Comfort from a Wolf Pack

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After a few more fuel, food and toilet stops and swapping driving between the two of you after each stop, you finally pull into Garth's driveway. Once Dean shuts off the engine you turn around to Destiny.

"Hey, Sweetie, I know you're probably pretty nervous about this. But I promise Garth and Bess are really nice people. They've even got a little girl probably just a little younger you. So come on, you ready to go meet them?" She sheepishly nods and you hear her stomach growl. "I'm sure Bess is just getting something yummy on the table for brunch too."

You climb out of the car and help Destiny out of the backseat before going over to join Dean at the front step where he's already chatting with Garth. Garth pulls you in for a tight hug, then pulls away and crouches down to Destiny's height.

"So, this little beauty here must be Destiny? I can smell your pure blood from here. Come on in, Bess and Gertie are excited to meet you."

Garth pushes the door open and stands against it to let you all pass him. As you walk inside Bess comes out from the kitchen to greet you, a little girl by her side. "Hi guys, you must be hungry. Got some options for everyone. Come on in."

You follow her into the dining room where she's set the table. There are a few fresh cow hearts but also some bacon and pancakes.

You shoot her an appreciative smile as you take a seat. "Thanks, guys. We really appreciate you doing all this for us."

Garth brushes his hand through the air at you. "Don't mention it. You're family. Dig in."

Bess serves out a couple of the smaller hearts, one each for the little girls and then a bigger one for her and Garth, while you and Dean help yourselves to the pancakes and bacon.

After breakfast, Gertie invites Destiny up to her room to play, so you take the chance to discuss plans.

Dean starts off rather bluntly, "How do you guys feel about growing your pack?"

Garth and Bess share a look and a nod, then Garth says, "She seems like a real good kid. But she's been through a lot, I think you gotta give her a little time to adjust. Everyone at this table knows what it's like to lose someone. It ain't easy."

Bess then adds, "And she's pureblood, like me. So, it's clear she knows nothing of human life. And hanging around with hunters. Being raised by hunters. I don't know. I think she should stay here with us, but I don't want to force her to if she's not comfortable."

You nod, "I agree. We...Or I, was wondering if we could just stay a few days and see how she settles?"

Bess nods. "Sure. The girls can share and you guys can take the guest room."

You smile at Bess, "Thanks. Let me help clean up here," then you look over at Dean. "I trust you can handle the bags?"

"I got it," he says. He gets up and kisses the top of your head before heading out to the car; Garth follows suit, kissing Bess and then following Dean out to help with your bags. You and Bess stand up as well and start stacking the dirty dishes to cart them into the kitchen. As Bess fills the sink with hot water and dishsoap you pick up a tea towel so you can dry.

"I noticed the rings. Congrats," she says as she starts to wash the dishes.

"Thanks. I never really believed hunters could have love like this. But with Dean I know it's worth the struggle. You and Garth's relationship gave me hope too. If a hunter and a werewolf can make it work, anything's possible."

"Yeah. He's worth it too. But uh, and I don't mean to overstep, but you and Dean don't seem to be on the same page about the pup."

"No, you're not overstepping. We're not. I don't think he wants a child at all, let alone a non-human one. He's struggling with his training that all monsters are bad, but also he doesn't think he'd be a good father. But I know he would be. And I just...I feel like I need this. I had an ectopic pregnancy earlier this year and ever since then I've just felt like something is missing in my life."

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