and sometimes the Hogyoku works in mysterious ways, as it has been doing for you, Ben."

Ben blinked in confusion. "Me?"

"Of course," Paradox said to him. "You recall all those things you could do back in Hueco Mundo?"

Nelliel's eyes widened. Ben's amazing durability? His rapid healing? That speed trick?

"You mean..." she said.

Paradox nodded. "Those abilities were all granted to Ben by the Hogyoku."

"Wait...back up a sec," said Kevin. "Are you saying that little ball has been watching Ben's back?"

"Is that so hard to believe?" Paradox questioned. "After all this time is it really so hard to believe in the impossible?"

"It makes sense," Nelliel said, her eyes still very wide. "That would explain how Ben was able to use the powers of his other forms without requiring the Ultimatrix."

"Exactly," Paradox said. "The Hogyoku understood Ben's heart long before it did Aizen's. Tell me, Ben. Do you remember all the strange occurrences that happened to you?"

Ben frowned and looked at the ground as he went into deep thought.

"When Nnoitra was beating me up," he said. "I thought I was gonna die and I was afraid that he was gonna hurt Nelliel. I...I wanted to be able to take his blows."

"And so the Hogyoku allowed you to tap into the endurance of your more durable forms," Paradox told him.

"And when Nnoitra and Nelliel were fighting," Ben continued, "I wanted to help her so much."

"But your body was still quite injured by Nnoitra's previous wounds," Paradox concluded. "So the Hogyoku felt your desire and allowed you to tap into Swampfire's regenerative powers. Lastly, the Hogyoku even allowed you to tap into XLR8's speed."

Azmuth narrowed his eyes. "What does this all mean, Paradox?" he asked.

"It means that young Ben has access to some of his forms' minor powers," Paradox explained to the Galvan. "Of course, we won't be seeing Ben shoot flames from his hands or freezing things with his breath anytime soon..."

Ben pouted. "Aw, man," he groaned. That would've been so cool.

"The Hogyoku already sensed the power of the Ultimatrix and merely allowed you to tap into the powers needed at the time. However, you have changed, Ben. You are now more durable, faster, and have a fast healing factor."

"That's it?" Ben asked. For a thing that could grant him any wish he wanted, the Hogyoku seemed to have ripped him off.

"That's it, for now," Paradox said cryptically. Ben's eyes widened.

"Does that mean...?" he started to ask.

"A question for another time," Paradox said to Ben before looking back at the Hogyoku in Urahara's hands. "Right now, we need to decide what to do with the Hogyoku."

Urahara looked down at the Hogyoku. "I suppose it would be pointless for me to just seal it again."

"Maybe Chuckles the Clown over here can experiment on that instead of Ben's love life," Kevin suggested, looking at Kurotsuchi.

Ben sighed. "You are never gonna let me live this down, are you?" he asked Kevin.

Kevin smirked. "Never ever," he replied.

Ben groaned, "Great..."

Kurotsuchi, who had scoffed at Kevin's name for him, rolled his eyes. "I want nothing to do with that experiment of his."

Kevin's smirk widened. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Don't want to admit that the guy made something you couldn't?"

Kurotsuchi's face was no livid. "You impertinent..."

"Enough of this!" Azmuth, waving his hands wildly. "Never in all my day have I seen such a display. According to Paradox, most of you Shinigami and Arrancar are almost as old as he and I are. Right now, however, most of you are acting like children." He looked back at Paradox. "I suppose you already have a plan in mind for this Hogyoku device?"

Paradox smiled. "You know me all too well, Azmuth."

"Not as much as I would like to think I knew," Azmuth said dryly. "Even now I still can't figure out what goes on in your head. For now, I suppose, it would be best if we were to just wrap this all up."

"I agree," Paradox said. "First thing we need to do is supply Ben's friends with the proper Gigai."

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Gigai?"

"You see, Ben," Paradox explained. "Arrancar and Shinigami are nothing more than spirits. Most people aside from an exceptional few can see them. Gigai are artificial bodies that Shinigami would use in case they needed to interact with the world of the living."

"Artificial bodies?" Gwen asked, a little uncertain about the idea.

"Don't worry, Gwen," Paradox reassured her. "While the bodies are synthetic, they look, feel, and function just like normal bodies do."

"Fascinating," Azmuth said, stroking his whiskers. "I might want to examine the research that the Shinigami have done some time."

"Great," Ben said about the Gigai. "How long does it take to make those?"

"Not long at all, Ben," Urahara said. "But we'll need to make preparations so we can have Gigai made for all your friends."

Gantenbainne chuckled. "Never thought I'd be living in the world of the living."

Ben looked at the Privaron Espada. "Gantenbainne?"

"Don't worry, kid," Gantenbainne said with a smile. "I don't know what in the world I'm supposed to do when I get there, but I think I can handle it."

Ben grinned at him. "Are you sure?" he asked.

Gantenbainne nodded. "No worries, Ben."

Ben grinned. "Count on it," he said. He and Gantenbainne walked up to each other and shook hands.

"Hey, hat guy," Starrk said to Urahara. " these Gigai limit one's power?"

Urahara looked at Starrk. "Why do you ask?"

Ben's eyes widened in remembrance. The weaker Hollows all died being around Starrk and Lilynette. While Ben was still trying to figure out how he and his pals were all still alive, he wondered if maybe...

"I'm afraid Starrk is a little on the powerful side," Paradox intervened. "He might not be the best one to have at social gatherings under normal circumstances."

Starrk sighed at Paradox's words. "Got it in one," he said.

"Hold on," Kevin said. "Can't you just use that Hogyoku thing?"

"Better yet," Gwen said. "You can use the Hogyoku to make yourselves visible to humans while you're at it."

Starrk's eyes widened in surprise. He looked over at the Hogyoku in Urahara's hands.

"I wouldn't recommend it," Paradox warned him. "Humans already take such prejudice against beings from other worlds and they would treat Arrancar no differently. As for using the Hogyoku to limit your powers, it"It is highly likely that you would lose all your powers entirely."

"Fine by me," Starrk said as he continued looking at the Hogyoku. "I'm tired of watching people die around me."

"Say what?" Kevin asked.

"It's a long story," Ben told him. "What I want to know is why I was never killed."

"Aizen taught Starrk how to control his powers better so that people didn't always die around him," Paradox replied. "But Starrk," he said. "What if there comes a time when you need to use your powers?"

Starrk shrugged. "I don't mind being weak," he said. "I'm just tired of being lonely."

"What?" Zaraki said. "Don't mind being weak? What kind of crap is that?"

Starrk gave a bored look at Zaraki. He's like Nnoitra as a Shinigami, he thought to himself.

"I don't see why you'd want to get rid of your powers," Ben said. "I mean, did you see those wolves you created? Or how about those energy swords? Those were so cool!"

"Stop giving Starrk all the credit!" Lilynette yelled at Ben. "The two of us are one remember? I was helping too!"

"Yeah but Starrk was the one doing most of the work," Ben pointed out.

"What did you say?" Lilynette demanded. "I'll make you pay for that, Ben!"

She ran after him and the two got into a comedic chase. Lilynette leaped forward to try and grab Ben but he slid to the side, causing the little girl Arrancar to face-plant the ground. Biting her lip to keep from screaming out, Lilynette started getting back up to her feet. Suddenly Ben wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"Say uncle," he taunted her.

Lilynette's face was livid. "Never!" she yelled.

Ben smirked. "Suit yourself." He started tickling her.

"Gah!' Lilynette cried out. She flailed her arms wildly and started kicking her legs in the air as she started laughing like crazy. "St...stop it!" she managed to yell out before laughing again.

"Say it!" Ben teased.

"No!" Lilynette managed to retort.

Ben grinned. "Really?" he asked. He removed one of his hands from Lilynette's waist while still tickling her with the other one. He then stuck his free index finger in his mouth and pulled it back out. Saliva dripped from the finger tip.

Lilynette's eye widened in horror. "Don't you dare!" she warned.

Ben raised an eyebrow as his smirk grew. He brought his wet finger close to Lilynette's ear. "Wet willy time!"

"Uncle!" Lilynette screamed. She now squirmed in his grip to get away from the deadly finger. "Uncle! Uncle!"

Ben laughed as he let go of Lilynette and wiped his wet finger on his pants. Lilynette gave him a death glare.

"You're evil!" she said in a quiet voice.

"You should have seen him when he was ten," Gwen said. "Trust me, he's a saint now compared to back then."

Ben pouted at her. "I wasn't that bad," he said.

Gwen raised an eyebrow. "You're kidding right?" she asked. Ben made a face.

Starrk snorted at the conversation. Judging from Gwen's words, he was better off with Lilynete than a ten year old Ben.

"Starrk," Urahara said, looking at the former Primera. "I am capable of creating a limiter for you. You can limit your strength without having to get rid of it entirely. That would be better than simply discarding all that power."

Starrk shrugged again. "I don't need all this power anyway. I never asked for it."

"That may be so," Yoruichi said. "But now you see that you can use this power to do many things. You used your power to help us defeat Aizen and save all those lives."

Starrk scratched the back of his head. "I guess," he said.

"So why don't you use your powers to help others?" Gwen suggested. "We do it all the time."

Starrk said nothing, simply looking at everyone before looking at the sky.

"Starrk!" Lilynette yelled. "Don't you dare say 'No'!"

Starrk looked at his other half in surprise.

"You are not going to say 'No'!" Lilynette yelled. "Ben...Ben is our first real friend! The first person to really care about us!"

Starrk stared. Originally it was Lilynette who didn't trust Ben.

Suddenly Lilynette leaped at Ben. At first Ben thought she was gonna attack him like she would Starrk. Instead she hugged him.

"Thanks, Ben," she said. "For being a real friend."

Ben smiled. It felt nice to be appreciated for a good deed but he didn't do it for the credit. He did it because it was the right thing to do.

Azmuth cleared his throat and spoke, "Now, on to other matters." He stated, "Ultimatrix, initiate lock on Master Control."

The Ultimatrix responded, "Master Control locked."

"Azmuth!" Ben exclaimed.

"As I've said before, Ben Tennyson, such power is too great for you right now. I only unlocked the Master Control due to it being an extreme situation but now that it's passed, you don't need to access all those aliens. Maybe when you're older, and a little more responsible, then we'll have the Master Control unlocked."

Ben sighed. Typical Azmuth. "Well, I still got a lot of guys I can turn into so it's better than nothing."

"Good. You've learned patience," Azmuth complimented. He warned, "Just don't go and try and force access the Master Control like you did last time or else I'll take it from you and find someone else to use it."

"Come on, Azmuth. This is me we're talking about. Would I ever make the same mistake again?" Ben asked. Azmuth snorted in response.

"Well," he said. "It's time for me to return to Galvan Prime. Farewell to you all." He looked over at Harribel and Nelliel. "You two. I have an important task for you."

Harribel frowned, not really liking being given orders from this tiny being. Nelliel looked down at Azmuth.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I want you to keep an eye on young Ben here," Azmuth told him. "You two look like responsible ladies and Ben apparently still needs someone to babysit him...."

"Hey!" Ben protested.

"So I'm entrusting that task to you two," Azmuth continued, ignoring Ben. "Keep him in line, make sure that the attention doesn't go to his head." He scratched his whiskers in thought. "And feel free to slap him in the back of the head in case he does something foolish. Which, of course, is most of the time."

"Azmuth," Ben whined, much to Kevin's amusement.

"But," Azmuth said, turning to face Ben as his body started glowing with a blue aura around it. "Job well done, Ben Tennyson." The blue aura turned into a flash of light and Azmuth was gone.

Ben's jaw dropped. "Did he really say 'job well done'?" he asked.

Gwen smiled. "I believe so," she told him.

"Yes!" Ben cried, punching the air. "Oh yeah! I'm cool with Azmuth again! Who knows, it might just be a matter of time before he gives me that new Omnitrix."

Kevin snorted. "Yeah right, Tennyson," he said. "One good job doesn't make up for all your other blunders."

"Hey!" Ben said indignantly. "I saved Earth, Hueco Mundo, and Soul Society all in one blow! That's got to count for something."

Suddenly Ben felt pair of arms wrap around him and yank him close. The back of his head came in contact with something that caused his face to go beet red again.

"Don't worry, Ben," Matsumoto cooed in his ear as she hugged him tighter. "You still have me."

This in turn caused the back of Ben's head to come into closer contact with her bosom. His eyes were wider than they ever were before and his face was as red as it was when Kurotsuchi announced his project. He struggled to get out of Matsumoto's grip but she held on tightly.

"Get away from Ben, cow-chest!" Mila Rose yelled in fury. She, Apacci, and Sung-Sun all ran up to the two of them. The trio grabbed hold of Ben's arms and started yanking him away from Matsumoto. The lieutenant gave a sly grin before she made a pouty face.

"Don't take Ben away!" she whined, yanking Ben back to her. Furiously, Apacci and Mila Rose started yanking harder. This in turn made Matsumoto tightened her grip on Ben's waist. At either rate, Ben felt like either his waist was gonna be crushed or his arms were gonna be yanked out of their sockets.

"My, Ben," Matsumoto purred as she suddenly starting running of her hands on his stomach. "Do you work out?"

Ben's face burned hotly. Was this karma's idea of payback for letting fame go to his head? "I...I play soccer," he managed to say.

"Oh an athlete," Matsumoto said. She smiled coyly as she poked his abdomen. "Not bad. Not bad at all."

Apacci and Mila Rose's faces screamed bloody murder while Sung-Sun herself was getting extremely annoyed. They started pulled harder on Ben's arms and of course Matsumoto was yanking Ben back.

"Erk!" Ben groaned as he was caught up in this tug-of-war. Personally he felt like he was a giant wishbone right now. "Make a wish," he muttered to himself.

Suddenly Ben himself yanked out of Matsumoto and the girls' grips and soaring at who know how fast. The next thing he knew, he was away from them but not very far. And...there were still arms around him?

He looked down at the arms around him this time. They were dark skinned. At first Ben thought it was Harribel but saw that the arms had black cloth on them. He followed the arms and saw a pair of yellow eyes shining at him.

"You looked like you needed a hand, Ben," Yoruichi said with a smile.

"Er," Ben said. His cheeks still hadn't settled down and felt like they weren't going to be any time soon. "Thank you." He noticed that she still had her arms around him and they were pretty close. "You can let go now."

Yoruichi's smile became flirtatious. "No thank you," she said. "I like this the way it is."

"Oh?" Matsumoto said with a coy smile. "You too, Yoruichi?" she asked.

Yoruichi smiled back. "What can I say?" she asked. "Ben's got that animal magnetism."

Ben thought that if his face got any hotter, it would melt off.

"Yo...Yoruichi-sama!" Suì-Fēng cried out in what sounded like anguish. Any respect she might have held for Ben Tennyson had been replaced with anger. How dare that boy seduce Yoruichi-sama, a goddess who no man would be good enough for!

"What?" Yoruichi asked Suì-Fēng with a sly smile on her face. "I've been so alone all these years." She smiled cutely at Ben. "And I think Ben's just the kind of guy to make me feel young again."

Ben began trying to struggle to get out of Yoruichi's grip. He was surprised his head wasn't going to explode from how hot it was. "I...I'm good," he muttered as he tried to break free.

Findor, Poww, Vega, and Nirgge, who had been silent all this time, watched in utter fascination.

Vega snorted. "What makes Tennyson so great?" he asked the others.

Poww shrugged. "Understanding the mind of a woman is one of the greatest mysteries of existence," he said.

"I must say though," Findor commented. "His mysterious abilities to attract females, combined with his power to defeat Aizen would make him a great king."

Nirgge nodded. "Power and women are known tokens of a ruler. No woman ever caught Baraggan-sama's eye but..."

"You four really need to shut up right now!" Gwen yelled at the four Fraccion.

Redder grinned while Charlotte smiled at everything that was going on.

"My, my," Yoruichi said to the struggling Ben. "So innocent. He's even more innocent than you are, Ichigo." She looked at the Substitute Shinigami.

"Oh I know," Matsumoto gushed. "Ben's like this sweet little angel that you just want to cuddle."

Hitsugaya frowned. "Matsumoto," he muttered under his breath.

"Gah!" Ichigo cried. "Leave him alone will you? No need to mess with him too!"

Yoruichi smiled. "Jealous, Ichigo?" she asked.

Ichigo made a face. "Of what?" he asked.

Yoruichi's smile became like the Cheshire Cat. "Of the fact that Ben's got all us sexy women after him?"

Ben tried slipping out of Yoruichi's grip but it did not go unnoticed by her so she pulled him back closer to her body. "Where do you think you're going?" she asked coyly.

Kevin fell on his butt with laughter. "Man!" he gasped. "Guess you don't know your own strength, Tennyson!"

Ben's mouth felt like it was cement shut so he didn't say anything.

"Alright!" Gwen yelled. "That is it!" She created a tendril of mana and wrapped it around Ben. Before Yoruichi could do anything, Gwen yanked her cousin from the Goddess of Flash's grip. She then gently placed Ben's feet on the ground and got protectively in front of him. "From now on!" she yelled. "My cousin is off limits!"

Ben was too dazed from everything that had happened to him, so the only thing that came out of his mouth was gibberish. Kevin laughed and patted Ben on the back.

"Since when did you become so lucky, Tennyson?" he asked mockingly.

"Lucky?" Gwen repeated. "Kevin, I can't believe you're encouraging this."

"I'm not encouraging this," Kevin replied in his defense. "I'm just saying that Ben's kinda lucky. None of those fangirls in Bellwood can compare to these girls."

"And did it ever occur to you that they're just doing this to mess with poor Ben?" she pointed out angrily. She looked over at Ben, who was looking downright embarrassed after his ordeal. "I'm not gonna let them take advantage of my cousin or hurt him in anyway." She turned her attention to the girls, namely those like Yoruichi and Matsumoto. "Do you hear me? You do anything to my cousin and I will make sure that you regret it for the rest of your life!"

Matsumoto pouted. "You're no fun," she whined.

Yoruichi nodded. "We meant no harm, little Gwen," she teased.

"I don't care!" Gwen yelled angrily. Many were thrown off by the raw anger in her voice. Her eyes glowed with purple light. "I'm not just going to stand around and let you treat my cousin like he's some kind of toy! So if that's all you're gonna do, I suggest you keep your distance!"

"Gwen." Gwen brought her heated glare to whoever just said her name, but her eyes softened when she saw the look on Nelliel's face. "I..." the former Third Espada said softly, "I would never take advantage of Ben or do anything to hurt him. I said I love him and I do. Please believe me when I say that I would do anything for him just as he has done for me. I would never hurt him or let anyone else hurt him. You have my word as both a warrior and a woman."

This caused Nelliel to remember the way she was when she was a little kid. The way Ben would play with her, spend time with her and protect her from harm. Then she remembered the times when she would use her child-like cuteness to hog Ben all to herself. While she did enjoy those moments, they were hardly the romantic moments like in the books she used to read when she was the third Espada. But that she was a woman, she was ready to have those romantic moments with Ben. She inwardly giggled. She knew that Ben, who was rather naïve when it came to romance, would be a little nervous at first. But she knew that she could show Ben how happy they could be together.

Pesche and Dondochakka nodded in agreement with their leader's words. Nelliel was one of the best of the Arrancar in Aizen's army. She was not arrogant or brutish like so many of her former comrades were. But still, Pesche and Dondochakka never saw Nelliel as happy as she was when she was with Ben. Ben was the thing she had needed. A light in the darkness of Hueco Mundo. He...he completed her, didn't he? Who else could take Ben's place?

Gwen started to feel a little guilty about snapping like that. So far, Nelliel seemed like a good person and she really did care about Ben.

"Okay, I believe you," Gwen reassured Nelliel, who relaxed a bit from Gwen's words. Gwen looked at Harribel now. "But what about you? How did you fall in love with my cousin? I don't mean any offense but," she scratched the back of her head. "You just don't seem like the type of girl that would fall in love with Ben."

Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun glared at Gwen. How dare she say that about Harribel-sama? That girl didn't know all the hardships that Harribel had been through. So what if Ben was different? Opposite attract didn't they? Harribel-sama and Ben balanced each other. That's all there was to it. Besides, what right did this girl have the right to judge anyway? Harribel-sama was just as good, if not better, than any of those other girls Ben could be with. Why would he want or need any of them when a woman like Harribel-sama loved him?

"At first," Harribel said. "I never imagined that I would fall in love with him. But as I spent time with him, I was intrigue by him and by his very nature. I found myself drawn to it."

"You felt like you were regaining the humanity you had lost ever since you became a Hollow," Paradox commented.

"Yes," Harribel replied. "As time went on, I developed the feelings that I have now. Ben had taken everything I knew and changed it."

Kevin snorted. "Seriously?" he asked. "Ben didn't show off at all?"

"He did," Harribel said. "But it was not like the men of Hueco Mundo. His humanity...was truly something rare among us Hollows and Arrancar."

"Ben does have that affect on people," Gwen admitted, remembering how Ben could make allies out of the most unlikely of people.

"I began to care about him and eventually learned to love him," Harribel said. " not sure how to fully explain. It feels I've known him before."

At that moment, something flickered in Harribel's mind, but whatever it was had flickered as fast as it had appeared. Whatever it was, it was a strange, yet somehow familiar feeling. A sense of Déjà vu. She gave her head a light shake. What was it? A thought? A memory?

Paradox smiled cryptically as he noticed Harribel's nearly invisible action. Kevin noticed this and walked over to Paradox

"You know something, don't you?" Kevin asked in low voice while raising an eyebrow.

"Perhaps," Paradox said in an equally low voice and a smile.

Kevin crossed his arms. "All right, spill." He said.

Paradox gave a soft chuckle. "You know I'm not one to give away spoilers," he told Kevin.

"Well I never liked waiting," Kevin retorted. "So, do Harribel and Ben have some kind of bond thing going on?"

"A bond perhaps," Paradox said. "One that helped Harribel fully trust and love Ben."

"Didn't he do that in Hueco Mundo?" Kevin said.

"In a sense," Paradox said cryptically. "But that is, as they say, in the past."

Kevin frowned. "What does that mean?"

Paradox just continued smiling. "That's a story for another time."

"Huh?" Ben asked as he looked at them, unaware of what they were saying.


Ben jumped at the sound of something colliding with flesh. So he turned around and saw that Isshin had punched his son in the face. "What? Again?" Ben groaned.

"What did I do now?" Ichigo demanded from his apparently psychotic father.

"You pathetic excuse for a son!" Isshin yelled at his boy. "If you were any kind of man, girls would be saying that about you! And now Ben's got girls left and right flirting with him! And don't even one girl crushing on you!"

Orihime squirmed nervously as she played with her fingers. But Isshin was too busy yelling at his son to notice.

"Oh, Masaki!" Isshin cried, his hands closed as if in prayer as he looked into the sky. "Our boy is cursed to be undesirable for the rest of his life!" Suddenly his eyes went wide and his skin pale. "Or worse. He might become..."

"What kind of crap are you spitting out?" Ichigo yelled, kicking his dad in the face, sending the older Shinigami to crash and skid across the ground.

"Uh," Gwen said. "I don't think this is what people mean when they say parental bonding."

Kevin snorted. "No wonder this Ichigo guy's so troubled. Then again, I'd be pretty bothered if my name was Strawberry."

Ichigo froze before glaring at Kevin. "What did you say?" he asked.

"Nothing," Kevin said. "Just noticing that your parents probably thought you were a girl at birth if they named you Strawberry."

Renji and Rukia burst out laughing. Ichigo's face went as red as Ben's had been.

"I never thought of that!" Renji laughed as he clutched his sides. "That was perfect!"

"Oh man," Rukia said. "Imagine their faces when they learned he was a boy!"

Ichigo shot them a death glare that they ignored as they continued laughing at him.

"Now that you mention it," Isshin said as he got back up.

"You stay down!" Ichigo yelled, punching his dad in the face.

"What's the matter, Strawberry?" Kevin teased. "Something we should know about?"

Gwen glared at Kevin before looking at Ichigo. "I'm really sorry about this, Ichigo. Kevin's rude to everyone. Please just ignore him."

"Ahem." Everyone looked over at Paradox. "Moving on," Paradox said. He looked over at Gin. "I suppose the only thing left for us is to decide what your fate shall be."

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes. "You have done your part, Paradox."

"Oh?" Paradox asked as he looked at Yamamoto in amusement. "Have I?"

Yamamoto frowned. "Yes," he said. "Thanks to you, we succeeded in defeating Aizen..."

"And what about the Arrancar," Ben said sternly. "Do you promise to leave them alone?"

Yamamoto brought his attention over to Ben.

"Look," Ben said. "I get that you and the Arrancar don't like each other. But you don't need to treat them like trash."

How ironic. Ulquiorra thought to himself as he remembered all the times he referred to Ichigo and his friends as trash. But it was also rather fitting that the Shinigami would see the Hollows and Arrancar as nothing but trash.

"It cannot be helped, Ben," Ulquiorra said, brining everyone's attention onto him. "The lesser Hollows usually devour human souls before the hunger becomes too much and they start devouring each other to survive."

"Say what?" Kevin asked.

Ulquiorra looked at Kevin before looking at Paradox. "As apparently you are the one leading this, Paradox, do you want them to know?"

"It might be best if you give them the short version," Paradox answered.

Ulquiorra nodded before looking back at Kevin. "Hollows go through a unique evolutionary process," he started to explain. "Originally, Hollows have a hunger for human souls. But over time, human souls can no longer satisfy their hunger so they turn on each other. When a large group of Hollows start devouring each other at once, they can combine to form a Hollow known as a Gillian."

"Those giant black things we saw?" Gwen asked.

"I was not here but it's obvious from your description that you have in fact encountered Gillians," Ulquiorra said. "The majority of Gillians are mindlessbeasts but there are a select few Gillians whose bodies were taken over by one of the Hollows that formed it. This dominant personality will then continue devouring its fellow Hollows until it reached the next level of Hollow evolution. The Adjucha class. Once there, the Adjucha will continue to devour more Hollows until it reaches the final and most powerful evolution for Hollows. Vasto Lorde. Vasto Lorde are the Hollows with the closest humanoid appearances."

Kevin cringed at Ulquiorra's explanation "So it's a dog eat dog world," he commented. "No offense." He added quickly, in case any of the Arrancar became offended by his words.

"It's understandable," Apacci said with a shrug. "And, in sad way, you're right. It's devour or be devoured in Hueco Mundo."

"For the most part," Sung-Sun said. "Until we met Harribel-sama, who was a Vasto Lorde."

"You were aVasto Lorde?" Ben asked impressed. Even some of the Captains looked at her with awe.

"Most of the Espada are," Harribel explained.

"Nelliel? Starrk? Ulquiorra?" Ben asked. "You guys too?"

"Hold on," Kevin said, interrupting. "I can understand this whole Hollow thing, but where do the Arrancar come in?"

"Arrancar are Hollows who had broken their masks and gained humanoid appearances," Paradox explained. "They acquire new abilities while their Hollow powers take the forms of various weapons. In a state that is known as Resurrección, they are capable of calling upon the powers they had as Hollows, making them much stronger."

Ben grinned. "I already knew that one," he said proudly.

"There's one thing I don't get," Kevin said. "How come Ben's Ultimatrix never scanned all of them and acquired their DNA?"

Ulquiorra looked at Kevin curiously. "Acquired our DNA?" he asked.

"Yeah," Kevin said. "Ben's Ultimatrix always scans new life forms and takes their DNA. That lets Ben to turn into whatever his Ultimatrix scanned and I've got a feeling that Arrancar and Shinigami are definitely creatures not in the Ultimatrix's database."

Kurotsuchi's eyes widened in wonder. "Do you mean that Ben could turn into Arrancar and Shinigami?"

"Probably only Arrancar because Shinigami are more like humans," Gwen theorized. "Or maybe he would acquire the DNA of Hollows."

All the Shinigami and Arrancar's eyes widened in shock at this piece of information.

Yamamoto looked over at Paradox. "You failed to mention that the Ultimatrix was capable of doing such a thing, Paradox."

Ben looked at the Ultimatrix on his arm. "You know," he said. "I just now realized that. I wonder why the Ultimatrix never scanned any of them. I mean, it scanned Nelliel's damage and fixed her mask remain."

"Um," Paradox said with a somewhat fidget in his step. "I'm afraid I am to blame for that."

"What?" Ben asked.

"Remember how I told you that I had dropped you in Hueco Mundo because of a reality hiccup?"

Ben nodded.

"The truth is," Paradox said. "I lied."

"You did what?" Gwen demanded.

"What I really did was render Ben unconscious and take him to Galvan Prime. Azmuth was unaware of what I had in mind for Ben, but I convinced him to do a slight alteration to the Ultimatrix. While it could scan life forms for damages and similar functions, we made it so that unless either of us unlocked it, Ben could not acquire the DNA of any new life forms."

"Why?" Ben asked. "Do you know how cool it would be to turn into Starrk? Or Ulquiorra? Or Grimmjow?"

"Ben," Paradox said. "You forget Aizen and how his mind worked. If he saw that you were capable of acquiring new forms and powers, he would have tried harder to make you into a puppet or tool. In fact, he would have seen you even more precious than Aaroniero. I had to have the Ultimatrix locked to make sure that Aizen did not understand just how much of a threat you really were to him."

"But if I had the power of the Espada," Ben said. "I could have beaten Aizen no problem."

"Wrong," Paradox corrected. "You would have become overconfident and reckless and then easy prey for Aizen. Then the whole point of me sending you there would have been pointless."

"Well why didn't you tell Ben about your plans from the beginning?" Gwen asked.

"If I had, Aizen would have suspected something," Paradox told her. "Ben had to remain in the dark in order to be kept alive. I knew that leaving Ben to his own devices was the right choice. He made friends of the Arrancar and brought down Aizen. I'd say a happy ending for all of us."

"Whatever your reasons, Paradox," Harribel said. "I thank you. You were the one who brought Ben to us."

Nelliel nodded as she blushed. "Thank you...a lot."

Paradox smiled. "My pleasure."

"Well," Ben said. "Now that Aizen's gone and all, can you remove the lock please?"

Paradox chuckled. "Rather eager to have the power of the Arrancar and Shinigami aren't you? Unfortunately, Ben, I don't think you're ready for that kind of power just yet."

Ben's face fell and he groaned in disappointment.

Kevin laughed. "Burn!" he said.

Gwen frowned at him. "Was that really necessary?"

"Come on, Gwen," Kevin said. "First Azmuth denies Ben this new Omnitrix and now Paradox is denying him the chance to get all these new forms? That counts as funny in my book."

Ben frowned. "You always did have a weird sense of humor," he said.

"Anyway," Gwen said. "We've gotten completely off topic. Ben, you were asking Yamamoto about the Arrancar."

"Oh, right," Ben said, looking back the Captain Commander. "So, what's it gonna be? Of course," he said cockily. "I could always just turn into Alien X again."

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes at Ben. The boy was a cocky hoodlum, there was no mistake about that, but Yamamoto knew that it was better not to test the boy. He had many forms at his disposal. While they lacked the power to take him on in sheer combat, Yamamoto had been informed about enough of Ben's forms to know that several of them could be used strategically against him. Big Chill for example could simply become intangible. It was even possible that Big Chill's intangibility made him immune to Kido spells. The boy also had other similar forms; Swampfire who could regenerate, NRG who was virtually indestructible, AmpFibian with his electrical powers, and of course Alien X, who Paradox had not told him about.

"Very well," Yamamoto said.

Ben grinned before he was suddenly tackled from behind by a jittery Nelliel, who wrapped him around in a hug. But this time she hugged him gently.

"I'm glad everyone's having a good time," Gin said. "But something tells me the old man's got pop a vessel if you guys don't focus on me right now."

Ben looked over at Yamamoto. Whether he was really getting impatient with them, Ben couldn't tell.

"Ah yes," Paradox said. "I suppose we have delayed that long enough."

Matsumoto became serious now. "You're not going to kill him are you?" she asked Yamamoto. "Not after he killed Aizen."

"Ben Tennyson had already taken away Aizen's powers," Yamamoto pointed out. "Anyone could have killed him. His act means nothing."

Matsumoto looked stricken at this news. "But..." she said. "You can't!"

"One good deed does not erase all of his crimes," Yamamoto said harshly, causing Matsumoto to flinch.

Ben made a face. The way Yamamoto was acting was making him feel guilty inside. It was just like how he acted when Kevin had gone on a rampage after mutating. Ben had refused to give Kevin a chance and was all up for killing him. If it hadn't been for Gwen, then he would have ended it right then and there and probably would have been guilty about it for the rest of his life.

"You're being stupid," Ben told the Captain Commander.

Yamamoto's face was livid. "What did you say, boy?" Only one other person had dared to call him stupid and that was the man behind Ben's involvement in the first place: Professor Paradox.

"I don't care how powerful you are," Ben said. "That doesn't always make you right."

Suì-Fēng made a face. "First he seduces Yoruichi-sama, then he has the nerve to mock the Captain Commander," she muttered to herself.

Zaraki grinned that wicked grin at his. "Now that's what I'm talking about," he said. "Guess the kid's not half bad after all."

"Oh dear," Ukitake said while Kyoraku laughed.

Unohana just gave that warm smile of hers as if nothing in the world was wrong. Komamura was shocked that Ben would say that to Yamamoto, as were most of the Shinigami. The Visoreds all shared grins with each other.

"You know something, Ben," Shinji said with a grin. "You're not bad."

"Ten-chan is even cooler than before!" Mashiro cried out.

Hiyori shrugged. "He's okay," she said.

Gin chuckled. "I gotta say, Ben," he said. "You really have guts."

"Indeed he does," Paradox agreed. Then he looked at Gin. "Well I suppose we can't delay the inevitable anymore. With everything going on around here, it looks like you could use a change of scenery."

Gin looked at Paradox with that sly grin of his. "A change of scenery?" he asked.

"Of course," Paradox said to him. "The universe is a vast place after all."

Yamamoto brought his attention over to the one man he really couldn't stand. "What are you up to, Paradox?"

Gin looked at Paradox with interest. "Go on," he said in a mischievous tone.

"Well I'm quite certain that a little sightseeing of how the rest of the universe is wouldn't be such a bad idea, wouldn't you agree?"

Gin shrugged playfully. "Why not?" he asked. "Dead if I stay here. A change of scenery might do me some good."

"Splendid," Paradox beamed.

"Paradox..." Yamamoto growled in annoyance.

Matsumoto frowned at Gin's words. "You're leaving again aren't you?" she asked sadly.

Gin looked over at her and his face became that tender look again. He walked over to Matsumoto. "One last thing before I go," he said softly. He suddenly grabbed Matsumoto by her waist. Before she could do anything, he dipped her and gave her a soft yet passionate kiss. Matsumoto's eyes went extremely wide before slowly closing in pure bliss.

Ben blinked in surprise. "Okay," he said. "Didn't see that coming."

After a moment, Gin slowly pulled away and then brought his mouth to Matsumoto's ear.

"You don't know how long I wanted to do that too," he said softly. Matsumoto shivered as his breath tickled her ear. Then, Gin helped her back up and pulled away. He looked at Paradox "Ready when you are," he said.

"Excellent," Paradox said as he pulled out his pocket watch. He looked at Ben and the others. "Farewell, Ben. We'll see each other again."

Ben nodded as Kevin and Gwen stood beside him.

"Hey Ben," Gin said. His eyes fully opened and he gave Ben a friendly smile. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

Ben scratched the back of his head. Aside from killing Aizen and all, Gin really wasn't such a bad guy after all. "Will do," he said.

Gin looked over at Kira. "I'm glad to see you're doing okay, Kira," he said.

"Ichimaru-taicho!" Kira cried out. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me you wanted to kill Aizen? If I had known that it's what you wanted all along..."

"What's done is done," Gin said kindly. "But I'm really glad it all worked out." He looked over at the rest of the Gotei 13. "You really ought to give Ben a medal. After all, he did what none of you could do."

"Gin!" Everyone turned to see Hinamori walking towards him. The Gotei 13 all tensed when they saw her, except for Hitsugaya. He was the only one who knew that Hinamori was finally free from Aizen's spell. Gin had a neutral face as Hinamori came at him.

"Yes?" he asked once she stopped right in front of him.

Hinamori looked right into his face since she couldn't really see into his slit-like eyes.

"During my time as lieutenant of the Fifth Division," she said. "I was deeply devoted to Aizen. I wanted to do anything for him and I...I loved him."

Nearby, Hitsugaya felt a pain in his heart as well as utter jealousy. That jerk Aizen had to go and do this to poor Hinamori. But there was a ray of hope. She had called him Aizen. Not Aizen-taicho or Aizen-sama, just Aizen.

"When I thought Aizen was dead the first time," Hinamori continued. "I felt like my world was shattered. Like all meaning didn't exist anymore." She looked at Gin. "But when I saw you kill the real Aizen I was devastated. was only for a little bit. it feels like I've woken up and a weight was lifted off my shoulders." She smiled a little. "So...thank you, Ichimaru-taicho!"

Kira and Matsumoto both felt tears of joy building up. It was good to see their old friend finally free of that monster.

"Hey now, don't give all the credit to me," Gin said. "Ben did all the work."

"R...right," Hinamori said with a nod. Looking over at Ben, she bowed her head. "Thank you...Tennyson-san."

Ben smiled kindly at her. He didn't know what else to do or say.

"Well, Gin," Paradox said. "It's time for us to get going now."

Yamamoto growled in irritation. "Paradox, don't you..."

Paradox and Gin began glowing in a bright blue light. With that grin on his face, Gin waved to everybody. "Bye-bye!" he called, waving as he and Paradox were completely engulfed by the light.

"Don't you..." Yamamoto tried again, but when the light vanished, Gin and Paradox were nowhere to be seen. "Paradox!"

Kira did not stop staring at the spot where Gin had just been standing. Tears dripped down his face. This whole time...this whole time the man he thought he had hated with every fiber of his being but turned out to be a hero, was truly gone. Kira felt guilty for the resentment he had felt towards his former captain. Maybe if he had been a better lieutenant, he would have known his captain's true intentions.

"Don't beat yourself up." Kira gave a little jump as he saw Matsumoto beside him. "None of us could have seen it coming," she said gently. A smile on her lips. "That's just the type of man he was."

Kira nodded but still gave a sigh and looked down at the ground. "I just wish I..."

She patted him on the back. "I know," she said.

Meanwhile, Yamamoto was still fuming. "Idiot," he muttered. "Thinks he can get away with anything."

Ukitake sighed. "I never thought I would meet someone who would get him so riled up like Paradox does."

Kyoraku nodded. "It's easy for him to," he said.

Ukitake looked at his friend in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Paradox can just disappear and go wherever in this wide universe he wants to," Kyoraku explained before his face became downcast. "While we're still here and have to deal with the old man's temper."

Ukitake laughed at his friend.

"Well," Ben said. "I guess it's time for us to be heading out." He looked over at Gwen and Kevin. "You know what I'm in the mood for?"

Gwen sighed. "A smoothie?" she asked.

"Do you know how long I was in Hueco Mundo?" he asked her. "Over a month! An entire month with no smoothies or chilli fries! You have no idea how much torture that was! I'm surprised I wasn't going through smoothie withdrawal!"

"Ben," Gwen said as she rolled her eyes. "There's no such thing as smoothie withdrawal."

"Says you," Ben retorted, pointing an accusing finger at her. "You don't drink smoothies as much as I do so how would you know?"

Kevin smirked. "Man, I wish I could have seen your face when you learned there were no smoothies in Hueco Mundo."

"It was a rather interesting reaction from what I heard," Tōsen admitted. "Ben had seemed rather devastated when I told him that we had never heard of smoothies or chilli fries."

"Too bad you didn't record it," Kevin said.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Ben asked. "Let's get back home and get ourselves a whole bunch of smoothies to celebrate."

Matsumoto smirked as a mischievous glint shined in her eyes. "Not so fast, Ben," she said. Her tone of voice caused Ben to freeze in his tracks.

It was Gwen who answered. "What now?" she demanded hotly. She was really getting tired of poor Ben being caught up with all these....temptresses, for lack of a better term.

Matsumoto was unfazed by Gwen. With a smile she looked at Ben. "Isn't this the part where the big hero gets a kiss? She asked playfully.

Ben's face had gone so white; you would have thought he was turning into a human Echo Echo. Kevin chuckled behind him until Gwen glared at him. Ben felt small and compact as he felt everyone's, or at least mostly everyone's, eyes on him.

Pesche and Dondochakka exchanged knowing looks. This was the chance Nelliel needed to really prove her love to Ben, with a kiss. That would really make a statement about her feelings. Of course, Appaci, Sun-Sung and Mila Rose were thinking the same thing. This was the opportunity that Harribel needed to be closer to Ben than ever.

"She's right, Tennyson. The big hero should get a kiss from his princess, don't ya think?" Kevin said. He looked at the five girls "So, who wants to go first?"

"Kevin!" Ben and Gwen exclaimed.

"You know, I should really sell tickets to this show," Kevin joked, unfazed. "It'd make a killing back home."

"It'd make the tabloids back home," muttered Gwen.

"Either way works for me," Kevin said with a grin. He looked at Ben. "So who's it gonna be first, Tennyson?" he asked.

Ben wondered if he could reach for the Ultimatrix fast enough before anyone could do anything.

"We might need to hold him down," Kevin suggested. "That way he can't use the Ultimatrix to get away."

Ben mentally cursed Kevin. "Er," he said. "You know. My parents are really worried about me and I want to let them know I'm okay and..."

"What's the matter, Tennyson?" Kevin taunted. "Don't you think your girls deserve some kisses after all they've been through?"

Yoruichi chuckled. "You can't deny a woman what she wants, Ben."

Ben gulped, too scared to see the five girls' faces. Because right now he had a nasty feeling like he was a mouse surrounded by cats.

Oh nice one, Tennyson. Ben grumbled to himself for that thought.

"Well," he mumbled. "We've been through a lot and they probably want to..."

Ben paused in his rambling when he heard footsteps right behind him. Slowly, ever so slowly, he turned his head. Nelliel stood behind him and the way she was looking at him made his legs feel glued to the ground. She was looking at him with a small smile on her face and her eyes half-closed. Ben found that look more terrifying than anything else he had ever faced.

"Ben," Nelliel said softly. She took a step closer.

Move! Ben mentally yelled to his legs. Move, darn it, move!

"You know," Nelliel said sweetly as she was right in front of Ben. "You really can't deny a woman what she wants."

Ben felt his body freeze up as she came even closer to him. She tilted her head forward, her lips ready to kiss Ben's. Ben could hear himself gulp as Nelliel's face came close to his. But then, she paused before she placed a kiss on Ben's forehead. However, the sensation he felt when her lips lingered there was enough to make Ben grow goosebumps on his skin. He was a little confused, though.

"I will not force you to do anything against your will," she said softly. "I want to kiss you, yes," she admitted with a blush. "But I want it to be mutual. Something that we will both enjoy."

Ben's own face softened at Nelliel's confession. Suddenly she wrapped Ben in one of her trademark bone crushing hugs.

"You won't regret it, Ben!" she cried happily. "I'll do my best!" She hugged him tighter.

"Gurk!" Ben groaned. "Nelliel...hurting me. breathe."

Nelliel gasped and released Ben. "I'm so sorry, Ben! I don't know what came over me!"

"It's...okay..." he let out, taking a gulp of fresh air. When she used to be small, she would hug him like that too and he always got blue in the face. It was still hard to believe the little Arrancr girl he'd befriended could turn out to be such a woman. As mature as she was, there was still that bit of childishness that came with her personality.

He then realized other girls wanted to kiss him so he steeled himself. Turning around, he found himself staring face-to-face with Harribel. "Ben," she said softly.

"Ha...Harribel..." Ben stuttered.

She slowly looped her arms around his waist, pulling him close to her. His chest pressed against hers and he blushed when he realized how soft her breasts felt against his chest. Harribel then closed her eyes and leaned in. Many expected her to claim his lips but instead she kissed his cheek, much to his surprise. When her lips were close to his ear, she said,

"By my honor I will not force you to accept my feelings. However, I will remind you that my heart is open to you and whatever advances you will make, Ben." She pulled away, leaving him red like a tomato. Then in a gust of wind, she was back into her sealed state. Her only reason for staying released for so long was to kiss Ben.

Isshi cried again, out of shame, because Ben had gotten kisses from two lovely ladies while Ichigo had none, "Why! Is my boy cursed? Is it my fault!"

"Shut up!" Ichigo yelled but then he felt a pair of lips touch his cheek. He turned and stared, shocked, at Orihime. "Inoue..."

"You looked left out, Kurosaki-kun," she said honestly.

Ichigo stared at her in absolute wonder.

Kevin grinned and addressed Haribel's Fraccion, "So, what about you three? Don't you want to kiss Ben?"

"Shut up!" Apacci snapped, blushing.

"We'll do it on our own time," huffed Mila Rose.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind spending a few minutes with Ben," stated Sun-Sung flirtatiously as she winked at the Ultimatrix wielder.

"No way, Sun-Sung!" shouted Apacci.

"We had a deal!" Mila Rose reminded.

"Oh, I know, but I do wonder what Ben's lips will taste like," said Sun-Sung, a sleeve covering her lips.

"Don't you dare!" her fellow Fraccion shouted at her. They lunged at het but like a snake she dodged with ease, slipping away. She didn't really mean it. She was actually joking, just to rile up her comrades. She knew she could not stand in Haribel's way, but she just enjoyed ticking them off for her own amusement.

It was also fun to tease Ben. He looked so cute all red like that.

"Uh-oh!" Kevin said with a grin. "I just realized something."

"What?" Ben asked nervously. So far, Kevin had done nothing but make him miserable ever since the whole Aizen ordeal had ended. And he had a nasty feeling it was just gonna get worse.

"Where are all your new friends gonna stay at?" Kevin asked in amusement.

Ben looked at him puzzled until he realized what Kevin was talking about. In his haste of inviting the gang to Bellwood, he didn't actually consider living arrangements.

"Where are they gonna live?" Kevin asked. "Where are they gonna sleep?" Suddenly his grin turned malicious. "You weren't thinking of having them live in your house were you? What's your mom gonna say?"

And that was the final straw.


"Ben!" Gwen yelled out in concern as she ran over to her cousin, who had collapsed. She tried shaking him but he was too dazed to make sense of anything.

"Guess I overdid it," Kevin said, more to himself than anyone else.

"You think?" Gwen snapped at him.

This in turn caused the majority to start laughing at what had transpired.

"Well that's what he gets," Lilynette said matter of fact. "He shouldn't be flirting with all those girls."

"Ben's gonna have a very interesting life," Rose said with a nod.

Everyone's attention was drawn when they heard the sound of a Garganta opening. They turned to see one forming right in front of them.

"Huh?" Kevin said. "Now who?"

Ben felt his body tense up. "Take a guess,"

The Garganta fully opened to reveal a fully restored Grimmjow looking at all of them with a grin on his face. His eyes turned feral when they landed on Ichigo.

"There you are, you little..."

"Grimmjow!" Ben yelled, cutting off the Sexta Espada. "After everything I've been through today, I am not in the mood to put up with this. Especially from you."

Grimmjow growled at Ben. "You in the mood to fight me, Tennyson?" he asked.

"I kicked Aizen's butt so I can definitely kick yours!" Ben countered.

Grimmjow stared at Ben in shock. "What...what did you say?" he asked.

"That's right," Ben said, pointing at himself with his thumb. "I beat Aizen!"

"Oh no," Gwen groaned, putting her head in her hand.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Here we go again."

Grimmjow activated his Pesquisa to search for Aizen's reiatsu. It was nowhere to be felt.

"Do you want more proof?"

Grimmjow turned to see Yoruichi standing nearby. Grimmjow's eyes widened when he saw that she was carrying Aizen's body on her shoulder. She placed him down on the ground gently, a lot more than what he deserved, and took a step back.

"It's no trick of Kyoka Suigetsu either," Unohana told him. "Paradox-san took care of that."

Grimmjow just continued staring at Aizen's corpse.

"So," Gwen said as she created mana around her fists. "Are you here for revenge?"

"Revenge for what?" Grimmjow asked. "You guys killing Aizen?" He snorted. "What for? He's dead and gone. As if killing you guys would bring him back."

"Then what are you here for?" Ben asked, having a nasty feeling that he already knew the answer.

Grimmjow gave him a grin. "What do you think?" he asked. "For Ichigo."

Ichigo groaned. "Come on," he said. "I already beat you, didn't I?"

"Shut up!" Grimmjow snapped. "You beat me one time and I beat you two times before that!"

Ben groaned. "Will you just let it go, Grimmjow?" he asked.

"Grimmjow," Ulquiorra intervened. "You are being foolish. You are outnumbered and outmatched. It would be best if you were just to return to Hueco Mundo. All the other Espada besides us are dead. We will not be returning to Hueco Mundo. It's yours now to do as you please."

Grimmjow paused at Ulquiorra in surprise. Hueco Mundo? All to himself? For him to rule? As king?

Grimmjow gave him a feral grin. "You take me for an idiot?" he asked.

Ulquiorra said nothing, wordlessly saying that he did indeed think of Grimmjow as an idiot.

"You think you can make me do what you want by bribing me?" Grimmjow asked. He took a step closer to Ulquiorra. "Forget it."

Ben sighed as he looked down at the ground. He could hear the captains start getting into fighting positions and drawing their blades. And knowing Grimmjow, that battle hungry lunatic would probably take them all on, confident that he'd win. But Grimmjow was only one Arrancar. Even if he was the Sexta Espada, he wasn't invincible. Something had to be done. Then an idea came to mind.

"I'll fight you," he said.

Everyone looked at Ben in surprise. Grimmjow raised an eyebrow in interest.

"Really?" he asked, his feral grin getting wider.

"Think about it, Grimmjow," Ben teased. "Don't you want to fight the guy who beat Aizen when no one else could? Wouldn't beating me prove you're stronger than Aizen?"

Comprehension dawned on Grimmjow's face. His teeth were fully shown now and he now he liked like a vicious wildcat without even being in his released state.

"I like it," he said hungrily. Like a panther ready to devour his prey.

"But let's make this a wager," Ben continued. "If I win, you have to agree to leave Ichigo alone and either go back to Hueco Mundo or come live with us in Bellwood."

Grimmjow made a face of disgust at Ben's terms. Forbidden from attacking Ichigo again and possibly living among humans? Disgusting!

"Got to say, Ben," Grimmjow commented. "You know how to torture a guy. Maybe that month with us wasn't a total waste after all."

Ben frowned as his eyes narrowed. "If you win..." he said.

"If I win," Grimmjow said. "I get to kill all of you! I'm the King around here, Ben and you're going to be a first prey."

Yamamoto smashed his sheathed sword turned cane onto the ground. "No!" he yelled. "I have allowed this to go on long enough! Because of Ben's deeds in this war, I will respect his wishes but this is getting out of hand." He looked at Grimmjow. "You only have two options, Arrancar. You can either return to Hueco Mundo or you can die right here. Make your decision."

Ben glared at Yamamoto. Grimmjow was way too stubborn and prideful to give into demands like that. It was more like Yamamoto was inviting Grimmjow to his death.

"Sorry, Yamamoto," Ben said. "But I'm not part of your group. You can't tell me what to do."

The Gotei 13 and even the Arrancar looked at Ben in admiration. He was talking down to Yamamoto, the leader of the Gotei 13 and the most powerful Shinigami in Soul Society.

Yamamoto gritted his teeth. "What did you say?" he asked.

"I think he said you can't tell him what to do," Kevin replied smugly.

Ben grinned as he took a fighting stance, activating the Ultimatrix. "I'm not gonna lose," he said to Grimmjow.

Grimmjow grinned as he pulled out Pantera. "Good attitude," he complimented. "I like that. But what I don't like is people underestimating me." His spiritual pressure started to kick up.

"Hold it!" Ben said. He pointed to some of the far off buildings in the right of the city. "We'll fight over there."

Grimmjow looked to where he was pointing and nodded. "Good," he said. "You'd hold back if we were fighting with all these people here. And I want you to fight at your full power."

Ben nodded. Then he grinned. Time to see if the Hogyoku really did give me powers.

"Let's go!" he said. Suddenly he became a green blur that shot towards the designated area.

Grimmjow was caught off guard but only for a moment. "How did he...?" he started to ask. Then he shook his head and took off after Ben.

Yamamoto had reached his boiling point. "Ben Tennyson," he said in a low but dangerous voice, "Is nothing more than a spoiled brat."

Kyoraku grinned. "We should be grateful that Paradox had Azmuth lock his Ultimatrix or else he probably could've turned into all of us."

Kurotsuchi scoffed. "I could break whatever lock was put on that marvelous little device," he commented.

"The guy's friends with aliens from other planets," Kevin pointed out. "I doubt that you can do it."

Kurotsuchi glared at Kevin. He was about to retort when...

"Um," Orihime said. "Where did Nelliel-san and Harribel-san go?"

Everyone was finally aware that Harribel and Nelliel were no longer among the group.

Gwen sighed. "Don't tell me..." she said.

Yoruichi grinned. "They've got it bad for him."

Ben felt his body pumping with excitement and adrenaline. He was just testing the waters with his speed right now but he was still feeling freaking awesome to be moving this fast in human form. If he could move this fast all the time... Oh man cleaning his room and doing his chores would be as easy as pie.

Skidding to a halt, Ben took in his surroundings. Yep, he was right where he wanted to fight Grimmjow. Now all he had to do was wait for the Sexta Espada to get here.

"About time,"

Or not.

Ben looked up into the sky to see Grimmjow looking down at him with that feral grin on his face.

"Not bad speed," Grimmjow stated. "But it's pathetic compared to Sonido."

Ben flashed his own grin. "I'm just getting started." He activated the Ultimatrix. "So, want to go all out?"

Grimmjow's face turned maliciously delighted. "Now you're talking!" He pulled out his blade. With his right hand, he held his blade like he was trying to do a fighting sweep with it. Then, he placed his left hand on the blade. As he did so, the blade began to glow.

"Grind!" Grimmjow yelled as he raked his claws across the blade. "Pantera!"

A torrent of spiritual pressure was released from Grimmjow's body. In turn, powerful gusts of wind began spreading all over the place. Ben steadied his weight as the gust of winds threatened to blow him off his feet. This would have been so much easier if he was NRG or Humongousaur. He activated the Ultimatrix and began looking for either one but the wind kicked up some dust in his eyes. Crying out in surprise, Ben accidentally slammed his hand down on the Ultimatrix, not even seeing what he had turned into. When the wind finally died down, the transformed Ben took a look at himself.

"Echo Echo!" he cried out in horror. "Aw. Man. Not. Again!"

"Ha!" Grimmjow's laughter rang. "What do you expect to do with that?"

Echo Echo looked up. Floating in the air above him was Grimmjow in his released state. That cat like appearance Ben had seen him in while he was fighting Ichigo.

"I thought we were going all out," Grimmjow taunted. "I was expecting Way Big."

Echo Echo narrowed his eyes. "You. Want. All. Out?" he asked. "You've. Got. All. Out!" he touched the Ultimatrix dial again and transformed into Ultimate Echo Echo. The blue robot took a fighting stance at Grimmjow. "Ultimate Echo Echo!"

Grimmjow's grin widened. "Much better," He said. With a kick of spiritual pressure, he came roaring down at Ultimate Echo Echo.

Ultimate Echo Echo prepared to defend himself when Grimmjow suddenly vanished. Before the evolved Sonorosain could get his wits together, he felt a powerful fist slam into the side of his head. He went flying into a building nearby. A sizable hole now formed in its wall, courtesy of a certain blue robot.

"Is that the best you can do?" Grimmjow mocked as he flew towards Ultimate Echo Echo. The evolved Sonorosain managed to clear his scrambled brain just in time.

"Not even close," he replied. He raised his hands and unleashed a sonic blast from the disks attached to them. The blast was powerful enough to send Grimmjow flying backwards and crash into another building that was behind him. The Sexta Espada shook his head before smirking at Ultimate Echo Echo.

"Not bad," he complimented. "But how about mine?"

He unleashed a roar that became a powerful shockwave. It was strong enough to knock Ultimate Echo Echo off his feet and crashing through the building. Tossing around in the air for a moment, Ultimate Echo Echo managed to regain his composure and stopped himself in mid air.

"If that's the way you want to play it, Grimmjow," he said. "Then let's play."

Using his powers, Ultimate Echo Echo flew at accelerating speeds while creating a sonic boom in the process. Grimmjow didn't have time to retaliate as his opponent slammed into him and knocked the wind out of him. Ultimate Echo Echo didn't let up as he closed his fists together and bashed them against the side of Grimmjow's head. Furious, Grimmjow swung his left claw to the left side of Ultimate Echo Echo's head. The blow knocked Ultimate Echo Echo off course and off Grimmjow. He went spinning through the air with the Sexta Espada in hot pursuit. Ultimate Echo Echo was still trying to tell up from down when Grimmjow punched him in the stomach and that slammed him down into the ground. With a triumphant smirk on his face, Grimmjow shot down to deliver the final blow.

Ultimate Echo Eco regained himself as he saw Grimmjow flying towards him. He raised his arms and fired sonic blasts from the disks on his hands and the one on his forehead. The triple sonic attack caused Grimmjow to yell in pain and clutch his ears as he was blasted backwards by the sound waves.

Ultimate Echo Echo did not let up from the attack, knowing that he would eventually defeat Grimmjow with this. Not even the powerful Espada could save themselves from the power of sound as long as they could hear. Victory was in the bag!

Or so he thought. Grimmjow pointed his right elbow at Ultimate Echo Echo. If he could make facial expressions, the evolved Sonorosain would have made one of confusion.

Black darts fired from Grimmjow's elbow. Shocked despite not being able to express it, Ultimate Echo Echo concentrated harder on his attack as the darts neared him. If he thought the darts would simply shatter, he was sadly mistaken. The darts exploded. And the combined explosion knocked Ultimate Echo Echo off his feet. He flew through the air and landed roughly on his back.

With a wild roar that sounded like a mad man laughing, Grimmjow shot forward at Ultimate Echo Echo. His were claws out, ready to stab the Sonorosain through.

Giving his body a quick push from his sound powers, Ultimate Echo Echo managed to sidestep Grimmjow just in time. He fired a sonic blast the same time Grimmjow was able to slam one of his clawed feet into him. The two fighters flew back in opposite directions. Grimmjow hit the ground while Ultimate Echo Echo flew upward and crashed into the rooftop of a skyscraper.

"Ugh," Ultimate Echo Echo muttered as he rubbed his head. "I'm really glad this city's a fake."

Down below, Grimmjow laughed. "Not bad," he said. "You're actually giving me a challenge. Ichigo was a wuss when we first fought."

"I'm glad you're pleased," Ultimate Echo Echo's mechanical voice said dryly.

Still grinning, Grimmjow raised his hand and pointed up at the rooftop with his open palm. A blue orb of light was forming in his hand.

"Uh-oh!" Ultimate Echo Echo said. A Cero! He shot into the air just as Grimmjow fired the Cero at him. He was okay but the whole top of the building was desolated. Ultimate Echo Echo let out a whistle as he saw the destroyed building. But then he heard a booming sound. Ultimate Echo Echo turned around just in time to see Grimmjow right in front of him. The Sexta Espada uppercut him, knocking the Sonorosain upward. Grinning, Grimmjow flew up after him.

However, Grimmjow then became aware of two disks floating on either side of him. He looked at them in confusion. Then the two disks unleashed sonic waves at Grimmjow. The Sexta Espada yelled in pain and clutched his ears with his claws. Just then a blue, metallic fist punched his head and sent him spiraling down to the city below. A massive crater formed from his impact.

Ultimate Echo Echo gently landed on the ground again, looking as Grimmjow started getting back up. The two disks were flying back to either side of his head.

"Had enough?" he taunted.

Grimmjow grinned at him. "Not even close," he cut his right hand with his left index claw.

"What are you...?" Ultimate Echo Echo started to ask.

Grimmjow pointed his right palm at Ultimate Echo Echo. A Cero began to form. But Ultimate Echo Echo could see that there was something different about this Cero. It was glowing brighter and jagged lines of energy formed around the orb.

"Gran Rey Cero!" Grimmjow yelled as he fired. The burst of energy was instantaneous as it flew straight towards Ultimate Echo Echo. The Gran Rey Cero was a Cero that only the Espada could use. It was performed by mixing an Espada's own blood to the Cero. As a result, the Cero would possess greater attack power, speed, and a color unique to the Espada performing it.

"Crap!" Ultimate Echo Echo cursed. He instantly performed a counter move. Releasing the multiple sonic disks from his body, he had them surround him from all angles, facing outwards. "Here goes nothing! Sonic Shield!"

The sonic disks unleashed their payload, firing sonic blasts all around Ultimate Echo Echo to create a sort of barrier. The Gran Rey Cero collided with said barrier and the force of the impact pushed Ultimate Echo Echo back. However, he wasn't going to let himself be killed right here. The Gran Rey Cero's energy was splashing against the sonic barrier and he had to find a way to win but he needed to survive the Gran Rey Cero first.

There was just so much spiritual energy hitting him all at once.

Turning up the power of his sonic disks, Ultimate Echo Echo unleashed the barrier in the form of a massive sonic blast right at the Gran Rey Cero. The result was a powerful explosion of light and sound.

Farther away, everyone's attention was drawn by an explosion of sound that sounded like the powerful roar of colossal thunder. And it was coming from where Ben and Grimmjow were battling. Gwen looked in that direction to see a giant flash of blue light. Her eyes widened as she saw buildings crumbling down.

"A Gran Rey Cero," Starrk noted.

"A what?" Kevin asked.

"A Cero that only Espada can do," Lilynette explained. "They do it by mixing a Cero with their own blood."

"But there is a rule forbidding the Espada from using the Gran Rey Cero within Las Noches," Ulquiorra said. Gwen felt a sense of dread at his words.

"Why?" she asked him.

"Because a Gran Rey Cero could destroy it," he replied.

Gwen's face became one of horror. "Ben!" she cried, running towards the battlefield. Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun were instantly at her side to hold her back.

"Let me go!" Gwen yelled, struggling to get out of their grips. But the three girls were easily stronger than she was.

"There's nothing you can do," Apacci told her. "One blast of a Gran Rey Cero and you'd be done for."

"So what?" Gwen snapped. "That's my cousin out there!"

"He challenged Grimmjow to this," Mila Rose reminded her. "He knew the dangers of fighting one of the Espada."

"Ben's reckless lots of times," Gwen argued. "Let me go! You might not care what happens to my cousin..."

Suddenly Gwen found herself jerked over to the side where she came face to face with Sung-Sun and the cold, snake-like look she was giving Gwen caused the young Anodite to shiver. Apparently the snake Arrancar had not taken kindly to Gwen's comment about them not caring about Ben.

"If you would listen to us," Sung-Sun practically hissed out. "We were going to tell you that Harribel-sama had gone after Ben already. Grimmjow is no match for her and she would never let anything bad happen to him. You know that."

Gwen stopped her struggling to look at Sung-Sun. Her eyes widened when she remembered that Harribel and Nelliel had gone to help Ben. She had let her fear and concern for Ben get the better of her.

"And please," Sung-Sun told in a much softer tone now. "Have faith in Ben. He's come this far. How could someone like Grimmjow stop him now?"

Gwen gulped, still wishing to be there for her cousin. But...if Harribel and Nelliel were with him, maybe he'd be okay.

"Uh," Ultimate Echo Echo groaned. He was lying on top of a heap of rubble. No doubt blasted there when the Gran Rey Cero exploded. He looked around to see his speaker disks all scattered around.

"Don't tell me you're dead!" Grimmjow taunted. He was floating above Ultimate Echo Echo with a smirk. Glaring, Ultimate Echo rose to his feet. As he did, all the disks flew back into their slots on his body.

Unleashing a sonic boom, Ultimate Echo Echo flew up and slammed his fist into Grimmjow's stomach. The wind was knocked out of the Sexta Espada, allowing Ultimate Echo Echo to unleash a blast of sonic energy from his hand. The blast sent Grimmjow soaring higher into the sky. Ultimate Echo Echo followed after him. Regaining his balance, Grimmjow fired his elbow darts again. Ultimate Echo Echo could do nothing as one slammed into him and blew up. The explosion sent him plummeting to the ground.

"Heh," Grimmjow sneered. "Got you. Huh?" Hearing movement behind him, Grimmjow turned around to see one of Ultimate Echo Echo's disks floating in front of him. "Crap!"

The disk blasted him point blank, causing the panther-like to howl as he covered his ears in pain. Angry, he struck the disk with one of his claws, knocking it away.

"Not a bad trick," Grimmjow complimented. "Hope you got more or this is gonna be as boring as crap."

Ultimate Echo Echo got up from the rubble. The disk flew back into the slot on his forehead. "Don't worry," he said. "I do."

Grinning, Grimmjow pointed at the ground and fired another Gran Rey Cero. Ultimate Echo Echo blasted backwards to avoid that attack. While he had dodged the actual attack, the resulting shockwave sent him spinning through the air. He quickly fired two more of his disks at Grimmjow. Smirking, Grimmjow fired two of his elbow darts, which blew up the disks when they collided.

Grimmjow was in his element.

"Ready to die, Ben?" he asked Ultimate Echo Echo.

Ultimate Echo Echo shook his head. His mind drifted to Harribel, Nelliel, their Fraccion, Gantenbaine, Gwen, Kevin, and everyone else. "No thanks," he replied. "I've got a wonderful life to look forward to."

Grimmjow just continued sneering at Ultimate Echo Echo. The tips of his claws began to glow a bluish color. Grimmjow raised his hands and made a downward slashing motion. The lights around his fingertips became gigantic claws of solidified energy.

"Desgarrón!" Grimmjow said. "My strongest attack!" He raised his right arm again and made a slashing motion at Ultimate Echo Echo. The energy claws flew off his hands and straight for the Sonorosain. If his were capable of moving, Ultimate Echo Echo's would have widened.

Using the disks from his legs, he blasted upward just as the Desgarrón came at him. It struck the ground where it stabbed into it. While Ultimate Echo Echo was relieved that they didn't explode like a Cero, he was pretty sure that it wouldn't be safe for them to touch him.

Hearing a snarling, Ultimate Echo Echo looked up to see the second Desgarrón coming right at him! He let out a grunt of pain as one of the claws slammed into him. The tip threatened to pierce his metallic hide. Further away, Grimmjow grinned triumphantly.

Ultimate Echo Echo grunted as he tried to get the claw off him. "I've come...too lose now!"

Focusing, he fired a sonic blast from all fifteen disks on his body and unleashed them on the Desgarrón. The solidified energy began vibrating really fast. Focusing a little more power, Ultimate Echo Echo unleashed sonic waves that shattered the Desgarrón. He looked over at a furious Grimmjow.

Two disks dispatched from Ultimate Echo Echo's legs and flew towards the Sexta Espada. Grimmjow raised his elbow to fire more darts when suddenly the two disks somehow created duplicates of themselves. They created up to twenty four copies of themselves and zoomed in a circle to form a ring around Grimmjow.

"What the..." Grimmjow started to say.

"Sonic," Ultimate Echo Echo said, "Doom!"

The twenty four disks unleashed a combined blast of sound upon Grimmjow. The sound waves synched with each other so it looked like Grimmjow was contained in a ball of sound. But the combined sound was too much for many people and since Grimmjow's ears had become catlike, they had better hearing, which made the Sonic Doom all the more painful for him.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!" Grimmjow cried in pain. He clutched his ears to try and block out the sound but no such luck. He considered blowing them up but his body was in too much pain for him to retaliate. He let out one more cry of pain before doing the only thing he could do: collapse.

Ultimate Echo Echo withdrew the discs as soon as Grimmjow went limp. The Sexta Espada fell to the ground. Causing the duplicates to return to the regular disks, Ultimate Echo Echo walked over to Grimmjow. The guy was out cold.

"Looks like I win," Ultimate Echo Echo said. In a flash of green light, he turned back to Ben.

"Well done, Ben." Ben turned around to see Nelliel and Harribel walk up to him. He gave them a lopsided grin.

"Alright," he said. "Let's hear it. How long were you two watching?"

"Since the beginning," Nelliel chirped happily. Ben grinned.

"You guys have my back?" he asked.

"Always," Harribel reassured him.


Ben, Harribel, and Nelliel looked over at the fallen Grimmjow. He was starting to stir.

"Oh boy," Ben said. "Something tells me he's not gonna be happy when he wakes up."

"You defeated him far and square," Nelliel pointed out. "That Sonic Doom attack was really cool. Why didn't you use it against Aizen?"

Ben made a face. "Guess it didn't come to me?" he suggested.

Harribel smiled behind her mask. "It doesn't matter now," she said. "Now we merely need to worry about Grimmjow."

"You talking about me?"

The three turned to see Grimmjow starting to get up. Sure he was shaken up and hurt by the Sonic Doom attack, but he was not out.

"You never had any intention of keeping our deal did you?" Ben asked.

"Sure I did," Grimmjow replied back with that sneer of his. "But I don't end a fight until somebody's dead."

Ben sighed. "Like nobody saw that coming." He looked at Grimmjow. "Alright, Grimmjow. I'll make you a new deal."

Grimmjow chuckled. "What's it gonna be this time?" he asked.

"If you promise to leave Ichigo and the others alone," Ben told him. "Then I'll fight you....every weekend. No killing and no stopping until one of us is unconscious."

Grimmjow smirked. "Why should I listen to you?" he challenged.

Harribel unsheathed Tiburon and pointed it at Grimmjow. "Because everything is in Ben's favor," she said. "He has you outnumbered, outmatched, and outsmarted. The only reason you are still standing right now is because of Ben's kindness and nothing more. If you want, I will fight you myself and seal you away in Hueco Mundo forever."

Grimmjow laughed at Harribel's words before grinning at Ben. "Man, getting Harribel wrapped around your finger, Ben?" he asked. "You're just full of surprises."

Grimmjow decided to ponder on Ben's words. Clearly Ulquiorra did not intend to go back to Hueco Mundo, which meant that the whole land was for Grimmjow to rule. Although he was annoyed that he didn't get to fight the other top Espada, he did owe it to Ben for getting rid of the competition. And while they all got weak in the human world, he'd be as strong as ever in Hueco Mundo. In time, he would finally get rid of Ben Tennyson, and prove that not only was he the king of Hueco Mundo, but also the king of everything.

"Alright," he said. "You got a deal."

Ben let out a sigh of relief. "Really?" he asked.

Grimmjow nodded as he reverted back to his sealed state. He walked over to Ben. "But how about I fight you every day?" he asked.

Ben paled. He did not want to promise that. For one, he wanted to enjoy time when he didn't have to fight the powerful Arrancar. Not only that, but he didn't want to even imagine Grimmjow showing up to fight him while he was at school or something like that.

"You should be grateful for what Ben's offering you," Nelliel said sternly.

Grimmjow raised an amused eyebrow at Nelliel. "Oh I get it," he said. "Ben's wants some alone time with his women and doesn't want any interruptions."

Ben wanted so much to pound himself into the pavement right now. What was with everyone today? Did they have to follow Kevin's example of teasing him?

Grimmjow just continued grinning as a Garganta opened up behind him. He walked into it.

"Don't forget," he said as the Garganta started to close. "I'll be back, Ben."

The Garganta closed, leaving Ben, Nelliel, and Harribel alone.

"Whew," Ben said, sitting down on some rubble. "Glad that worked out great."

Back among the others, Gwen was pacing back and forth nervously.

"Will you calm down?" Kevin asked.

"Calm down?" Gwen repeated. "My cousin could be dead for all we know and you're telling me to calm down?"

"He's not dead," Sung-Sun answered. "I can still sense his reiatsu. Whatever he did, he managed to convince Grimmjow to leave."

Apacci grinned. "After everyone else Ben's beat," she said. "No way would Grimmjow be a match for him."

"Hey, everyone!"

Everyone saw a grinning Ben with Harribel and Nelliel standing next to Ben.

"Ben?" Ichigo asked. "How did you get rid of Grimmjow?"

Ben grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, about that," he said. "I kinda had to promise Grimmjow I'd fight him every weekend."

"You did what?" Gwen demanded. "Ben how could you?"

"You don't know Grimmjow," Ben said in his defense. "It was either that or chain the guy up or something."

"Good luck with that one," Apacci said. "Even then it won't stop him. He'd keep going even if the entire world was on his shoulder. Why didn't you just turn into Alien X to get rid of him?"

"Enough of this," Yamamoto said, having reached his own boiling point. "It's time we took care of everything and returned the real Karakura Town back."

"Not to mention we've got to get home," Gwen pointed out.

"But first we need those Gigai things for Ben's friends," Kevin pointed out.

"Not to worry," Urahara said, waving his fan in front of him. "I can make them in no time. But to do that, we're gonna need to get back to my shop in the real Karakura Town."

"Awesome," Ben said. Then he became hesitant. " do we get there?"

"I can help with that." Everyone jumped to see Paradox standing among them.

"Professor Paradox?" Ben asked.

"What are you doing back here?" Yamamoto asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Now that I found a quick place for Gin to get some rest at for the moment," Paradox explained. "I decided that I should help young Ben and his friends get all set to go home. But first, we're going to need those Gigai for the Arrancar. And, in all modesty," He pulled out his pocket watch. "My way is the fastest way."

"Pity it's not your watch that has time powers," Urahara said in a wistful voice. "That would have been so much fun studying."

Paradox smiled. "I'm afraid that it wasn't meant to be." He looked at Ben, Kevin, Gwen, and the Arrancar. "Is everyone ready?" he asked.

The group nodded. Used to Paradox's powers, Harribel, Nelliel, Ben, Nelliel's Fraccion, Harribel's Fraccion, Gantenbainne, Charlotte, Redder, Kevin, and Gwen gathered around Paradox. Looking at each other before shrugging, Starrk and Lilynette joined the group. Ulquiorra suddenly stood among them.

"You're coming too, Ulquiorra?" Ben asked.

"Ulquiorra has decided to travel the world," Paradox answered. "Deciding to learn more about humans and human nature."

"Perhaps," Ulquiorra said. "We might cross paths again, Ben Tennyson."

Ben grinned. "Sure thing," he said.

Nearby, Orihime smiled. "Ulquiorra-kun," she said to herself.

All that was left was Poww, Vega, Nirgge, and Findor.

"It would be in your best interest if you were to join us," Harribel said to the four.

Vega snarled in anger. He hated this. Their leader was dead and he was forced to obey that...that...woman who had always been a pain in Lord Baraggan's side. What's worse, they were being taken to live in the human world! And live with that infuriating Ben Tennyson of all people!

"Calm yourself, Vega," Findor said. Vega glared at Findor, but the blonde haired Arrancar was unfazed. "Sometimes, one must accept their situation and make the best of it."

Vega balled his hands into fists. How could his comrades just give up like this? Why weren't they trying to avenge Baraggan-sama? Why weren't they trying to kill Ben Tennyson?

"If we were to fight," Poww said solemnly. "We would only succeed in bringing our own demises down upon us. Ben has defeated the majority of us and if he can beat us, then it is likely that at least the Shinigami captains can do the same thing. We will just have to accept our situation and be grateful that Ben Tennyson offered us mercy instead of death. We all know that he could have killed us if he wanted to."

Vega hated this. He absolutely hated this. But he did know that if he tried to fight now, he wasn't going to get any help. And he was smart enough to know that this fight was gonna be a lost cause.

"Fine," he said. The four of them started walking towards the group. But as they did, Nirgge whispered into Vega's ear.

"Keep your friends close," he said. "Keep your enemies closer."

Vega's eyes widened as he watched Nirgge walk up to join the others. At least Nirgge was still on his side. So maybe they couldn't just attack Ben whenever they wanted. But there would be a time, a time where Ben wouldn't be surrounded by all his bodyguards and followers. When that time came, Vega would revel in painting the skies with Ben's blood.

My time will come, Ben Tennyson. Vega thought gleefully to himself. My time will come.

Urahara and Yoruichi joined the group.

"Well then," Paradox said. "It's time to go."


The group saw Matsumoto coming up to them.

"I want to come," she said with a pout.

"For what?" Gwen asked, still annoyed with the way Matsumoto acted towards her cousin.

"The girls are gonna need some good outfits," Matsumoto pointed out. "I want to take them shopping."

Hitsugaya face-palmed himself. "Matsumoto," he groaned under his breath.

"Oh it will be wonderful," Matsumoto gushed out. "We'll get you the cutest and sexiest outfits around!" Then she gave them a sly grin. "Trust me. When I'm done, Ben's gonna be drooling all over you."

Ben whined as he looked down at the ground. Why did everyone have to put him on the spot?

"Sure," Nelliel said to Matsumoto.

"Huh?" Ben asked in a voice that sounded like he swallowed helium. Nelliel looked at him for a moment before she realized how her answer came out. Her cheeks turned a nice red.

"I meant that," she said sheepishly. "We need to know what to wear in the human world. If Matsumoto can help us, then it would make things easier."

"Right," Kevin said with a nod. "And the whole Ben drooling over you thing is a nice bonus."

"Kevin!" Gwen exclaimed.

Nelliel felt her face heat up.

"Well what are waiting for?" Matsumoto beamed. She bounced into the group. "Ready when you are, Paradox!"

Paradox chuckled. "Well, if that's everybody, here we go!"

Ben's vision became nothing but blue light for a moment before he found himself inside some kind of room. It looked like they were in a shop. Various items and knickknacks with Japanese writing on them filled the place.

"Where are we?" Ben asked.

"My shop," Urahara said proudly.

"Wow," Kevin said as he looked around. "What a dump."

"Dump!" a voice cried out. "Dump! How dare you call our shop a dump!"

Kevin turned around to see a large, muscular man with lightly tanned skin looking at him. He hair was corn rowed and he had a large handlebar mustache, which was connected to his long sideburns. He wore a pair of rectangular-shaped glasses. His attire consisted of a white muscle shirt with regular pants and a blue apron.

"Greetings, Tessai," Paradox said pleasantly. "I trust you're well."

Tessai looked over at Paradox, then his voice became one of pleasantry. "Paradox-san," he said. "Welcome back to our humble shop. What can I do for you?"

"It's happened, Tessai," Urahara said with a grin. "Ben won."

The man known as Tessai looked at Urahara before looking at Yoruichi and then Paradox. Both nodded at him. He looked over and saw the Arrancar standing in the shop as well. If he was shocked or surprised to see them, he didn't show it. Instead he looked at Paradox.

"So he did it," Tessai said.

Paradox nodded at him. "He did, indeed. These Arrancar have decided that they will live in the human world alongside Ben and the others. But to do that, they are going to need some Gigai."

"And afterwards," Matsumoto said with a look of pure joy. "Us girls are going shopping."

"We'll just stay here," Kevin said. Ben nodded in agreement.

"Trying to get out of carrying bags?" Gwen asked in amusement.

"Uh..." both boys said at the same time, trying to think of a good excuse.

Matsumoto giggled. "Typical male behavior."

"Well, Tessai," Urahara said. "We better get to work, we got a lot of Gigai to make."

Tessai nodded.

"So what?" Kevin asked. "We're just gonna wait right here?"

Urahara grinned. "~That's right~" he sang.

"How long will it take?" Ulquiorra asked.

"Not long, actually," Urahara admitted. "Just please be patient."

"Oh don't worry," Matsumoto said. "I'm certain they can find a way to keep themselves busy." She smiled coyly at Ben as she said that. Ben felt her eyes on him and gulped.

And so the gang waited. Poww, Vega, Findor, and Nirgge felt awkward as they just stood there waiting.

"Hey, Ben," Nelliel said.

"Yeah?" Ben asked.

"Can we play a game?" she asked.

Ben felt his face heat up at that. If Nelliel had still been in her child form, he would understand. that Nelliel was an adult, he felt a little nervous.

"I miss our games of Eternal Tag back when I was a child," she explained.

Ben let out a sigh of relief.

"What were you thinking, Tennyson?" Kevin asked with a sly grin on his face. "Spin the bottle? Seven minutes in Heaven?"

Ben felt his face heat up again. Gwen frowned at Kevin. With that sly grin on his face, Kevin moved closer to Gwen.

"Of course," he whispered to her ear. "If you want to play..."

Gwen felt her own face burn up as she turned her back on him. Kevin chuckled quietly to himself.

"Spin the bottle?" Apacci asked in confusion. "What's that?"

"Ah," Kevin said with a smile. "You see it's a..."

"It's nothing," Ben said quickly. "Just something Kevin made up."

Kevin shrugged. "Kissing games like Spin the Bottle isn't really my thing," he said. "But I wouldn't wind getting credit for creating Seven Minutes in Heaven."

"How do you play that?" Mila Rose asked.

Kevin's grin became devious. "You see," he began. "You..."

"I'm gonna look around the store and see if there's anything I might buy!" Ben said suddenly, startling everyone minus Paradox and the composed Ulquiorra.

"How?" Kevin asked, knowing that he caught Ben. "This is a Japanese store and you don't even have any money."

Ben twitched. "Well..."

"So," Sung-Sun said. "How do you play this Seven Minutes in Heaven?"

"Easy," Kevin said before anyone could interrupt him. "You grab somebody you like and you go into a closest. Then you make out with them for seven minutes straight. Hence why it's called Seven Minutes in Heaven."

According to who? Ben thought to himself. His body began trembling and sweat started to appear on his forehead. He did not want to turn around. He did not want to turn around. He did not want to turn around.

Pesche and Donodchakka looked at each other, sharing a silent but knowing look. They could use this Seven Minutes in Heaven game to their advantage. They could find a way to lock Ben into a closet with Nelliel-sama. Then Nelliel would truly show Ben how much he meant to her and Ben would be touched by Nelliel's love for him and finally return it, the two of them celebrating their feelings with a passionate kiss.

Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun were thinking along the same lines. If they could get Ben and Harribel-sama to play this game, it could possibly show Ben what a wonderful person Harribel-sama was. And then they would share a mutual, loving kiss. But as they thought that, their own minds started to drift elsewhere. Each one had a brief flash of them being in Ben's arms with their lips locked in a soft yet passionate kiss. Immediately they shook their heads to clear out those thoughts. This was going to be Harribel-sama's happiness. They couldn't forget that.

Nelliel felt her own face heat up when Kevin explained Seven Minutes in Heaven. She would never force Ben to play anything that made him uncomfortable but... What would it be like for her and Ben to share a mutual kiss? Her mind drifted to a fantasy where she and Ben were in each other's arms and kissing each other softly but passionately. Her arms were around Ben's neck. One of his arms was gently stroking her back while running his other hand's fingers through her hair. The real Nelliel let out a sigh. That would be wonderful and romantic for Ben to really hold her and kiss her like that. But Ben was so innocent and caring. He would probably be afraid of messing up. Nelliel shook her head.

Ben would never mess up, she thought. All our moments together are special.

Harribel did not know what to think of this game called Seven Minutes in Heaven. Had she heard of this game back as an Espada, she would have merely sat to the side and let anyone else engage in it. But, here she blushed, since she had someone who she loved, she didn't really mind it. What would it be like? For her not only to be kissing Ben, but for him to be kissing her back? Much to her shock, she imagined a fantasy where she and Ben were kissing. Her hands were running through his hair while his were gently rubbing her back. Ben was kissing her softly and holding her tenderly. No doubt fearful that he would not live up to her expectations of him, completely unaware of that he was beyond her expectations of any human, Hollow, or Shinigami,.

They say Hollows have no hearts. Harribel thought. I have one again. Ben gave it to me.

"Okay everyone!"

Matsumoto burst into the room. She had a happy smile on her face.

"Everyone in need of a Gigai, come with me and we'll get them set up! Afterwards, we're going shopping!"

"I'm coming too!" Gwen said sternly.

Matsumoto pouted.

"I don't trust you," Gwen said firmly. "For all we know, you're gonna buy them something that's gonna give Ben a heart attack."

"Ben's probably not complaining," Kevin teased.

Ben glared. "I'm not like that!" he said.

"That's right!" Apacci said, coming to Ben's defense. "Ben's not some pervert."

"He's a proud fighter," Mila Rose said.

"He's a gentleman," Sung-Sun agreed.

Nelliel got up. "He's the most wonderful person I've ever met," she said proudly and without hesitation.

Pesche and Dondochakka nodded in approval at Nelliel's words. Maybe that would show Ben how much he mattered to Nelliel and appreciate her for all she had done for him.

Apacci, Mila Rose and Sung-Sun gave Nelliel an irritated glance that she was unaware of.

Ben belongs with Harribel-sama. Not you! each thought.

One by one, the Arrancar cleared out of the room to receive their Gigai as Urahara walked back in.

"Matsumoto doesn't want you to see their clothes until they buy some new ones," he said. "Sorry for making you wait."

"It's no problem," Gwen said politely. Kevin snorted, causing her to frown at him.

"Perhaps you should show them your room," Paradox suggested. Urahara nodded.

"Room?" Ben asked. "What room?"

"I have something that could help you pass the time," Urahara said with a grin. "Follow me." He went further into the shop.

Sharing a confused glance with each other, the three followed Urahara further in. Here, they saw that the store resembled an old fashioned styled home.

"You live here?" Kevin asked.

"I am but a humble shop owner," Urahara said, fanning himself. "One such as me cannot afford the luxuries of the wealthy."

Kevin snorted. "Yeah right."

"Anyway, here we are,"

Urahara showed them to a latch in the ground. He opened it to reveal a hole with a ladder attached. Ben looked down the hole but could only see blackness.

"What's down there?" he asked.

Urahara grinned. "Wanna see?"

Kevin's eyes hardened. "How do we know this isn't some kind of trick?"

"Don't you think Paradox would have known if it was a trick or not?" Gwen pointed out.

"Yeah well..." Kevin said as he tried to think of a good excuse but couldn't.

"I assure you that it's one hundred percent safe," Paradox told him. "Provided that you watch that first step."

Kevin groaned. "That makes me feel so much better," he said sarcastically.

"Well," Ben said. "Only one way to find out, but I'm taking the faster way." He activated the Ultimatrix dial and switched it to Big Chill. Slamming the dial down, he became the Necrofriggian.

"Going down?" Big Chill asked as he became intangible and went through the floor.

Urahara scratched his chin. "Very impressive," he said.

What Big Chill saw down there left him speechless. He found himself in what appeared to be some kind of desert area, with sand and rocks everywhere. There was even a sunny sky too.

"What in the...?" Big Chill asked himself. "What's going on?"

"It's a special training ground designed by Urahara to look like an actual area. He wanted to make it very realistic and he always did have a sense for theatrics."

Big Chill looked down to see Paradox already among the rocks. Big Chill became tangible again.

"Amazing," he said. "How long did it take him to make this?"

"A single day and night," Paradox said as if one was talking about the weather.

"What?" Big Chill asked.

"Never underestimate Urahara or Soul Society technology, Ben," Paradox said pleasantly.

"Oh wow,"

Big Chill turned to see Urahara, Kevin, and Gwen climbing down the ladder. Both were staring at the sight in wonder.

"It's beautiful," Gwen said.

"Why thank you, Gwen-chan," Urahara beamed. "It's always nice to hear a young lady compliment my work."

Kevin growled in annoyance.

"But you're coming with me, Gwen-chan," Urahara said. "You wanted to help choose the girls' clothing right? We'll just leave Kevin and Ben to play down here."

"And do what?" Kevin asked once they got to the bottom. "There's nothing to doout here."

"Hide and seek?" Urahara suggested. "Tag? I'm pretty sure you can do something out here."

Just then Yoruichi appeared, a playful grin on her face.

"Did someone say tag?" She asked.

"Kevin and Ben need something to keep them occupied until the girls come back," Urahara told her.

Yoruichi's playful grin widened. "Oh I'm sure I can think of something."

Ben paled and silently prayed that she hadn't overheard Kevin's idea of Seven Minutes in Heaven.

"We'll play a game of tag," Yoruichi said happily.

"Tag?" Kevin asked. "Seriously?"

Ben let out a sigh of relief. Yoruichi noticed.

"What's the matter, Ben?" she asked sly. "Did you have another game in mind?"

Panicking, Ben shook his head. "Nope," he said. "Tag is fine. Tag is awesome! Tag is my favorite game in the whole world!"

Kevin struggled not to laugh. He had a feeling that he'd be doing that for quite some time now.

"Alright then," Yoruichi said. "You two boys can be it and have to tag me."

Kevin groaned. "I can't believe we're doing this. Tag's for kids. Besides, if we're both it, then we'd tag you out easily."

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" she asked. "Not in my version of tag."

Suddenly she disappeared. Kevin's eyes widened.

"Where'd she go?" he asked.

"Yoo-hoo! Over here!"

Kevin and Ben turned around to see Yoruichi waving at them from far away.

" did she get over there so fast?"

Yoruichi disappeared and then reappeared right behind Kevin.

"It's called Shunpo," she said, causing Kevin to jump. "It's the Shinigami equivalent to an Arrancar's Sonido."

"Great," Kevin groaned while rolling his eyes. "More speedy people. You'd better handle this one, Tennyson."

Ben cringed. "Me? Why me?"

"You're the guy who can turn into over a million different aliens," Kevin pointed out.

"A game of tag with just me and Ben?" Yoruichi asked. "I like it."

Ben made a face. Suddenly Yoruichi was behind him, her mouth right at his ear.

"Come on, Ben," she whispered. "Tag me."

Ben jumped in the air, causing Yoruichi, Kevin, and Paradox to laugh while Urahara and Gwen climbed back up with Gwen glaring at Yoruichi all the while.

"Don't worry, Gwen-chan," Urahara said. "Yoruichi doesn't mean any harm. That's just her way of playing."

Gwen said nothing as she climbed back up.

"Alright," Ben said, deciding to take the initiative. "If it's speed you want, it's speed you'll get."

He activated the Ultimatrix, scrolled through his aliens, and slammed the dial down.

"XLR8!" he cried after transforming.

Yoruichi's grin turned cat-like. "Not bad," she said. "But can you keep up?"

"Just watch me," XLR8 said.

He became a blue blur that shot towards Yoruichi like a bullet. The purple haired beauty just stood there with her arms folded and that grin on her face. Just as XLR8 came within range of her, she vanished.

"What?" XLR8 exclaimed, his surprise causing him to stumble. He found himself somersaulting like a ball before crashing into one of the rock formations.

Kevin was one his knees laughing. "Man, Tennyson. She's even faster than XRL8."

Groaning, XLR8 picked himself up and shook his head to reassemble his thoughts. Hearing a light laughter nearby, XLR8 turned his head to see Yoruichi standing on top of the rock, grinning down at him.

"Not bad," she said. "But I've seen faster."

Behind his visor, XRL8 narrowed his eyes. "You ain't seen nothing yet."

Well, Kevin found a way to pass the time as he and Paradox watched the game of tag. Yoruichi had XLR8 zigzagging all over the place trying to catch her. And she would always torment him by pretending that he was about to tag her, only to dodge at the last minute and leave XRL8 frustrated in the dust. And Kevin enjoyed every moment of it.

"Come on, Ben!" Yoruichi called over to XRL8. "You can do it!"

XRL8 was really ticked off now. Well, XLR8 was no good here. Maybe what he needed was a new approach, so he touched the Ultimatrix. He slammed the Ultimatrix dial.

"Jet Ray!" he cried, taking to the skies.

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow in interest.

Focusing all his speed, Jet Ray flew straight at Yoruichi. Seeing Jet Ray zoom down at her, Yoruichi grinned. She used Shunpo to dodge him again.

"Sorry, Ben," she said. "But there's not a single form in your Ultimatrix that's as fast as me."

Jet Ray gritted his teeth. Then an idea came to him. He slammed his hand on the Ultimatrix again.

"Armodrillo!" he called out as he plummeted to the ground. But as he fell to the ground, he adjusted his body so that his arms would touch the ground first. As he got reached the ground, he disappeared into it.

Yoruichi's eyes widened in surprise. Where had Ben gone? She felt the ground stir around her and leaped into the air just as Armodrillo erupted from where she had just stood.

"Darn it," Armodrillo said, pounding the ground in frustration.

Yoruichi's eyes flashed in excitement. This Armodrillo form might make things interesting.

"Okay, Ben," she playfully taunted. "Catch me if you can."

She began using her powers to move all over the place. One minute, she was in one place and then somewhere else the next. Her constant moving made it hard for even Armodrillo's tunneling to catch up with.

"I guess it's time to shake things up." Armodrillo said. He put his hands on the ground and unleashed seismic tremors from his arms. The whole area began trembling.

"Hey watch it, Tennyson," Kevin said. "We're underneath a building, remember? You want to bring it down on us?"

Armodrillo stopped his earthquake. "Sorry," he said.

"Don't be, Ben,"Armodrillo turned to see Yoruichi standing nearby with a smile. "Using a form like Armodrillo was really resourceful. If we weren't underground, it would have been a big help."

"Really?" Armodrillo asked.

Then Yoruichi smirked. "But even then, you still couldn't catch me."

Armodrillo narrowed his eyes. "Want to bet?"

Yoruichi smiled sweetly. She was about to reply when...

"We're back!" a voice called. Armodrillo, Kevin, Yoruichi, and Paradox looked up to where the voice had come from.

"~Ben~!" Matsumoto called in sing-song voice. "~Come up here!~"

Gulping, Armodrillo touched the Ultimatrix and turned back to normal. Taking a deep breath he walked over to the ladder.

"Go on, Tennyson," Kevin said with a grin. "Can't keep the girls waiting."

Giving Kevin a hardened look, Ben began climbing up the ladder. Soon, he reached the latch door and climbed out.

"Hello, Ben."

Ben turned around and saw that all the guys were in their Gigai. None of them had their mask fragments on and were each wearing business suits, except for Starrk. His outfit resembled the one he wore in his released state, only his brown leather jacket did not have fur on it and he did not have holsters or bandoleers. Standing next to him was Lilynette, who was wearing a simply white shirt and jeans. She wasn't wearing her helmet and had two perfect purple eyes. Unlike the others, Ulquiorra was also wearing a long trench coat. His face wasn't as pale and the lines on his face were missing. Overall, everyone looked the same, but without all the mask fragments of course.

"How did you...?" he started to ask.

"Gigai don't need their mask fragments," Urahara explained. "We modified the Gigai so they would look exactly like normal humans."

"These Gigai are amazing," Charlotte said, looking at himself in his suit.

Personally Ben was grateful that Charlotte hadn't tried wearing a dress.

Vega on the other hand looked as if his life had reached an all time low.

Gantenbainne grinned. "Hey, Ben," he said. "The girls are waiting for you in the next room." He pointed to the main room store room. "Pesche and Dondochakka are still getting ready."

Ben gulped when Gantenbainne said that. He and Kevin started walking there when Gantenbainne shook his head.

"Ben only," he said.

Kevin smirked. "Of course," he said as he patted Ben on the shoulder. "Go get 'em, Tennyson."

Whining to himself, Ben walked back to the store room.

"Hi, Ben!" Matsumoto chirped. "Well, how do they look?"

Looking up, Ben got to see how the girls looked.

Nelliel looked the same but without her mask fragment, scar or the red line on her face. Her clothes consisted of a black, v-cut top under a black long-sleeve shirt and black high shorts with a red belt.

Apacci, lacking her horn, wore a black vest over a white top with an orange scarf around her neck, blue jeans, and shin-high boots.

Mila Rose wore a white halter top that was stretched by her cleavage, a red jacket, jean skirt, and shin-high boots.

Sung-Sun wore a pearl, scale-like, once piece, dress that showed off her legs. In her hair was a clip that resembled her mask fragment.

Harribel wore a black high-cut sweater that exposed her midriff and showed off the curvature of her breasts, with a white vest over. She also wore a white jean skirt and black forearm sleeves.

(A friend of mine showed me these pictures off of Deviant Art and they looked really good Credit belongs to the various artists of Deviant Art that made these designs. They really suited the girls.)

Ben felt his eyes widened and his cheeks heat up.

"How..." Nelliel said, a little hesitant. "How do we look Ben?"

Ben gulped one more time.

"You..." he tried and failed to say. "You look..."

Here the girls start to feel their spirits drop. But then Ben spoke again.

"You look beautiful," he said, blushing. "All of you do."

The girls all stared at Ben in shock, a blush on each of their faces. Beautiful? Ben thought they were beautiful? Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun looked at each other. No one had ever called them beautiful before. Sure some Arrancar would look at them lustfully, but never once had they been called beautiful.

Harribel had only been called beautiful once and that was in a mocking tone by Aizen. Other than him no one had ever called her such a thing. She hadn't minded back in the old days but to hear Ben say that made her feel happy.

"Ben!" Nelliel cried as she hugged him. "You really think so? You really think we're beautiful?"

"Will you let go of him?" Apacci asked in annoyance. "You're gonna break his back doing that!"

Nelliel gasped as she loosened her hug on Ben. "Sorry," she muttered.

"It's okay," Ben said, trying to straighten out his back.


Ben saw Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun looking at him, each one with a blush on their face.

"You mean it?" Sung-Sun asked.

Nervously, Ben nodded his head.

Each girl smiled as their blushes deepened. "Thanks, Ben," they said quietly.

Harribel did not say anything, for no words needed to be spoken between her and Ben. However, she did feel a bit of hope. Maybe now that Ben show how beautiful she was, he would start to notice her.

"So," Ben said, scratching the back of his head. "Gantenbainne said Pesche and Dondochakka are still getting ready?"

"We're right here, Ben,"

Ben turned around to see two guys he had never seen before. One was skinny with blondish hair and a friendly looking face. The other was squat, had a square jaw and a rather strong build. Like the other guys, they were wearing suits. The blonde haired one was wearing a shiny black suit while the other one was wearing a white suit. Ben's jaw dropped.

"Pesche?" he asked. "Dondochakka?"

Pesche, the skinny blonde haired one, nodded as he scratched the back of his head. "Yep," he said. "This is how we really look."

"We looked weird and acted dopy only so that people wouldn't recognize who we were back when Nelliel-sama was a child," Dondochakka explained, "Including herself."

"But now there's no need to anymore," Pesche said. He and Dondochakka got down on their knees. "And it's all thanks to you, Ben-sama,"

Ben felt his face flush at being given the honorific. "There's no need to call me that," he said.

"You have more than earned that title, Ben-sama," Pesche said respectively. Dondochakka nodded his agreement.

Ben rolled his eyes in annoyance. This caused Nelliel to giggle and Harribel's Fraccion to chuckle with each other.

"Alright," Paradox said as he walked into the room. Gwen, Kevin, and the other guys came in too. "Is everyone ready to get home?"

"I think so," Ben said. Then he frowned. "But where's everybody gonna stay?"

"I've already taken care of that," Paradox said. "The men will be living in Los Soledad. I believe they would prefer living there where very few humans live."

Ulquiorra nodded. "I understand, Paradox."

"Uh," Ben spoke. He wasn't really comfortable with some of his former enemies living in an abandoned military base.

"Of course," Paradox continued. "You'll need to give them the grand tour."

Ben's green eyes widened in comprehension before nodded in understanding. Paradox was allowing Ben to help get the Arrancar settled.

"Um," Nelliel said, causing everyone's attention to be on her. She looked at the ground nervously. "Could...could...could I stay with you, Ben?"

Ben became rigid. He could just imagine how his parents would react if they found a lovely woman wanting to live with him.

"We'll worry about that later," Ben said, hoping she would be satisfied with that answer for now. "Right now, let's get home."

Nelliel pouted, a little sad at Ben avoiding the question. But she had to remember that it was probably still a lot to take in. Not to mention he was probably home sick.

"Okay, Paradox," Ben said. "Let's go."

Paradox smiled as he pulled out his watch. The others immediately gathered around the time walker.

"Take care, Ben," Urahara said.

"I'll make sure Soul Society rewards you!" Matsumoto promised.

"And make sure that they lay off Tosen, okay?" Ben asked her.

Matsumoto gave him a thumbs up. "Will do!" She said.

"If you ever need anything," Yoruichi said. "We'll be there for you."

"Say good-bye to the others for me," Ben said. "Come by and visit sometime, okay?"

Matsumoto gave him a playful grin. "Oh, you know I will." She teased.

Paradox chuckled at Ben's flushed face. "Everyone set?" he asked. "Then here we go!"

The group was once again enveloped in a blue light that shined throughout the store. When it passed, the group was gone.

Urahara nodded. "That Ben really is something."

"Isn't he?" Matsumoto agreed. "He's gonna have a very interesting love life."

Yoruichi nodded. As she turned around, she saw something.

"Kisuke," she said. "There's a letter on the ground."

Raising an eyebrow, Urahara turned around to see an envelope lying on the ground nearby. Curious, he picked it up and opened it. He pulled out a piece of paper and read it. As he did, his eyes widened in surprise.

"What is it?" Yoruichi asked.

Urahara grinned at her. "Paradox just left a few suggestions on what to do with the Hogyoku."

When he got his vision back, Ben was greeted to welcoming sight. His street. His house. He was back home.

"I'm back," he said in a very quiet voice. "I'm back."

Gwen touched his shoulder and smiled at him. "Yes you are, Ben."

"This is where you live?" Lilynette asked. "Not what I expected."

"Knock it off, Lilynette," Starrk sighed.

"I was just saying," Lilynette pointed out.

Vega, Findor, Poww, and Nirgge looked around. Findor, Poww, and Nirgge were neutral while Vega had a look of pure distaste.

"Well, Ben," Paradox said. "I better get back to Gin before he wanders off and gets into trouble. Good luck to you."

"Goodbye, Professor Paradox," Ben said. "And thanks for everything."

Smiling, Paradox vanished in a flash of blue light.

Smiling himself, Ben looked over at his house. He took a deep breath. "Well," he said, "Might as well get this over with."

Sandra Tennyson sighed as she washed the dishes after a quiet dinner with her husband. As always, she was just going through the motions. Over a month ago, their son Ben had just vanished. Their niece Gwen had tried to find him but even after a month Gwen had not gotten any clues towards Ben's whereabouts.

Her husband Carl, was also worried, and one time she'd found him drunk and crying as he sat in Ben's room, alone. He missed Ben too. Sandra had even set up three places for each meal out of habit, only to realize that Ben wouldn't be joining them. She just couldn't believe their baby wasn't coming back.

When they had found out about Ben's secret activities, they had been furious about him lying to them and keeping secrets and as a result had grounded him. However, they were actually worried about his safety since, hero or not, he was still their son.

Neighbors and friends offered condolences over Ben's disappearance. They were not like the people who distrusted Ben for his powers. They had watched Ben grow up and knew that, while a bit mischievous, he was a good kid at heart. He had good parents for role models and no way was he some kind of monster like that horrible reporter kept saying. Sandra and Carl, after their son disappeared, even led a protest against Will Harangue for his slander against their son which seemed to increase, especially when he said the world was better off without Ben Tennyson. Carl even punched the guy in the face for that comment and had to be hauled away by security.

But none of that could bring Ben back. Sandra would do anything just to have her son back again.

Then the doorbell rang. Sandra put down the dish she was cleaning and went to see who it was. It was probably some more sympathetic fan of Ben's who wanted to offer some emotional support.

She opened the door and she stood, stunned and speechless, as she stared, gawking and mouth gaping, at who stood before her.

"Honey, who is it?" Carl asked as he came down from upstairs. He stopped cold in his tracks as he saw who it was.

Standing there in front of the doorway, with a look on his face, was none other than Ben.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. I'm back," said Ben in a quiet and nervous voice.

"BEN!" Ben's parents immediately engulfed him in a hug. Sandra was crying tears of joy. Her baby was back!

Watching from a safe distance were the others. Nelliel couldn't help but cry as she watched the heart-warming scene.

"Ben!" Sandra said as she cried. "You're back! I thought...I thought I would never see you again."

"Are you hurt?" Carl asked, looking Ben over. "Did anything happen?"

Looking at the ground, Ben nodded. "A lot did happen," he said.

"Where were you?" Sandra asked, the tears running down her eyes as she hugged her boy tightly.

"Hueco Mundo," Ben replied.

"What?" both parents asked Ben in confusion. It was then that they were aware of all the people standing out in their walkway with Kevin and Gwen among them. The two now completely confused parents looked at Ben.

"B...Ben," Sandra said. "Who are all these people?"

Ben sighed. Now came the hard part.

"Mom," he said, "Dad. You might want to sit down for this."



Deep within the realm of Hueco Mundo, the Arrrancar known as Loly let out a yell of anguish.

"You're lying!" she yelled at the one who had told her the worst news in her life. "You're lying!"

Grimmjow shrugged. "Whatever," he said. "Doesn't matter to me if you believe it or not."

Grimmjow had returned from the world of the living, claiming that Aizen was dead and Ben Tennyson had killed him. News would spread through Hueco Mundo like wildfire. Unconcerned, Grimmjow walked away from Loly, ready to enjoy his new kingdom.

Loly trembled with rage. That boy...that boy had taken away the most important person in her life and she was going to make him suffer for it.

"You will pay, Ben Tennyson," she said in a voice that was edged with madness. "You will pay!"

In an unknown area:

"Do you have the report?"

"I do."

"Well what is it?"

"The Spirit King has been informed of the boy known as Ben Tennyson and how he defeated the traitor, Sosuke Aizen."


"The Spirit King has decreed that the boy's Ultimatrix is a threat to everyone. The boy himself is not a threat but the device cannot be allowed to continue existing. For the sake of Soul Society, the Ultimatrix must be destroyed!"

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