The married life! | Glamrock...

By Casanovatea

17.5K 235 1.1K

Hey you! Yes, you! Ever wondered what it would be like to be engaged to a giant orange bear? Well, you're in... More

Recap and Reception
Late night shenanigans
Puttering around with Freddy
Double date
A day without you
Friendly competition
Random high jinks
Romance, and love (๐Ÿ‹)
Summer fun
๐ŸŽ‡ 4th of July ๐ŸŽ†
Rumors, and answers
Running errands with Freddy
Obedience (๐Ÿ‹)
Habits and instincts
Good day | Bad day
A warm summer night
Fun in the sun
Deep penetration (๐Ÿ‹)
Night terrors
A day to relax
Scavenger hunt
High risk, high reward (๐Ÿ‹)
Silly goofy
Flea market
A shoulder pad to lean on
Birthday party
Rough dominance (๐Ÿ‹)
Couple's night out
Random shenanigans with Freddy
Freddy appreciation day
Double the pleasure (๐Ÿ‹)
Night horrors
Snow day
"Ladies'" night
Boys' night out
๐ŸพNew year๐ŸŽ‰
Bound submission (๐Ÿ‹)
Testing out the new attractions
๐ŸงกValentine's Day๐ŸŒน
Snow day with friends
Hot and Steamy (๐Ÿ‹)
Interviews at the Pizzaplex
Cooking With Chef Freddy
At your command (๐Ÿ‹)
Sick again
Touchy-feely (Oneshot #4??)
Serene rain
Having fun with Monty
A bear's needs (๐Ÿ‹)
Wedding anniversary
Spending time with Chip
Spa day with Roxy and Freddy
Injury, and guilt
Private performance (๐Ÿ‹)
Going on a honeymoon with Freddy

Helping around in the Daycare

261 3 51
By Casanovatea

Seconds before disaster:

Sorry for this coming out late!

(Something something motivation problems... Yada yada...)


It was currently daytime, and you were with Freddy in his room while trying to wake up

"..." You get up silently and go over to his side of the bed, his chest heaves up and down slowly as he sleeps

"Freddy..." You whisper


"Freddy..." You say slightly louder while poking him

"..." His ear twitches a tiny bit


"H-Huh??" He jumps awake

"WAKE UP!" You shake him

"I'm awake..." He yawns

"Morning!" You smile

"Good morning..."

"Sleep well?"

"I was..."

You jump right onto the bed and land on top of him, making him let out an audible groan

"Superstar... Isn't it a bit early...?"

"Hmm..." You check your phone

"It's currently 10:00 AM!"

"Mhm... Case and point..." He pulls the covers over both of you again

"Too early..." He holds you tight against his chest, running his claws through your hair

"It's never too early for fun!"

"Mmm... Then it's also never too early for cuddles..."

"C'mon! Let's go do something fun!" You try to get out of his grasp

"In a little bit..."

"But we'll have the whole night for cuddles!"

"And we can also have all day too..."

"But I wanna go do something fun!" You wriggle faster

"Okay... You forced me to do this..."

He rolls over onto you, trapping you underneath him

"Now you have no choice but to give me cuddles..."

"Freddy! You're squishing me!" You say breathlessly

"Mmm, no I'm not..."

"Mmm, yes you are!"


"Yes!" You try to get out from underneath him

"I'm just simply applying my body weight on you..."

"Aka, you're squishing me!"

"If that's what you want to call it..."

You wiggle, trying to squeeze out from beneath him

"Oh I'm dying! What a beautiful world!" You say dramatically

"I can... Feel... My life force being slowly squeezed out of me..."

"Goodbye, cruel world..." You pretend to go limp

"Now with that over, Freddy! May I please get up?" You resume your wiggling

"If you keep trying to leave without giving me cuddles, I will have to punish you..."

"Oh yeah? And what's this punishment?"

"I'll... Kiss you..."

"That it?"

"On the lips..."

"Oh no! What a horrible fate- anyway! C'mere!"

He brings you into a long kiss before pulling away

"Consider yourself punished..." He giggles

"I feel very punished right now! Now do you mind letting me go?"

"Not until I get my good morning cuddles..."


You give him a quick and tight hug

"There! Can we get up now?"

"Just a little longer..." He nuzzles into the crook of your neck

"Alright, alright!" You hug him again for a bit

"Thank you." He kisses your forehead

"Yes yes, now may we get up?"

"Okay." He rolls off of you

"I'm free!" You get up and stretch

"For now." He gets up and wraps his arms around your waist

"I feel like playing with Sun and the kids in the Daycare today! What about you?" You hold his hand

"That sounds good. Do you want to get some food before or after that?"

"How about before? That way we can work it off by playing around with the kids and Sun!"

"Then it's a date." He gently squeezes your hand

"Let's not waste any more time then!"

You both quickly head out of his room to go have some food real quick

"Mmm, I'm really craving something sweet..." He mumbles

"Sweets? At this hour?"

"I happen to have a very big sweet tooth, Honey."

"Well then have this!" You take out a lollipop from your pocket

"What flavor is it?"

"I don't know, it tastes like pure sugar though!"

"Good enough for me." He gently takes it from you and unwraps it before taking a few licks

"Blue raspberry flavor..."

"Is that a yay or a nay?"

"Yay." He happily takes another lick

Still having it in his mouth, Freddy holds open the door to the Fazpad for you

"Thanks!" You head in with him following closely behind and find a table

"Order?" A staff bot immediately services you

"Hmm, what's the special for today?"

"Our special for today is... A mystery plate."

"A mystery plate huh? And what's on this dish?"

"It's a mystery, smarty."

"Alright no need to get snarky, I'll have a mystery plate! And what about you Freddy?"

"I want one as well."

"Two mystery plates coming up. We'll have those out in a moment." It rolls away from the table

"What do you think we'll get?"

"I'm not sure, I hope it's good though..." He licks his chops

After a bit, the bot quickly comes back and places two platters on the table

"Enjoy." It rolls away again

"Ready?" You grab the lid to yours

"Mhm." He does as well

"Alright! On 3..."


"1!" You both lift the lids, yours is some chicken tenders and a side of Mac N Cheese. Meanwhile, Freddy's is a burger with a muffin on the side

"Hm! Pretty good! Well? Let us commence forth!"

You both eat quickly, completely indulging yourselves in the food

"Mmm! That was nice! How are you feeling Freddy?"

"I feel good, it was very tasty."

"Great! But... You have something on your face!"

"Where?" He rubs his face

"Right... Here!" You wipe a bit of ketchup off his nose

"Hehe! Thank you!" He smiles

"Anytime! Now how's about we head out for the Daycare?"


"Sweet! Let's go then!" You both stand up and head out

"By the way, Freddy?"


"Freddy FAZbear?"

"Yes, my Honey?"

"Would you care for some fizzyFAZ? I snagged two of em' on our way out!"

"Yes, please! That would be FAZerific!"

"Then here you go! Say, should we head back to the FAZpad later for some pizza?"

"That sounds FAZnificent! Do you know the time?"

"Lemme just look down at my FAZ watch and I'll tell you!" You look down at it

"It's... Currently the afternoon!"

"Thank you! Say, maybe we could go play some FAZer blast one of these days?"

"That sounds FAZtastic!"

You both make it to where the Daycare is

"I feel like going down the slide today! Wanna join me?"

"But what if we crash into someone?"

"I doubt it!"

"I think I'll just use the door..."

"Okay then! Suit yourself!"

"Geronimo!" You turn to the slide and dive straight in




"Superstar! I'm coming!" Freddy urgently runs off to the Daycare's doors

"Are you okay?" He bursts into the room, causing every kid to snap their head toward him

"Yeah... Sun cushioned my fall..." You lie in the ball pit on top of Sun

"Ouch, friend... I didn't see you coming..." Sun groans

"Hehe, sorry!" You swim out of the pit with him

"It's alright! What brings you two in here?"

"Freddy and I were seeking out something to do, and we decided on hanging out with you and the kids!"

"Ooh! I could really use a helping hand with entertaining them! You see, I gave them all Sundrops earlier and now they're restless!"

"I see... Freddy? You up for helping entertain them?"

"Of course!"

"Sweet! Then what shall we do first?"

"WE WANNA SEE A PLAY!" They all yell

"A play?" You raise an eyebrow


"Alright... What kind?"


"Ooh, free range! Freddy! Ready to put on your best acting skills?"

"Mhm!" He nods eagerly

"Sweet! Sun, you wanna help us out?"

"Yeah yeah yeah!" He bounces around

"Alright! We'll do a play on Romeo and Juliet! I'll be Romeo!"

"Wait... Does that mean I have to be Juliet?" Freddy tilts his head

"Hehe, yeah! Sorry!"

"It's okay..."

"Sun! Mind making me a paper crown while I help Freddy get prepared?"

"I can do that!" He salutes

"Great! We'll be back in a second!"

Sun runs off to go get some paper, glitter glue, and fake gems to put on the crown. Meanwhile, you take Freddy up to Sun's and Moon's room to get ready

"Alright... Let's see if this messy room has anything noteworthy..." You search around

"Aha! Here!" You hand Freddy some lipstick


"And here's your wig!" You hand him one

"Superstar, this is... Kind of embarrassing..." He blushes while looking down at the items

"C'mon! It'll be fun!" You nudge his arm

"If you say so..." He puts the wig on, his ears poke out from it

"The lipstick too!"

"Okay..." He unscrews the cap and applies some

"You're looking beautiful already!"

"Hehe... Thanks..." He does a small pose for you

"Hey friends! I made the crown!" Sun walks into the room

"Your majesty!" He plops it down on your head

"Heh, thanks Sun!"

"Ooh~ Freddy! You're looking nice!"


"Sun, think you can go down and gather the kids around the balcony?"

"Yep! Break a leg you two!" Sun scurries out of the room

"Now we just need a couple of costumes!" You dig through Sun's closet

"Aha!" You pull out a crown for Freddy as well


"Thank you." He places it on his head, putting his top hat down on a table

"We're almost on! Let's hurry and make the last few adjustments!"

You dig through the closet again, finding a very interesting costume for him to wear

"And I think I just found your costume..." You chuckle


"BOYS AND GIRLS, COME ONE, COME ALL! SEE THE PLAY OF A LIFETIME!" Sun announces as the kids gather around the balcony

Currently, you're still up in Sun's room while making some minor adjustments. You end out finding a pretty dress for Freddy to wear, though it barely fits and you can see his muscles bulging out from it

"You ready?"

"Honey bear... I feel so... Strange..." He frowns while looking down at the pink dress he's wearing

"You look so good in it though! And I thought you liked pink?"

"I do like pink, but..."

"C'mon! You look both handsome AND cute in it!"

"I do...?"


"Hehe..." He blushes and poses again for you

"Now, are we ready to give the kids the show of their little lives?"

"I suppose so..."

"Good! Break a leg!" You give him a quick kiss before heading back down to the main area

"Mmm, don't break a leg..." He whispers urgently as he heads for the balcony


"Shh! It's starting!" Sun silences everyone

"Romeo, oh Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Romeo?" Freddy steps out onto the balcony while doing the most girly voice he can, a few kids laugh at his attire

"Right here, my dearest!" You come out from the ball pit and look up at him, holding a fake rose in your hand

"Oh my dear Romeo! It is quite the pleasure to see-"

"SKIP TO THE PART WHERE YOU KISS!" One of the kids yell

"Really? You don't wanna see us build up the tension? No lead-up or anything?" You break character and look out at them

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" Everyone including Sun chants

"Well, alright then."

You turn back and look up at Freddy

"My dearest Juliet! Come! Jump down! I'll catch you!"

"Romeo, I would love to but I'm just way too scared!" He puts his hand on his forehead, staying in character while conveying to you that he's actually too scared

"Don't worry! I promise to catch you!"

"Well, then... I'm coming my dear Superstar!" He dives straight off

Not expecting him to actually do it, the best you're able to do is cushion his fall

"Oof... Lay off the pizza and candy will you, Juliet?" You groan as the kids laugh at you both

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" The crowd chants again

"Alright alright! Geez..." You stand up with him

"My my, Juliet. Have you hit a growth spurt since I last saw you?" You look up at him and chuckle

"My dearest Superstar, I would love nothing more than to have the honor of sharing a delectable kiss with you."

"Then kiss me ya fool!"

He gives you a genuine and loving kiss, holding the back of your head as he does

"YAY!!" The crowd goes wild

"Thank you! Thank you everyone!" You and him both turn to the crowd and bow

"ENCORE ENCORE!!" Sun claps rapidly

"Alright everyone, boys and girls!" You smile

"CATCH!" You both throw your crowns into the audience

Just as two lucky kids get the crowns, the lights go out

"Alright, everyone. It's time for a nap." Moon stands up and ushers everyone to the little nap area

"But hey, before we do... Who wants to make a pillow fort?" You suggest

"We do!" The kids all raise their hands

"Perfect! Moon? Do you mind providing us with the pillows and blankets?"

"Right away, Your Majesty ~" He walks off to go get everything real quick

"You alright, Juliet?" You laugh while looking up at Freddy

"Mhm, you're quite soft..." He giggles while holding your hand

"Not as soft as you though!" You run your hand through his fur

"Once we're done here, why don't we go have our own nap session in your room?"

"That sounds perfect." He smiles

"Here are the supplies." Moon comes back and drops everything, including extra stuff like flashlights and books

"Sweet! Who wants to help?"

"Me!" A few boys and girls come over and start putting things in place


"Coming!" He quickly starts helping

After a bit, you're all able to make a fort sizable for all 6 kids

"Wow, this is the biggest one I've seen yet!" You wipe your forehead

"Can we go inside?" A few kids ask

"Yep! Go along!"

"Yay!" They all rush into it and lay down sleeping bags in separate spaces

"Alright, one last thing before we go to sleep!" You crawl in alongside Freddy

"We're gonna make shadow puppets!"

"Ooh! Yes!" They all giggle

"Alright..." You take a flashlight and start making shapes with your hands

"What's this?" You form the shape of a bird

"A bird!" A little girl points out

"Correct!" And what's this?"

You form the shape of a squid

"It's a squid!"

"Correct! Now, this one's obvious!"

You form your hands into the shape of a clam

"It's a clam!"

"Yep! Man, you're all good!"

"May I try to make one, my love?"

"Go ahead! I'll hold up the flashlight for you!"

He forms his hands into the shape of a dog, although it looks like it has sharp teeth due to his claws

"A dog?" A little boy asks

"Yes it is. Good job."


"Okay." He forms the shape of a kangaroo next

"It's a kangaroo!" A little girl giggles

"Good job. This is the last one."

He makes the shape of a crab

"Hint, this one really likes money."

"It's Mr. Krabs! Teehee!"

"Very good!"

"Alright, kids! Bedtime!"

"Aw... Already?"

"Yeah, unfortunately! But you all need your rest so you can play even more later!"

"Okay! Goodnight!"

Each of them snuggles into their respective sleeping bags before the whole room goes quiet

"You ready to head out?" You whisper to him


"Let's go then."

You both crawl out and meet back with Moon who was just hanging around outside while knitting

"They asleep?" He looks up from his needles

"Yep." You both nod

"Good. Thank you for helping both me and Sun take care of them."

"Of course. We'll see you both later."

"Bye, come back soon."

Freddy takes you by the hand and leads you out of the room

"Can we go back to our room and cuddle now?"

"Mhm! Let's head there quickly!"

"Way ahead of you!" He picks you up and starts running there


Walking into his room with you, he places you on the bed before dimming the lights and crawling into bed with you

"Mmm... I can finally have those cuddles..." He wraps his arms around you

"Hehe, yep."

"Sleep tight, my love..."

"Nighty night."

Freddy gives you a peck on the lips as the noises of kids and cheering slowly fade away, just leaving the sounds of your breathing as you both fall asleep...






Things seemed to have gone well in the daycare!

I wonder what'll happen soon?


Good morn- afternoon, sailor!

Hope you enjoyed!


As per a request, I asked Freddy to hand over a photo that was taken at the wedding!

There's also a second one!

This one just has forehead touching!

Well, I think-

Huh? What's this?

*Crumple, crinkle*

Oh! It even seems he attached a note to one!


"Dear Superstar, I'm sharing with you a very special photo of the most important day of my life."

"Thank you for making my life so special - your favorite Teddy bear, Freddy. 🧡"

Aw, he even wrote a heart on it!

*Slides the note over to you*

Here! I believe that belongs to you!


That's actually all for now!

Until next chapter...

Remember, ya gotta believe!

Bye bye!

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