Unusual Everyday Eeveelutions

By sonictheforreal1243

980 80 142

Join Indigo, The Indigo and speedy Umbreon, Shift the Fast-hovering, Azure-furred Jolteon, Sean the Red Flare... More

Alternate Versions
Forest Disappearance
Corruption Attack
The Imposters
Gold Mines
Gold City
Golden Throne
Frosty Adventures: Sea Blues
Frosty Adventures: Alone
Preview #2
Frosty Adventures: Winter Date Part 1
Frosty Adventures: Winter Date Part 2
A Lonely New Years
The Doctors Office
Melly's House
Purple's Interlude: Prologue
Purple's Interlude: The lab
Valentines Day: Yandere Melly (Neutral Ending)
Valentines Day: Yandere Melly (Yandere Ending)
Valentines Day: Yandere Melly (Good Ending)
Purple's Interlude: The recruitment
Purple's Interlude: The tower
Purple's Interlude: The Incident
Meeting Team Shooting Stars and Space Cousins
Blast n Flash and The Hunter
Kelly, the Greedy Princess
Summer Vacation: Swift's and Rainbow's evening date
Summer Vacation: Violet the Delcatty
Summer Vacation: Drunk Melly
Summer Vacation: Purple's Love, Purple's Reunion
Corey moves in

Birthday Surprise

16 1 0
By sonictheforreal1243

Indigo sets up a telescope on a hill. Not only he set up a telescope, but he brought camping gear for the special day. Today was a meteor shower which only occurred 30 times a year. Indigo waited for the meteor show to happen. He came early before nightfall so that he wouldn't miss it.

Indigo: I hope I can get the perfect shot of the meteor shower. Too bad that I'm the only one going.

Indigo's Aura grew larger as he felt the loneliness but he dispelled it and face the bright side of things.

Indigo: Oh well, you can't always make time for friends i guess.

Indigo opened up his laptop and did some research about the meteor shower. He took his time to research until sunset. Indigo lied on the soft grass blowing in the wind. Indigo held the amulet in the air, having deep thoughts.

Indigo: (Bleakness.... Why does he remind me of someone else? Could it be... Nebula? Astral? Mother? or Father?)

Indigo's vision distorted along with him receiving a headache. The painful headache sparked a dark aura inside him. His eyes glowed brightly that it was seen inside the aura. Something else was blocking him memories.

Indigo: W̴h̴y̸ ̵c̶a̵n̵t ̸i̸ ̵r̸e̵m̶e̵m̸b̵e̵r̵?̶

Indigo's aura stopped as he noticed something in the sky. The meteor shower began. Indigo looked up at the sky and took many photos of it. He was mesmerized by the beauty of the meteor shower.

Indigo: I wish i could become one of them. Oh well... Its not always what it seems.

Indigo enjoyed the meteor shower for 1 hour before it ended. Indigo saved all of the picture into his laptop and went to sleep in his tent.

Atfer he fell asleep, he entered the other realm. He noticed the background around him had changed to a planet with massive rings around it.

Indigo: Bleakness?

Bleakness appeared behind him.

Bleakness: We meet again Indigo.

Indigo: This is the Empty space. Correct?

Bleakness: Yes. After your departure, I did some adjustments to this place.

The Empty space had 5 rooms. The first door had a library full of dark energy cores and books that are hard to get from any ordinary library. The second room had a large dirt field that was used for training. The third room is locked behind a large vault that required two pokemon to open it. The fourth room was a replica of Indigo's Room. and the Last room had nothing but space and zero gravity around it.

Indigo: So these rooms are made to accommodate me?

Bleakness: That's right. I am missing one more component.

Indigo: and that component is?

Bleakness: Follow me.

Bleakness guided Indigo to a wall. He pressed a hidden button on the wall causing it to open up a corridor. They walked through the corridor. As they were walking, Indigo's colors started to fade into Black and White colors. They stopped at a large room with a glowing core in the center.

Indigo: What is this power?

Bleakness: This is the core of everything. Its our source of the curse that affects you.

Indigo: ...

Bleakness: Feel powerful huh?

Indigo: Surely.

Bleakness: Anyways take a look at this.

Bleakness opened a panel from one of the machines.  In the center was missing a leaf-shaped object.

Indigo: What is this?

Bleakness: We're missing a crystal. The crystal is needed for the completion of the Empty Void.

Indigo: I see... Where do i need to find it?

Bleakness: You'll need to find a particular lake hiding inside a cave. You'll need to follow the darkness guide you.

Indigo: And once I retrieve it, the whole place will be fully functional?

Bleakness: Yes. And you will be able to access this place without having to sleep. The amulet will be your gateway. And I'll be able to leave this place.

Indigo: Understood.

Bleakness: Anyways that's all to do here. We'll talk next time.

Indigo: alright. Goodbye.

Indigo closed his eyes as he faded away. He woke up back in his tent, late at night. He got up and looked for the Crystal.

The Next day at the Treehouse, Sean, Garrett, Null, Kelly, Melly, Sapphire, and Diamond are planning for Indigo and Shift Birthday. Sean and Sapphire were planning on making the cake. Melly, Null, Diamond, Garrett, and Kelly were planning on what gift to get for the two of them.

Garrett: What would the two of them want?

Null: We could take them to a space show since they like seeing space stuff.

Garrett: That won't be a good idea. We need something they both like.

Melly: You, Null, and Sean are the closest friends to Indigo and Shift.

Diamond: What if we split up the gifts? Null and I will get gifts for Shift and Melly, Garrett, and Kelly get gifts for Indigo.

Garrett: It's a good idea.

Null: We'll meet once we've gotten our gifts.

Garrett's phone rings on the table. He looked at who was calling and answered.

Garrett: Hello?

Shift: Hey Garrett, So a little problem on my end...

Garrett: What is it?

Shift: Yeah, bad news. I'll be returning back late at night.

Garrett: Why?

Shift: Well, There's this storm from where I am.

Garrett: What's the place?

Shift: Sky Point.

Garrett: OH! That place!

Kelly: Sky Point?

Garrett: Is it storming there?

Shift: Yep.

Garrett: Look, just wait for the storm to clear up ok?

Shift: Fine. And by the way, I got what you were looking for.

Garrett: Thanks!

Garrett hangs up the phone.

Null: It worked!

Melly: What worked?

Garrett: We sent Shift to Sky Point to get something. Sky Point is known for its rare timing for rain.

Null: Once it rains, it will either end early or nighttime.

Garrett: It's all about luck.

Diamond: Is he going to be ok?

Null: He will, its pretty high in the sky and chances are, he won't fall to his death since he can hover in the air using electricity and move like a lightning bolt.

Diamond: Well, that's good to know.

Null: Anyways we should go to the mall and get some gifts.

Melly: We'll be right back you two!

Sean: Alright Take care!

The others leave the treehouse, leaving behind Sean and Sapphire. Sean got all of the tools needed to bake a cake.

Sapphire: Should we make a strawberry cake?

Sean: You read my mind. Indigo and Shift both love strawberry-flavored cake!

Sapphire: Great. We have enough cake batter for two layers of cake.

Sean opened up the flower bag, causing all of the powder to cover him and Sapphire. They laughed it off and had fun. They threw extra cake batter at each other and watched the cake heat up in the oven. After a while, Sean took the Cake out of the oven. Sapphire put the icing and decorations on the cake and put it in the refrigerator to keep it cool.

Sapphire: That was so much fun!

Sean: I know right? Who knew we could have so much fun baking with friends.

Sapphire: We should do this more often!

Sean: I'd like that idea.

Meanwhile at the mall.

Melly: What would indigo like?

Kelly: Maybe a flower crown! It makes him look cooler.

Melly giggled at Kelly's idea.

Melly: Well, It does make him look cuter but I don't think it would satisfy him.

Kelly: Aw....

Melly: But it can be your gift to him.

Kelly: Ok!

Melly: We need to find a flower patch somewhere.

Kelly: Where can we find one?

Melly: Maybe we can take a quick stop to our house and borrow flowers from the garden.

Kelly: Ok, what are going to buy big sis?

Melly: Hmm... Does he like this telescope? He's always stargazing at night. No... Hmmm.

Kelly: What about this bottle of Stardust powder?

Melly: That's a great idea! Thanks Kelly!

Melly bought the Stardust Powder and exited the store with Kelly.

In Garrett's part. He's at electronics store.

Garrett: Let's see... What if I- no...

Garrett looked around and he saw something that caught his attention. He noticed an item on the shelf. It was a 3d projector that can be aimed in any direction's Garrett went to the cashier and purchased the projector.

In Diamond's side, she went to a clothing store to look for something. She was in the Accessories section.

Diamond: Hmmm... Does Shift like this Blue scarf? or maybe these sunglasses. hmm... Maybe it could be custom made?

Diamond looked around until She found some interesting. She looked at some set of hats and sunglasses. The bucket hats came in 3 different colors, Blue, Purple, and Red. She took two of them. and for the Scarves, it came in orange, Blue, Purple, White, and Red. She took the blue- and purple-colored scarves and paid for the clothes.

In Null's side, Null went to an accessory store and bought a star-shaped necklace with a small compartment inside. He returned to meet up with the others.

Meanwhile in at Sky Point, The storm cleared up as Shift felt something zoom past him. He stepped outside and checked around the Area. He recognized someone.

Shift: Void?

Indigo halted in front of Shift.

Shift: What are you doing here?

Indigo: I was doing a favor for b- Uuuhhh Actually I wanted to explore.

Shift: Are you sure? You did kinda cut your sentence the-

Indigo: Don't worry about it. Anyways We should get home. Sun's starting to set.

Shift: You're right.

Indigo and Shift zoomed away back to their house. They were 3 hours away back to the treehouse.

After 3 hours have passed by, The two speedsters arrived at the house. It was dark and quiet. Indigo turn on the lights, 


Everyone popped their poppers and screamed.

Everyone: Happy Birthday!

Indigo and Shift were surprised.

Indigo: Is this our birthday surprise!?

Shift: Hahahah! I was expecting that!

Sean: Happy birthday Indigo and Sean!

Shift: Thanks everyone. Oh by the way, here you go Garrett. Its the the glowing star you asked for.

Garrett: Great! Because you and Shift can make a wish with that star.

Sapphire: But first, we should sing you a birthday song!

Sean: Yeah.

Shift and Indigo walked over to the cake that was placed on the table. Everyone else gathered around and began singing. After that, Indigo and Shift held the star up and made their wish. The star broke into two and faded away into dust. 

Indigo: What happened?

Null: It turned into dust...

Melly: I don-

A pokemon appeared between Shift and Indigo for a brief millisecond before disappearing, it happened quickly that everyone else couldn't get a clear look at it.

Garrett: What was that!?

Diamond: It looked like someone was there for a second???

Sean: This is strange, Shift and Indigo, what did you wish for?

Shift: I wished to become lifetime friends and spend time with each other.

Indigo: And my wish was to reunite with my family.

Sapphire: So you two didn't wish for anything relating to what was that?

Indigo: No. But we shouldn't worry about that right now. let's continue on with the presents.

Garrett put his gift on the table.

Garrett: We had to split the gift to each other. Me, Kelly, and Melly got gifts for Indigo while Null and Diamond got gifts for Shift.

Shift: Thats cool!

Garrett: Open mines up.

Indigo opened up Garrett's gift.

Indigo: A 3d projector!? I've always wanted one of those! Thanks Garrett!

Garrett: No problem.

Kelly: Here's my give to both Indigo and Shift.

Kelly put flower crowns on their heads. Shift and Indigo were happy.

Shift: Its cute! You did a great job.

Kelly: Thank you Indigo and Shift!

Melly: Its my turn. Here you go!

Melly showed them a bottle of stardust powder.

Melly: Its stardust powder! It'll make you glow like the stars.

Indigo: Thanks Melly!

It was time for Shift's gifts.

Diamond: I got you these pieces of clothing. I hope you like it.

Shift: Thanks!

Diamond: I got you some too Indigo.

Indigo: Thanks Diamond!

Shift and Indigo put on the accessories. Indigo had a bucket had while Shift wore sunglasses and a wristband.

Diamond: (He's so cute.....)

Null: Its lastly my turn. Here you go Shift.

Null gave Shift a necklace.

Null: You can put whatever you want in it.

Shift: Thanks!

Indigo: Now that we get the presents, we can eat the cake.

Sapphire: To Indigo and Shift's birthday!

Everyone Else: Huzzah!

Everyone grabbed a cake and partied all night. 6 hours later. Indigo entered the Empty Void with the crystal in his hand.

Bleakness: (You have the crystal?)

Indigo: (Yes. We can start the process)

Bleakness inserted the Crystal in the slot and activated the mechanism. The mechanism shot a laser beam at the Darkness Core. The Core reacted and emitted stronger aura than before.  The process was complete.

Bleakness: (Place the amulet in the core.)

Indigo dipped the amulet into the core. The amulet absorbed a fraction of its power and glowed. 

Bleakness: (With this power, you'll be able to enter and exit the empty void at your free will.)

Indigo: (Good.)

Bleakness: (This also means that I can leave the place at my own free will.)

Indigo and Bleakness returned to the main room.

Bleakness: (Indigo.)

Indigo: (What?)

Bleakness: (There was a sudden disturbance in the force. A wish was made.

Indigo: (It was my wish. a wish to see family again after being seperated.)

Bleakness: (It was you... Atleast I know now.)

Indigo: (Anyways, We'll meet again tomorrow)

Bleakness: (Goodbye Indigo.)

Indigo left the realm and went to sleep.

End of Chapter

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