By heartdevilxoxo

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two loser girls finding their place on the moral compass. asa mitaka x female reader fanfic :3 [PART 2 IN PR... More

an unwanted interaction
a mind that's been changed
the morning sun is yellow
the midnight moon is blue
peer into the window of my heart
be the sun that shines
give me a moment to breathe
don't put me in my place, feline!
your secret wouldn't be safe with me
look at this cool pebble
russian roulette is not the same without a gun
give me the thing i love (or don't)
i'm trying to tell you something, something that i already said
i hope nobody catch us
it almost worked
then dive inside the mindset of a killer
trade your dreams with mine
i can't sleep no more
get your face between my thighs
caught in-between love and fear
it's the thuggish ruggish bone
YOOOOO, CHESS T! (side chapter)
are you really who they idolize
i, i really wish you'd make up your mind
you don't have to speak, don't need to talk to me, baby, i already know
watch you weigh your powers
go, use your muscle, carve it out, work it, hustle
take a step back, letting go of the fear
together we'll mend your heart
i wanna take you away.
wrong move, ya dead, that girl is poison
then sink the teeth and bat your eyes
and now look at 'em, look at 'em, now, look at 'em sting
you got my heartbeat running away
all i wanted was you
in tune with all our dreams
go waste your breath somewhere to someone new
i already told her, if we gon' do it, then we gon' do it my way
just as i'd rehearsed over in my brain
forgive me and the world outside your room
i drink the poison right from your hands
you should wake up before the wrath comes
me and you could take off before the wrath comes
it's a scary night like trick or treat, i wanna scare her
there's a hole in the earth, i'm out
shut up and relax, don't lose your head
new scars, same war
a cold soul seeking warmth
now did you get it? get it, so write it down
you should know by now, really, that this could end, really
now ask yourself why it never ends
then why are you here?
next to the infant crying in your heart
rises the moon
you will never be free
decide! decide, is this it, is it just fine?
i swear i'll only make you cry
i've watched you change, now you feel alive
goodnight, hearts. (authors note)

must be love on the brain

145 16 15
By heartdevilxoxo


You throw yourself up, sitting wide awake in your bed. As you breathe heavily, you wipe your face and feel tears drip down your cheeks.

Asa groans beside you and sits up. "Y/N.. you okay..?"

"I.. uh.. yeah, I must've had a nightmare.. I don't remember what it was, though."

"Oh.." She pulls you down next to her and cuddles up to you. "Try and go back to sleep.. it's late.."

You hug her back, closing your eyes and letting out a sigh.


Minutes pass by, and you're thinking about a new ice cream flavor you've been wanting to try.


You can't sleep.

Opening your eyes, you back your head up and look at Asa. She fell back asleep quickly.

You've started to think about what she said in the shower again.

Do you HAVE to go to school today? You're not learning anything too important right now.

"Psst, Asa."



"Wuh.. is something wrong.."

"Wanna stay home today?"

"Oh.. okay.." Well, that was easy.

You pull her into your chest and brush her hair back. "We can watch TV all day 'n make food and stuff.. just me and you. I can have Chester and Melly leave and come back tomorrow if you want."

She lets out a content hum and looks up at you, opening her eyes a little. "That sounds.. nice.."

As you place your hand on her cheek, she leans in and softly presses her lips against yours. You smile in between the next kiss and let out a small giggle.

"Let's try and go back to sleep.." She whispers before stuffing her face back in between your boobs. You kiss the top of her head and close your eyes once more.

With a fuzzy feeling wrapped around your heart and a calm beat, whatever nightmare woke you is out of mind.


It may have been THAT nightmare, though.

You wake to the sun beaming through the window and directly into your eyes. What a rude awakening from the sun! Every time.

The moon is totally cooler. Y'know, get it.. since it's typically more COOL at night. The sun's rays radiate heat, and, like.. never mind. That was funny, and you know it.

You rub your eyes before looking at Asa, then at your clock. You slept in, so you would've been late for school anyway. Well, maybe it was just your body knowing it didn't have to wake up. The mind works wonders, doesn't it?

Asa's completely passed out. She looks a bit silly, honestly. Her bangs are thrown around, and her hair is all over the place. You love waking up and seeing her like that. You keep a couple of pictures you've taken hidden in your drawer to giggle at sometimes. She'd totally murder you if she found them, though.

You reach over and close your blinds to block the sun out. Stupid sun, always blinding you. I'd use the moon pun again, but I don't like reusing puns.

Just kidding, the moon is WAY cooler.

Oh, by the way, I'm your thoughts. If that wasn't obvious enough since you're a little silly yourself.

You're the corny one.

Fuck you.


You must hate yourself. That's horrible. Why would you think such a thing?

Such a shame.

You lay there in bed, getting annoyed by your thoughts. You decide to ignore them. Rude.

After some time, you decide you're not tired enough to go back to sleep. You know a trick to make you sleepy, though. Works every time. Well, it makes your eyes tired so you don't keep them open.

You begin blinking as fast as you can without stopping, continuing on until you physically cannot blink anymore and keep your eyes closed. See how tired you feel now?

Okay, it may not last long, so just.. um.. just don't open your eyes.

Too late, you already opened them. Whatever.

You gently pat Asa's cheek. "Asaaa.."

She doesn't wake up.




Completely knocked out. You wonder what she's dreaming about since she's mumbling something in her sleep.

You lift her eyelid up and see her eye is rolled to the back of her head. She's definitely asleep..

Oh, that woke her. She's looking at you now.

She slowly grabs your hand and lowers it, turning her head away.

"Asa, wake up, I wanna watch somethin' with you."

No response.

"Asa?" Is she seriously asleep already..

You sit up and grab her shoulders.

"ASAAA!" You yell, violently shaking her awake. "BWAAAAH! WHAT! WHAT! WHAT'S WRONG?!" She yelps, blinking excessively and looking around frantically.

"Nothin', you just wouldn't wake up."


You let go of her.

She blinks at you a couple of times before placing her head back down and closing her eyes.


"FINE, FINE!" She sits up. "You didn't need to wake me like that, jeez.."

"You wouldn't wake up!"

"That doesn't mean shake me awake.."

"How else would I.."

"You could've waited, y'know.." She fixes her bangs and pats her hair down.

"N-Nuh uh.."

She lets out a sigh and scoots closer to you. "Okay, so.. why'd you want me up again?"


"You wanna watch something?"

"Yuh huh."

"Okay.." She scoots over near the end of the bed and turns your TV on. "Sooo, like a movie, or what?"

"A movie, duh."

"Mkay." She flips through the channels, going past cartoons and some commercials playing. She skips by a news station, pauses for a moment, and goes back.


"U-Um.. Y/N.."


"C-Come here.."

You crawl down next to her and lay beside her. "What.. oh."

You both look at the TV in horror.

A news reporter is standing at the entrance of the field, giving a report.

"Four teenage female corpses and one middle-aged male corpse were found deep within these fields days ago, but were only reported to the Tokyo police department earlier this morning. Three of the female corpses are unidentifiable due to the excessive mutilation of the bodies, except for one. Seventeen year old Michiko Fukuda, who attended Fourth East High School, was identified as one of the victims. As of now, there are no leads to who or what could have done this, but police suspect it may have been a devil attack due to the battered environment and conditions of the five corpses. The middle-aged man was a farmer who owned land here but unfortunately met his demise in his own property." The news reporter continues on as police pass through the gates of the field.


Wait. Middle-aged man?


Yoru appears beside the two of you. "What?"

"Did you kill that farmer.." Asa reluctantly asks.

"No witnesses." Jeez.

"A-At least they think it's a devil attack.." You say, trying to find some hope.

You two continue watching. An officer walks up to the camera.

"We have detectives on the scene, including crime scene analysts. Based on the information we've gathered, the chance this may have been a human is increasing. Two of the female corpses had their limbs sawed off rather than bitten or ripped off. Can't think of why a devil would saw 'em off."


Damn it, these guys are good.

You glance over at Asa, noticing how pale she's becoming by the second. She looks like she's gonna throw up.

You look back at the TV and sigh, changing the channel. "I doubt two random teen girls would be prime suspects for this. We ain't got nothing to worry about, okay?"


"Asa, it'll be okay. If anything happens, I'll take the blame."

"N-No, it's.. I don't wanna think about it anymore.."

You scoot closer to her and wrap your arm around her, rubbing her shoulder. "Close your eyes and take deep breaths, okay?"

"Okay.. okay.." She does so, leaning into you. A cartoon plays in the background, but the sound of it is drowned out by your heartbeat flowing throughout her ears.

Her muscles loosen, and she lets out a calm exhale. She starts to back away, but you gently pull her back in. "Stay until you feel better, Asa."

"I feel like you've said that before."

"I probably have."

She sharply exhales out of her nose, laying on her side and pulling you into her. You turn the TV down and lay with her. She rubs her hands across your back, pressing the side of her face against your chest. You can feel a smile slowly form on her face.

"You feelin' better?"


"You comfy?"


"Good." You place your hand on her cheek, tucking some strands of her hair behind her ear.

"You're always so warm, Y/N." She says quietly.

"Am I?"

"I like it."

"You better cuz I can't really control it."

"Did you know the horns narwhals have are actually just overgrown canine teeth?" That was random.. but interesting.


"Dude, that's dope as fuck."

"They're typically more prominent in males, making it seem more sword like, which is fascinating."

"Is that why it can look all swirly like a unicorn?"


"I wish I had a horn."

"Not a horn."

"Err.. I wouldn't want one of my teeth that long.. I'd prefer a horn."

"Not a horn."

"You know what IS a horn?"



"Were you trying to make a dirty joke?"

"Yuh huh."


"You're so corny."

"As if you aren't."

"I never said I wasn't, it's already been established that we both are."

"Uh huh.." You wrap your arms around her head and lay on your back, pulling her on top of you. She readjusts herself and lays her head on your shoulder, wrapping her leg over your waist.

She places her hand on your boob and squishes it a couple of times. You giggle a little.

She starts shifting it all sorts of ways, making.. car sounds. Like, the noise a shift gear makes. You start to laugh. "Am I a car now?"

"Vroooom, vroom vroom, vroooom.." You continue to giggle, pulling her hand off you. "Hey! I wasn't done!"

"Okay, okay.." You let go of her hand, and she continues. It kinda tickles, which was why you took her hand off. "Hehehe.. wait, Asa, it tickles.."

"Vrooooom, vroooooooom.."

"Hehe, Asa, it tickles, quit!"



"VROOO- AH!" Your heart shoots out and starts bouncing off the walls, crashing into everything in your room and knocking everything over. It bounces off of Asa and back onto the walls. "EEEEK! IT HIT ME!"


It sounds like a basketball bouncing all over the ceiling and the corners of the wall.


It shoots at you and lands on your stomach. It kinda socked you in your gut. Ouch. You lift it up with one hand. "Bro."

It's glowing bright pink and beating rather fast.

"I know I said you could bounce around at home, but you just knocked everything over! C'mon, dude.. and you hit me n' Asa."

It pops out of your hand and drops onto your chest, rolling onto Asa. You sigh. "Really gotta stop doin' that.." You look around your room and see your lamp is broken. You thought your heart was vulnerable when it wasn't a weapon.. guess not since it broke a lamp by bouncing around. Maybe the glow helps? Hm.

Asa picks your heart up and makes sure to have a firm grip on it before gently kissing it. It launches out of her hand anyway and smashes into your lamp again. Seriously..

"Heart, return. In my body this time, please."

It bounces itself on over to you like a cartoonish ball, plopping itself back into your chest. You pat your chest down and sigh once more.

"Your heart's so energetic and cute."

"Yeah.. even though it just demolished my lamp.."

"Oh.. true. I can get you a new one."

"I-It's okay, don't worry. I'll snag one from a store or something."

"Like.. steal it?"

"Yeah, that's how I got most of my stuff. I almost always get caught, though.. I end up just runnin'."

"Really? Huh.."

Explains why she doesn't have much..

She looks at the TV. "Well, it avoided the TV, at least."

"I woulda been mad if it broke my TV. That was super hard to get."

"How'd you get the bed?"

"Oh, that's one of the things I saved up for. It'd be kinda hard to steal a bed.."


Your bedroom door creaks open. You look over.

Chester drops off the doorknob and yawns, walking in. He stops.

"..Why're y'all still here?"

"Didn't wanna go today."

"I see.."

"Where's Melly?"


You were about to bring up the news report, but you don't wanna remind Asa. It might freak her out again, and you don't like seeing her like that at all. Okay, not might. It'd totally freak her out again.

"Hey, Chester, me and Asa just kinda wanna be alone today. You think you could hang out somewhere else with Melly?"

"I'll just go to Asa's apartment with 'em. Have fuuun!" He sticks his tongue out before trotting out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"How's he gonna get in..?" You ask.

"I always leave my window open so he can come in."

"..Is that really a good idea? Even when you're not home? What if someone breaks in?"

"Why would anyone break into my apartment specifically? Especially since the window is high up."

"That's what they all say.."

"Don't make me paranoid!"

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just joking!"


"Half joking."


"I'm joking again, silly."

"I can never tell when you're serious! You gotta tell me!"

"I'm always joking about something. You gotta get used to it at some point."

She sighs and sits up. "I gotta pee." She gets up off the bed and goes to open the door. You follow behind her.

She slowly turns her head towards you.

"Are you.. um.. coming with?"

"Am I not allowed to.."

"..You are..?"

"That sounded like a question."

"I'm just curious as to why."

"Cuz I wanna be near you."


"Makes sense." She opens the door and you follow her to the bathroom.

As she uses the bathroom, you sit on the counter and slowly poke her cheek over and over. Like, abnormally slow. She side eyes you and chomps at your finger, causing you to giggle. You keep poking her anyway.

After she's done, the moment she walks past you;



She washes her hands.



She dries her hands off.



She really is already walking out.

You hop off the counter and walk behind her, quietly giggling to yourself. She's trying to act annoyed, but you can tell she's not.

When you enter your room, she pulls your arm and tosses you towards the bed. She tackles you and gets on top of you, beginning to tickle you.



"BAHAHA! STOP, STOP! HAHA!" You try and shove her off you, but she continues tickling your sides.

"H-HEHEHEHE, QUIT! QUIT! QUIIIT! S-STOP! HAHAHA!" You start tickling her back, but she's resilient and doesn't stop. "I-I'M NOT GONNA STOP!"





It shoots out and socks her right in the jaw. "OOWWW!" She stops and holds her jaw. Your heart falls back into you. "AH! I'M SORRY!"

"Owwh.. I bih my thung.."


She points at her tongue.

"Ooooh.. a-are you okay?"

She nods her head and rolls off of you. "Owwh.. owh.."

"..Weeell, you kept ticklin' me, sooo.."

She glares at you.

"I-It wasn't me, though.."

"Uh huh.."

"You sure you're okay?"

"I thing my thung ith sthwollen.."

You can't help but crack up a little. "He.. hehe.. you kinda have a lisp.. hehe.."






"O-OKAY, OKAY.. admit it's a little funny, though."




She playfully smacks your arm, giggling a little. You gently smack her back and she grabs a pillow. You grab another and you two get into a pillow fight. She slams the top of your head with the pillow.

"OWWHHH!" She stops.


"I bih my thung thoo.."



You swing your pillow at her again, and the pillow fight continues on.

Who will win?!

I have no clue!

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