In-Air Comfort

By Fangirl_Down_Under

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When Sam mysteriously disappears one night leaving Dean and his girlfriend stranded without their beloved Bab... More

In-Air Comfort
Their Comfort
Future Comfort
Comfort Foods
Post-Hunt Comfort
Late Night Comfort
Patient Comfort
Communicative Comfort
Fleeting Comfort
Fatherly Comfort
Backseat Comfort
Solo Roadtrip Comfort
No Comfort in Solitude
Disappearing Comfort
Finding Comfort
Brotherly Comfort
Comfort in a Wish
A.P.U Comfort
Comfort in His Arms
Comfort in the Truth
Comfort in Chastity (or not...)
Comfort Breakfast
Comfort in Vegas
Comfort in Room Service
No Comfort in the Chapel
No Comfort in Demonic Possession
Comfort at a Crossroads
No Comfort in a Fruitless Search
Seeking Comfort in Solitude
A Little Comfort From an Angel
Creating Comfort From A Shopping Spree
Seeking Comfort in Persuasion
Comfort in a Fancy Restaurant
Comfortable Honeymoon
Comfort at the Beach
Untitled Part 37
Comfort in an Abandoned Theatre
Comforting a Werewolf Pup
Comfort from a Lamb's Heart
Comfort in an Early Morning Shopping Spree
Comfort on the Road
Comfort from a Wolf Pack
Comfort in the Park
Comfort After a Nightmare
Comfort in the Bunker
Comfort in Family
Comfort in Goodbye
Comfort in Girl's Day
Comfort in a Home-Cooked Meal
Comfort in an Escape Plan
Comfort in a House in the Mountains
Comfort in a Quiet Afternoon
Shaken Comfort at a Playground
Finding Comfort in Trust
A Comforting Quiet Day in the Bunker
Comfort in Making a Home
Comfort in a Family Dinner

Comfort in a Wedding

23 0 0
By Fangirl_Down_Under

As you and Dean make your way down to the lobby you send out a silent prayer to Cas asking him to bring everyone to the front of the hotel. Out on the street, you look to your left and see Sam and Cas walking towards you. You smile at them as they approach and squeeze Dean's hand.

Once they get close enough to talk Sam looks at you and says, "So, looks like you're as persuasive as you said."

"Told you. I know what I want and how to get it. Did you guys call Bobby?" Just as his name leaves your lips a beat-up red and black sedan pulls up beside you on the curb.

"So, what? Am I going back to my motel or witnessing a wedding?" Bobby asks gruffly, leaning out the window.

You look up at Dean and smile. "The second option. No more changing our mind, no more running. Although, a courthouse isn't really an option given our legal, official vital status."

Dean sighs and then says, "I think I know a place, I'll go get my other Baby and we can go." He kisses you on the top of your head before pulling away to go get his car.

As soon as he's out of earshot Sam says, "You forgive too easily. You know he's gonna do this again the next time there's the slightest inconvenience. I know you love him, but is it really worth all the pain?"

"Name a perfect couple, Sam. Your parents weren't, Bobby and Karen weren't, hell my parents weren't even hunters and their marriage wasn't perfect. They fought like cats and dogs most of the time. Doesn't mean the love's not real and that it's not worth every second."

"Let them have their moment, Sam. Be a supportive brother. I hate seeing any of you guys get hurt, especially by each other. But I've watched Dean surprise me for years, and for the two of you, he always steps up when it really matters. You've fought adversity after adversity side-by-side and despite the pain, you always find solace in each other. And for the record, I know quite a few couples that hunt together. I'm rooting for you."

"Thanks, Bobby. That means a lot."

"Yeah, yeah. Enough with the chick flick moments, here comes Dean. You coming, Sam?"

Sam nods and walks around to the passenger side and gets in while Cas awkwardly looks around before getting in the backseat. When Dean pulls up in front of Bobby you do the same. His hand is quick to find your smooth, bare thigh where your dress has ridden up as he drives off to the secret location. "That dress is really sexy, but I can't wait to see it on the floor."

You blush a little and then say, "I never thought this day would actually come. Part of me thought we'd be engaged forever."

He squeezes your thigh. "Me too. And I know I'm difficult and I keep hurting you, but I swear I meant it when I asked you that night. It feels like such a long time ago."

"So much has happened since then. But honestly, I'm just glad we went through it all together. I can withstand a lot, Dean, but not alone."

"I know. You mentioned that night in the barn. That night I knew you had a hold on me. I've been with plenty of women, you know that, but none have put me in my place and made me want to change the way you do. But as I fell for you all I could think about was losing you. I don't think I could handle that. Even when I gave you that ring I was terrified. We've got so many people killed over the years and I just couldn't live with myself if I got you killed too."

You put your hand on top of his on your thigh. "I was a hunter long before I met you. I know the risks. I feel a lot more secure hunting with you than hunting alone. I know you have my back, and I always have yours."

You look out the window as you feel the car slowing down and pulling off down a dirt road. You give Dean a confused look.

"I often take these roads when looking for somewhere to camp the night in Baby instead of going to a motel. I came out here the other night to clear my head and all I could think of was how much you'd like it."

At first glance, it just appears to be a plain field and a forest but the further he pulls off the road you start to smell the ocean.

"This field made you think of me?"

"Shut up. Just follow me, I promise it's not a long walk, but I can carry you if you want," Dean says as he shuts off the engine and gets out. Bobby, Sam, and Cas follow suit. You get out carefully while holding the softbox in one hand.

"No offence, Dean, but we passed plenty of nicer places on the way here..." Bobby says.

"Shut your mouths all of you."

Dean offers you his hand and then takes one look at your white heels and scoops down and picks you up bridal style. "I can walk, Dean. Put me down."

"You'll ruin the only pair of nice shoes you own."

"It's not like I'll ever wear them again."

Dean just shakes his head at you and continues down a narrow walking trail for a few minutes before stopping and placing you back on your feet. You spin around taking in the view. You're on a hill with a river running below and wildflowers lining the river's edge. Tall trees tower above you with birds and wildlife chirping in the treetops. Dean takes a tight grip on your hand to ensure you don't slip while taking it all in. You can see the trail goes further around, winding along the river's edge, but the view from where you are is perfect. The look of wonder on your face is enough for Dean to know his suspicions were correct.

"I always told you if we did it, we'd do it right," he says, pulling you close.

"You definitely delivered. Let's do this." You say.

Cas walks over and joins you and says, "Soulmates, I told you. I'm so glad I didn't wipe your memories."

"Yeah, us too," you say.

Dean pulls you close and looks straight into your eyes. You smile up at him.

Castiel stands in front of you both, his presence commanding yet gentle. With a solemn nod, he speaks up. "Well, it seems there's no point in prolonging this or dragging it out. Love is a force that transcends boundaries, a bond that unites two souls on a journey through life. Dean and YN, as soulmates your love has the power to conquer even the greatest challenges, as we've seen time and time again. Your journey together is a testament to the strength of your bond." He looks at each of you and then continues, "I believe this is where you each share your vows. So, YN, do you take Dean to be your husband, to love, support, and stand by his side through all the trials life may bring?"

Tears shimmer in your eyes as you look into Dean's, your heart overflowing with love. "Of course I do." You carefully open the ring box and take out the larger ring that you picked for Dean. He holds out his left hand and you slip the ring onto his ring finger. It's a perfect fit. "Dean, I'm so glad I found you. You've been with me through it all—the good times and the bad–the pregnancy and the loss and every hunt we've ever been on, as well as the quiet days in the bunker and driving around in Baby. You've always been there to protect me and comfort me when it gets tough. You're my rock. I love you with everything I have."

Dean smiles at you as Cas nods and turns to Dean, his gaze unwavering. "Dean, do you take YN to be your wife, to love, support, and stand by her side through all the trials life may bring?"

Dean's smile never wavers as he looks deep into your eyes and says, "Hell yes, I do." A soft chuckle ripples through you, Sam and Bobby, even Castiel's lips twitching into a small smile. Dean takes the ring box from you and takes out the simple ring you chose for yourself. He hands the box off to Sam who's standing nearby and lifts up your left hand. "From the moment you put that knife against my neck in that barn, everything changed. You've stood by me through the darkest of times, and you've brought light into my world. A light that I never thought I'd have. Pushed me to be better and got through to me when I was too stubborn. Hell, you even got me here today. I know I've never made anything easy, but I promise to always be there for you, to protect you, to make you laugh even when you don't want to, and to love you with everything I have." He slips the ring onto your finger so it sits perfectly above your engagement ring.

Smiling at you both, Cas continues. "Then, by the power vested in me as an angel of the lord, I now pronounce you partners for life, here on Earth and in heaven. You may seal this bond with a kiss."

Dean's arms wrap around you, drawing you into a passionate and tender kiss, pushing all his love into it. As he pulls away, his eyes sparkle with emotion. "I love you, Mrs. Winchester."

You smile through happy tears, your heart overflowing. "And I love you, Mr. Winchester."

Dean pulls you in for another kiss. "I am a little disappointed I didn't get to fully appreciate all the effort you went to earlier," he says as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear softly. Then he leans in close to your ear and deeply says, "But I promise I'm gonna appreciate and worship every inch of your sexy body when we get back to the hotel."

You can't help but blush at his words as heat floods through your body heading south. You turn your head, placing your lips close to his ear and whisper, "That's good because I have a little surprise for you under here."

You hear his breath catch in his throat at your words. You smirk at him and pull away. You walk over to Sam and Bobby, feeling Dean's gaze dragging over your form from behind. Bobby holds his arms open for you, he's not much of a hugger but he's always made exceptions for you in special circumstances. You welcome his embrace.

"I knew you'd pull this off. I know he's rough around the edges but he will be good to you. I trust that. I knew you two would end up together from the first time he brought you over. You both look happy and that's all this old man can ask for."

You smile at Bobby and nod before looking over your shoulder at Dean who's taken a few steps towards you. "I am happy. This is what I've wanted for a long time. I don't know what's in our future or how long we have but I want to spend it with him."

The second you step back from Bobby Dean's wrapping his arms around you from behind. "Come on, we get a honeymoon now, right?" He asks.

"I don't know, Dean. We got the wedding, but there's still demons on our trail."

Sam finally pipes up and says, "You deserve it. Go celebrate and try to have a few normal newly-wed-couple days, and if the demons find you, you hunt them. If you're gonna do it, go the whole mile. I may not have always been on board but Bobby's right, despite all your trials and tribulations you always get through it together, you always come through for each other. And I'm glad to finally be able to officially call you my sister."

"In-law," you add with a smile. You know it must be hard for Sam with how he's felt for you and watching Dean treat you rough and you always running right back. But you know he means well and wants what's best for both you and Dean. You trust he'll come to accept the bond.

"Well then, if everyone's onboard, I'm gonna take this little hottie out for a proper celebration and then start our honeymoon," Dean says as he hugs you tightly.

"You mean consummate your bond," Cas says matter-of-factly from behind you.

"If you want to put it that way, sure," Dean says and you blush.

"Thanks, Cas for coming through with this. I know it's not what you're used to and you see it as redundant but it meant a lot to me," you say as you turn around as best you can in Dean's arms.

"Anything to keep my two favourite soulmates together," Cas says before disappearing in a flap of his wings.

With that Dean spins you around and picks you back up bridal style to walk you back to the car.

"Dean!" You shout in shock.

"Can't have you spraining an ankle on our wedding day."

Back at the cars, you say your goodbyes to Sam and Bobby.

"You kids have fun, but also stay safe. Look after each other," Bobby says.

Sam nods in agreement with Bobby's statement and then hugs you and Dean before you get in your separate cars and drive back out to the highway and go in opposite directions. In the car Dean's hand finds its home on your upper thigh again.

"As much as part of me wants to take you right back to the hotel and worship you, I'm not sure when I'll be able to get you all dressed up like this again. So, I'm gonna find the most fancy, romantic place in Miami and give you the treatment you deserve."

"Lead the way, husband." You reach over and turn on the radio letting the classic rock roll over you. This here is your comfort zone: sitting in Baby with Dean's hand squeezing your thigh while rock music fills the comfortable silence between you. 

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