illicit ⭐️- Oscar Piastri - O...

By belovedstri

93.9K 1.3K 388

Gabi Norris sister of Lando Norris gets hired to work as a photographer for various teams in which she makes... More

A/N (IMPORTANT) okay not important feel free to read to see what i went through
A/N (sorry)


1.5K 22 4
By belovedstri

It had been atleast a week since me and Oscar spent our nigth at my house together. We had gone out together numerous of times since but it was only little outings like to grao food, go to the movies, do some shopping, you know stuff like that.

Earlier today, i was sat on my couch watching a relaity tv show that i had put on for some background noise but then genuinely got invested into it somehow, but broke away hesitantly from my gaze on the television when my phone begun vibrating on the table infront of me.

I Looked to my phone, flipping it over, and staring deeply at the number, once again no name, but awfully familiar so i decided to answer it, though i was hesitant just incase something good or shocking happened on the show i was truly invested in at this point.

"Uh hello," i answered standing up from the sofa, my legs going weak after not having to support me for so long, causing my to almost stumble but i saved it applaudingly as i stumbled over to the kicthen counter where i rummaged through my empty cupboards hoping something would just appear.

"Hey, Gabi, so i have a proposition for you," The voice on the other end said, probably expecitng me to catch onto who it was by the boice, but the phone distorted it so much, i had no idea, i should probably start saving people numbers i thought to myself.

"Uh, sorry, who is this again?" i asked, finding an apple in the fridge after taking a bite of it, and realising it tasted slightly strange so i threw it in the bin and spat the apple out of my mouth also into the bin, and washing thr taste down with some delicious orange juice.

"Oh come on, Ollie, it's Ollie again," he replied, i could hear the smile in his voice as he tried not to sound irritated which i can't blame as it was the second time.

"Oh yeah, sorry i really aught to put your name to the number," i laughed back, still staring into my empty fridge, the only thing in it being a few pieces of things to make a sandwich with though my issue was that i had no bread, so it was pretty much useless.

"Yeah well anyway, i have a proposition or well an invitation for you," He said, which was a little intruiging but also a little suspicious as he was seemingly compleetly fine and had moved on with everything so soon, which honestly i was glad about but also i was a little confused since he seemed ulitimately crushed over text, but oh well.

"Go on," i said to him finally retreating to my couch to sit down, diving back into the series, as i placed my glass of Orange juice onto a coaster on the coffee table.

"Well i'm sort of hosting a party, and i figured i'd invite you," he said which made my eyes squint a little at the idea of him throwing a party, "and you can bring anyone you want," he followed with, not mentioning anyone specific but by the tone of his voice i was sure he meant Oscar.

"who else is going to this party?" i asked first before comfirming my arrival at it, as i wasn't going to show up and it be a dead party with like three people but also i didn't want to be surrounded by unfamiliar people either.

"Well a few of the other drivers and whoever they want to bring and also some of my friends and some of my friends friends, so quite a few up to like 50 people about," he replied back sounding cocky as he did. I thought about it for a few moments and decided i wasn't going to be around people i didn't know if other drivers were going to be there, and also if Oscar was coming with me i most certaintly wouldnt be alone so honestly what could be so bad about it.

"Hm, sure i'll come, when is it?" i asked him, hesitant to give him a definate on my arrival though i did so anyway.

"Uh, tomorrow, around six, is that short notice?" he replied making my eyes buldge out of my head as my show i was watching had now ended and i had like a few hours to prepare for tomorrow due to his terrible notifying skills or maybe he was just nervous to ask and decided to leave it last minute.

"Uhm, no, no it's fine notice," i said looking to the time, it was almost seven and i had to take a bath, wash my hair, paint my nails, and chose an outifit for tomorrow, it was dooable but that meant i probably wasn't going to be until like ten, though really it wasn't too late, but i also had to ask Oscar.

"alright, well i'll let you go, see you tomorrow," he said before i replied with the same, as he hung up. I sighed heavily heading upstairs to take a bath and wash my hair.

Once i had bathed i got my phone and remembered i had to ask Oscar about if he was available for tomorrow.

hey Oscar!!!!!!!
read at 20:21

yes gabi????????
read at 20:21

sooo, i was invited to a party and i was wondering if you were available tomorrow to come with me?
read at 20:22

depends what time?
read at 20:22

like six, sevenish
read at 20:23

ah, sorry i'm busy, got a dinner thing with my parents
read at 20:23

it's fine i'll find a new plus one
read at 20:23

alright, good luck, have fun
read at 20:24

i was obviosuly super dissapointed i wasn't able to fetch Oscar to Ollie's party, but also kind of relieved i wouldn't be going with him, since i didn't want to cause some sort of quarrel between the two there, yikes that'd be bad, so ultimately it's good he can't come.

I dried my hair putting it up in a messy ponytail before returning to my wardrobe and looking at all of my clothes, dumbfoundedly hoping something would just jump out at me as ultimately it's probably make it easier to dress myself that way.

@ GabiiNorizz
[Via instagram stories]

a/n i don't want this to be too long so had to add a little time skip cause i know people hate reading the long stories 🤷‍♀️

1097 words

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