The Golden Age

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Colette and her brother Merlin travel to the land of Camelot, unknowing of the ban against magic and save the... More

01. The Dragon's Call (Part I)
02. The Dragon's Call (Part II)
03. Valiant (Part I)
04. Valiant (Part II)
05. The Mark of Nimueh (Part I)
06. The Mark of Nimueh (Part II)
07. The Poisoned Chalice (Part I)
08. The Poisoned Chalice (Part II)
09. Lancelot (Part I)
10. Lancelot (Part II)
11. A Remedy to Cure All Ills (Part I)
12. A Remedy to Cure All Ills (Part II)
13. The Gates of Avalon (Part I)
14. The Gates of Avalon (Part II)
15. The Beginning of the End (Part I)
16. The Beginning of the End (Part II)
17. Excalibur (Part I)
18. Excalibur (Part II)
19. The Moment of Truth (Part I)
20. The Moment of Truth (Part II)
21. The Labyrinth of Gedref (Part I)
22. The Labyrinth of Gedref (Part II)
23. To Kill the King (Part I)
24. To Kill the King (Part II)
25. Le mort d'Arthur et d'Anne (Part I)
26. Le Morte d'Arthur et d'Anne (Part II)
27. The Curse of Cornelius Sigan (Part I)
28. The Curse of Cornelius Sigan (Part II)
29. The Once and Future Queen (Part I)
30. The Once and Future Queen (Part II)
32. The Nightmare Begins (Part II)
33. Lancelot, Colette and Guinevere (Part I)
34. Lancelot, Colette and Guinevere (Part II)
35. Beauty and the Beast: Part One (Part I)

31. The Nightmare Begins (Part I)

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By TheQuietHufflepuff


A thunderstorm raged. Morgana stirred restlessly in her sleep and magically lit a candle by her bed.

"I brought you some extra blankets, I thought you might be cold..." Gwen said.

Morgana was asleep, so Gwen stopped talking and blew out the candle and put it by the window. Morgana magically relit candle in her sleep again. She woke, stared at the candle and made the flame rise higher, burning her curtains. She screamed and blew out her windows.


Merlin and Colette cleaned up the burnt fragments and glass.

"I came back in with some extra blankets," Gwen informed. "There was a candle, but I put it out."

"Are you sure?" Uther asked.

"I blew it out, I swear."

"Gwen's been Morgana's servant for years," Arthur told his father. "If she said she blew it out, I believe her."

Anne nodded. "I do as well."

"She could've been burnt alive," Uther stated.

"Lightning struck the castle roof last night, that could've started the fire," Arthur guessed.


Anne frowned. "What other explanation is there?"

"Someone started the fire deliberately."


Uther, Anne and Arthur walked down the corridor.

"How did they reach Morgana's chambers unchallenged?" Uther inquired.

"I don't know," Arthur admitted. "There are too many guards. It shouldn't be possible."

"And yet they managed to do so."

"Anne and I can't explain it."

"Well I can. They used magic. Arrest all those we have under suspicion."

"That's gonna take time."

Uther put his face in Arthur's. "My ward has been attacked. Time is something we do not have."


Merlin and Colette approached the room and overheard Gaius and Morgana.

"What I don't understand, Morgana is how the fire started in the first place," Gaius said.

"It happened so quickly," Morgana told him. "It was terrifying."

"It's all right. You're safe now."

"You're the only person I've told about my dreams. I know I can trust you, Gaius."

"Yes, of course you can."

"It was me. I set the room alight. I started the fire."

"I don't understand. Did you knock a candle over?"

"No that's not what happened. I did it just by looking at it, the flames suddenly leapt higher."

"I could've been a gust of wind."

"It wasn't. It was me. It was magic."

"My child..."

"I'm not a child!"

"Last night was an accident. It had nothing to do with you. How could it have? I am going to draw you up a fresh remedy that will make you feel better, I promise."


"You must trust me."


Merlin and Colette sat while Gaius made a potion.

"Lettie and I were helping clear up Morgana's chambers earlier," Merlin said.

"Hmm?" Gaius hummed.

"The window was blown out into the courtyard below."


"It's odd isn't it?" Colette said. "If lightning struck the window like Arthur said, you'd think the glass would've fallen inside of the window. It was magic. You know it was. More importantly, so does she."

"Morgana knows nothing for certain."

"Which makes it even worse. She isn't sure what's happening to her and it's tearing her apart."

"What would you and your brother have me do?"

"Talk to her," Merlin suggested. "Tell her she'll be okay. Tell her that her powers aren't something to be afraid of."

"I can't."

"Maybe Lettie and I could speak to her."

"No, Merlin, Colette, you can't."

"What not? We understand what she's going through."

"You must never reveal your secret. Not to anyone."

"If not me or her, then someone else."

"Who? This is a kingdom where magic is outlawed, or have you forgotten that?"

"There are those who still practise it," Colette said. "What about the druids? You said that they help people like this."

"Uther's vowed to destroy them. The druids cannot help her. It would be suicide."

"Then who can?"

"I will. Like I've always done."

"Then you need to be honest with her."

"What makes you two so certain that you know better than me?"

"Because Merlin and I went through the same thing. We know exactly how she's feeling right now."

"You two cannot get involved in this. No good can come of it. I mean it, Merlin, Colette. Stay out of it!"


Arthur and Anne passed Merlin and Colette just as Merlin and Colette were about to visit Morgana's Chambers. Merlin hid flowers behind his back.

"Ah, Merlin. Colette," Arthur called. "Anne and I need you to... What are you hiding behind your back?"

"Nothing," Merlin said, still hiding the flowers. "See?"

"What are you up to?" Anne asked.

"What, nothing, honestly. Arthur, Anne, I would never lie to you. I respect you far too much for that. You wanted me to do something."

"My chainmail needs cleaning."

"My dresses need washing," Anne said.

"Oh, well... Lettie and I'll see to it right away," Merlin replied and Colette nodded.


Gwen opened the door to Morgana's Chambers.

"How is she?" Merlin and Colette asked.

"I've never seen her like this before," Gwen told them. "I'm scared to leave her on her own."

"Is there anything Lettie and I can do to help?" Merlin inquired.

Morgana stirred restlessly in bed.

"I'd better get back to her." Merlin handed Gwen the flowers. "I'll make sure she knows who they're from."


Gwen sat on the edge of Morgana's bed with her. "I can stay if that would make you feel better."

"You've done so much already," Morgana told her.

"I don't mind."

"I'll be fine. Really." Gwen squeezed her hand and got up to leave. "Gwen. Take the candle."

Gwen took the candle and left. Morgana tried to sleep, but woke up, her eyes glowing, and she magically shattered the vase with Merlin's flowers in it.


Morgana rushed in wearing her nightgown, almost hysterical. "Is Gaius here?"

"Er, no he's not here at the moment," Merlin replied. "He should be back soon though."

"I need to speak to him. Where is he?"

"He's gone to see the King. What's wrong? You can trust me and my sister, Morgana. You know you can."

"I'm scared, Merlin. I don't understand anything anymore. I need to know what's happening. Please."

"Gaius will be back soon," Colette reassured, fighting the urge to help her. "He'll be able to help you."

"He won't. I don't any more remedies. They won't do any good. It's magic, Merlin, Colette."

"What?" Merlin and Colette asked.

"I'm your friend, you both know I wouldn't make this up."

"Of course."

"Then you believe me? You think it's magic too. Please, Merlin, Colette, I just need to hear someone say it so I don't have to keep feeling like I'm imagining it."

"I really wish there was something I could say," Merlin said, earning a small frown from his sister.

Morgana backed away and walked out.

"Morgana," Merlin called. "Morgana. Wait."

"Now you've done it," Colette muttered.

"Lettie, don't start."


"We need your help," Merlin said. "Do you know where the druids are?"

"First you must tell me why you seek them," the Great Dragon told him.

"That doesn't matter."

"It does to me."

"We need to ask them something."

"I've lived more than a thousand years, seen civilisations rise and fall. Do not believe that you can lie to me."

"We need their help," Colette said, letting out a sigh. "Someone Merlin and I care about needs their help."

"You speak of the witch, the Lady Morgana."

"She's not a witch. She's our friend."

"She cannot be trusted."

"What makes you say that?" Merlin asked.

"It would be better if The Witch..."

"Stop calling her that!" Merlin and Colette shouted.

"It would be better if The Witch never knew the true extent of her powers."

"You're wrong," Merlin argued. "Colette and I know her. She has a good heart."

"You failed to heed my advice in the past and it brought grave consequences."

"Lettie and I won't abandon her."

"I will not give you the help you seek. If you pursue this course of action, you do so alone."


Merlin absentmindedly cleaned Arthur's chainmail. Colette was washing Anne's dresses. Arthur entered with Leon, holding a scroll of parchment.

"You sure this is all of them?" Arthur asked.

"Names and last known dwelling places," Sir Leon replied.

"My father suspects the fire was started by sorcery."

"Indeed, Sire. I've included the details of everyone we suspect of consorting with sorcerers, witches, or druids."

"Gather the men. We'll arrest them immediately." He looked to Merlin. "I thought I told you to do that yesterday. Anne told Colette to wash her dresses yesterday as well and yet your sister is washing my sister's dresses."

"Lettie and I didn't have time. We were cleaning the stables."

"That's strange. Because a little bird told me and your sister you were somewhere else."

"Mucking out the stables is strange and a talking bird isn't?"

"Merlin, what've we said about you trying to be funny?"

"I shouldn't."

"So where are my flowers? Or Anne's?"

"Your flowers? Anne's flowers?"

"I heard Morgana got some. I assumed you'd be putting them in all the rooms. Or is she the only one to receive a token of your affections?"

"Yes. Er, No. Er... what? It's not a token of anything, affection or otherwise."

"I see. So why were you trying to hide them from me and Anne yesterday?"

"I wasn't. I mean, I was. Just, erm, I didn't want you or your sister to get the wrong impression."

"And what's the right impression?"

"That I was trying to cheer her up after the fire. Lettie's idea."

"Pick them yourself?"

"Maybe. I was only trying to be nice."

"Sword." Merlin handed him the sword. "That'll be all."

Merlin left and Arthur shook his head.


Merlin and Colette saw people being rounded into the Square as they headed for the Lower Town. Merlin and Colette tried to enter a house. It was locked.

"Ic I Tóspring," Merlin and Colette said.

The door unlocked. Merlin and Colette entered. A woman put a sword to his back and Colette stepped to the side with a wary expression.

"Move and I kill you two," Forridel warned.

"Forridel?" Merlin and Colette guessed.

"Who are you?"

"There is no time to explain, we have to get out of here," Merlin told her. "The King's men are coming for you."

Pounding sounded on the door.

"Open in the name of the King!" a guard ordered.

Merlin, Colette and Forridel snuck out the back way and watched the house from around the corner.

"How did you two know they were coming for me?" Forridel wondered.

"I'm Prince Arthur's servant and my sister is Princess Anne's servant," Merlin replied.

"You two took a great risk, thank you."

"She and I are just sorry we couldn't help them all."

"We better go."

"No, wait. We need your help. We're looking for a way to contact the druids."

"I wouldn't know anything about them."

"You don't need to lie to us," Colette told her.

"I'm not lying."

"Please, if it wasn't for me and my brother, you'd be under arrest. You know he and I aren't spies for Uther. We're friends of the druids. We need their help."

"What do you two want to know?"


Morgana held the door open for Merlin and Colette, who decided to join, to enter. Merlin held a bottle.

"Gaius asked me to deliver this," Merlin said.

"I don't need any potion, thank you," Morgana told him. "Merlin? Colette? Ignore what I said last night. I had a nightmare, I was upset."

"I know. Lettie and I haven't said anything to anyone."

"I'm sorry. It's usually Gwen that has to deal with me when I'm like this. Sometimes Anne."

"Colette and I don't mind. Maybe we could help."

"I doubt that."

"You'd be surprised," Colette said with a small smile.

Merlin closed the door. "Colette and I understand. We realise how frightening all this must be for you. Especially for you."

"Why especially for me?" Morgana wondered.

"You're the King's ward. You know his hatred of magic better than anyone."

"That's what you think has been happening to me? The dreams. The fire. You think it was magic?!"

"I'm not saying that."

"But it could be, couldn't it?"

"Lettie and I really wouldn't know, but there are people who do."


"What about the druids?" Colette suggested. "They help people like you."

"None of their kind would dare show their face in Camelot."

"No. But Merlin and I know where you can find them."


Warning bells rang in Camelot.

"The guards have completed of the castle," Arthur said. "There's no trace of her."

"Encircle the city," Uther ordered. "No one gets in or out."

"You sent for me, Sire?" Gaius asked.

"Yes. What time did you deliver the sleeping draught to Morgana?"

"Well, I..."

"The guards said that Merlin and Colette delivered it after she retired to her chambers," Arthur informed.

"So she was safe then?" Uther asked.

"Yes," Gaius replied. "Well, I suppose she must've been."

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