Oleh tvwriteher

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This season picks up 2 months later now at the end of summer. Senior year is here for most of the characters... Lebih Banyak

Episode 10: Imaginary Players
Episode 11: COUNTDOWN
Episode 12: Homecoming
EPISODE 14: Love Yourz
Episode 16: RUNNIN
EPISODE 17: Apple Pie à la mode
Episode 21: 11:59 It's January.
Episode 22: PART TWO (on the run)

EPISODE 18: Wargames

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Oleh tvwriteher


Neal is dribbling on the court, starring at the basket.

SPORTS ANNOUNCER- Breaking news Neal Carter to make his playoff debut.


NEAL-(talking to camera man) all the physical therapy and icing leading up to that moment.


NEAL- (to the camera man) I just felt like it was time....Like it was time to play.


TEACHER- have any more of you guys thought about the habitat for humanity program?

NEAL- volunteer house building stuff?

The teacher nods. Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- you guys should do it Im doing it.

KENT- since when?

MORGAN- and why?

TAYLOR- I get extra credit and another A.


TAYLOR- huh?

ZHURI- I think you have more A's than anyone in the history of Lynview. It's okay honey.

TAYLOR- but it's not Z....it's not.

Kent laughs.

TEACHER- it's also Miss Davis a chance to help victims who recently lost their Holmes to the recent string of fires.

TAYLOR- oh yes I care about the families too.

MORGAN- you lie.

ZHURI- (zhuri raises her hand) oh then I'm down.

Tavon looks at her.

TAVON- me too.

NEAL- seriously?

TAVON- it sounds like a good cause.

CAMERON- Ace you should sign up with me.

Morgan makes a not so sure face and Neal bursts into laughs.

MORGAN- what's funny?

NEAL- Morgan outside building houses? Let's be serious. He doesn't know you at all.

MORGAN- actually he knows me better than you because I'm signing up.

Neal looks shocked. Cameron smiles.

NEAL- well then so am I!

MORGAN- Yeah I bet.

Cameron rolls his eyes.

TAYLOR- (smiling) Kent?

KENT-I guess I'm signing up too.

ZHURI- okay that's everyone except Khi.

They all turn around and look at Mekhi whose on his phone.

TEXT FROM BLAKE- can we meet after school?

MEKHI- Y'all have fun with the we are the world these hands are strictly for basketball and well y'all know the other thing.


MEKHI- you wasn't saying Ew when-

NEAL- Mekhi!

The bell rings. Mekhi smiles.

MEKHI- Have a good day family.

Mekhi rushes out.

CAMERON- what was he talking about?

MORGAN- oh nothing....we just use to kiss....sometimes.

Morgan and Cameron walk out of class Cameron still confused. Tavon laughs.

ZHURI- why are you laughing?

TAVON- damn I can't laugh?

ZHURI- just thinking about all the secrets you must be keeping from your girlfriend.

Zhuri smiles and walks out.

TAYLOR- Yikes.

TAVON- can you talk to her?

TAYLOR- and what do you want me to say snookums?

TAVON- T I'm serious she's being mean.

Neal and Kent laughs.

TAYLOR- weren't you mean in Atlanta?

TAVON- by saying I'm respecting my relationship? How is that mean?

NEAL- maybe because you have never respected any of hers.

Kent and Taylor look at him surprised and then back at each other.

KENT-(to Taylor) chic fila?


They start to leave.

TAVON- no no no....Neal who side are you on?

KENT- this is really a conversation that has nothing to do with us so we gonna go.

NEAL- I'm on Zhuri's side you need to get your mind right.

TAVON- What?

NEAL- if you can tell me deep down you don't want to be back together then maybe that will change but as of right now you're just lying to yourself.

Tavon looks at him.


Landy and Reggie sit at the table in the middle of having lunch and begin to kiss.

REGGIE- I missed you.

LANDY- I missed you too...it's been hard to get away I've been really focusing on Tavon....and you know how close him and Neal are and with Neal not speaking to you I didn't want to bring it up to him but I also can't lie to him again after everything that just happened.

Reggie looks at her.

LANDY- do you think you and Neal will ever make up?

REGGIE- I'm not sure and even if we do I don't think we will ever be the same.

Landy looks concerned.

LANDY- What happened?

Reggie sighs.

REGGIE- I'm gonna tell you the truth because I'm serious about moving forward with us...

Landy looks a bit scared.

REGGIE- So you know me and Tammie's marriage ended badly...and the last time we had an argument she basically told me she never loved me but was instead using me and a lot of other things and I got upset on top of the other things she has done...so I paid someone to shoot Garret on the day of her wedding....

Landy quickly gets up in shock and disgust. Reggie is embarrassed.

REGGIE-but instead that person shot Garrett and Tammie while she was

LANDY- pregnant.

REGGIE- I didn't plan for it to be that way.

LANDY- That's so cruel....how are you even capable?

Reggie stands up and moves closer to her.

REGGIE-Landy you have to understand-

Landy pulls away.

LANDY- get the hell away from me.

REGGIE- Landy.

LANDY- I came from abusive relationship Reggie...do you understand what that did to me?

REGGIE- I'm not abusive-

LANDY- you paid to have a man killed on his wedding day? Your sons brother's Dad....I don't know you like I thought I did.

REGGIE- that's not me.

LANDY- but it is.....and I can't trust you now. I can't.

Landy shakes her had and leaves. Reggie is defeated.


Deandre is in the middle of physical therapy. Kelly is standing by supporting him while having Faith in a back carrier.

DOCTOR- Come on if you want to be able to start walking with a cane this week you gotta attempt to move.

Deandre almost falls and then sits back in the wheel chair.

DEANDRE- I'm done.

DOCTOR- come on just one last time.

DEANDRE-(stern) I said I'm done.

Kelly looks at him sadly and then back at the doctor.

KELLY- it's okay I got it from here. We can try again tomorrow.

The doctor nods and grabs his things and leaves. Kelly looks over at Deandre.

KELLY- babe.

DEANDRE- I don't want to talk about it.

KELLY- Dre it's okay to be frustrated I get it.

DEANDRE- you don't get it you're able to walk freely.

KELLY- I do get it because I love you and I don't like seeing you sad.

Deandre looks at her.

KELLY- I want us to be able to go away to Cali this weekend with the team...only if you're able to grab that cane.


KELLY- I know you want to go. I know how important CIF is one because that's all you talked about two that's all anyone has been talking about on sports networks and on the radio which I watch and listen to again for you.

DEANDRE- It's no way I'm gonna be able to walk with a cane by then.

KELLY- doctor says you can but you're not trusting yourself mentally.

DEANDRE- of course he said that.

KELLY- let me ask you this....say I'm in the shower the door is locked music blasting and Faith falls out of her crib....are you going try to get to her or?

DEANDRE- Why would you ask me that?

KELLY- because I need you wake up....you need to try. If not for yourself then for her. She deserves that.

Deandre looks at her.


Blake and Mekhi sit across from each other.

MEKHI- so what's up?

BLAKE- I just haven't seen you in a while...I was wondering what happened?

Mekhi drinks some of his soda.

MEKHI- Ohhh well me and Jordan broke up so I don't need a cover anymore.

BLAKE- so you and Jordan break up and you just drop me?

MEKHI- Blake come on it's not like we were  really dating.

Blake looks at him a bit hurt.

MEKHI- wait do you have feelings for me?

BLAKE- whatever.

Blake stands up and begins to leave.

MEKHI- Blake hold on.

She continues to walk away and leaves.


Students and teachers from Lynview are gathered around ready to build.

TEACHER- Introduce yourself to Tianna she's gonna give you your assignments. Let's do some good here and you know build a house....and please please be careful.

Kent looks at Taylor whose smiling at a power drill.

KENT- The emphasis he put on that last careful was for you.

TAYLOR- what? I'm being careful.

Taylor picks up the drill and powers it.

KENT- (laughing) that's not careful to me.

TIANNA- Okay let's get into groups.

Tavon walks over to Zhuri.

TAVON- partners?

ZHURI- Okay.

Cameron and Morgan are parters. Cameron begins to look through the tool box and his phone rings.

CAMERON- This is my Dad excuse me.

Neal walks over to Tavon and Zhuri.

NEAL- Look at this, you two working together so nicely.

TAVON- Neal.

NEAL- what? I can't be happy two of my favorite people are getting along?

TAVON- shouldn't you be trying to ruin Cameron and Morgan?

Neal laughs.

NEAL- the thing is I don't have to try hard to do that.

TAVON- seeing how he stayed the night last night I think you do.

NEAL- What?

ZHURI- Tavon.

NEAL- wait Z you knew?

ZHURI- I found out this morning.

NEAL- We're supposed to be partners Z.

ZHURI- I know I know I'm sorry.

Neal walks over to Cameron.

ZHURI- why would you do that?

TAVON- so he can focus less on us and more on them.

ZHURI- oh we're an us again?

TAVON- you know what I mean.

ZHURI- no I don't actually.

TAVON- Zhuri.

ZHURI- we need more paint.

Zhuri walks away.

Cameron finishes his call and see's Neal standing waiting.


NEAL- There was big DC marathon last night just wondering did you watch it?

CAMERON- I actually did.

Neal is still curious.

NEAL- so did you stop when they got to Wonder Woman or Aqua Man?

CAMERON- I skipped Wonder Woman.

Neal gets a panicked look.

NEAL- Why?

CAMERON- was kinda busy?

NEAL- for the whole movie?!

CAMERON- Neal what is going on?

NEAL- I was just wondering....

Cameron looks at him.


Morgan grabs Neal tightly by his arm and pulls him away from painting.


MORGAN- you asked my boyfriend if we had sex?!

Neal looks at her, he's caught.

NEAL- huh?

MORGAN- what is wrong with you? That is so weird and not your place!

NEAL- I know I know I'm sorry. I don't know why I did it. I'm just I'm losing my mind.

MORGAN-you have to stop.

NEAL- Okay.

Morgan looked at him feeling bad.

MORGAN- you should be focused on staying in shape for the CIF....I'm sure you'll be playing.

NEAL- it's kinda hard to do that you know.

Morgan sighs.

MORGAN- We didn't have sex Neal...we watched movies he fell asleep on the couch I slept in my room.

Neal slowly begins to smile.

NEAL- oh.

Morgan shakes her head smiling and hits him.

KENT- T I think I should do the drilling and you do the painting.

TAYLOR- Why? Do you think I can't use a drill?

KENT- I never seen you use one before.

TAYLOR- and I've never seen you.

KENT- Yeah but.

Kent laughs.


KENT- T come on.

TAYLOR- you think because you're a guy you can do this better than me huh?

KENT- don't take it personally...see all the other girls are painting.

TAYLOR- Well I'm drilling.

KENT- (laughing) okay.

TAYLOR- oh you are so-

Taylor playfully pushes him but Kent trips and falls into the paint.

TAYLOR- (trying not to laugh) I'm so-

KENT-(getting up) dead.

Taylor backs up from him.

TAYLOR- remember you shouldn't be playing around you have playoffs this weekend.

Kent still walks towards her.

TAYLOR- and remember I love you?

Kent smiles.

KENT- I love you too.


KENT- so much that I want to share like every moment with you....like T I want to be so close to you it's like

Kent hugs her tightly wiping paint on her.


Tavon and Zhuri are laughing.

ZHURI- haven't seen you laugh like that in a while.

TAVON- that's because the last few times we been around each other we've been arguing.

ZHURI- and whose fault is that?

TAVON- maybe it's mine....but Z damn why are you being so mean?

ZHURI- Why can't you be honest about what you want?

Tavon looks at her. Tianna approaches them.

TIANNA- great job so far you two make the perfect team.

She smiles and walks around to other students.

ZHURI- One minute you're almost kissing me or actually kissing me hanging out with me and talking to me and the next it's respect your girlfriend.

TAVON- Maybe I can't control myself around you and I'm sorry for that.

ZHURI- or maybe you have the wrong girlfriend.

Tavon looks at her.


Kent Neal and Taylor arrive home. Taylor begins to go through the mail.

TAYLOR- Neal it's something for you....from JCU.

Kent and Neal smile at each other.

KENT- see. I told you.

NEAL- did you apply?

Taylor hands Neal the envelope.

KENT- not yet.

TAYLOR- Why not?

KENT- I wanna check it out first.

NEAL- Looks like you may get a chance this weekend.

Kent looks at him confused.

NEAL- They want me to enter their engineer fair....

KENT- the same weekend as the CIF?

NEAL- Yeah but it's only one day.

KENT- what you want to do?

NEAL- I mean I'm not even clear to play yet so.

TAYLOR- do whatever makes you happy Neal...even if it's both. Okay?

Neal nods.

NEAL- Okay.

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- now you (to Kent) I'm about to take a shower and then I'm going in full basketball wife mode. I'm all yours.

Taylor kisses him. Kent smiles.


Morgan is packing as Cameron sits on a chair watching.

CAMERON- can't believe you're going all the way to California.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- are you gonna miss me?

Cameron kisses her.

CAMERON- I am....and I'm also a little worried.

Morgan sits on his lap.

MORGAN- why? Because of Neal? You have nothing to worry about trust me.

CAMERON- look I've accepted that he just never going to be able to get over you but

MORGAN- what?

CAMERON- sometimes I think you feel the same way.

MORGAN- Cameron.

CAMERON- I'm just being honest.

MORGAN- okay well can I be honest?

CAMERON- of course you can.

MORGAN- I'm happy that we're happy together...and you have nothing to worry about.

Cameron smiles. Morgan kisses him.

CAMERON- you really mean that?

Morgan smiles.


Morgan kisses him and then her cell phone begins to ring. She looks down at it and it's Neal she ignores it.

CAMERON- who was that?

MORGAN- nobody. Let's just get back to us.

Morgan begins to kiss him.

CAMERON- what if I came this weekend too?

MORGAN-to California?

CAMERON- Yeah....that would be fun right?

Morgan forces a smile.

MORGAN- Yeah. Big fun.

Cameron smiles.

CAMERON-let me go home and pack. I'll see you in the morning.

MORGAN- (forcing) yay.

Cameron kisses her and leaves.


Zhuri has just finished up a painting

She smiles at it. Her phone begins to ring.

ZHURI-(answering) hello?

TIANNA- Hey is this Zhuri Alexander?

ZHURI- this is she...who is this?

TIANNA- Hey I'm Tianna...we met earlier today at the housing project.

ZHURI- oh yes I'm remember you.

TIANNA- you really impressed me today with how involved you were.

Zhuri smiles.

ZHURI- it felt good to be helping people....if you ever have anything else, please let me know.

TIANNA- that's actually why I was calling you. Have you ever heard of the non profit organization called RED?


The basketball team, cheerleaders and staff are waiting to board.

Zhuri walks over to Neal whose asleep on Kent.  She hits his shoulder.

ZHURI- Neal.

NEAL- (eyes still closed) five more minutes.

ZHURI- (trying not to be too loud) wake up.

Neal lifts his head up.

KENT- Thank you.

Taylor laughs.

NEAL- what's up Z?

ZHURI- when you said you had a plan for this trip did it involve Jaeden and Cameron coming?

NEAL- what they can't come?

Zhuri nods her head over them.

NEAL- Okay you know actually that's even better.

ZHURI- how?

NEAL- depends...how petty are you really trying to get?

Zhuri  smiles.

ZHURI- what do you have in mind?

NEAL- Just follow my lead.

ASSISTANT COACH JAMES- Ard come fellas let's start boarding.

DEANDRE- I think y'all are missing one.

Taylor looks up and smiles seeing Deandre Faith and Kelly she begins to tap Kent.

They all run over to Deandre.

NEAL- Dre...you're back.

DEANDRE- barley.

Taylor takes Faith.

MORGAN- she's so cute.

ZHURI- look how big she's getting.


KENT- I can't believe you're back....we really were gonna need you.

TAVON- it just wasn't the same.

DEANDRE- y'all we're gonna be fine...y'all are ready.

NEAL- barely.

DEANDRE- still not cleared to play?

NEAL- Not yet. Still day to day.

DEANDRE- it's a long weekend it's gonna be happen. Even if it's just one game.

Neal smiles.

NEAL- missed you Dre.

DEANDRE- missed you too....but come on we better get going.

NEAL- Z you want the window seat or?

Zhuri smiles.

ZHURI- Isn't that sweet? Yes I'll take the window seat.

Neal smiles.

NEAL- cool.

MORGAN- Why are y'all asking each other about seats.?

NEAL- because we're sitting next to each other on the plane.


ZHURI- (smirking)Why not?

MORGAN- the squad has to sit together.

ZHURI- Taylor is sitting with Kent.

MORGAN- marriage privilege.

NEAL- Yeah okay...come on Z.

Neal and Zhuri begin to board the plane.

JAZMINE- do we really have to sit with the team?

MORGAN- no Jazmine I just made that up.


Jaeden walks over to Tavon.

JAEDEN- Ready?

TAVON- um yeah.

Mekhi walks pass them boarding the plane.

MEKHI- (singing) California! Here we come!


The plane begins to land. And they all begin to look at the window smiling and staring at the site of California. They call begin to cheer.

Taylor looks over at Kent and smiles.

TAYLOR- don't you look happy.

Kent laughs.

KENT- (smiling) who me?

TAYLOR- you are dying to go sight site seeing....nerd.

MORGAN- We have to go to Hollywood.

COACH KEIRA- if we have time.

MORGAN-(low voice) sneaking out?

TAYLOR- obvi.

Zhuri laughs.


The coaches are checking in. The kids are separated by cheerleaders and basketball players.

MEKHI- Damn so your girl staying at a different hotel?

TAVON- Yeah her folks was not playing that.

Mekhi laughs. Taylor walks over to Kent and hands him a envelope.

KENT- what's this?

TAYLOR- do not open it until you are in your room and unpacked. Okay?

KENT- (laughing) okay.

The cheerleaders begin to get on the elevator. Tavon looks through the front door and Landy is walking through.


LANDY- no way I was missing these games kiddo.

Tavon smiles.

NEAL- isn't that sweet.

Tammie walks in now using a cane.

KENT- that's not.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- Ma what are you doing here?

TAMMIE- why would I not be here?

NEAL- Dad is not....coming right?

TAMMIE- that I don't know. All I know is that I'm here and this weekend is gonna be good....Im proud of both of you.


KENT-(to camera) apart of me ever since I came to Lynview and found out the truth about my mom...every time I step out on that court I use the frustration from that to win....even if I try not to admit it.


Taylor comes out of the shower and Morgan is flexi rodding her hair.

TAYLOR- you're staying in tonight?

MORGAN- Yeah you know we have to wake up early tomorrow.


MORGAN- you're going out?

TAYLOR- Yeah I won't be long just a surprise dinner thing with Kent.

MORGAN- Okay very romantic.

Taylor laughs.

MORGAN- so what's the deal with your bff?

TAYLOR- which one?

MORGAN- Taylor.

TAYLOR- look all I know is Neal wants you back Zhuri wants Tavon back. That's it.

Taylor begins to get dressed.

MORGAN-do you think I'm doing the right thing? Staying with Cameron?

TAYLOR- I can't tell you that...because I'm not in the relationship you know? But I don't think you're over Neal and I think Cameron is just a stop on yall way back to each other, which is only going to be a matter of time.

MORGAN-why do you think that?

TAYLOR- Y'all were just about to have sex like a month ago and you said you loved each other.

MORGAN- Okay well besides that.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- Morgan.

Morgan begins to zip up Taylor's dress.

MORGAN-you look pretty, what's so important about this dinner?

TAYLOR- For the first time it just feels like me and Kent can just breathe be normal. Ever since we got back from last summer it's always been something...I mean even at the cabin....and I just want to make sure from now until august because this is our last time to be young kids in love.

Morgan looks at her it just hit her.

TAYLOR- you look sad. Maybe you should get out for a bit too?

Morgan has a half smile. Taylor leaves. Morgan pulls out her cellphone and makes a call.

MORGAN-(on the phone) hey you wanna meet?


Kent and Taylor get off the elevator at the same time and face each other both smiling.

KENT- Wow you look beautiful.

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- thank you you look good too.

KENT- so where are we going?

TAYLOR- it's a surprise...and we have to be quick.

Taylor grabs his hand.

TAYLOR- (smiling) come on.


Neal is exercising. Morgan enters, surprised to see him.

MORGAN- oh I didn't expect you to be in here .

NEAL- I could say the same thing.

MORGAN- I work out? I am an athlete.

Neal smiles.

NEAL- Okay.

MORGAN- what's that smile for?

NEAL- nothing.

MORGAN- I hate it when you do that.

NEAL- smile?

MORGAN- No pretend that you know me.

Neal lays back on the weight bench and begins to lift.

NEAL- Okay Morgan.

Morgan comes closer to him.

MORGAN- okay I'm only working out because I'm bored.

Neal laughs.

MORGAN- I asked Cameron if he wanted to hang out but he was talking about I shouldn't break curfew blah blah.

Neal rolls his eyes and goes back to lifting.

MORGAN- shouldn't you be taking it easy?

NEAL- Yeah...I should. I just wanna be ready.

MORGAN- you will be.

Neal has a half smile.

NEAL- I really need to be getting ready for this fair tomorrow.

MORGAN- What fair?

NEAL- JCU has a engineering thing tomorrow after our game and they want me to enter so I'm entering the video game...this is the first time it'll be out in the open.

MORGAN- Neal that's amazing, why didn't you tell me?

NEAL- I just found out last night so.

MORGAN- do you need help with anything?

Neal smiles.

NEAL- actually do you own anything black?

Morgan looks at him confused .

MORGAN- what?


Zhuri has just grabbed a plate of food and walks pass Landy who has just walked in. They smile at each other.

ZHURI-  Hey.

LANDY- Hey pretty, is the food here good?

ZHURI- I haven't even tried it yet I'm hoping it is..you have way more options than I have though.

LANDY-that's right you are vegan...power to you girl.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI-it's not that hard....hey how about I wait for you?

LANDY- Sure.

ZHURI- I'll find us a table.

Landy smiles.


Landy and Zhuri are sitting across from each other eating their dinner.

ZHURI- I've only seen the episodes with 2pac in them.

LANDY- girl what?

ZHURI-(laughing) My parents didn't watch it so I never saw but I like Tupac so I saw that he was on a few episodes.

LANDY- now how have you not seen A different world but you know about Tupac?

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- I like a lot of old music and he's not bad to look at.

Landy laughs. Tavon approaches shocked to see these two together.

TAVON- What's this?

LANDY- Dinner now have a seat.

ZHURI- I can go-

LANDY- no you can stay...you haven't even finished eating and plus you can hear me talk about you to Tae about not seeing a different world before.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- I'll watch it I promise.

TAVON- Ma not everyone wanna see that old show.

LANDY- Boy your brother was almost named Dwayne.

Zhuri laughs Tavon has a a half smile.

TAVON- he definitely wasn't a Dwayne.

Landy has a half smile.

LANDY- no he wasn't.

ZHURI- is that why you're middle name is Darnell?

TAVON- Darnell is way more sophisticated.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- whatever you say.

TAVON- Okay Olivia.

ZHURI- which means tree and peace. It's perfect for me.

TAVON- maybe the tree part.

Zhuri kicks him under the table.


Zhuri smiles.


Kent and Taylor have just gotten off a ride and are walking through the park hand in hand.

KENT- I can't believe we finally made it here.

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- I wanted to keep it as a surprise because every time we bring it up something bad always happens so.

KENT- it's funny because every time I look at you...I don't remember the bad.

Taylor puts her arm around him and kisses him.

KENT- I love you.

Rain drops begin to fall.

TAYLOR- What you say? I couldn't really hear you?!

KENT- I said I love you....Taylor Johnson Davis!

Taylor laughs.

KENT- (laughing) is that better? Because we need to get out of this rain.

TAYLOR- almost.

KENT- almost?

TAYLOR- now show me.

Kent looks at her before he can speak Taylor's kissing him. He's kissing her back these two feelings like high school kids again for the first time in a while no caring about the rain or where they are. But then she stops.

KENT-(smiling) what?

TAYLOR- I love you too.

KENT- you do?

Kent picks her up and spins her around.

TAYLOR- (laughing) Yes I do!

Kent smiles they begin to kiss again.


Neal is sitting on his bed with his iPad.

MORGAN-(O.S) Neal this is the only black outfit I had with me so don't be annoying.

NEAL- whatever it is I'm sure it's fine.

Morgan walks out of the bathroom.

MORGAN- is this good?

Neal is speechless. He swallows.

NEAL- Yeah um that's good....that's actually how I imagine her.

He walks over to her.

NEAL- let me just...

Morgan looks at him. Neal fixes her hair out of her face.

NEAL- perfect.

Morgan has a half smile. Neal sits back on the bed and begins to sketch on his iPad.

MORGAN- so what is this about?

NEAL- I think the video game is fine but I wanted to have as  many back up sketches and ideas to bring with me as possible.

MORGAN- so um you're really deciding on JCU?

NEAL- I guess.


NEAL- What?

MORGAN- nothing.

NEAL- if you think I'm taking back what I said I'm not but it's obvious as of right now you made your choice....

MORGAN- it's not a choice Neal. It never was.

NEAL- What are you talking about?

Morgan phone vibrates.

MORGAN- can I?

NEAL- Yeah you're good.

Morgan checks her phone.

MORGAN- that was Jazmine coach is doing a curfew check....I gotta go.

NEAL- it's cool I think I got it.

MORGAN- can I see?

Neal shows her.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- it's really good.

Neal smiles at her.

NEAL- thank you.

Morgan smiles at him and goes to leave and as she's walking out the door Kent is walking in.

KENT- ew.

MORGAN- ew yourself. Why are yo wet?

Kent smiles.

MORGAN-you're disgusting .

KENT- all I did was smile?

MORGAN- and that's disgusting enough.

KENT- if I was single I could pull your mom.

MORGAN- you're definitely her age range.

Kent and Neal laughs.

KENT- Bye Morgan.

Morgan laughs and leaves.


The arena is packed with fans including Kelly with Faith. Cameron Jaeden Landy and Tammie. The cheerleaders for both teams are on the floor.


The team sits on the bench while Deandre and staff are talking to them pointing to a board that reads keys to victory:

Play Lynview basketball.
Constant pressure + Chaos
(Slice +Attack)

TAVON- so if we lose one game we're out?

DEANDRE- pretty much.

DYLAN- is this regional or is this CIF?


MEKHI- so it's CIF then what?

DEANDRE- and then regionals...if we win this.

NEAL- and then it's the play offs again back in DC next year.

DEANDRE- Yes. Basically this here is open division. The open division picks the eight best high schools and puts them all together. So you got eight teams split them into four and whoever wins their pools goes to the finals and they have to win that open division sectional tournament and then they move on to the DC regional. Basically it's the same schools and all they do in the regional tournament is add a team from the best Maryland unified school district team, if they win the regional championship then they move on to play in the national championship against the top high school team. It's Section regional national.

MEKHI- so in other words, Ribet academy is our first victim?

Deandre laughs.

DEANDRE- you better know it.


Current playoff standings. LYNVIEW 13-0. RIBET ACADEMY 13-2

RIBET academy is chewing through Lynview's defense.


NEAL- Bro what are they doing?

Lynview struggling to put the ball in the basket and they're down by 15. It's now half time 44-33 ribet way.


The team looks frustrated with each other.

DEANDRE- first time in playoffs that someobody punched you and y'all just stood there looking like deers in a headlight. Frozen! We ain't rebounding we ain't playing at a league level defense we ain't getting in transition defense. (Points at the plays on the board) we ain't playing war games. And there ain't no effort of toughness. Where the hell are y'all operating at? Tell me one thing on the board that you guys are doing well? We don't do soft and all y'all doing is soft.

The team looks around at each other.


Both teams begin to walk back out onto the floor. Neal grabs Kent.

NEAL-bro I need you to wake up....I need you wake up.

Kent looks at him and nods.


MEKHI- (to camera) I think it's just you know making that mental shift of like locking in.

TAVON- (to camera) we said okay we came out slow but we're still in the game. Like we're not playing good at all but we're only down like ten right now.



Mekhi lands a three it's good!

Ribet guard goes up for a layup he's blocked by Tavon. The crowd begins to yell defense.

RIBET goes up again Dylan gets the steal rushes down passes to Kent he goes up for the layup he's fouled but it's good the crowd goes wild.

ANNOUNCER- the wildcats cut it to 6 with a furious third quarter rally. Davis at out of the corner for 3 it's good!

KENT- let's go!

Kent shows off waving three fingers in his opponent's faces.

Tavon goes up for layup he fouled and it's good. And one the crowd cheers.

ANNOUNCER- And that's Banks with a and one. And that 15 point lead has evaporated.

DEANDRE- yo keep lockin in fellas! Keep locking in! Effort!

Ribet tries to score again Mekhi gets a steal passes to who rushes down the court lay up for lead. ITS GOOD.

Lynview wins. Score- 70-82

ANNOUNCER- 27 second half points for Kent Davis unbelievable.


KENT- (to camera) I mean really it was win or go home at that point. We had to buckle down and get our heads in the game.


TAVON- They thought we were going home that shit ain't in our blood type that shit ain't in my blood type.

The team begins to celebrate.

DEANDRE- Hell yeah! We started off like children but y'all finished that shit like men...way to go to war. (Forms huddle) play hard play smart play together.

Kent puts his arm around Neal.

KENT- you'll be back. Trust me.

NEAL- it sure doesn't feel like it.

Kent looks at him.


Lynview Vs Etiwanda the eagles. Lynview 14-0 Etiwanda 11-1.

The crowd is more tense now. Eagles have already started off with two back to back dunks.

Eagles 12 Lynview 7.

ANNOUNCER- I love the way eagles are starting this game. Theyr not showing any intimidation here on the floor.

Mekhi and Kent do a tricky pass but it gets stolen.

Eagles score a 3

Kent goes up for a lay up it's blocked.

End of quarter

Lynview 20 Eagles 19

The boys begin to walk off the floor over to the bench. Deandre begins to talk to Tavon.

DEANDRE- you gotta make them do what you want them to do.

TAVON- I'm saying but I can't go up and then come back. Coming back is the hard part

DEANDRE- but jump him early make him go left hard.

Tavon nods.

In the huddle.

DEANDRE- I've been playing basketball for a long time. Whenever a coach tells me to get the fuck down hill I'ma play freaking basketball y'all acting like y'all scared when I'm saying go downhill! I don't understand it they can guard you! Now come on. Pick up on three. One two three

TEAM- pick it up.


Kent cuts in between 3 players and dunks.

ANNOUNCER- a mesmerizing play by Davis.

Tavon gets a steal dunks the ball.

Mekhi goes for a layup and his defender tries to block but it's good. He talks trash to them

ANNOUNCER- you are seeing some spectacular plays on both ends.

End of second quarter

39- 38 lyview way.


DEANDRE- we knew this was gonna to be war. The toughness factor was not just physical. It's a mental game as well so can you match their intensity? Can you match their toughness and do what we want you to do?


DEANDRE-(to camera) - toughness is extremely important and not even like physically toughness a team like Etiwanda if they sense any kind of weakness out there on that basketball court when they smell blood they're going after it.


Eagles score.

ANNOUNCER- Etiwanda inside.

The cheerleaders begin to cheer: DEFENSE

Now five point lead for the eagles. Deandre calls the team over for a huddle.

NEAL- Bro come on!

ASSISTANT COACH JAMES- wake the fuck up! What the fuck is wrong with y'all?! Everything we did was a jump shot they livin in the paint. God damn we telling you to box out they pushing on your ass box out let's go!


Kent goes up for a layup but he's hit Mekhi taps it back in it's good.

ANNOUNCER- Mekhi Brown is taking this one over for Lynview.

Mekhi hits a midday jumper it's good.

ANNOUNCER- Lynview is forcing the turn over with Etiwanda repeatedly here in the third quarter.

Eagles attempts a three he misses.

Tavon grabs the rebound he passes to Mekhi who dunks it.

ANNOUNCER-Lynview on 18-3 run in the third quarter.

Eagles 47 Lynview 56.


ANNOUNCER- basketball is a game of runs Lynview has their fun and Etiwanda is storming right back.

SCORE- 56-59 eagles in the lead.

KENT- (to Mekhi ) they can't fuck with you it don't matter.


MEKHI- (to camera) that game you was definitely a little like okay this one's gonna come down to the wire. Like I didn't know if we were gonna win or lose. I was just like we gotta do something here.


DEANDRE- let's get this. Fourth quarter is what we do. Fourth quarter right here.

The team begins to walk out onto the court. Tavon looks over by the door and Paul stands.

TAVON- what the fuck?

KENT- Hell no?

ZHURI- oh God.


ANNOUNCER- Lynview and Etiwanda terrific action. Who will advance?

Montage begins and both teams going at each other. Both teams want it Kent is fouled. No call.

Eagles fouled and it's called Deandre Tammie and coaching staff argue with the refs.

Tavon shoots a three it's good! He's playing even harder now.

ZHURI- that's right Tae!

56- 62 Lynview in the lead.

Eagles players goes up for layup Tavon is called for a foul.

ANNOUNCER TWO- TAVON BANKS that is his fourth personal foul the teams first.

TAVON- (frustrated) yo come on.

KENT- Tae it's almost over.

ANNOUNCER- you can just feel the intensity picking up here in the fourth quarter. And in these moments if I'm Lynview I'm missing the heart of this team, Neal Carter.

Eagles go up again and a foul is called on Mekhi he becomes upset.

DEANDRE-(to ref) you can't bail them out on that. This is too high level of a game.

Kent gets the ball he's doubled team he pretends to go for the layup but he passes it to Tavon he lays it in and is fouled.


Kent claps walking in between the eagles players with a smirk him and Tavon high five.

ANNOUNCER- Lynview controlling the game now

Kent shoots a 3.

Eagles make a layup

75-74 Eagles up.

ANNOUNCER- the lead is one.

Tavon forces his way in under the rim the refs call a offensive foul.


DEANDRE- You gotta be fucking joking.

ANNOUNCER- Tavon banks has fouled out with five fouls.

TAVON- (to ref) come on bro that's not a foul-

Deandre grabs him.

DEANDRE- (to Tavon) stop stop stop. (To ref) that's a terrible call man.

Tavon kicks a cheer and walks to the back by himself. Zhuri looks worried. Deandre walks over to him.

DEANDRE- I know that this is about him but you can't let him get into your head Tavon. That's not you.

TAVON- he shouldn't be here.

DEANDRE-but you should be.

Tavon looks at him.

DEANDRE- don't let anyone steal your moment this is about you and your brothers, that's it.


Mekhi brings the ball up passes to Kent.


MEKHI- we were down one like with a minute left. I was nervous I was scared. I know all about the history of this team with last year they started off bad loss a lot of games. They wanna show that they're a national team now that they are supposed to be here. That's why I came here.

KENT- (to camera) I train my mind to be ready for anything.


Kent forces to the basket players defending him.


KENT-(to camera) but I live by rule number one, don't panic.


Kent makes the fade away and falls he fouled

The crowd cheers. Tammie smiles to herself. She knows that move all too well.

Mekhi picks him up.

ANNOUNCER- Kent Davis!

NEAL- Let's go seven!

Kent does the fade way motions with his hands. Taylor laughs.

ANNOUNCER- Who else? The most composed man in the building!

Kent makes his free throw and does a dance. Tavon smiles.

Eagles 76 Lyview 82


TAVON-(to Camera) if you can trust somebody in the moments of trying to win a big game you can trust them with some of the some of the things that go in your life.

Eagles get the ball. Lynview locks in on defense. The buzzer sounds.

ANNOUNCER-Lynview has advanced to the championship game.

The boys are happy running back to the locker room and so are the fans and cheer leaders.

MORGAN- T what you said last night about this being our last few months....it's been sticking with me....you're right. We really do have to make every moment count now.

Taylor smiles.

ZHURI-every moment from now on has to count.

They all smile at each other.


TAVON- it's a parade inside my city yeah!

Neal laughs. They all throw water and Gatorade on each other.

DEANDRE- I'm super ass proud of you this is just what the hell we do.

The team gets in a huddle.

TEAM- play hard play smart play together!

NEAL- Family and be great after three.

NEAL- One two three


NEAL- One two three.

TEAM- be great!

They go back to celebrating.

NEAL- I gotta get to that contest.

KENT- fool we going to.

Neal smiles.

TAVON- look I'll meet y'all there.

NEAL- okay,..you good?

TAVON- about to find out why he's here.


Tavon stands outside waiting. Morgan Taylor and Zhuri begin to walk out.

TAYLOR- y'all going to engineer fair for Neal?


Zhuri notices Tavon and begins to walk over to him but Jaeden reaches him first.

JAEDEN- great game.

TAVON- thanks.

JAEDEN- you ready to go?

TAVON- waiting for Paul.


Landy and Paul walk out in the middle of arguing. Tavon rushes over to them.

TAVON- bro what you say to her?

PAUL- Well what's up Tavon...you had a great game out there...I didn't know you played so well.

TAVON- yeah you wouldn't know and what are you doing here? I thought you were in New York?

PAUL- I was here for a gig and I overheard some folks talking about the CIF and I realized what schools were playing....I wanted to see you.

TAVON- well I don't want to see you. You can go.

PAUL- look whatever your mother told you....it's not the true story.

TAVON- you had plenty of time to tell your side but you didn't want to do that.

Paul looks at him.

TAVON- you can dip....Ma let's go.

Landy and Paul begin to leave.

PAUL- you only get one father. Just one.

TAVON- fuck you.

Paul nods.

PAUL- okay.

LANDY- Tae come on.


Kent and Neal enter. Both of them taking in the school. Neal looking around at the other participants as they set up their inventions.

NEAL- damn this place in huge.

KENT- it is...but I think you have the best invention here.

Neal smiles.


KENT- like you built a video game that takes a lot.

NEAL- hopefully it's enough.

KENT- it will be.

Deandre Kelly carrying Faith, Mekhi Morgan Tammie Taylor and Zhuri enter.

NEAL- all of y'all really came?

MORGAN- duh why wouldn't we?

They smile at each other. Neal begins to set up his video game. The judges come by.

JUDGE- Mr. Carter.

NEAL- Hey, Good afternoon judges and welcome to The world of Baby Face Assassin.

JUDGE- Okay can you give us a overview of this project?

NEAL- Sure.

Neal hands them a sheet of paper.

NEAL-so here is the outline for each step I took to create the game from the different softwares I tried to use...the ones that worked and the ones that didn't and then I moved on to coding honestly my favorite part, I wanted to see how the game would be handled on a engine versus a mobile device.

JUDGE- and how did you figure that out?

NEAL-Im a video game junkie myself...and I know how I like the games I play to me especially super hero games. I did a lot of research on the Spiderman games....and how they follow the comics and the movies but with a twist to make the videogame like it's world.

JUDGE- and how long did it take you to do this?

NEAL- about two weeks.

JUDGE-that's impressive.

Neal smiles.


LANDY- Tae you know you don't have to sit in here with me Im fine.

TAVON- I know....I just wanted to make sure. I can't believe he's here.

LANDY- me either. It makes no sense.

TAVON-What were yall arguing about like did he want something?

LANDY- I just asked him why was he here and we started arguing....the only thing he said was he was ready to be apart of his life.

Tavon lets a out a laugh at the audacity.

TAVON- now he's ready....he can't be serious.

LANDY- Im sorry baby boy.

Landy hugs him.

TAVON- I'm good. trust me.

LANDY-maybe you should try to catch up with Neal and your friends?

TAVON- By the time I get there the fair is probably going to be over and Jaeden did say she wanted to grab some food but I'm not really hungry.

LANDY- Tavon you need to eat something.

TAVON- I will.


Contestants and their families watch as the judges are announces winners.

JUDGE- And finally, the best overall engineering project of the engineering fair belongs to, William Carter his invention of his very own video game, The adventures of the Baby face assassin.

MORGAN- (excited) Yay!

Taylor and Zhuri look at her.

MORGAN- I mean normal yay.

Everyone begins to clap Neal looks excited as he goes up to the stage.

The judge hands him a trophy.

JUDGE-would you like to say a few words?

NEAL-(smiling) Yeah sure. I just want to say thank you...when I was younger I use to think I was weird for how bad I wanted to create things and understand them more than I wanted to play with them...so this is like a dream come true. I cant wait to see what else I can learn to create here at JCU.

Neal holds up his trophy and smiles. The judges clap and one of them shakes his hand as a picture is being taken.

MORGAN- so Neal is going to be here.

ZHURI- looks like it.

MORGAN- that leaves me with eight months left of him.

Taylor puts her arm around her comforting her.


Landy and Tavon are in the middle of watching a movie when there is a knock at the door. Tavon answers. Zhuri stands with food.


ZHURI-We just got back from Neal's thing and I figured you didn't come because of the Paul thing and I know you probably didn't eat even though you're probably hungry because you're probably stubborn.

Tavon laughs, it's unbelievable how well she knows him. He takes the food.

TAVON- you wanna come in?

ZHURI- I would but Morgan is having this whole game night thing tonight in her room so Im helping her set up....you should come.

TAVON- I'll be there.

They stare at each other for a minute and then smile.


Kent is leaving out of the Dean's office and surprisingly Tammie's is behind him.

KENT-you didn't have to come.

TAMMIE- I know that.

KENT-so why did you? and why were you grilling him like that? Im not a kid and we're not...

Tammie looks at him.

TAMMIE-We're not what?

KENT- mother and son.

TAMMIE- rather you like it or not, we are.

KENT-whatever Im not doing this.

TAMMIE- I think JCU is a great fit for you and Neal.

Kent looks at her.

TAMMIE- I knew it was perfect for Neal and I came along with you just to see if it was perfect for you too.

KENT- why do you care?

TAMMIE- because....Kent you are just like me...from the way you raise your eyebrow to the way you dribble a ball. and I know you're looking forward to just getting to the NBA that's what I was doing and I just picked anything college that was good for that...I didn't think about anything else. Basketball is going get you in the rooms but your writing is gonna get you so much further.

KENT- what you think I shouldn't be a one and done?

TAMMIE- I didn't say that...I think you can do both.

Kent looks at her.


Morgan Taylor and Zhuri stand in the mirror applying makeup.

MORGAN-great idea for the game night Z.

Zhuri smiles.

ZHURI- Yeah this should be a memorable night.

MORGAN- do yall think this is enough games?

TAYLOR- the way we all argue about rules and get sidetracked I see us making it through two.

Zhuri laughs.

MORGAN- Very true....I wish we could of got some alcohol....I nervous as hell...like I have butterflies.


There's a knock at the door. Taylor goes to open it and it's Cameron and Neal.

ZHURI- Okay now it makes sense.

MORGAN- here we go.


Jaeden and Tavon have just gotten off the elevator on their way to Morgan's room.

JAEDEN- I don't understand why we couldn't go see the walk of fame?

TAVON- I told you my friends were going to be here and this our last night here.

JAEDEN- exactly but you see your friends all the time when is the next time me and you are going to be in California.

TAVON- I promise we're gonna have fun.

When they arrive. Taylor is opening the door and Kent and Jazmine stands.

JAZMINE- Taylor Im so sorry you had to catch us like this.

KENT- We're literally just standing.

JAZMINE- yes but at the same time.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR-Jazmine I'm sure you want to be able to cheer tomorrow with no injuries.


TAYLOR- then let's relax.

Jaeden and Tavon walk. Neal and Zhuri standing next to each other see's them.

ZHURI- your plan better work Carter...I don't know how much longer I can do this.

NEAL-trust me Alexander if either of these couples leave this room still together then Tony Stark isnt-

ZHURI- alive?

NEAL-Why would you say that?! I was gonna say the goat!


Mekhi enters.

MEKHI- Lets go im ready to order some room service.

MORGAN-on whose bill?

MEKHI- Why yours beautiful.


MORGAN- Okay let's start with charades. Each team gets qo charades and your partner has to guess it within 60 seconds. Each team that guesses correctly gets a point the team with the most points in the end wins.

NEAL-what are you 40?

MORGAN- your mother.

NEAL- Well okay?

MORGAN-Anyway...Kent you first.

KENT-Why me?

MORGAN- because you're closer to the board.

Kent looks at the white board next to him and shrugs.

KENT- Okay....(to Taylor) Partner?

JAZMINE-That's sweet Kent but I think Taylor should be your partner.

KENT-That's who I-

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- Partners.


Kent is in the middle of making Taylor guess.

TAYLOR-harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban!

Kent smiles.

KENT- right again.

They share a kiss.

MORGAN- how the hell did you get that from that?

TAYLOR- girl every answer is going be Kobe or Harry Potter.

Zhuri laughs.

MORGAN- Okay Kent and Taylor have ten points.

NEAL- Okay who's next?


Tavon laughs.

TAVON-Oh nah Im no good at this.

ZHURI- Just try.

Tavon smiles.

TAVON- Okay.

TAVON- Okay..since you pushing me...partners?

ZHURI- Got you.

Jaeden rolls her eyes.

Tavon holds up two fingers.

ZHURI- two words.

Tavon nods and holds up one finger.

ZHURI-first word?

Tavon nods and makes a heart with his hand.

ZHURI- heart...love?

Tavon smiles and nods and hold up two fingers.

ZHURI-second word.

Tavon nods.

ZHURI- Love Jones!


They high five and hug.

TAVON- how did you even know.

ZHURI-guess I'm pretty good at reading you.

Tavon looks at her.

JAEDEN- Is there any other games?

Neal smiles.

NEAL- how about the couples game?

MORGAN- why that game?

NEAL- why not? It shows if you're a good couple or not.

CAMERON- Yeah why not.

NEAL- Z partners?

ZHURI- partners.


ZHURI- who else should I be partners with?

Tavon looks at her.

They all sit in a circle in order Mekhi Jazmine. Morgan and Cameran Jaeden and Tavon Neal and Zhuri and Kent and Taylor.

Morgan grabs a card.

MORGAN- okay first question...what is your partner's favorite movie snack....I know this it's um those chips.

NEAL- the name of the chips?

MORGAN- I don't know the name but they're disgusting with like ketchup.(to cameron) sorry.

Cameron smiles.

CAMERON- it's okay but she's right, and Morgan's favorite is strawberry cheesecake.

Neal makes a buzzer sound.

NEAL- wrong that's just her dessert snack but her favorite movie snack is popcorn freshly made lightly buttered....and she never eats all of it,even though she always says she is.

Morgan looks at him.

CAMERON- it's not your turn Neal!

NEAL- maybe get the question right Cam!

MORGAN- Okay next.

Zhuri takes a card.

ZHURI- what is your partner's favorite tv show? Um Neal likes is it Dragon Ball Z?

MORGAN- no it's Naruto.

Neal smiles.

Cameron looks at Morgan.

MORGAN- I mean I think.

NEAL- correct sweetheart...and Zhuri's would be snow fall? Mel right?

TAVON-(defensive) no that's just a show we watched her favorite show is High Fidelity.

JAEDEN-why do you care so much?

TAVON- I'm just saying.

Taylor takes a card.

TAYLOR- what is your partners most ticklish part on their body?

Taylor smiles and kisses behind Kent's ear.

KENT- well this was fun.

Kent grabs Taylor hand to help her up.

TAYLOR- Bye guys.

MORGAN- Taylor?!

TAYLOR- have fun.

Kent and Taylor leave quickly.

JAEDEN- I think they actually had the right idea.

Tavon looks at her.

JAEDEN- I'm leaving too.

Jaeden gets up.

TAVON- Jaeden.

JAEDEN- you can stay.

Jaeden leaves. Tavon sighs.

TAVON- I gotta go talk to her.

Zhuri looks at him.

Tavon leaves.

ZHURI-I'm gonna go to.

NEAL- Z the games aren't over.

ZHURI- it is for me...I just lost.

Neal looks at her Zhuri leaves.

CAMERON- Morgan we need to talk.

Morgan looks at him. Neal leaves.


JAEDEN- good night Tavon.

Jaeden starts to go inside.

TAVON- Jaeden hold on.

JAEDEN-What? You wanna apologize again for making me uncomfortable around your friends?

TAVON- it's not my friends....it's me.

JAEDEN- no it's you and Zhuri. I see the way you look at each other. You cant be with me and friends with her anymore.

TAVON-Jaeden I can't cut Zhuri out of my life....I just can't.

Jaeden looks at him.

TAVON-and I cant string you along either....I think we should break up.

JAEDEN-you wait until Im all the way in california for you to break up with me?

TAVON- I didn't plan this.

JAEDEN- fuck you.

TAVON- Jaeden.

Jaeden slams the door in his face.


MORGAN-whats wrong?

CAMERON-every time you're around Neal you two end up doing the norgan every single time. the same dance.

Morgan looks at him.

CAMERON- I always feel like I'm on the outside watching you two.

MORGAN- Cameron it's not like that-

CAMERON- Whatever...Im tired. I'm going go to bed.

MORGAN- don't leave like this.

Cameron leaves.

Morgan sits on her bed. There's a knock on the door. She goes to answer it.


NEAL- Is this who you wanted it to be?

Morgan practically jumps on him beginning to kiss him both of them crashing back inside the room. Morgan legs now wrapped around Neal's wasit. They bang up against a wall and she rips his shirt off. They wind up on the hotel dresser pulling at each others clothing. The intensity of their passion is so fierce there is not even a breath just pawing and groping. She unfastens his belt and his pants drop. And as they move over to the bed more clothes come off.

Neal looks at Morgan.

MORGAN-(smiling) what?

NEAL- I missed you.

MORGAN-prove it.

Neal kisses her this time softly. They begin to have sex.


The basketball team is watching game film from the playoffs.

DEANDRE- I want y'all to see all the little small things. So coaches point them out because we cannot have these mishaps tomorrow. And I think you guys are way too good at this point to have these mishaps. Let's make sure we're locking in and doing what we have to do at the highest level.

They look at more film.

DEANDRE- Tavon did you call for the ball from Kent or or did you just let him shoot that layup? Mekhi why are you out there again? l you gotta say nah get off him this is my man.

ASSISTANT COACH JAMES- I think we haven't played the perfect game yet but I think we have the perfect opportunity to do that on Friday.

DEANDRE- it's play off time and every time we step on the court let's make sure that nobody is ever questioning your level of toughness. Ever.

The team takes in what he said.

DEANDRE- today's game should be a bit easier....since we have Mr. Carter coming back.

Neal smiles.

NEAL-I'm cleared?!

DEANDRE-(smiling) you're cleared man.

Kent shakes Neal excitedly.

KENT- Yeah eleven!

TAVON- Lets win the ship.

Mekhi smiles.


ANNOUNCER- Breaking news Neal Carter is expected to make his playoff debut.


TAMMIE- to get any green light to return to play you have to go through a battery of tests. You gotta be able to show that you can run at full speed jump there's a certain amount of agility you have to do and still protect yourself. If you can do those then you're cleared to play .


Lynview is warming up. Mount St Joseph players begin to walks in.

Kent and Neal spot Tyrell. He smirks at them.


SAM- to Tammie and Reggie: what's your hope for Neal's future?

REGGIE- to be happy and find happiness in whatever it is he does.

TAMMIE- The nba. I'm not gonna lie...for both of them.


The arena of the championship game is thick full of people including former nba players.

REPORTER to camera- most people believe the two most talented teams in the section were Mount St.Joseph and of course Lynview. Mount St Joseph has four underclassman starting but they have a great guard In Tyrell. they can beat anyone on a given night because they're talented.

ASSISTANT COACH to camera - while we getting all this attention everyone else is beefin up and getting better and better and better and we are the target at the top of the hill in the valley that they coming for.


DEANDRE-Save the rest for everything all right, rebound to run rebound to run and it's war games. As we been saying the entire playoffs it's war games.

KENT- bust they all on three. one two three.

TEAM- bust their ass!


Tyrell opens with a three.

ANNOUNCER- and there's the opening shot of this game. Tyrell Franklin gets the three to go down!

Mount St Joseph guard dunks the ball. The arena screams.

Score is 8-5 Lynview down.

MORGAN- Come on Lynview!

Mount St Joseph scores again

score now 15-12 Lynview down. Deandre calls the team for a huddle.

DEANDRE- listen we told you they were gonna come out firing and shooting. Y'all gotta get locked in. No way dude should've went to the rim and dunked it from half court. We should've blocked him fouled em charged so something! Keep running keep the pace!

The Game.

Kent brings the ball up. Neal finally in he immediately changes the tone of the game and gets a steal.

ANNOUNCER- Neal Carter with a steal taken away and the finger roll! His first points of the playoffs!

The arena erupts for Neal.

MORGAN-Yes Neal!

19-20 Lynview down one.

DEANDRE-to camera: all I was expecting from Neal is to give us great energy when he came into the game he gave us life.

MSJ attempts to score Neal blocks it.

Reggie claps.

TAMMIE- let's go son!

Mekhi gets the rebound quickly finds Kent passes to him. Kent DUNKS it.

TAYLOR- with his left hand lets go!

ANNOUNCER- and he's fouled.

Tammie looks amazed.

ANNOUNCER- this has got the crowd out of their seat. this has been a unbelievable first half as good as advertised.

score 39-39.


ASSISTANT COACH- yo you guys have to lock in on your defense assignments especially with 24 and 4 you cannot take your eye off for a second.

NEAL- win it all on three. One Two Three.

TEAM-win it all.

The Game.

Kent with the ball he crosses over his Tyrell and lays it in. Taylor stands up

TAYLOR- Yes Seven!

ANNOUNCER- Davis! Oh man looking like Michael Jordan right there.

ANNOUNCER 2- that was so much swag like oh my goodness.

ANNOUNCER- he's got 17 for Lynview in this half.

Tyrell shoots a three.

ANNOUNCER- deep three by Tyrell as he says something to Davis who just smiles back at him. So it's game on here.

44-41 Lynview down

DEANDRE to camera- Tyrell was starting to hit shot after shot we knew he would make shots our scout report said this kid makes really tough shots....but we were ready for him this time.


Neal has the ball he passes to Mekhi who almost loses it.

MORGAN- fuck.

Mekho passes it back to Neal he shoots it and hits the rim.

TAMMIE- come on.


67-70 Lynview up.

Tyrell bring the ball. Neal and Kent lock eyes. Clock is running down.

TYRELL-you aint fainting today huh?

NEAL-do me a favor.

Tyrell looks at him confused.

Neal and Kent rush over to him defending him like crazy Tyrell cant get around them they force him to travel. The ref calls it. Tyrell now angry throws the ball.

NEAL- was just gonna tell you have a nice trip.

Kent laughs. Lynview gets the ball back. clock reaches zero. Lynview Wins.

ANNOUNCER- there you have it folks. Lynview is officially cif champions and are on their way to nationals this year!

The boys are all celebrating and hugging each other. The girls join them.

Neal notices Reggie. Reggie nods at him. Neal goes back to his friend.

ZHURI- congrats Tae.

TAVON- that's all you gonna say?

Zhuri looks at him confused.

TAVON-this is the second time I won a championship but this time not gonna end like the last time.

ZHURI- what do you-

Tavon kisses her. Both of them smiling into the kiss. Tavon pulls back looking at her both of them laugh and then Zhuri kisses him again.

KENT- (looking around) T?

TAYLOR-(pushing through the crowd) Im here.

KENT- baby.

Kent hugs her.

TAYLOR- You did it...I love you...Im so proud of you.

KENT- I love you.

They share a kiss and Kent hugs her again tightly.

Morgan hugs Neal. Neal see's Cameron waiting for Morgan at the door.

MORGAN-Good game Neal.

Neal smiles.

NEAL-yeah you too.

Morgan looks at him and then walks over to Cameron.

Reporters walk over to Neal.

REPORTER- Neal what's the inspiration behind this championship?

Neal looks over and Cameron and Morgan talking. Neal and Morgan lock eyes.

NEAL-I guess it's knowing that there's some player out there always watching you, trying to take your uh spot you know? So I wanted to make sure when I went out on that court today (looking back at Morgan) that I represented. Let them know that they got a hard act to follow.

REPORTER-great to here. Congrats again Neal.

NEAL- thank you.


MORGAN- Cameron...we should talk before we go back to the hotel to leave.

Cameron looks at her.

MORGAN- I like you alot....and you're a big part of the reason I grew a lot this year....and because of that I wont do to you what I did to Desmond at the beginning of this summer and what I always do...play games.

CAMERON-what are you saying Morgan?

MORGAN-Im still in love with Neal...I can't let him go.

Cameron shakes his head and laughs.

CAMERON- you got to be kidding me.

MORGAN-Im so sorry....I really am.

Morgan tries to comfort him. Cameron pulls away.

CAMERON- Have a good life Morgan.

Cameron leaves. Morgan's is hurt.

Jazmine Taylor and Zhuri appear.

TAYLOR-the things we do for love huh?

Zhuri laughs.

MORGAN-(pouting) can we go get cake?

ZHURI- Yes sweety.


Kent and Neal are packing and are still excited from the game.

NEAL- you know what I learned tonight?

KENT- That your brother is the goat?

Neal laughs.

NEAL- besides that.

NEAL- when I won that award for the fair I was happy as hell, I mean it felt so good to create something and get notice for it....I've always wanted to do that.

Kent smiles.

KENT-and you're just getting started Neal...you're gonna change the world one day...I know it.

NEAL-Yeah but that's not what I learned.

Kent looks confused.

NEAL- nothing I create is never going be as good as being on a basketball court with you.

Kent is touched.

NEAL- I always been stuck in between engineering and basketball but these last two days have shown me...where my heart is gonna alway be....that's with basketball but even more with you.

KENT- Im gonna follow you anywhere....we can do this forever....or at least for the next four years.

Neal laughs.


As the team begins to leave the hotel manager approaches Deandre and then Deandre looks over at Tavon.

Tavon looks confused and Deandre approaches him.

DEANDRE- Your father left you a letter.

TAVON- What?

Deandre hands it to him. Tavon looks down at it confused.


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