The Time Key

By RottenprincessShura

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Mephisto needs superweapons to defeat Satan. Superweapons means a larger demonic family, a secret family. A n... More

Until Death Do We Part (Rin and Yukio)
Gentle/Demon (Rin and Yukio)
Turn Back Time (Rin and Yukio)
F* Around and Find Out
That Horrid Girl
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Right on Time?
Safe and Warm
The Baba Yaga
Daddy Issues
Trust and Betrayal Run Deep
Bad Parents
A Trick to Life
The Two Sides of Mephisto
The Balance Between Good and Evil
A Planned Chaos
Fashionably Late
Not on the List
A Hole in the Spacetime
Let Sleeping Demons Lie: Part #1
Let Sleeping Demons Lie: Part #2
Love Game
Middle Game
Twins Run in the Family
When Time Stood Still
This Life is Perfect

That Weird Kid.(Lewin Light)

57 2 2
By RottenprincessShura

Two Weeks Later

Feb. 2007

Mephisto stretched and yawned.  He tossed his long legs out from under the covers, hopping to his feet. With the excitement of a small child, he threw open the curtains, revealing bright, cheerful sunshine. 

He knew full well that his demon passenger hated the light, but Mephisto loved the warmth, the dawn of another day. This passenger would soon give up this body and his pain would cease. But Mephisto still had time and would take each day as it came. Faust had been good to him, and he would enjoy the next stages of eternity.

Yes, today was a new day. It was a second (or third, or fourth)  chance to get the world spinning right. 

Well, he'd try anyway.

And, of course, he knew this was coming; he'd lived it all before. But yes, the sun was lovely. And today, it has always proven to be quite entertaining.

This is the day that Shiro meets his love child. 

The day that Shiro would understand the inner workings of their relationship with greater understanding. Oh yes, he wouldn't be happy about that!!

The demon yanked a long braided cord next to the balcony door. A bell clanked throughout the mansion, signalling to Mephisto's staff that he needed breakfast.  He curled himself within a round plush chair on his grand balcony just in time to see an army of servants enter. 

"British Tea cakes and scones with lemon curd." Belial rolled in a cart with a golden-tiered dessert arrangement. "Plus, eggs, Croque Madame, pain au chocolat..."

"This is all fine, Belial." Mephisto pouted, waving his hand dismissively. "But did you remember the date?"

"Yes, Master." Belial bowed with a small smile. "I have not forgotten. It is the first of October."

With a flourish of his gloved hand, the butler demon produced a pumpkin-spiced Latte.

Mephisto practically giggled with delight.

"Does it have an extra shot of pumpkin and toffee-nut syrup!?"

"Yes, master, and quad shots of expresso."

"Ohhhh gooodie!!" The demon tilted the cup and took a long sip, a large portion of froth fluffing onto his face. "This is the best morning ever!"

After a long leisurely breakfast, Mephisto spent over an hour in the bathroom. Starting with a good scrub in his room-sized marble shower. He groaned in delight as the multiple jets eased his many aches and pains. As his mind drifted off, he thought about Shiro.

God, he was such a pain in the ass!!

Shiro always called Mephisto lazy during missions. If only he knew how ridiculously fragile his life in Assiah was, the stress on his body. How hard he had to work to save the planet continuously. Shiro was such an insufferable ruffian to demons. Of course, Mephisto used him for that exact purpose, but a bit of understanding occasionally would be nice. 

He climbed out of the shower and dried with a soft towel. With a snap of a finger,  Mephisto was instantly dressed in office attire. A white suit and dress pants were required for the day, as a suit was Vatican protocol for the upper ranks.  Of course, Mephisto's outfit was highly embellished with bejewelled pins, cufflinks and decorative trim. The demon still carried a watch on a chain in his breast pocket. 

But it wasn't just any watch. It was the Doomsday Clock, the real one. 

When Yuri Egin had tried to join with Satan, the clock had moved backward, giving Assiah unlimited survival time. But Shiro had completely fucked it up. Once he separated Yuri from Satan, the Paladin inadvertently pushed Doomsday forward to the Blue Night. Much to Mephisto's alarm, the clock had stopped ticking. 

It had taken some quick thinking on his part to undo the entire mess. He invented a workaround, orchestrating the birth of Rin and Yukio. Once that happened, Mephisto gained 17 more years. 

But Yuri died because of Shiro's continued stubbornness.

In every timeline, the demon-killing Paladin destroyed Satan. 

There was another option, but Shiro would never agree,

There is no sense in even mentioning it.

 Honestly, Mephisto sighed painfully. It was all Shiro's fault. If only he could learn to feel love or trust for a demon. Just once.

Mephisto opened his walk-in toiletries closet, picking out an expensive cologne and applying it behind his pointed elf-like ears. He then applied a tiny amount of hair gel to his palm and carefully smoothed out the plumes of his multicoloured horn into its typical jaunty curl. Next, he produced a kohl pencil and drew a perfect plum line beneath his long black lashes, smudging it carefully into a slight smoke. He loved all shades of purple and plum; they made his green eyes pop!!

Mephisto grinned winningly at his reflection: 

He was such a beautiful creature! 

How could the humans not trust him?

 It was a travesty!!!

"Morning, bro." Amaimon strolled into the bathroom wearing a baggy pair of boxers. The younger demon scratched his ass with long, black claws and passed wind loudly. Mephisto scowled in disgust.

"What a pleasure you are." Mephisto mocked disdainfully. "You and your smelly arse.."

"That is the best part of human bodies." Amaimon's green eyes trolled his brother. "The part that smells like the fire and brimstone of Gehenna."

Amaimon then grabbed Mephisto's electric toothbrush and cleaned his fangs with it.

"What the hell are you doing!!!!" Mephisto shrieked with horror. "That's not yours!!!"

"So what?"

"You're getting your germs all over it!!"

"But isn't my body a clone of yours?" Amaimon furrowed his brows. "We have the same germs."

"Oh, hardly!!" Mephisto yanked the brush from his mouth. "You've eaten dead animals laying the road!!!"

"I was real hungry." Amaimon shrugged his shoulders. "It was just that one time..."

"BELIAL!!!" Mephisto shouted. "I need a new toothbrush!!!"

"Yes, Master." A distant and dour voice responded.

Mephisto then took the cap off his deodorant and saw a long green hair curled on top, like the sprig of an unruly plant. He glanced over at Amaimon, and his brother grinned evilly.

"It covers up the fart smell..."

"OH GOD!!! BELIAL!!!!" Mephisto gagged. "I need--!!"

"--Yes, Master," His servant responded with exhaustion. "You need a new toothbrush and deodorant."


Shiro marched into one of the Vatican practice rooms and waited. Today, he would meet a new recruit, one that was so powerful. Mephisto thought that someday he'd be a knight.

"Well, whatever." Shiro grumped out loud. "What's it gotta do with me?"

"I want you to spend time with him." Mephisto entered the room, sipping from a china cup. "I need to test his capabilities."

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Because I trust your judgement, Shiro-pon." Mephisto winked with a happy smile. "This recruit is very special."

"If you like him, that means he's trouble."

"I like you." Mephisto quipped.


Then, the double doors to the training room opened, revealing the hulking form of the exorcist Osceola and, at his side, his young apprentice. Shiro raised a curious eyebrow; the kid wasn't overly tall or strongly built. He wore a True Cross student uniform, and heavy dark-rimmed glasses framed his blue eyes. 

Shiro was dumbstruck; he looked like an older version of Yukio...

"Stay here, please." Osceola left the teen by the door.  He walked over to Shiro, placing a strong hand on his shoulder.

"Good to see you, old friend." The man smiled. "I have brought you a piece of hassle today; apologies."

"Hmph." Shiro graced him with a lopsided grin. "He doesn't look like trouble to me."

"He was given to me by Mephisto to train at the Mexican Branch. He was too much for his parents to handle. He is incredibly smart and can talk to spirits."

"What type of spirits?" Shiro inquired.

"All of them." Osceola sighed. "He seems to harness the powers of Azazel."

"Were his parents exorcists?" Shiro's interest was piqued. "How on earth would some random kid get an Azazel temptaint? The Azazel line is dead."

"No idea." The other exorcist shrugged his shoulders. "The boy was adopted."

"I see."  Shiro furrowed his brows. "What's his name."

"Lewin Light,"  Osceola responded. "But his nickname is---"

"--Wait...wait." Shiro put up his hands. "Is this that weird kid--the one that was struck by Lightning?"

"During a paranormal storm." Osceola nodded.  "A demon attacked our compound, and a red chain of electricity shot through the boy like a conduit. Lewin felt nothing, but his eyes were not the same afterward. After that, he could go between realms and speak to the spirits. 

Shiro walked over to Lewin.

"Hey kid, can I see your eye?"

"Sure thing!" He lifted his shaggy dark hair. "I look like a demon, right?"

 Shiro studied his weird, paranormal eyes.

"Azazel.." Shiro murmured, finally. "They have weakness in the eyes."

"Or... maybe it's a strength?" The boy burst into a lazy grin. "I guess it depends."

"Depends on what?" Shiro frowned.

"Whether you like demons." He smirked. "Or if you want to talk to ghosts."

Shiro's mind raced. Wait, could this brat talk to Yuri?

"Can you talk to particular ghosts?"

The boy sighed with disappointment.

"Nah. I can't focus on anyone in particular." Lewin grumbled. "It's like, I'm just not strong enough to get a clear signal."

"I wonder." Mephisto smiled evilly. "If being next to Azazel would help?"

"You mean," Shiro questioned. "Use that old crystalized demon as a giant antenna?"

"Hmmm." Mephisto mused. "Something like that."

"Worth a try." Shiro turned to Osceola. "Hey, can I borrow the kid for a while?"

"Of course," Osceola nodded. "He could use some company that isn't me for a change."

Shiro snapped his fingers, and the large double doors rumbled open. As the two made their way outside, Lightning shouted over his shoulder. "Don't miss me too much!! I know it pains you to have me gone!!"

"Pains me greatly, Lewin." The large exorcist smirked. "I'm going to enjoy the quiet and have a beer at the cantina. Be respectful of the Paladin, and don't blow the Vatican up, please."

"Ohhhhh." Lewin's weird eyes sparkled. "I love a challenge!!"

"Lewin!" Osceola threatenend.

"Yes, boss!" 


Shiro frowned the entire time he walked with Lewin. The young man never stopped talking and peppered him with endless questions. The questions were far too advanced for someone his age, which completely unnerved him.

"Why are you so fascinated with demon eaters?" Shiro grumped. "That shit is illegal."

"That's what I don't get." Lewin crossed his arms. "All exorcists have a demon temptaint, which gives them their power. So, why wouldn't an exorcist want a closer relationship with a demon? Becoming one with a demon makes perfect sense..."

"Well, most people are afraid of losing their damn souls." Shiro laughed incredulously. "And you can't trust a demon, ever."

"Okay," Lightning chuckled. "So, can I ask you a personal question, then?"

"You're gonna anyway...."

"What demon gave you a temptaint?"

Shiro paused, rounding on Lightning.

"Fuck, kid. I dunno." Shiro sighed painfully. "I've had it since I was younger than you."

"It's Mephisto, isn't it?" 

"What if it is?" Shiro growled. "So, what?"

"Look, I'm trying to work something out. A weird thing happened to me that awakened my powers. I know that Satan possessed you, and somehow you survived. I'm trying to draw a connection with my experience."

"I survived," Shiro answered. "Because Shemihaza was there--"

"--Or was it Mephisto?" Lewin remarked. "It would make more sense if you guys had a contract."

Shiro furrowed his brows with growing curiousity.

"How so?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Lewin's voice became serious. "If you have a contract, he could have been possessing you for years. That means his power transformed your DNA."

"He's not able to create life like Shemihaza."

The teen scoffed and walked on ahead of him. 

"No, but he is kin with death and can turn back time. Maybe he did it on a micro-level, healing your wounds...Or, I don't know, maybe you're almost a demon yourself. He's been possessing you for what? Almost 20 years?

"I think I'd know."

"Know what?"

 "If that damn clown was playing around inside my body!"

"Listen, don't get angry." Lightning held up his hands patronizingly. "They don't teach this stuff to exorcists for a reason. They don't want kids with temptaint getting any demon-loving ideas. And Mephisto is the head of the entire school; he wouldn't want a future vessel getting wind of his schemes...."

"Very true," Shiro answered gruffly. "By the way, if this knowledge is all contraband. How the hell do you know so much?"

"Easy, I talk to demons." The kid's creepy eyes fixated on him. "And they tell me all their secrets, or else."

"You have a violent streak." Shiro pursed his lips. "I respect that. So, how would one know if a demon trickster was possessing them?"

The kid grinned with almost nerdy excitement.

"I'd look for missing time,  blackouts, strange memories and weird dreams. Ever have any of that?"

"Yeah." Shiro laughed heartily. "But I drink so much whiskey....."

The Paladin rounded the corner until he came to a secret cavern in the deep keep of the Japan Branch. Before him stood an enormous door.

"Wait, are we really going to the Vatican?"

"Yeah, kid."  Shiro nodded.  "I want you to meet the King of Spirits."


Lewin followed Shiro through the ancient labyrinth underneath the Holy City. He took a disposable instamatic camera and snapped pictures of artifacts, sculptures and wall engravings.

"Kid, you aren't supposed to do that."

"Oh?" Lewin grinned. "Are you going to report me?"

"Of course not." Shiro was annoyed. "I'm not a rat."

"Good." Lewin winked mischievously. "I didn't think you were."

"How do you reckon that?" Shiro rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Wait, I don't wanna know. You've probably studied me, right?"

The kid chuckled, as he continued to snap images.

"I study everything."

"Why do you want to take pictures of all that old crap, anyway?"

"They say the tunnels under the Vatican are filled with more arcane secrets than Sir Phele's bedroom." The kid glanced at Shiro slyly, "Ever been in there?"

"What!?" Shiro's face reddened. "I've never been in anywhere but his office!!"

"Hey, hey, don't get offended." Lewin placed a hand over his heart. "They say he hides his big tail in there. I assume it's magical, and maybe you've seen it?"

They rounded a corner into a grand arched entranceway, Shiro immediately scruffed Lewin,  like an unruly cat.

"Stay behind me and keep yer mouth shut."


 "You want to get in there, don't you?"

"What are we going to see?"

"The tomb of Azazel, and the mystical grounds. It's an inter dimensional world set up by Sir Pheles."

"Shutting up." Lightning's face was overcome with awe. "Will I be able to touch the crystal?"

"Yes." Shiro furrowed his brows. "But it's just some old relic, not that interesting."

Three large doors delineated the entrances to the tombs of the demon kings. Compared to the others, the centre door was rather stark and was guarded by two mean-looking exorcists.

"I'm here to see the old man," Shiro announced.

"Very well, Paladin." The one man huffed. "But the lad, he doesn't have clearance."

"He been given a pass by Lord Pheles," Shiro answered nonchalantly, handing over the signed paperwork. "He's training with me today."

"Yeah! He teaching me to shut up!!" Lewin chimed in. "Obviously, I'm failing!"

One guard frowned at Lewin; the other cracked a smile.

"Good luck with this one, Shiro. Osceola said he's trouble."

"Yeah...what a fucking mess, eh?" Shiro replied good-naturedly. "I get all the difficult assignments."

"Yes, that is why you're the Paladin." The guard gestured toward the door. "We'll let him in. But keep a close eye. If he gets hurt, it'll be our asses. Plus, a mountain of paperwork for you."

"Affirmative." Shiro winked. "I won't harm a hair on his head."


Lewin and Shiro walked the long distance through the frozen fields until they reached a swirled crystallized vortex that was once the Demon King of Spirit, Azazel.

Assiah was controlled by eight demon kings, Light (Lucifer), Time/Space (Samael), Spirit(Azazel), Rot (Astaroth), Fire(Iblis), Water(Egyn), Earth(Amaimon) and Insects(Beelzebub). Adding to this list of demons was the Sol of Creation, the Goddess Shemihaza.

Most demons chose to stay within Assiah to enjoy the pleasures of the human-life, possessing human bodies. But it was a difficult balance to maintain, as demons are powerful and human bodies fragile. 

Instead of continuously investing in new human flesh, Azazel returned to Gehenna, much to the chagrin of Samael, who lost an important ally.

Samael continued to take on human bodies over the last thousand years and Mephisto Pheles was his current human host.

"This is one of the most sacred places." Shiro motioned Lewin up a long set of stone stairs. "This crystal mountain contains the demon king's heart. Anyone with an Azazel temptaint can come up here and meditate. They say, it clears the mind."

"Cool!" Lightning was utterly stoked. "Can I touch it now?"

"I don't see why not, it's just a big piece of old glass."

Lewin smirked, not believing that description for a second, he could feel the demonic energy radiating off the surface in waves, beckoning him forward.

As soon as the teen placed his palm on the smooth crystal, a strange bluish/white energy bolted from its centre, ricocheting through his body. Lightning tried to scream but his voice was frozen, he slowly raised off the ground paralyzed by some unseen force.

"KID!!" Shiro tried to pull him away, but an electric shock sent Shiro catapaulting backwards, some 50 feet away. Shiro tried to get up but the same force prevented him from moving.

I will not hurt you child.

A strange voice eased Lewin's intense pain he was soon overcome with a sense of calm, the voice infiltrated his mind from some distant realm. Beyond the glass, a mist took human form. An old bearded man in a long white robe, stood before him.

"Hello, Grandson." The demon acknowledged. "We've talked so often in dreams, I was wondering when Time would allow me to see you?" 

"Why did you call me Grandson? I don't understand, you must be my father." Lightning's voice betrayed  a hint of disappointment. "Am I not the only one?"

"No, there is another." Azazel sighed. "Only one survived, and he is your father."

"But who is he, I have so many questions."

"You will find out in Time." Azazel huffed. "If Time allows. His destiny is much different than yours, perhaps it is best not to know him."

"I see." The teen lowered his head. 

The clouded hand reached forward, brushing Lewin's hair away from his face.

"So, Am I..." Lightning whispered. "Am I weak? In my eyes---?"

"Your eyes are a portal between the spirit world and Assiah." The demon waved his hand dismissively. "Only the temptaint of Samael can create pathways to other dimensions, some physical and some metaphysical. Your weakness has nothing to do with your Azazel heritage, more to do with a scheming bastard, my brother."

"I have a Samael temptaint?" Lightning was confused. "But how?"

"He struck you down with lightning."

The demon's expression filled with ire.

"He, too, is your father."

"My god, none of this makes any sense."

"Yes, I'm sure it does not." Azazel responded. "But I cannot help you with your emotional quest. I am a demon after all, emotions are the realm of humans."

"I understand." Lightning cracked a smile. "I too, I have difficulty expressing myself."

 "Grandson." The mist began to fade. "I must go now, as my powers diminish. My ability to return to the realm weakens with each passing day. I am ready to die, I've lived far too long. I'm wish to follow the spirits I help transition."

"Gramps, will I ever talk to you again?"

"Come to this mountain, grandson. As long as I'm able, I will guide you.

"But what happens when you fully pass over?"

"Come to me still, and inherit my heart."

The mist dissipated back into the clear surfaces of the crystal, it was then that Lightning felt the power suddenly leave his body, sending him crashing to the ground.

Shiro rushed to Lewin's side, and shook him forcefully from the trance.

"Hey! Kid! Wake up!" He urged. "You ain't dead are ya?"

"No, no I'm fine." Lightning laughed through a raspy gasp. "Better than fine, in fact. I spoke to Azazel."

"What!?" Shiro was floored. "He hasn't spoken to anyone in years!! What did the old fart say?"

"Get this." Lightning's voice became deadly serious. "He said that weakness in the eyes are portals between dimensions--" Lewin glanced at Shiro. "And are only caused by the space/time powers of a Samael temptaint. It appears I am a relative of Samael...and other Nephilium.

Shiro helped the weakened Lewin down the mountain. The young man struggled to walk, his feet tripping over small rocks in his path.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Shiro was concerned. "You took quite a jolt."

"Yeah, it's cool." The teen answered. "I just need a long nap and a couple of hamburgers and--man, my eyes are pretty blurry." Lewin took off his glasses and squinted. He could see perfectly fine without them! 

The boy stuck the frames into his pocket and smiled. Azazel had left him with a gift!

"Did he mention who your father or mother was?" Shiro inquired conversationally. "Was he part of the Order?"

"He said my father was the last of Azazel, and still alive."

Shiro stopped dead in his tracks and inwardly did the math. All of the Azazel clones had been long dead, save for him and Goro. The rest of the test subjects never left the lab. And since the blue night, Shiro was all that remained. Goro had become Satan, and it was documented that he only had eyes for Yuri. Plus, this Lightning kid was already 17 years old.. 

"Oh--" Shiro barked,  in realization. "--Fuck."

Could it be? Was this weird kid, his son?

"Huh? What's the matter, Shiro?"

"I'm just thinking of all the paperwork I'll have to file on this." The Paladin quickly came up with a lie.

"Hahaha!!" The kid slapped him on the back. "You, my friend, are paperwork free."

No sooner had the words left Lightning's lips, he passed out, falling hard to the ground.

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