A Vampire Life | Book 4

By Anslee247

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With the death of another family member, how will it affect the new path of motherhood that Taylor is on. Fin... More

A Trail Of Bodies
Family Friend
Tristan de Martel
Mrs. Ripper
Moms Coming Home To You
Blast From The Past
Prophecy Coming True
Our Boys
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Ghost Of Taylor's Past
Three Breeds. One Baby
Salvatore Boarding School
Reaper Pole
Death Threat
Almost Out
Momma Alpha
President Teller
Zane Christopher Orton
We're Here For You


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By Anslee247

*Taylor had the boys at a nearby park. Abel was eating a snack while Taylor held up Thomas as he tried to walk. Taylor smiled as Abel cheered on his brother. She thought of Gemma and hoped that she was okay. Joe being here threw off her thinking and she couldn't think that way because she had kids to take care of. She sat back down with Thomas as Abel went to play on the slide*

Clay: Unser, what brings you in this morning?...*Jax walked in*

Unser: Gemma got in a car accident...*Clay took off his shades*

Jax: What!?

Clay: You just now saying something!?

Unser: I just found out. She's at the hospital...*The guys ran off to their bikes*

Taylor: Hi babe.

Jax: Think you can meet me at the hospital with the boys?

Taylor: What's up? Are you okay?

Jax: Mom got into an accident...*Taylor gasped. She hated that he didn't know the truth but she understood why Gemma didn't want them to know. It would do nothing but start another bloodbath and Charming has had it's fair share of those*

Taylor: Yeah, I'll be right over love...*He hung up*...Abel, baby, let's go see daddy.

Thomas: Dada...*Taylor smiled and kissed him. She packed up their stuff and held Abel's hand as they walked back to the car. She strapped Thomas in and she froze mid way through strapping Abel in. Taylor felt someone rub on her and squeeze her hips*

Joe: Still firm as I remember. Jax must be really taking care of you...Or...Does he know about you and Eric?...*She whimpered as he smelled her hair*...I'm so hard right now. You have any idea what you do to me T? How you make me feel?

Taylor: My kids are right here...*Joe shut her car door, turned her around to face him and pinned her against the car. Taylor kept looking away, not wanting to look him in the eyes. She closed her eyes as he rubbed on her, she tried to push off but he only pulled her hands down*

Joe: Everything is still so perfect. Better even? You seem...Sexier. Suppose this vampire side of you has brought out a side of you that I love. My, my, my Taylor...*She cried as he got close to her neck*

Taylor: Please.

Joe: I'm watching you. Have been watching you. Did you really think I wouldn't ever find you again? You and Jax like to screw...I mean...But it doesn't match the way Eric had you. Enough about them...I have missed this perfect body.

Taylor: Joe, I have to g-

Joe: No talking. You escaped me once Taylor and that won't ever happen again. You can't outrun me. Every time you look over your shoulder. When you make love to your husband...I will be there. My plan worked and since I am with this other charter...Jackson can't touch me...*She whimpered more in fear as he squeezed her boobs*...I will make you mine. Have a nice day...*He ran off and Taylor slid down her car as she cried. Feeling weak as she couldn't fight back, frozen with fear. Joe was baiting her, messing with her head and she didn't know how to fight back. Once she got herself together, she got back in her car and sighed*

Abel: Mommy okay?

Taylor: Yeah, mommy is okay baby...*He smiled big*

Thomas: Dada!

Taylor: We are going right now...*They pulled up to the hospital and Taylor sighed as she looked around. She started to get the boys together when she felt someone grab her arm. Jax looked concern as she screamed*

Jax: Hey, hey, baby, it's me. It's me...*He hugged her and rubbed her hair*

Taylor: Sorry, you...You just scared me a little.

Jax: He following you? You...Taylor, you haven't been so jumpy before.

Taylor: No, no, I'm fine...*He nodded as he picked up the bags. Abel held his moms hand and Jax pushed the stroller. He looked around as they walked inside but saw no sign of Joe*

Abel: Gam!

Gemma: Hey baby...*Taylor put Abel on the bed with Gemma*...Taylor, did anyone come by the house?...*They looked at her as she zoned out*

Jax: Babe?

Taylor: Huh? Yeah, what happened?

Jax: Op, can you watch them...*Opie nodded*...Come here...*Jax walked her outside*...What is the matter with you?

Taylor: Nothing.

Jax: Seriously? Taylor, why are you lying to me? I am your husband!...*She saw his eyes glow again and looked in disbelief*...Wha?

Taylor: Nothing. I'm just tired.

Jax: Tired? Taylor, you are hardly sleeping. Waking up at random hours of the night. I can barely even touch you anymore.

Taylor: Drop it.

Jax: Is he following you?

Taylor: No.

Jax: Is he raping you!?

Taylor: No.

Jax: Are you pregnant with Uhtred?

Taylor: No.

Jax: Come on! Taylor, what is this?

Taylor: I said nothing...*He nodded*

Jax: Fine...*He walked back in with Gemma. Taylor sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. She sat down and cried. Taylor didn't want to think about it, feel any of it and wanted to run from it. But she couldn't, her boys needed her and she couldn't leave them again. Taylor cleared her throat as Pam was calling*

Taylor: Hey.

Pam: So...

Taylor: Eric okay?

Pam: He's worried. He's been feeling you. He told me about what has been happening with...You okay? You tell Jax?

Taylor: Yeah...*Pam sighed as she knew her sister*

Pam: Taylor, I can hear it in your voice.

Taylor: He...*Eric heard her breakdown. It drove him to anger because he knew what that meant*

Eric: I'm on my way.

Taylor: No, no. It'll just cause trouble.

Eric: Love, has he touched you?...*She didn't answer*...Has he been touching you?...*She didn't answer*...Then I am on my way. I'll leave once nightfall hits. I need to sleep.

Jax: He's dead...*Taylor turned around as she hung up*

Taylor: Jax.

Jax: Why didn't you tell me?

Taylor: Because I saw him walk out of Zobelle's shop. He walked out talking with his guys. I know the beef that's going on between you guys and I...I didn't want to cause more trouble.

Jax: He bothered you in front of the boys today?...*She nodded yes and he sighed. He hugged her and she cried*...He's dead. Do you hear me? He is dead...*They walked back in the room together and Abel held his arms out for his mom*...We have a problem.

Clay: What's wrong?

Jax: Joe is with Zobelle. He's not really a son. He's a rat on the inside. Taylor saw them today.

Taylor: They seemed pretty close...*Taylor saw the Gemma's heart skipped a beat at the sound of Zobelle's name*

Clay: What!? A rat.

Jax: He's been following and touching my wife.

Gemma: Taylor?

Taylor: I...I'm okay. Really.

Jax: Babe, you are not fine. You are struggling and his ass is mine.

Clay: Okay, okay. Let's be smart about this. We have beef with these guys. If he is in fact working with Zobelle. Jax, we can't just kill him. We need proof. You know what kind of damage it'll do if other charters find out that we took out a brother...*Jax sighed*

Jax: We'll get him...*Taylor nodded*...Until then I will have a prospect at the house.

Taylor: No, you guys are busy and have enough things going on. Eric is coming. Joe is totally outmatched with Eric. Don't send a prospect.

Clay: You sure Red?

Taylor: Promise.

Jax: I am going to take her home.

Clay: Go...*They got back home and she felt at peace being with Jax and her boys. Jax had arranged a weekend away with her. He had one of the girls come down and stay with the boys. Eric told her to enjoy her weekend and he would stay with the boys. Taylor tried to talk him into going back home but he wasn't having it*

Taylor: Jax...You didn't...*She smiled at the candles, the roses and the pool outback of their house*

Jax: You have been so stressed and I thought my wife deserves...A little breather. Away from the boys, the noise and enjoy a few nights screaming for me...*She chuckled and they kissed*...But first...*She gasped as he got on one knee*...I know, I know. We never signed the papers or anything but I thought a new page, new ring?...*She smiled when he opened the box*...I have been carrying this around since before I left for England.

Taylor: Jax.

Jax: I just didn't know if we would ever find our way back here. When we did...I couldn't wait and I didn't want to. I love you Taylor. I love you so much...Will you continue to be my wife?...*Taylor chuckled and nodded yes*

Taylor: Yes...*He slipped the ring on and they kissed. It was the weekend she needed but deep down Jax needed it to. Even though it was only two days. It felt like a week. They laughed and made love. Eric sent pictures of the boys to her which made her smile. Joe watched from as far away as he could.

Eric stayed and made sure things were okay at night. When Taylor couldn't sleep, they sat outside and talked like always. Which they both loved or they would just sit and watch the boys sleep. Any time with the boys that Eric could get, made him happy...Taylor felt at ease when Joe stopped showing his face and she thought maybe with Eric here that was making him back off*...Eric, you okay with the boys if I go see Gemma?

Eric: Yeah, love...*He kissed her forehead*...Be careful.

Taylor: Just for you...*He smiled as she walked off*...Hey.

Gemma: Those for me?

Taylor: Yeah, I told Val that you were in some pain and she gave me these. Oh and everything came back clean...*Gemma nodded as she took a pill*...You and Clay?

Gemma: I don't know. He...It's not the same.

Taylor: You are still healing. You, your body just needs time.

Gemma: But...I...I can't be touched. Like my body won't let it happen.

Taylor: Because you need time. It'll pass...*Taylor looked over as she saw Ima get off Jax's bike and kiss him*...What the?

Gemma: You okay with that?

Taylor: I trust him.

Gemma: Still...You let the bitches know he is yours...*Taylor looked away and walked over to Jax*

Jax: What a surprise. What are you doing here?

Taylor: Making sure your mom is okay...*He smiled as he held her hips*

Jax: Thanks baby.

Taylor: What's with the hoe?...*He chuckled*...I'll ring her skinny little neck.

Jax: I know baby...*He kissed her*

Taylor: Alright, off I go. Abel is demanding ice cream.

Jax: My boy...*Taylor smiled*...He knows what he wants...*They kissed*...I love you.

Taylor: I love you...*Taylor got halfway home and felt that she had a flat. She smiled knowing she could call Jax*

Jax: Yeah baby?

Taylor: I...*Joe grabbed her from behind*...NO!

Jax: Taylor!

Taylor: JAX!...*Joe snaps her neck and picks up the phone*

Joe: Got her.

Clay: We okay?

Jax: Joe...He got her...*Eric called Jax*

Eric: What happened? I felt her.

Jax: Joe.

Eric: Damnit!

Abel: Pop Eric, where is mommy?

Eric: She'll be home soon buddy. I'll call Bonnie.

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