Comfort in a Wish

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"Hey, what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone out here upset?"

You look up to see who's talking to you: it's a tall man, probably around Dean's height, he's bald with tribal-style tattoos running up his neck and over his head and face. You offer him a weak smile and mutter out an excuse, "Rough call with my fiance, that's all. I should get inside."

"Sorry about that. Here let me help," the man says as he offers you his hand. As he stretches out his arm you can see there are tattoos running up his arm too. Against your better judgement, you take his hand and let him help you up. As your hand touches yours, his tattoos and eyes glow bright blue and you black out.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

You wake up in a soft bed in an unfamiliar room. You roll over and come face-to-face with Dean, but he looks more relaxed than ever. As if he was lying there waiting for you to wake up he kisses you.

"Good morning, Sweetheart. How'd my girls sleep?"


You feel him reach his hand down and rub it over your stomach, which you now notice is the size of a basketball. "You sleep so well you forget about all the grief this little one's been giving you?"

"Oh yeah, best I've slept in a long time," you lie.

"That's good to hear. I was thinking how about I finally put the cot back together today? You've been riding me about it for weeks and you're right, she's gonna be here before we know it. But I finally have a day off and I'm gonna make it all about my girls."

"A day off? Right, from hunting..."

"Are you still in your dreams, sweetie? A day off from the garage. I haven't hunted in years, not since before Sammy jr was born."

Just as he says that a little boy that perfectly resembles his father runs in and jumps on your bed. "Mama! Dada! Morning!"

"Good morning, champ! How about we go make Mama some breakfast?"


Dean gives you a quick peck on the lips before getting up and picking up the small child and carrying him out of the room while they laugh the whole time. The sight warms your heart, this is your ultimate dream but you can't help but feel like something is wrong. You stand up and walk around the room looking for anything that could give you more information about your situation. You find a photo album in the cupboard as you flick through the pages you see photos of you and Dean standing in a field – you in a fancy white dress and him in a black suit with a white bow tie – with your arms around each other and the widest smiles on your faces. That's when you notice the rings on your finger, one is familiar but the simple white gold band that sits above it is new. As you keep flicking through the album you see various photos of you with a gradually growing belly and then there are photos of you and Dean in a delivery room holding an infant who you can only assume is the boy downstairs with his father now. As you finish flicking through the book the absence of some very important people stands out to you. You put the album back on the shelf and pull on a dressing gown and join the boys downstairs.

"Hey, honey, I was thinking maybe we should invite Sam and Bobby over for dinner before the baby's born."

Dean stops whisking and rounds the bench putting his hands on your forearms. "The baby brain's bad today...I just never thought you'd be able to forget that..." You stare at him blankly so he continues, "They're gone, baby. They sacrificed themselves so we could get out remember? This better not be a prank, it's not funny. You know how guilty I feel and how much I miss them."

"I'm really sorry, Dean," you hang your head feeling bad for upsetting him, "I didn't mean to upset you. I don't know where my memories at today."

"It's okay, it's the baby. You were like this with Sammy jr too, maybe not this bad but you always forgot where you put anything. It's part of the process, it will all be worth it when she's in our arms."

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