Comfort in the Park

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He gently places his hand on your cheek and guides you to face him again, making direct eye contact before shutting his eyes as he brings his lips to yours softly. When he pulls back slightly he leans his forehead against yours and whispers, "I'm ready to get out."

You kiss him again. "Really? No more seeking out cases?"

He shakes his head. "Last hunt I almost lost you again. I'm done. I swear. No more seeking out monsters. If something comes to us I will handle it, but we don't go looking for it anymore."

"I really like the sound of that. House in the suburbs? White picket fence? The full mile?"

"That's what you want?"

"A little girl, and maybe, if it's safe down the line...a baby?"

"So, maybe I hold off a little on that painful procedure?"

"There's a lot of questions here and not a lot of answers..."

He nods and kisses you. When he pulls back he softly says, "I want a normal life. One where you're safe and happy. And more than anything I want to be with you. You put a ring on my finger and told me it's possible...Help me see it. Help me believe it."

"Dean Winchester, you can do anything! Including living a safe and happy life with your wife, who by the way could not love you more than she does right now."

"I hope she knows how much she means to me, and how much she's changed my life."

"She does. And she shows you love her too. Everything you've said today in this park has proved that." You kiss him again and then lean back. "So, what are your conditions for us adopting Destiny?"

"Well, firstly, we stick with the plan of giving it a few days here. We still let her decide what she wants to do, but we can also use this time to get some tips from Garth and Bess in case she chooses us...or you. She likes you."

"She's just cautious of you. You did kill her father, and then you haven't exactly been the most supportive of her. If you warm up and accept her, she will warm up to you too. She just needs to know she can trust you. And yeah, of course, I know I can't be selfish. We need to do what's best for her. If she decides she likes it here, then we accept that."

"Yeah. Also, we need to be careful. The second she starts to show monstrous tendencies and puts you in danger, she comes back to live with Garth and Bess and they get to choose her next steps. I won't have you put in danger."

"Okay, I can agree with that too. Anything else?"

"She doesn't eat human hearts."

"Of course. That's obvious. Animal hearts only. So, we're on board? If she chooses us we're gonna have a child? And no more hunting?"

"If she chooses us and if Garth and Bess think she'll be okay with us, then sure, we can give this a shot. And yeah, we are not hunting anymore. Regardless of what Destiny decides, you're done. You're out."

"You said, you're ready...I'm not stopping if you're not."

"I promise I won't go looking for hunts anymore. I am done. I'm so sick of this life, I have been for years. You know that. And I want a normal life with you. I want that more than anything." He lifts your hands up to his lips and kisses your knuckles. "But I can't leave Sammy on his own. So just until he agrees to start a normal life as well I can't let him hunt alone, so if he insists and needs backup..."

"Okay...I understand..."

Hating the frown that's overtaking your face he cradles your face in his palm and forces you to make eye contact with him. "Hey, you know he's never wanted this life, he'd love to get out. And, I think he has a secret girlfriend. So, it won't be long." He kisses you again. "The house and white picket fence is in our future. I promise."

You nod. "My turn to make a stipulation. If Destiny doesn't choose us, I hunt whenever you do. You worry about me, I worry about you. It's always been that way and that will never change."


"I agreed to your terms, you have to agree to mine too."

He throws his head back and sighs. "Fine..."

"That just gives you more incentive for us to get out sooner."

"I guess so. You stubborn woman."

"You wouldn't have me any other way."

"No, but sometimes I wish you would just make my life a little easier."

"Now where's the fun in that?"

He leans in close to your ear, nips your ear lobe and whispers lowly, "I should bend you over my knee and make you listen to me, right here in this park while everyone watches. You'd like that, wouldn't you, you disobedient woman?" All jest runs from your body as your blood runs south. You take a deep breath. He nips your ear lobe again. "That's what I thought. Now, be a good girl and get in the car before I change my mind and do exactly that."

You quickly get off his lap and hurry towards the car as he follows slowly. It's not that you think he really would expose you in a public space; you know he would never. Your body is his and his alone. He would never let anyone perv at you, in fact, any guy who has looked at you the wrong way in a bar has ended up on the wrong side of Dean's knuckles. So, you know he'd never do anything like that, that would make you uncomfortable, but the adrenaline and fear of the slim possibility is fun. And for the first time since meeting the little werewolf, you're a little disappointed that you and Dean have no privacy. But it's not like you've ever really had privacy, travelling and hunting with Sam for so long. You're both well-versed in late-night drives or staying quiet.

As Dean joins you in the Impala he chuckles and says, "You sure you want a kid?"

"I know it's a bit of a cockblock, but yeah. I really do."

He leans over and kisses you once more before starting the engine. "Alright then." He turns up the radio as he pulls out of the park.

"Don't forget we actually do have to pick up food. I don't wanna impose too much on Garth and Bess."

He nods and turns off towards the town centre. As soon as he spots a small grocer he pulls a park and shuts off the engine. You both get out and walk hand-in-hand into the small shop. He grabs a basket and starts to fill it as you walk through the aisles, grabbing ingredients that Dean can cook with. As much as you can cook, he is more comfortable in the kitchen than you, especially since living in the bunker. He grabs ingredients for burgers and some beers and then swaps the beers for a bottle of red wine. You smile at him.

Seeing your look he returns a sceptical one of his own. "I know my wife. I know you only drink beer because I like it. You deserve to be treated. And I can come at wine, not those sugary cocktails you drink though."

"They're nice!"

"They get you drunk!"

"Yeah, and?"

"And we're playing house remember? I need you sober."

"I can get drunk on wine too you know?"

"Yeah, but not on one glass."

"True. You gonna be monitoring me?"

"I already know you. You'll only drink one because you're determined to do right by that little girl."

You sigh and nod. "I guess you do know me."

"I do." He places a cherry pie in the basket. "But this is a non-negotiable."

"Fine," you sigh.

Once finished, he loads the basket up on the counter and pays for everything as the cashier bags it. Then you help him carry it all out to the car, before heading back to your home for the next few days.

In the car, you say, "I can really imagine a domestic life with you. Grocery shopping, errands, the whole nine yards."

He glances at you with a small smile as he pats your thigh. "Yeah, me too. It'll truly be the best years of our lives."

"Yeah. I can't wait."

You enjoy the rest of the drive back to the house in a comfortable quiet just imagining what the future could have instore for the two of you.

In-Air ComfortTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon