Comfort Foods

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You and the boys have been back on the road and tracking down to exterminate a medium-sized vamp nest in Louisiana for the last week. Things were starting to feel almost normal (well, normal for your guys) again. Sam and Dean have been getting along and you have all been closer than ever. You finally have a plan ready to take out the vamps tomorrow morning. But right now you are sitting in the dingy old motel room waiting for the boys to come back with dinner.

It's not long before they finally walk in with beers, burgers, fries and a salad for Sam. Sam takes his share and sits at the table while Dean brings yours and his over the bed where you're sitting and hands you, your double bacon cheeseburger and sits the fries between the two of you. You get through about half of the burger before you get a painful throbbing pain in your chest. You try taking deep, shallow breaths but all that does is bring the bitter taste of your bile into your throat. Dean is instantly worried.

"Sweetheart, you okay? What's happening? What can I do?"

You rub your hand along your breastbone, "just sore. Heartburn. Can you get me water?"

Dean gets up instantly rushing over to the fridge to get you a bottle of water. He opens the bottle and hands it to you as he kneels on the edge of the bed beside you. "You gonna be okay to hunt tomorrow? Sam and I can handle it, you should stay here and rest."

"It's just heartburn, Dean. I'll be fine."

"If you say so. What can I do?"

"Just hold me."

Dean clears the food off the bed and makes his way back to his side, getting under the covers before helping you under them as well and pulling you close to his chest. He moves your hand and replaces it with his, rubbing your chest tenderly over your tank top. When your groaning and wiggling dies down his hand begins to wander, sliding up over your breasts and teasing your nipples. You pull away quickly at the unusually unpleasant feeling on your tender flesh.

"I'm sorry," Dean says holding his hands up defensively, "I got carried away, I promise I'll just hold you. Come here, sweetheart."

You meet his eyes and all you can see is his worry and guilt, "sorry. I'm just very sensitive at the moment." You settle back into his embrace.

"Shark week, huh? You always get sensitive at that time of the month. Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

"Yeah, it must be coming. Thanks, Dean."

You snuggled closer into your fiancé's warm body and close your eyes, trying to let the pain and tenderness coursing through your body dissipate into happy dreams. As you lay there you think about all your symptoms and you let yourself believe Dean; this was all typical of your unwelcomed monthly visitor. You had even raided his secret chocolate stash earlier due to cravings. You keep telling yourself it's all normal, except if it was your period then where are the excruciating abdominal cramps and red sea of blood?

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

You realise you drifted off at some point when you wake up to the smell of coffee. You rub your eyes as you slowly sit up, adjusting to your surroundings. Not even a minute later Dean is sitting beside you with a mug.

"Good morning, Sunshine. How are you feeling? Coffee?" he asks offering you the mug. You just shake your head, the smell making you feel nauseous. You stand up too quickly and run to the bathroom slamming the door behind you, ignoring the vertigo as you hunch over the toilet bowl. All you manage to do is retch up some disgusting bile and hurt your stomach and throat. You hear Dean knocking on the door asking if you're okay, but you don't have the energy to respond. After a few minutes of silence, he barges in. When he sees your pale, body slumped next to the toilet his features instantly soften. He grabs a washcloth from the sink and wets it before crouching in front of you. He carefully dabs the cloth against your clammy skin, wiping away the sweat and bile.

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