A Vampire Life | Book 4

By Anslee247

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With the death of another family member, how will it affect the new path of motherhood that Taylor is on. Fin... More

A Trail Of Bodies
Family Friend
Tristan de Martel
Mrs. Ripper
Moms Coming Home To You
Blast From The Past
Prophecy Coming True
Our Boys
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Ghost Of Taylor's Past
Salvatore Boarding School
Reaper Pole
Death Threat
Almost Out
Momma Alpha
President Teller
Zane Christopher Orton
We're Here For You

Three Breeds. One Baby

4 0 0
By Anslee247

Joe: Wakey, wakey...*Taylor slowly opened her eyes*...There she is...*Taylor went to talk but felt duct tape on her lips. She looked away as he brought a bright light over her*...Have you ever had surgery before?...*Taylor whimpered as she saw the surgical instruments on a small table next to her*...The nurse said you have something wrong with your...Hmmm...*He looked at the instruments*...Ribs...*Taylor shook her head and he ripped the duct tape off*...Scream. Please.

Eric: Anything!?

Valerie: Almost.

Jax: You said that days ago..*They looked at Eric as he paced and groaned. He was feeling all of her pain*...Why can't he just run to her?

Valerie: As I already explained...Taylor is cloaked. Relax.

Taylor: JOE! STOP!...*She yelled as he cut her face*

Joe: It's different now that we are vampires. I've been draining you...So that way you'll feel more...*Taylor groaned more as he put the knife through her*...Like how does that feel? Feeling the knife scrape against your very rib bone...*Taylor made her eyes glow*

Taylor: I hate you. I hate you so much.

Joe: But I love you baby.

Clay: We go together.

Eric: I'm not waiting for you.

Clay: As a club we go. We have no idea what he has or who he has. If Jax gets caught in the middle of this then it'll officially be club business.

Eric: I don't care. Club or no club. Joe dies today. So if Jax isn't up for it or if your club can't take the heat then stay here and I'll bring her back.

Jax: She is my wife and I'm going.

Eric: She is mine...*They growled and got in each other's face*

Valerie: Okay. Both of you go. The club can stay back...*Clay looked at Valerie*...The more time we talk about it, the more time we are wasting. Joe is not a member. He did this to follow and get closer to Taylor. At this point...He is voted out.

Clay: By who?

Eric: By me. Keep up...*Jax and Eric ran off*

Taylor: ERIC!

Joe: Come on. Did you really think I would let him find you? I've been watching and following you. Abel is a real peach. So is Thomas and...Is...Is that a heartbeat?...*Taylor looked in shock at Joe*...Shall we find out?

Taylor: STOP IT!...*Joe looked at the window as he heard something*

Jax: Well, well, well...*Joe turned around and popped his fangs. Eric went to Taylor as Jax and Joe were fighting*

Taylor: Am...Am I dreaming?

Eric: No, no you are not.

Taylor: It's really you...My love...*Eric smiled and caressed her face*...Don't hate me...*Eric frowned and looked at her stomach as he heard the heartbeat*...Don't tell anyone. Not yet.

Eric: It'll be our secret. Taylor, I could never hate you...*Eric wrapped her in a blanket and she groaned as he picked her up*

Clay: We get him?...*Jax nodded and watched Eric carry her upstairs*

Eric: Drink up love...*Taylor slowly drank the blood bag*

Taylor: Thank you...*He nodded*

Jax: Hey baby, you okay?...*She nodded*...What did he?

Taylor: I...I can't talk about it...*She broke down and Jax sat down to pull her in for a hug. Eric kissed her hand and let them have a moment. He sighed as she was pregnant again, he sighed because things with Jax were only taken off and he had to back off*

Clay: We have to go...Jax!

Jax: I gotta go baby.

Taylor: Be careful.

Jax: The boys are asleep...*She nodded. Jax nodded at Eric as he left with the club*

Eric: How am I supposed to give you space...When he keeps leaving?...*She smiled slightly and patted the bed*...Keep drinking...*He wrapped his arm around her*

Taylor: Jax is changing. That's why I'm pregnant...*She sighed*

Eric: Back to human?

Taylor: His eyes. He's slowly transforming.

Eric: Into wolf?...*She nodded and he raised an eyebrow in confusion*...How is that even possible?

Taylor: I have no idea. Eric, I...I didn't want another baby. I...*She laid on him*

Eric: What?

Taylor: I was hoping...Somehow...Some way that we...*Eric held her tighter*...We would find a way to have a baby together...*She cried deeply on his chest*

Eric: This baby is mine.

Taylor: What if...What if I really do leave him?

Eric: Then those children will be my children...*Taylor sighed*

Taylor: I don't think I can do this again Eric...*He kissed her head*

Eric: Yes, yes you can. I will be right there...Through every step.

Taylor: Why? Why can't we just be together!? Why did you let me go!? Sometimes I'm so mad at you!...*He sighed as she sat up*

Eric: I know baby. I know...You're hormonal...*They smiled*

Taylor: I hate you...*They kissed....

Taylor rolled over the next morning and saw a note from Jax...

"Took our boys to breakfast. Figured I would give you the morning. See you soon. I love you...Jax"....

Taylor smiled until she felt the wave of nausea come over her. She ran for the bathroom and there was blood in her vomit. Taylor felt herself worry and sighed as she pushed the thoughts away. She felt her ears perk up as she heard a car pull up and she quickly brushed her teeth. As she walked downstairs to get the door, another wave a nausea almost knocked her on her feet*

Taylor: Hey, everything okay? Jax has the boys. He is going to the club?

Gemma: Something came up. One of the girls has the boys. Abel was just happy he got to eat breakfast...*Taylor smiled slightly*...What's wrong with you?

Taylor: Nothing. I...Just hungry.

Gemma: You've been feeling okay jumping back into all of this?

Taylor: It has its days. You? You've been okay?...*Gemma shrugged*

Gemma: Go get ready.

Taylor: Where are we going?

Gemma: You trust me?...*Taylor gave her a look*...Watch it...*Taylor smiled and Gemma sat on the couch while Taylor showered. After Taylor held her hair back as she got sick again*...You okay up there?

Taylor: Be down in a minute...*Gemma walked down to the freezer and grabbed a blood bag. She heated it up as she waited for Taylor*...Thank you. All ready...*Taylor felt the blood take over and she calmed herself down as it felt too good*...The porn studio?

Gemma: We aren't going in. This will make you feel better. Promise.

Ima: You really shouldn't be sitting on Jax's bike. Shouldn't you be...Oh, I don't know...Waxing it...*Taylor made her eyes go red and Ima walked inside*

Gemma: Come on. Practice...*Taylor took the gun and looked at it*...What? You haven't ever?

Taylor: No and now I don't need to. I am the weapon...*Taylor grinned and Gemma rolled her eyes. Taylor smiled as they started to shoot at the posters that Gemma hung up. Gemma shot at Ima's car and Taylor laughed*

Gemma: Live a little hybrid...*Taylor bit her lip as she shot at the car too*

Clay: The hell are you doing!?

Gemma: Having fun. Luann called, she was having a fit so I came down to see her.

Clay: Get back to the garage and work. You are always saying we don't talk anymore but as soon as a friend calls you come running!

Gemma: Seriously? What are you? A child!?

Clay: I don't need you here!...*They started to argue more and Clay grabbed her*

Gemma: DON'T YOU TOUCH ME!...*Taylor then walked inside to find Jax*

Taylor: Jax!...*Jax looked shocked that Taylor was here*

Jax: Babe?

Taylor: Y-

Ima: Take a hike...*Taylor made her eyes red and Jax held her hand*

Jax: Ignore her. What's wrong?

Taylor: Your mom and Clay...*They walked outside*

Gemma: I dare you to! Go ahead and hit me!...*Clay smashed Gemma's car window in and Jax glared at Clay as Taylor took Gemma inside. Taylor felt sick again and Jax walked in as she walked to the bathroom*

Jax: Hey, you okay?...*Taylor nodded*...You sure?

Taylor: Promise. Can you check on the boys? I have to make a stop for Eric and then I can get them.

Jax: Yeah, yeah. Okay...*Taylor kissed his cheek and walked off. Taylor bit her lip as she drove to the hospital, feeling nervous*

Valerie: Hey, that's weird. I was just thinking about you.

Taylor: Are uh...Are you busy?

Valerie: No, no. What can I do for you?

Taylor: I...I think I'm pregnant.

Valerie: But Jax?...*Taylor sighed*

Taylor: I...I don't know what to think. Jax has been different. He's been turning into a wolf.

Valerie: How is that even possible?

Taylor: I'm not sure...*Valerie nodded and they walked up to the room. Valerie took some blood and scanned her*...What is it?

Valerie: You are in fact pregnant...*Taylor sighed as she thought of Eric*...You look about two months. Something...*Taylor looked at Valerie*

Taylor: The baby okay?

Valerie: Stay here...*Taylor sighed in fear. Valerie took about twenty minutes and Taylor sat up as she walked back in*...You should...Uh...Prepare yourself.

Taylor: Val?

Valerie: Your baby...*Taylor swallowed hard*...Two fathers.

Taylor: Wha? How is th-...Eric?...*Val nodded*...Jax?...*Val nodded again*...But? How? They? He? I don't believe you...*Val pulled papers out that she had hidden behind her back*

Valerie: I figured you would say that. Right here. This is Jax's DNA and this is Eric's. Here is yours...Then this is your baby...*Taylor gasped and slowly teared up*

Amber: The prophecy. Three breeds, one baby.

Valerie: Congratulations or sorry?

Taylor: Thank you. Thank you. Can I actually have a copy? If I ever tell Eric...I'll need proof...*Val smiled and handed her an extra copy. Taylor sighed and called Kelly as she walked to her car*

Kelly: Hey, I was literally about to head over to the house.

Taylor: Is Randy with you?

Kelly: No, come over...*Taylor drove to Kelly's*...Sister?

Taylor: What would you do if you were pregnant by two people?...*Kelly raised an eyebrow*...Please...*Taylor ran her fingers through her hair*...Do not yell at me because I can't handle this information.

Kelly: Eric and Jax?...*Taylor held her stomach as the thought made her want to throw up*...How is that even possible? They both can't procreate.

Taylor: Jax is part wolf...*Kelly's eyes went wide*...I have no idea how. What witch did what but he has been changing. As the full moon gets closer, he gets worse.

Kelly: You have to tell Eric!

Taylor: What!? Are you crazy? No, absolutely not.

Kelly: Taylor, that's his baby and he deserves to know...Speaking of...It's officially sun down. I'll get the kids. Jax had a run and Eric just pulled up...*Taylor looked out her window*...You go talk to your lover and I will be back with the kids...*Taylor walked to the car and drove across the street. She ran in the house as she felt sick*

Eric: How you feeling love?...*She kept getting sick and he held her hair*...I'll go get you some blood...*Taylor brushed her teeth*...You okay?

Taylor: We have to talk...*He nodded and they walked downstairs*

Eric: Lay it on me.

Taylor: I...How are you and Claire?...*He raised an eyebrow*

Eric: You know. Off and on...Taylor?...*Taylor stood and started pacing. Eric knew when she did that it usually meant nothing good or she was really nervous*...Take a second.

Taylor: I learned something about the baby...*Eric felt his heart drop as it could be happening*...This...This baby...*She froze feeling the words on her tongue*...It's yours...*Eric did nothing, felt nothing*...And...*Eric raised an eyebrow*

Eric: There's an and?

Taylor: Jax...*He then thought back...Three breeds, one baby. Eric couldn't lie it hurt more knowing that he shared a kid with Jax. Once again, he found himself competing for her and now his child*...Say something. Please.

Eric: I have to head home.

Taylor: But? We...We.

Eric: Jax doesn't have to know. I won't say anything. For all we know...It's not happening. I physically can't give you a baby...*Taylor nodded and pulled out the paper*

Taylor: My DNA, Jax and yours. Making this...*Eric stood as he looked at the information. He was seeing his kid, right in front of him. It was happening but with another man*

Eric: This...This is not possible! Taylor. No!

Taylor: Eric...I. I don't have any words other than we made this baby. Something we both have wanted.

Eric: With another man! I have to share that with another man! How could you possibly think that I am okay with that!?

Taylor: I-I'm sorry. I didn't know this could happen. I-I only went to see if it was true because of Jax and...I am so sorry.

Eric: Which is why Jax doesn't have to know. I have to go.

Taylor: You really are leaving? What about Abel and Thomas? This baby...*She held her stomach*...What if this baby comes out more of you than him? Eric, please don't leave me.

Eric: I have to go...*Taylor plopped on the couch and cried deeply*

Amber: Not again! Have you learned nothing Eric!

Abel: MOMMY!

Taylor: Hey baby! Oh my gosh! I missed you so much today.

Kelly: Where?...*Taylor shook her head no*...I'm sorry. I would have told you not to.

Taylor: You were right. He has a right to know...Let's do ice cream then bath and a movie!

Abel: YEAH!...*Taylor smiled*

Taylor: Thanks for picking them up...*Kelly nodded and walked off*

Eric: Will this kill her!?

Valerie: No, the baby is more Jax than you...*Eric looked away*...Sorry. What she is...She can have kids with both as you know. She is safe.

Eric: How much of me?...*Valerie smiled*...Don't look at me like that.

Valerie: Enough that you should be in your child's life and know them. Watch them grow.

Eric: It'll ruin her life if Jax knows. He can't know...*Valerie shrugged*

Valerie: Then he doesn't know. Eric, for all we know Abel and Thomas have a little bit of you because they are part of her. Take it for what it is. You are a father.

Eric: I am not.

Valerie: Do you want the baby or not?

Eric: I...*Val nodded*

Valerie: Don't say anything to protect her, fine. But Eric...That baby is part of you...*Eric sighed and nodded*

Jax: Seriously?

Taylor: Yeah...*Jax smiled and hugged Taylor*

Jax: Val say how far along?

Taylor: Two months...*Jax kissed her*...It's a girl. I can feel it.

Jax: Even better...*Taylor smiled*...How though? I thought I?

Taylor: Jackson, we need to talk...*He held her hand*...Have you felt any different?

Jax: Um? Total honesty?...*Taylor nodded*...This anger has been driving me crazy.

Taylor: You have been made a wolf...*Jax looked confused*...I don't know who did it but it was dark magic. Which made us make this beautiful baby girl.

Jax: We're having a baby!...*Taylor smiled as he spun her around. Eric watched from afar. He sighed and shook his head*

Eric: Amber, what is this?

Amber: Only if you could hear me. That little girl will be something excellent along with her siblings.

Eric: Will this kill her if I say yes?

Amber: No...*He looked up at the sky*...Sleep and I will find you.

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