Codesworld (Darkekulavia Adve...

By UCS754

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Title says it all More

Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter 2: Global Warming
Chapter 3: Vs Nickocado Avocado
MrBeast Chapter 1: (4) 24 hrs in Bermuda Triangle
Chapter 5: Farm Madness
Chapter 6: Battling a Band
Chapter 7: Grilled Cheese Deluxe
Mrbeast Gaming chapter 1 (8): Minecraft But Everything Is Random
Chapter 9: NO MORE AMONG US!
Chapter 10: Can Ganondrof come out to play?
Chapter 11: Bahama-dness
Chapter 12: Meme Review #1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 1 (13): New Perils Part 1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 2: (14) New Perils part 2
Randomness (That's not gonna be that funny)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 3 (15) Greater Toronto Area (Oh Shit wrong term)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 4 (16): Learn the Basics
Dimensional Arc Part 5 (17): The cake is always a lie
Dimensional arc Part 6 (18): Where it all started (For Darkekulavia)
Dimensional Arc Part 7 (19) Scottstale
Dimensional Arc Part 8 (20): Crimson and the Ink Machine
Dimensional Arc Part 9 (21) Kadien's and Laurie's Five Nights
Dimensional Arc FINALE (22) Team (Fortress) Work Makes The Dream Work
Codesworld Short: Kadien's Real Body
Chapter 23: Hammer and Fail
Chapter 24: Zanta Claws
Chapter 25: Cafe with Some Old Beans
MrBeast Chapter 2 (26) 50K game of Real Life Monopoly
Codesworld Short: Spelling Bee
Chapter 27: The Date (Valentine's Day Speical)
Chapter 28: A Rocky Mountain Climb
MrBeast Gaming Chapter 2 (29) World's Largest Explosion
Chapter 30: Speak of the Devil and She will appear
Trepidation Arc Chapter 1 (31): Lullaby's Treat
Trepidation Arc Chapter 2 (32) The search begins
Trepidation Arc Chapter 3 (33): The Fate of Unknown Suffering
Tripedation Arc Chapter 4 (34) Innocence Doesn't Get You Far
Chapter 35: Tier List 1 (CDW Edition)
Tripedation Arc Chapter 5 (36): Forgiveness won't work against a Lord
Trepidation Arc Chapter 6: Triple Threat of Killers
Tripedation Arc Chapter 7 (38) Saving a Soulless Lover
Trepidation Arc FINALE (38) Revenge of a Nephalem and The Corruption King
Chapter 40: Project T.E.R.I.OS
MrBeast Chapter 3 (41) Press This Button To Win $100,000!
Chapter 42: Codesworld Christmas Blast
Chapter 43: Therapy Buddies
Chapter 44: Real Date
Chapter 45: Cat? It's a Kitty Cat!
Chapter 46: Pizza Pandemonium
Chapter 47: Return to Freddys
Teaser for the next Arc

Chapter 39: Surf And Turf Wars

45 2 87
By UCS754

The scene cuts to multiple cars driving down a road to the beach. The one currently leading the pack was a White 2022 Ford EcoSport, and it has Cody, Dawn, Tankman, and Scott, with everyone else in other cars following behind. Suddenly the car pulled up to the parking lot but Cody's car crashes into some rocks, he, Dawn and Tankman go flying out of the car with their stuff, a blow-up couch lands first, then three towels, a cooler and an umbrella, when a man walks up to it, it opens, as Cody, Dawn, and Tankman land on towels on the couch.

Cody: Sun on a beach, it's beautiful.

The camera shows the beach was crowded.

Tankman: Yeah, well worth the five-hour drive. In fact, not long enough.

Dawn: Also as amazing as the Bahamas.

The others get out the cars to see the four are ok.

IRyS: How are you four not dead?

Scott: We have no idea!

???: I mean it's great no matter how.

Everyone turns to see Crimson was talking. But she looked........different.

She looked to see everyone had confused faces.

Crimson: What?


Scott: That is her.

Crystal: Sorry what?

Crimson: Ya. This is me without the face paint. I figured face paint wouldn't fit the current event.

Maria: Ah that makes sense. It's just that we didn't expect this.

Crimson: Well it's still me. Like for example the sun and my family are...old enemies.

The sun stares angrily at Scott and Crimson and holds up two middle fingers, and Scott steps on the sand and burns up.

IRyS: What did you think was gonna happen.

Crimson: Alright plan B it is then.

Crimson the pulls out some sunscreen and then dumps the whole thing onto Crimson and Scott, covering both of them in it. Only for it to crack and only have sunscreen on their noises.

Laurie: Well that's one way to put sunscreen on.

Mousey: Definitely.

The camera cuts to a boat in the ocean. It seemed it was carrying some yellow barrels as cargo. We then cut to the people running the ship.

Crewmate #1: Bring the aft engines to full.

Crewmate #2: Aye, sir.

One of the crewmates then notices the yellow barrels.

Crewmate #3: What is that stuff?

Captain: I don't ask questions.

Crewmate #4: Where did it come from?

Captain: I said, I don't ask questions.

Crewmate #5: Well, where are we taking it?

Captain: I...don't know. I didn't ask. Hang on.

The captain the goes to the phone and calls the boss as the crew groups around him.

Captain: Yes, about this cargo. Yes, I know I didn't ask any questions and that's kind of the problem. My crew have raised some very valid points.

Suddenly a loud sound was heard.

Captain: What was that!?

Crewmate #3: That sounds like a question. Take him to the brig!

The captain then gets grabbed by a bigger guy as he is escorted out. While that happens one barrel falls off the ships and is heading towards the beach.

We cut back to Scott who looks to be relaxing.

Scott: Ah, don't you just love the beach?

All of a sudden he has a flamethrower!

Scott: DIE!

Scott then starts burning other people only for the camera to pull back and show it was just a video game. Which was plugged into an extension cord.

Scott: Yes, it sure is nice to get away from that noisy city and all those inconsiderate people. Ah, not a care in the world.

Scott then blends a banana with the blender they had installed in the extension cord as well, but throws the peel behind him, making a man slip on it and fall.

Laurie Hey, don't litter Scottie.

Scott: Yep, not a care in the world.

Suddenly a straw goes into Scott's banana smoothie. The camera pans to show it was Kitty with a VERY long straw as she drink the whole thing as Scott never notices.

Scott: Ah, the simple things.

Laurie: You're a simple thing sometimes.

The camera then starts to follow the cord to show it was just one extension cord. It was MANY extension cords! As it go throw the streets, the sewer all the way to the gangs house. That's when a scientist is shown running.

Scientist: I've done it. The cure for all diseases! This will change the course of human history forever!

He holds a tube full of purple liquid when he stops running.

Scientist: Oh my, that was a close one. I nearly tripped in that pothole.

He walks carefully, but stops again due to the cable.

Scientist: Oh, I nearly tripped on that mysterious cable that seems to be running throughout the city.

The Scientist keeps walking carefully, but stops in front of a piano falling on a chipper.

Scientist: Oh my goodness! That was even closer.

The loose tiger suddenly shows up and attacks him as he drops the purple liquid while two other men stare at him.

Scientist: Arg, a tiger?! My God, it's eating me. It's tearing me apart. What's a tiger even doing here? It's just eaten my entire lower half. This is the worst pain I've ever felt in my whole life. How am I even conscious right now? Now it's eating the rest of me.

Man #1: I really don't understand street performers.

Man #2: Me neither.

The second man starts walking but he trips on the cable while also falling on the test tube and breaking it. This causes Scott's TV to turn off. This makes him annoyed.

Scott: Ugh! This is the worst thing to happen to anyone ever.

Scott throws the controller, and a crab takes it away. Laurie seems Scott and tries to comfort him.

Laurie: Aw cheer up Scottie boy. There's plenty of other things to enjoy.

Emma: Ya. For me, it's the cool, refreshing sea breeze.

A waiter shows up.

Waiter: Uh, ma'am, your sea breeze.

Emma: Sweet, thanks.

Emma starts drinking the sea breeze, while Laurie drinks some of the water the crew packed. Clearly Scott doesn't get it.

Scott: You know what? I am going to take a walk. Probably clear my head.

Scott walks off, saying ow with each step due to the sand being hot.

*With Cody, Dawn, Tankman, Wyatt and Maria*

We see Cody, Tankman, Wyatt and Maria chatting as Dawn does her usual mediation.

Maria: So you and Dawn went both Hawaii AND Bahamas?

Cody: Yep. Heck that's where we meet Kitty and Emma.

Wyatt: Lucky! Me and Maria have been wanting to go to both of those places for a very long time.

Tankman: I'm guessing that's what you two made a cafe for?

Maria: It's a part of it yes.

???: Hey beach buds, surfing hard or hardly surfing. Am I right?

The four look to see some sort of lifeguard even Dawn stops meditating to look at the person.

Lifeguard: Cool. Cool. Are any of you signed up for the fun-petition.

Dawn: The fun-petition? Is that even a word?

Lifeguard: Well I never claimed-

Maria: Oh nope. Fun-petition is not a word.

Tankman: What next? Guzzle, slap, or siphon?

Lifeguard: I-

He sighs as he walks off. But just when they thought there were done...

???: Well, Well, Well.


Eduardo: I should've known you losers would be here.

Tankman: Well no shit. It's blazing hot!

Jon: Well what are you gonna do? Insult?

Eduardo then turns to Jon angrily.

Eduardo: Hey! I didn't tell you to talk. SO SHUT UP! BEFORE I PUNCH YOU! IN THE FACE!

Jon falls silent as Eduardo speaks again.

Eduardo: Well what are you gonna do? Insult?

Cody: Insult? You are an insult. Us against you, the fun-petition.

Eduardo: The losers leave the beach forever.

Wyatt: Yeah, we saw the sign.

Eduardo: Deal!

Soon the other gang members show up.

Emma: Ugh, another competition seems like a tired concept.

Dawn: Hang on.... Where's Scott?

*With Scott*

Scott was still walking on the hot sand.

Scott: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

Suddenly he stumbles upon a lagoon.

This fills Scott with joy as he rushes over and dips his feet in the water to cool them off after walking on flaming hot sand. Soon after he settles into the water he see a bucket and a shovel and he could help but noticed that the bucket moved a little bit. So he walks over to the bucket and looks to see a little goldfish swimming around. He then turns to see many fish in the different sections of the lagoon.

Scott: Ah, this is nice. Although I didn't really need to say it as I'm all alone. Well I can always....

Suddenly he gets a very close shot of his eyes.

Scott's Mind Voice: ....Think in my head! Oh. Oooh this is cool. Echo. ECHO!

Suddenly another starts speaking.

Some guy's mind voice: Hey, keep it down! This is a nice neighborhood.

Scott's Mind Voice: Who said that?

Then a mind Cop shows up:

Mind Cop: Excuse me. Do we have a problem here, sir?

Scott's mind voice: Oh shit it's the fuzz!

Scott's eyes then leave as if he was running from the Mind Cop.

Back with the gang

Fun-petition host: Alright, The first event is the sand eating contest.

Suddenly Tankman pushes the boat as he gets down to the ground and starts eating sand as Eduardo, Jon, Mark, and even the gang give him weird looks. Just then the host clarifies something.

Fun-petition host: Sorry, the paper was stuck together. The first event is the watermelon eating contest.

Tankman: The what?!

Only then does he notice the watermelons.

The Gang, Eduardo, Jon, Mark and the people watching:

Cody: Ok so who's doing this.

Kitty: Ooh pick me! I am really good at eating Watermelon.

Emma: Surprisingly she isn't wrong.

Cody: Alright good luck Kitty.

Kitty nods as Mark steps up to represent Eduardo's gang. The referee gets into position as the countdown begins.

Kitty and Mark start eating Watermelons like there is no tomorrow with Cody and co. cheering for Kitty while Jon is cheering for Mark as Eduardo looks on with a smirk. As he gets down to the last 2 watermelons, Kitty takes one and bites it but it pops and everyone laughs. Turns out it was only a balloon that looked like a Watermelon, Marks eats the last watermelon as he wins the first challenge. Understandably Cody is not pleased.

Cody: Alright that does it. This means war!

We then get a shot of a dictionary on the word this and it has 3 definitions

1: Used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced.

2: Referring to a specific thing or situation just mentioned.

3: Does not mean war.

It shown that Emma was the one with the dictionary as well as a pipe and one of those fancy reading chairs.

Emma: Wait a second, no it doesn't.

Meanwhile with Scott again

Scott now has the bucket and was putting the other sea creatures in there. Like a starfish and a blue fish. While this was happening the yellow barrel that fell off the ship was coming closer to him. He looks across and sea bubbles coming from the ocean.

Scott: What in the world.

Suddenly a figure jumps and a familiar figure appears in front of Scott.


Fang is back and as always is out for revenge. He picks Scott up and tosses him into the ocean, Scott lands in the yellow barrel but Fang doesn't care as he charges and delivers a big ol' elbow drop. But it breaks the Yellow Barrel as it causes it to deposit some black liquid and gets all over Scott and Fang. All of a sudden groans and screams come from both man and animal as they seem to be fusing.

The camera cuts back to the crew as we see Cody, Kaiden, and Crystal taking on the neighbors in a volleyball game. Cody tosses it up before Crystal spikes it. Eduardo, Jon and Mark tries to send it back but the ball was too big. How? Well the gang pumped the ball to increase it size.

Cody: Ha! Karma's a bitch.

We cut back to Scott and it shows that he and Fang have indeed transformed into something else.

(Credit to my friend Citizen_Soldier16 for this image. Cuz you all know I can't draw for shit)

Scott roars as if it was gonna go on a rampage but then he should suddenly grabs the bucket and continues what we was doing before he fused. Grabbing a seashell and a sea urchin and putting them in. But then he tries to put a whale in. No I'm not joking, Scott is currently trying to put a whale in a small bucket. Soon athen an ice cream truck comes with many children running up to it.

Ice Cream Truck Driver: Come get your ice cream! Lovely safe ice cream! Yep, nothing dangerous about that!

Scott turns and sees the big display Ice Cream Cone on the top of the truck. Dropping his bucket, yes even the whale.

Once he got close to the Ice Cream Truck all the children and even the Ice Cream Truck Driver ran away screaming as Scott picks up the truck and starts licking the display cone. Since it wasn't actual ice cream it tastes disgusting so Scott drops in and it crushed a cop car with its officer right next to it. Now he's pissed as he pulls out his walkie talkie.

Cop 1: Get me the military! The navy! The coast guards! The girl scouts! Anybody!!

Another shows up and questions one of the request.

Cop 2: The girl scouts, sir?

Cop 1: Did I stutter? 'Cause I used to have a serious stutter and I'm still very self-conscious about it...

Cop 2: No, no! You're doing great!

Cop 1: Thanks, Rookie.

They hug while people are panicking and screaming for their life.

Back with Cody, The gang and Eduardo's crew.

We see the two team about to compete in a tug of war contest. To keep things fair, only 3 of Cody crew could compete and they choose, Wyatt, Maria, and Kaiden. The referee blows the whistle as both team pull as hard as they can. Well Eduardo's crew wasn't even trying apparently as he just yanked the rope and Maria, Wyatt, and Kaiden all fell forward and Eduardo's team won again.

Wyatt: Ugh, those guys are really a pain.

Cody: Welcome to my life.

Back with Shark Scott

We go back to Scott who is now surrounded by navy ships. One of the captains is shocked by what she's looking at.

Captain: Look at that repulsive thing, it makes me sick. It's clearly aggressive.

Scott then waves to the one of the ships with a smile.

Captain: Disgusting.

The captain then grabs a phone before giving a command to all the ships.

Captain: Open Fire!

All the ships started firing at Scott and while they had no effect on him, it made him aggressive as he started destroying the ships one by one.

Navy member: The rounds are having no effect.

Captain: Right, SEND IN THE JETS!

The fighter jets starting flying in but Scott easily destroys anything the throw at him. While on the rest of the crews side. They are competing in things like a spelling bee, drag race, and surfing. It all comes serious when Scott destroys a section where people were watching the surfing competition as a fighter jet managed to fire and hit one of Scott's arms with a net.......................For a few seconds as he yeet it off and it hits a cruise ship. The ships start firing missiles at Scott but they bounce off him and hit the ships instead.

Navy member: The beast has destroyed all our missile cannons captain.


Navy Member: You're not gonna like it.

Captain: Oh no.

Navy Member: Yes.......The Girl Scouts.

We cut to a plane flying through the sky as the boss is giving orders for the souls going into the battle.

Girl Scouts leader: Alright troops. This is the moment you all been training for. Are you ready.

The Girl Scouts: Sir Yes Sir!


The girls jump out with, what else, Girl Scouts cookies. Scott sees the cookie and eats them. Not just the cookies, but the girls scouts as well.

Girl Scouts Leader: Damn it, Not Again!

We go back to the Fun-petition and it's neck and neck. As we are on the final event.

Fun-petition Host: And the Final Event is....THE SAND CASTLE BUILDING COMP- Wait really? Huh? I thought that would've come way later if not first. Seems pretty anti-climatic. Oh well.

Eduardo: You all should give up now. I am the king as Sand Castle building.

Cody: There's one thing you forgot Eduardo. WE NEVER BACK DOWN!

The gang: YEAH!

Eduardo: Oh well. Your funeral.

Tankman: That's what you think CHECK THIS OUT!

Tankman then starts gagging as if he was trying to puke. And eventually he does. He pukes the sand he ate from the very beginning and it comes out forming a very basic sand castle.

Eduardo: Pfft we can beat that.

Fun-petition host: On your marks...

Eduardo crew smirks.

Fun-petition host: Get set...

Cody's crew has determined looks on their faces.

Fun-petition Host: AND GO!

Just as the competition starts we cut back to Scott who's worn out from fighting. But he sees something in the distance.

He sees the Coke bottle and walks towards it as he steps on the beach destroying umbrellas, towels, and making huge footprint in the ground. But then something happens...

He spills on the banana peel he place tossed earlier in the day. He falls backwards and lands on the sand which makes sand fall everywhere, include the billboard.

Speaking of sand. Eduardo's crew is destroying the competition with their sand castle.

And Cody's crew. It basically a wall of sand.

Judge #1 Well I think we have a winner.

Judge #2: Same. Turn around.

The first Judge turns and he sees this.

It was the city covered in sand. And the judges thought someone but it. Soon someone comes out of the giant hole. It was Scott who was back to normal.

Scott: Ah jeez. What in the world happened?

Suddenly a 1st place medal was placed on top of his head.

Scott: I'm sorry what?

Judge #2: Congratulations. You build is the BEST WE HAVE EVER SEEN!

Scott: I am so confused.

Cody: So this is what you have been working on.

Scott turns and sees the rest of the gang.

Laurie: Scott. This is amazing!

Laurie hugs Scott which makes him blush but we returns it. But it was interrupted by Eduardo.

Eduardo: That was BS and you all know it. We are not leaving this beach and you it.

Scott then see Fang getting up.

Scott: You know what? Fine.

The gang: What?

Scott: You can have it. But be careful what you wish for.

Scott motions for the crew to follow and they do.


Suddenly a finger taps Eduardo on the shoulder and Fang is right behind them. The causes Eduardo and his crew to run.

The gang returns to the house as they pull up on the driveway.

Cody: Well, that was certainly the most chaotic beach trip I've been to in my life.

Kitty: Well you can admit. It was a once in a lifetime.

IRyS: Can't argue with that.

The crew enter the house, when they did. They see four familiar people.

Cody:.........................Where the hell have you guys been?

Solazar: Long Story.

Where will the  story be? THE EXE FILES! The next part is coming out soon! So be ready!

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