Comfort from a Lamb's Heart

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Back at the hotel, you run Destiny a warm bubble bath and then sit on the end of the bed. Dean sits down beside you and takes your hand in his.

"What's going through that pretty head?"

"Just my screw up. And what to do with Destiny. I shouldn't have, but I..."

"I heard what you told her. We'd look after know we can't. I had the same thoughts last night, but we can't. She's better off with Garth and Bess."

"Why not? We want a child, she's not our blood and she's a werewolf. The demons won't want her, so we can keep her safe. Raise her as human as possible. Feed her animal meat and train her to be kind. She wants to be kind."

"She can be. With Garth. I know you want to be a mother, Y/N. And I hope that one day you can be. But it's not gonna be like this. She's not the one. Her kind killed your family."

"I got my revenge for that. And since when have our ancestors' actions defined who we are? I'm not my parents and neither are you."

"You might not be. But look at me, how am I not?"

"You're not John, Dean."

"If something happened to you, I know I would be. In a second I would turn into him."

"You're not. I know you don't believe it. But you would move on. You would get your revenge and then you would move on to the next case. You always do. You're not your father. Regardless, I made a promise and I intend to keep it."

"Alright, fine. But we're taking a drive to see Garth first. We do what's best for her, alright?"

You nod and stand up. You knock on the ensuite door before opening it to check on the little girl. You help her out of the bath, wrapping a towel around her to get her dry and warm.

"Who's Garth?" She asks quietly. When you struggle to answer she looks away and apologises, "Sorry. I shouldn't have listened to you talk."

You kneel down to her height. "No, it's okay. We should have known about your good hearing. Garth is a friend. He's a werewolf too. He and his wife are very nice people. We just think it would be a good idea for you to meet them and see how you feel. The next move after that is yours okay? If you feel comfortable with their pack and want to stay you can. If not, you can come home with us. I promised to keep you safe, and I meant it."

"But Dean..."

"I know. He's a little rough around the edges. But I promise he won't hurt you or leave you anywhere you don't want to be. I know you're scared of him, he's scared of your kind and angry about your dad taking me. And I'm sorry about your dad. Dean is too, had he known about you he may have acted differently. But I promise he won't hurt you."

She hugs you tight. "I wanna stay with you."

You wrap your arms around her. "You can. Right now though, let me see if I've got anything you can wear tonight and then I'll send Dean out to get you some new clothes in the morning, okay?"

She nods and you pull away to go look through your bag for a shirt. Back in the main room, you watch as Dean sets up a pillow and blanket on the couch. You hand Destiny one of your shirts and then go over and wrap your arms around Dean's waist from behind.

"See. You are paternal."

"This is for me. You share the bed with her, she'll be more comfortable that way. What's best for the child, right?"

You nod against his back. "Right. Speaking of...would you be able to go out and find something for all of us for dinner? And possibly some clothes for her?"

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