Jello Fight

By LoveRooWrite

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In 'Jello Fight' you will see the mushy gray lines that build, destroy and re-build the minds of two girls wh... More

1. For Matty
2. First Days
3. Hi
4. Little Fib
5. Patience
6. Hopeful
Real quick.....
8. An Actress

7. Escaping Sorry

4 0 0
By LoveRooWrite

A week later, and Jack hasn't come around me, I haven't seen the sunset even once. All this time without a friend or my family, has given me plenty of space to think about things I've never thought about before. I've never really understood Matilda, I've never understood anyone.
At Wedderdams, nobody seems mean or evil, other than my neighbor, Dolly Rief. But like I said, I don't know anything about a single person on the planet. It's been a week after reading Matilda's letter, I've been thinking A LOT.

    Once again, I am doing homework while a party is happening. This time I actually know that I want to go and I can admit it, to myself. I can't go though, because I need a full Psychology grade and I haven't been the friendliest person around the dorm, or the school. I'm really just alone, all the time.
    I'm always thinking about Jack or Matilda, lately they just go together like Peanut butter and Jelly. Every time I imagine them, I don't see myself standing next to them. Jack is my best friend and Matilda is my little sister, but they have a relationship I knew nothing about. I don't know how I didn't see it.
    "I'm taking a break." I say to myself and drop my open highlighter on the desk.

    The sky to the south is slightly visible and the world has a blue tint when I walk on the patio, which I have felt so lucky to have. I've actually slept out here a few nights since the letter. I can feel the temperature drop and in the morning my face and toes are like rubber.

    I closed the sliding door and look to the west, only slightly brighter. When I looked down a bit, I saw a ladder coming from the bottom of the building zigzagging to the top. 'Isn't that dangerous, anyone could climb to someone's room.'
    I rested against the railing on the patio, just breathing. Out of nowhere I pushed away and looped my right leg over the rail, then the left. Holding onto the rail and reaching my left foot over to the latter, I looked down the 11 levels of dorm building to the ground. Without hesitation I stretched to the latter taking hold of it and leaving my patio 3 feet away.

    I started scaling down the latter, zigzags and all. As I did, I thought on a conversation Maran and Miley had a couple of nights ago. They thought I was sleeping and forgot to turn off the lamp by my bed, they were the first, back from the party that night. I just couldn't fall asleep that night in the dark and was trying with it on, when they came in I pretended to sleep.
    Miley said, "She was perfect the first four days. Then she just went down hill."
    Maran whined, "And we didn't even get to know her first."
    "A few nights ago, when Jack came up, is when she went dark. He said he gave her something from her sister. That her sister had told him, Danica was going to do this. That when she does, to give her the thing." Miley said with a detectives tone.

    This had caught me off guard, I thought that Jack did it. I was wrong.

    Maran said, done with the topic, "Seems like her sister thought wrong. It just made Danica worse."

    I was in flames, no longer wanting to go to bed, I sat up and yelled at Maran. I just yelled and yelled, telling her not to talk about Matilda in that way, that she doesn't know anything, that I am better. But just by yelling I had proven her right.
    I told her I was sorry when I was done yelling, then went out to the patio. Soon enough Miley came out with me and told me Maran won't have me written up and that I can talk to her.
    She said, "Danica, you can talk to me, okay. I'm majoring in helping this way. Could you let me help?" She sounded like she really just wanted to be my friend. But I don't understand people, so I didn't try.

    I wanted to tell her to leave me alone, but I didn't. I looked at her and teared up, because she seemed to care. Because I wanted her to care. Because, although she is nothing like Matilda, Matilda was all I could see.
    She coaxed me into a hug and I assume I fell asleep because when I woke up I was covered with a blanket laying in the patio. Then later that day I heard from Jessica Mae that Miley went on a mandatory 'Field Trip'. She'll be back on Thursday next week.

    I'm almost down when it's dark, but not pitch black. My legs are sore, my arms are sore, my hands are cold, but I'm almost done. A small amount of students walk this way and that, none of them look up, something I'm thankful for (or the cops would be called or something.)

    Three more floors to go and I'll be down. Then suddenly, "Danica! What are you doing?!" A guy yells, sounding stressed. I freeze, ridged and just as dense as a brick. When he goes silent I look down but can only see a dark space where the guy is flailing his arms at a smaller dark space right next to him.
    I snap my head forward when he starts yelling at me again, "Danica, get down!"

    Then I realize, it's Jack. I rest my forehead on the latter and breath. Normally it's Jack who is the risk taker.
    "Danica! Get down!" He yells again.
   I start moving, down to the ground, to the bottom of the latter, to Jack. To Jack.

    I touch the ground then bounce the rest of the way down. I pushed the latter up and up, it skidded around 16 feet from the ground, now no random people can sneak into a dorm.
    I turn around and can finally see Jack, the smaller dark space is Dolly Rief. I pay no attention to her and just smile at Jack. His hair flat and greasy, his clothes are muddy and he's wearing flop-flops.
    He looks at me with big eyes, "What were you thinking?" His voice hitched and cracked.
    " I missed you."
    "What were you doing?" He lifted his hands a little.
    "I miss you." My face was dropping, just like the temperature and I took a couple steps toward him.

    He smiled his big grin, whispering, "What are you doing?"
    "I missed you." I say again.
    He takes me into a hug and says, "What are you?"
    "Danica." I breath into the crook of his neck.
    "I won't forgive you, yet, I'm still upset with you.
"I know." I pout a little, Jack can't see it.
"I missed you to. Danny."

I missed last week again, and this weeks is late, but I have news.
A new chapter of Jello Fight will be posted every other Wednesday.
There might be an exception every once in a while. Like if I'm having a very full work ethic/writing vibe. Or if I'm in a slump.

This month the official post dates are 13/9 and 27/9
Of 2023

Thank you for reading


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