Deception: A Power Rangers St...

By marvelousand2

1.9K 5 7

Justin Stewart felt abandoned by his friends. He knew it was his choice to stay on Earth while the others wen... More

Chapter 1
The Rangers discover Ego
Traveling to the Living Planet
The Confrontation
The Final Fight
Act 2: Prologue
Infinity Training
Ranger Reunion
Completing the Task
Act 3
Fighting for Justin

Deception Revealed

132 0 1
By marvelousand2

Justin is currently laying on the couch in the living room looking at the ceiling. Ego walks in the living room and sees Justin. "You all right kid ?" Ego asked. Justin sees Ego and sits up."Yeah I'm okay." Justin said. There's I need to tell you." Ego said.

"What is it ?" Justin asked. "You're immortal." Ego said. "What ?" Justin asked "I'm basically a God. Since you're my grandson you have my powers you're a god to. Death will remain a stranger to both of us as long as the light burns within the planet." Ego said. "I'm immortal ?" Justin asked. "Mmm-hmm." Ego responded. "Really ?" Justin asked. "Yes. As long as the light exists." Ego said.

"And I can use the light to build cool things like how you made this whole planet ?" Justin asked. "It might take you a few million years of practice before you get really good at it. But, yes !" Ego said. Justin covered his mouth shock. "What ! This is... Well get ready for an 800 foot statue of Pac-Man with Skeletor and Heather Locklear." Justin said with excitement. "You can do what you want." Ego said. "I'm gonna make some weird shit." Justin said. "But you know, Justin, it is a tremendous responsibility. Only we can remake the universe. Only we can take the bridle of the cosmos and lead it to where it needs to go." Ego said. "How ?" Justin asked. Ego manifests blue energy from his hand and Justin does the same thing. They look at each other and gave each other a smile. "Come with me." Ego said to Justin. Justin follows Ego to the Palace. 

"Now you need to readjust the way you process life. Everything around us is temporary. We are forever." Ego tells Justin. "Doesn't eternity get boring ?" Justin asked. "Not if you have a purpose, Justin, which is why you're here. I told you how all those years ago I had an unceasing impulse to find life. But what I did not tell you was how, when I finally did find it. It was all so disappointing." Ego said making Justin look at him with confusion. "And that is when I came to a profound realization. My innate desire to seek out other life was not so that I could walk among that life. Justin, I have found meaning." Ego said. Ego taps Justin's forehead causing his eyes to go dark and glow. "I see it. Eternity." Justin said. Ego shows Justin various planets with a blue glow. "I call the Expansion. It is my purpose and now it is yours as well." Ego said. Justin looks around room. "It's beautiful." Justin said. "Over thousands of years I implanted thousands of extensions of myself on thousands of worlds. I need to fulfill life's one true purpose. To grow and spread covering all that exists until everything is me. I only had one problem. A single Celestial doesn't have enough power for such an enterprise. But two Celestials, well now that just might do. Out of all my labors the most beguiling was attempting to graft my DNA with that of another species. I hoped the result of such a coupling would be enough to power the Expansion. I visited the mother of every offspring I created and told them I would teach how to use their abilities. I told every mother of my offsprings that I wouldn't hurt them to ease their conscience. I mean, that was true. They never felt a thing. But one after the other, they failed me. Not one of them carried the Celestial genes. Until you, Justin. Out of all my spawn only your father carried the connection to the light. The reason why his powers never worked was because they were dormant. Your powers are working because I helped you manifest them. For the first time in my existence I am truly not alone !" Ego explained and shouted the last part.

Justin looks down in sadness and Ego noticed. "What is it, Justin ?" Ego asked.  "All of those people. Women and children." Justin said " You see, that's the mortal in you, Justin. " Ego said. "Yes." Justin responded. "We are beyond such things." Ego tells Justin. "Yes. But father and grandmother. You said you loved them." Justin said. 

"And that I did. Your grandmother was the true love my life. But when she turned me away I knew she wouldn't allow me to go near my son. When she died I thought my son would accept his destiny but he turned me away also. I didn't want to wait anymore so I decided that in order to get to you I did him what I did to his mother. As much as it broke my heart to give him a sickness that he couldn't be cured from" Ego explained.

Justin eyes revert back to normal showing his shocked expression. "What ?" Justin asked in shock. "All right, I know that sounds but..." Ego tries to explain but he is interrupted by Justin. "My father and my grandmother ? No I can't be apart of this." Justin said. Ego sighs and shakes his head. "I hoping it wouldn't come to this." Ego said. A giant energy tentacle came out of the ground and went through Justin's back and out of his chest. "I wanted to do this together. But I guess you'll have to learn by spending the next thousand years as a battery." Ego said. Power starts channelling through Ego's body until he heard a noise.

A ship comes crashing through the window of the palace. "Hey there Jackass !" Andros shouted as the ship crashed on Ego causing Justin to be from the energy tentacle. The Cassie and T.J. exit the ship and they pick Justin up from the ground.

"We got you buddy" T.J. said. Cassie and T.J. started walking Justin to their ship. "How did you guys...?" Justin tried to ask but he was interrupted. "While were exploring the palace we planted cameras everywhere. We know Ego's plan and were not let him get you." T.J. explained. They get Justin on to the ship and the start flying out of the palace. While they were flying away from the palace the ship starts going down. "Why aren't we going up ?" Justin asked. "Because Ego wants to eradicate the universe as we know it. We have to kill him." T.J. explained. "Carlos !" Andros called. "Got it." Carlos responded as starts turning on the laser system so that they could laser their way down to the center of the planet.

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