My Babysitter's a Vampire: Be...

Snowflower158 द्वारा

641 12 23

Each chapter is like an episode so let's see how the group deal with keeping the supernatural at bay and deal... अधिक

CH. 1: Lawn of the Dead
CH. 2: Three Cheers for Evil
CH. 3: Blood Drive
Ch. 5: Ghost Wolves
Chapter 6: Friday Night Frights
Ch. 7: Smells Like Trouble
Ch. 8: 2 Packs and a Demon
Ch. 9: Doug the Monster Hunter
Ch. 10: The Calm Before the Storm
Ch. 11: Jase Returns Part One
Ch. 12: Jase Returns Part 2

Ch. 4: Blue Moon

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Snowflower158 द्वारा

I decided to switch up the episodes so they can work Scott and his pack.


Scott's Pov

It's the time all werewolves hate. The Blue Moon is going to happen in a few days and honestly I'm worried. "Hey are you good Scott?" Liam asked me. I was brought back from my thought

"Yeah, It's just the blue moon coming." I explained. The guys understood having to deal with it themselves. "I'm a little worried about Selena and Ethan."

"You should be worried?" Jesse's voice asked. We turn to him and Jacob wearing dark clothes and sunglasses, if it wasn't for their hairstyle and personality it would be impossible to tell them apart.

"In a few nights Selena will be going wolf." Jesse said, sounding concerned.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Jesse looked at Jacob, who nodded, then back to us. "You guys are made werewolves. Werewolves that are bitten transform on their first full moon. But Selena is a descendent of werewolves." Jesse explained.

"We should keep an eye on them then." Theo states voicing my thoughts. I know he won't say it but he was always like this when Selena or Ethan were involved. Selena reminds him of Tara and Ethan reminds of the life that was taken from him. So he is protective of them. We all agreed to keep an eye on them as we headed to the school

We then saw Ethan and Benny in a headlock by David Stachowski. A guy on the football team, he's not a bully, more of a child who is a little rough.

Ethans's P.O.V

"Ow! Ethan, talk to me. You ok?" Benny asked. We were currently in a headlock by David Stachowski, one of the school jocks.

"Ya I'm great! Nothing like starting the day in some guys armpit!" I told Benny sarcastically. Just then Selena walked by us. At first she didn't notice us but then she walked back over to us. Selena fixed her backpack strap and her ponytail. She was in her pre-soccer outfit.

"Hey little brother! Are you having fun?" Selena asked me sarcastically.

"Just get us out of here!" I growled at her. She just left as Jesse walked up to us with the guys

"David let Ethan go," Jesse said. David looked up to see that Jesse was the one telling him to let me go, so he did. I was shoved over to Jesse. I elbowed him as he sighed.

"And Benny." Jesse told David.

"Thanks Jesse." Benny said as he rubbed his neck. Jesse just rolled his eyes at Benny then said, "Just be count it lucky that no one angers a Black.

"All right, listen up, geeks!" David started as Benny yelped like a girl. "From now on, we're best buds. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah we got it. Wait what?" I asked him in surprise. Even with my cousin, his pack and Selena and her friends, we didn't really have much of a friend group.

"Yeah. Awesome! Best buds forever. Totally cool." Benny said. Then Benny looked at me and said, "Headlocks are like jock hugs."

"Awesome! See you around bro one and bro two!" David started. He then hit Benny in the arm and said 'Yes!' and about to do it to me but stepped back before he could.

"That was awesome!" Benny said.

"Which part? The love tap or the part where you two could taste his deodorant?" Theo asked when he, Selena, Jacob and Isaac showed up behind us.

"Ah!" Benny and I said in unison. I hate it when they do that.

"Were you there the whole time?" Benny asked.

"Ya. It's always fun to watch you two get harassed by jocks!" Selena said in a creepy happy voice. She jogged with Isaac and Jacob following her. They are hopeless when they see her.

"Ok that was weird. Why is she acting so happy? I don't even think she was ever that happy." Benny asked.

"It's near a full moon, remember! Her werewolf side will be stronger so she'll get some serious mood swings." Scott told him. "But really Benny, what part of what just happened was awesome?"

"I mean the part where we're friends with David Stachowski! Our street cred just went through the roof! The only thing we're missing is if Jesse actually becomes friends with us or if you start dating Jesse or change." Benny told me. I glared at him then hit him in the arm.

"But we both know that is never going to happen." I told him. "Why would a guy like Theo or Jesse wanna hang out with us anyway?"

"E don't question things!" Benny told me. Just then a girl that was just talking to David walked past us. "Hey you wanna go out?" Benny asked. "I've got the David Stachowski seal of approval!"

"Drop dead." The girl said.

"See? She spoke to me! That never happened pre headlock!" Benny told me.

"Benny there's something about that guy that I don't trust." I told Benny as we glanced over at David. He had just growled at some kid.

"You mean other then the fact that he's huge and popular and totally awesome!" Benny asked me as he started to scratch his head. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is that a flea?" Benny asked me frantically. I looked at him then nodded. "Yep, that's a flea."

Scott's P.O.V

"Come on!" Ethan yelled at the vending machine. He was in the lounge with me and the guys. Just then Sarah walked by and she hit the machine and a bunch of candy came out.

"Is that one of your fledgling powers?" Ethan asked.

"Not a power. Just a perk." Sarah said. She and Ethan grabbed candy and found some seats.

"So where's your Well anyway David won't leave me alone! It's so weird! It's like the lions are hanging out with the zebras or something!"

"Or better yet vampire hanging out with werewolves!" Selena said.

"Who's got two thumbs, three free candy bars and best buds with David Stachowski? That's right, this guy!" Benny exclaimed as he sat down with us.

"Like I was saying its like he's inserted himself into my life!" Ethan said.

"Ya he even showed up at the house one time." Selena said as he put his feet up on a table.

"So he eats all your food. That's no excuse to break up a potential friendship." Sarah said.

"There's more. The guy howls." Ethan said.

"Woo-Hoo free candy bar!" David said. Then he howled.

"A lot of dudes howl. It's a jock animal thing!" Benny said.

"Ya but we don't do that." Liam interjected pointing to both him and me

"Ya but you guys are animals." Benny said. Theo just rolled his eyes.

"I can't be the only one who's noticed how hairy he is." Ethan said.

"So he's hairy. A lot of guys are hairy. It's a hairy guy thing!" Benny said. I shrugged.

"It's basic math. Howling plus hair plus this town equals..." Ethan started but Benny cut me off.

"Awesome!" Benny said.

"Werewolf." Ethan told him.

"Werewolf." Benny said.

"Ethan, not everything is supernatural. Plus Scott and his friends are werewolves and they're none of those things." Sarah said.

"Ya but they are also smarter than David, and werewolves can be very obvious." Ethan said.

"We're right here you know!" Liam said, but we all just ignored him.

"Ethan you're obsessed!" Sarah said.

"Ya. David is hanging out with us because he realized how cool we are!" Benny said.

"Please you Benny are anything but cool!" Theo said.

"Fine! I'll just prove it!" Benny said as he walked over to a group of girls. "Ladies." Benny came back and he was a mess.

"Dudes a werewolf." Benny said.

"Ok. We prove that David's a werewolf." Ethan said.

"Then we figure out what he wants." Scott said.

"I've got better things to do then stalk back-shavers." Sarah said as she stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"Like what?" Benny asked.

"Soccer tryouts." Sarah said.

"I think she was serious." I said.

"Oh well, in that case, I'm sure it'll be fine!" Ethan said.

Break Line! Jesse's P.O.V

Erica, Megan, Jacob, and I were walking down the hall when we heard the soccer tryouts come in. We saw an irritated Selena stomped past us and walked around the hall to find Sarah.

"Let me guess, Soccer went the same way as..." Erica started.

"Tennis tryouts went," Jacob said.

"Volleyball tryouts," Megan said.

"Oh and don't forget the yearbook committee ." I said.

"I'm just trying to do something! Something so I can feel normal!" Sarah told us.

"You don't fit in with humans anymore Sarah. The sooner they realize and accept that, the better." I said. "I actually hated it for a while."

"Ya Sarah! Come over to the hot side!" Megan said.

"Everybody looks better with fangs!" Erica said as she flashed her fangs.

"Put those away!" Sarah said. Just then David walked up.

"Hey! I'm David Stachowski which you probably know since I'm David Stachowski." David started. "I saw you talking with my three best buds. And since you're buds with my buds that makes me." David started.

"Really annoying?" Sarah asked. "Oh and maybe you should shave your forehead again. I think you missed a spot." David growled then walked away as Erica said, "Hey I'm Erica! Why don't you call me? Anytime!"

"Ethan thinks he's a werewolf." I told Erica.

"Now he is someone I could date. He's so cute and primal. Rawr!" Erica said.

Ethan's P.O.V

I was walking down the hall alone when I heard someone walk up from behind. I turned to see Theo and Scott standing there. "What do you two want? Shouldn't you guys be following your alpha or something?" I asked. 'Okay when did I become so snarky?'

"I just want to make sure you are okay." Scott states. I could feel a sudden burst of annoyance and they must have noticed. "Ethan..." Scott started but I cut him off.

"No Scott, you care for those in your pack, but listen when I say this. But I'm not part of your pack and neither is Selena. All we aren't your betas so don't treat us like we are." I growled quietly. I stomped away in frustration.

'You should listen to him cub.' I heard a male voice. Great. I'm hearing voices in my head. Can this week get any better? Just as I thought that David walked up to me.

"Hey Ethan." He greeted me. I looked at him as he pleased his hand on my shoulder and I was sucked into a vision.

Vision! Starting Ethan's P.O.V

I saw a wolf howling at a full moon. Then I saw a symbol on the moon. It turned into a medallion or something. Then a wolf hand grabbed it.

End of Vision Ethan's P.O.V

I jolted back from the vision and flinched out of his grip. "So you do have the gift of sight." He mutters.

"And you are an obvious werewolf." I snapped. He actually flinched, no has actually flinched because of me. He whimpered.

"Just let me be." I told him. He left after I said that. 'What's going on?It's nothing.' I told myself.

Jesse's P.O.V

Ethan and Selena walked into the lounge and they looked irritated. "Are you guys sure you're okay?" Theo asked, he sounded concerned.

"Hey Sarah." We all said in unison as we walked up to her. She was sitting in a chair reading some book.

"Hey. Your pal David's a real charmer." Sarah told us sarcastically.

"Well he is your ancestral enemy." Savannah growled.

"Or maybe he's just a jerk." Sarah said back.

"Little Miss Neckbitter has trouble believing?" Ethan asked. Selena chuckled

"Maybe she won't admit when she is wrong." Selena mused.

"Whoa, E, Selena what's gotten into you two?" Benny asked. Sarah then got up to glare at the two.

"What'd you call me?" Sarah asked angrily.

"Whatever. Don't get your fangs in a twist." Selena growled.

"So moving on!" I said as I separated them.

"That symbol you saw, I looked it up last night. Get this, it's for some wolf pack. The pack of healers." Benny told us.

"A Healer? Does it work on other curses? Like a vampire cures?" Sarah asked.

"Why? The soccer team has a strict no-bloodsucker policy?" Ethan asked. Scott had to hold him back.

"It might work on other curses." Benny said quickly.

"But what does that have to do with David?" I asked.

"We're ditching class! You two are helping me find this cure now!" Sarah told Benny and I as she grabbed us by our arms.

"We are not done!" Sarah told Ethan and Lenny as we headed to the door. I heard the two growl at us.

No P.O.V

Erica was waiting for David to go to his locker. When he did he saw the mini poster of dusk, which had a werewolf on it so she replaced the normal head with his. Erica slammed his locker shut.

"Hello my hairy soul mate." she said. Erica was wearing an I <3 werewolf shirt from dusk.

"Goodbye my crazy stalker girl." David said as he walked away but she stopped him.

"Our destinies are intertwined. We're doomed to a torrid forbidden romance, until your pack tears you apart for violating their accent laws." She told him as Erica showed him my shirt.

"You got that off the back of a book didn't you?" David asked me.

"Not a book! The book! Dusk V if you wanted to know!" she told him. "You should totally read it! It's like they based it off of us."

"I was just of to the book store now." David said as he hurried off.

"It's like Romeo and Juliet but with pointy teeth and no tights!" told David as he left.

Back with the others. Jesse and Benny were still out helping Sarah. Ethan was in the kitchen, looking at our calendar. It was the night of the full moon.

"Hey honey!" Mom called. Both Ethan and Selena turned around and saw their Mom and Dad. They were in fancy clothes.

"Guess who got last minute tickets to Curling The Musical?" Mom asked.

"Don't worry, Buddy, with Sarah busy, your new pal David is here to help you watch Jane." Dad told me.

"What?!" they asked frantically.

"Wow, look at you guys all dressed up and places to go." David said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Killer timing champ!" Mr. Morgan said as he and David chest bumped.

"Okay. So anyway, I know it's a full moon tonight so let's not get too crazy." Mrs. Morgan said as they walked out. When their parents were gone David walked over to me.

"Hey Selena, I've got..." David started but Selena cut him off.

"Sorry but don't know what you but no." she stated bluntly. David then looks at Ethan who shrugs

"All I saw was a symbol, but I don't know what it means." he told him.

"Come on, can we at least go looking for it?" David begged. Both growled but nodded as they left the house.

Jesse's P.O.V

We were all in Benny's room. Benny was sitting at his computer, Sarah was standing next to him and I was laying on his bed trying to figure out the cure. We have been at it for hours.

"All right I checked with every nerd I know and no one can figure out how to decipher this symbol." Benny said.

"I've never seen anything like it before. Trust me cause I've seen a lot of symbols. Jase was always trying to teach Jay and me some stupid lesson by not telling me something." I mumbled.

"Guys I really need this cure!" Sarah told us. I turned a page in one of my books and found something.

"Found something." I exclaimed. It was something about the pack of healers. Sarah and Benny looked over my shoulder at pages.

"Lupi Exspiravit, or the Ghost Wolves, as they were commonly known, were a mysterious gathering of werewolves that roamed the land. They were known for their ability to heal other creatures, and many claimed they had magical powers. Their fur was so dark brown it almost appeared black against the night sky, making them almost invisible in the darkness. The pack itself was surprisingly small, and only two alpha wolves led it. The male was covered in a darkness darker than the night itself, with molten amber eyes. The female was a study in contrast, her coat a soft silver with vibrant violet eyes that seemed to sparkle." Sarah read.

"But when the blue moon rises these gentle and benevolent healers will go wild especially to vampires and other werewolves. The blue moon is seen as a symbol of transformation, and that night, the ghost wolves transformed into creatures of wild nightmarish power. Despite their good intentions, when the blue moon rises, the ghost wolves make no exception for those who cross their path." Benny finished.

"That kind of sounds like how Ethan and Selena have been acting the past few days." As I said that I realized something.

"Crap we got to go. Sarah can get Erica, Kyle and Simone. Benny you get Scott and the guys." I told them as I rushed outside.

No P.O.V

Everyone gathered outside the Morgan house. "Okay Jess, everyones here now spill what's going on?" Simone asked.

"Well if my theory is correct then Selena, Ethan and David went wolf." Jesse casually.

"But Ethan isn't a werewolf." Erica scoffed. Scott rolled his eyes at the blond.

"Actually there was this one thing we forgot to mention." Jacob chimes, "That they are descended from werewolves called Ghost wolves and they are extremely dangerous during a blue moon."

"Then we better go find them." Jane's voice spoke. Everyone turned towards not noticing that she was there. "We are going to have to put a bell on you." Kyle states surprised at how quiet an 8 year old could be.

"Jane you are not coming, it's too dangerous for you." Scott tells her. Jane did buy it for a minute.

"I know all of you have to go then who would watch me? FYI Benny's grandma is out of town." She asked in a sassy tone. The teens looked at gesturing to lead the way as she took the lead.

"Scott, are all your family members this snarky?" Adien asked as the others looked towards their alpha.

"On a good day." He said.

Selena's P.O.V

I honestly don't know what's going on. One moment I was walking through the park with Ethan and the giant hairball, David. And the next thing I know is that everything went dark.

'You really should learn to control your temper.' a woman's voice scolded me. I ignored her and kept roaming the dark. Wonder how Ethan is doing.

Jane's P.O.V

"I can't believe we brought an eight year old." I heard Erica mutter. Just because I'm 8 doesn't mean anything. As we were walking Scott stopped, his eyes glowing; they only do that when other supernatural creatures are around.

Out of nowhere a big wolf jumped out of the bushes and attacked us. But it mainly went after Benny and me. As Scott was going to get between them we heard a howl but it sounded like there were two voices and it sounded like a roar. And the wolf stopped and started growling at nothing.

"What was that?" Sarah asked, sounding nervous. Out of nowhere two more wolves showed up. One had black fur and its eyes looked like hot coals. While the other one was female with silver and violet eyes.

"We better get back unless you get in the way of a dominance battle." Scott warned. Scott and the guys backed away but Benny and me but Scott and Sarah pulled us back.

"There is no way those two smaller wolves will be able to do anything against something that big." Megan whispered.

During the small fight I saw something. "Guys I see something over there." I whispered. They didn't listen to me so I went to check it. I dug in the ground and found a small box, inside it was two medallions and a small strange looking vial.

No P.O.V

When unearthed the items the bigger wolf crept on her about to attack her. When she turned it scratched her and ended up knocking her against.

The two wolves let loose an alpha roar making the bigger wolf turn back to human and the group saw it was David. David was out cold.

"Jane!" Scott exclaimed when he saw Jane unconscious. The group ran up to her but were stopped when the smaller wolves growled as if to tell to stay back.

"What are they doing?" Sarah asked. Scott's eye glowed red and the other two glowed as if to tell him something. "They aren't going to hurt her. But they want us to keep our distance." The true alpha explained.

The male wolf picked up the vial in its mouth while the female carefully picked up the two necklaces. The male went up to Jesse and placed the container down in front of him. He picked it up and recognized it.

"Sarah this contains a little bit of a cure that could cure vampires." Jesse told her. Handing her the container

"Think they want you to have it." Jacob guesses. Sarah looked at the bottle then at Jane. She gave the cure to the little girl as the female wolf placed the necklaces on Jane's chest. Both wolves howled causing Jane's wounds to heal like they were never there.

"I'll take her home and meet you guys at Jesse's and Jay's place." Scott told them. As he picked Jane and took her home. Once he left the wolves shifted into Selena and Ethan who looked very confused. Everyone but Jesse and Jacob were surprised by this.

Selena's P.O.V

"So let me get this straight, we went wolf?" Ethan said as he placed an ice pack to his head. David just stayed quiet.

"Yeah, I never thought we'd see ghost wolves again." Jacob said. The fact that both him and Jesse are so calm is irritating. Ethan looked freaked out as he just stared at the floor.

"Hey, being a werewolf isn't so bad," Adien said.

"Not so bad?!" I growled.

"Cool it Seli, we've been through a lot tonight," Ethan said for the first time since we left the house.

"You're right we'll figure this out tomorrow. We all went home, Ethan and I had quite the night but it just going to change more.

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