No Comfort in Demonic Possession

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You stand on the curb scanning the traffic frantically for a cab while listening to the dial tone on your phone. After way too many rings for your liking, Sam finally picks up.

"Hey, Y/N. What's up? Dean piss you off already?"

"I don't have time for your sibling rivalry right now, Sam. A demon took Dean. I gotta get him back. It's all my fault it was a trap. I should've seen it. I'm so stupid."

"Enough! If a demon took Dean we don't have time for the guilt and blame game. Tell me everything, I'm on my way."

A taxi finally drives past so you wave your arm out to get the driver's attention. When the taxi driver pulls over you tell him the name of the hotel where you and Dean were staying and get in. You can hear Sam moving around and packing in the background but you continue knowing he can multitask.

"We were investigating the chapel and we split up. We thought it would be fine. We thought it was a spirit that was after recently married men. At least that's the information Andre gave us, but now I'm starting to think he's been possessed since he called me a few days ago. It really would explain a lot. I just can't believe I led us right into a trap."

"Hey, you didn't know. How could you? It's gonna be okay, I promise. Just tell me what else happened."

"When I was casing the chapel for EMF I got cornered by a demon who claimed she's been tracking me since before I lost the baby. She said her boss wanted it, she was quite specific about wanting the Winchester heir. I never even thought about it that way, it was just our baby. But now I just have a thousand more questions that need answers before I can even consider trying again. I know you've got demon blood, but Dean?"

"We'll figure it out. What do you know about Dean getting taken?"

"We split up and I haven't heard from him. He's not answering his phone. The demon said someone had him. I sent him straight into a trap."

"There is no way you could have known. And Dean's a damn good hunter too, he knows what he's doing. And I promise even if it was a trap he won't blame you. I guarantee he's way more worried about you right now and is fighting his way back to you. In the meantime, just do what you can. Check on your friends and keep working. I'll be there as soon as I can. Dean's strong, he's gonna be alright. We'll find him, I promise. Just be careful and stay safe."

"Thanks, Sam, I'll be careful," you say and then you hang up.

As soon as the driver pulls up in front of your hotel you hand him a $50 note and jump out. You impatiently wait for the elevator, tapping your fingers on your thigh as you watch the little illuminated numbers count down to one. The second the doors slide open you slip in and press the number 12 and the close doors button. After what feels like an eternity the doors finally slide open again and you rush down the hall to Andre and Danny's room and knock loudly and continuously, impatience and fear overtaking all of your senses. After a few seconds, the door swings open to reveal Danny. Relief washes over you briefly as you push your way into the room looking for Andre.

"Are you okay?" Danny asks.

"Is Andre here?"

"He's in the shower, why?"

"He hasn't got any tattoos by any chance? One like this?" you ask as you lift your pant leg to show him the anti-possession tattoo on your ankle.

"No, why? He told me a little about what you guys used to do, is he alright?"

"I think he may have been possessed by a demon, I'm not sure for how long or if he still is. I need to make sure he's okay ... Because it's all my fault."

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