"WHAT ABOUT ME?" || Karma Aka...

By SimpofKarmakun

734 38 2

Y/N L/N, a student in Kunugigaoka Junior High who excels in academics and is the Best Friend of Asano Gakushu... More

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By SimpofKarmakun

Okuda walks up to Koro sensei and hands him the poison she made for him as her home assignment. He drinks it at once.

Y/N: 'I don't think it's gonna work. Okuda is too naive to believe that Koro sensei would give her the correct remedy to the poison for himself.'

After drinking it he starts glowing red and said that he will now be able to advance to another level. You all thought he was gonna become something scary now but instead he turned into a fluid. He showed you all how he could fit in the tiniest spaces now. Koro sensei demonstrated his speed to you all. He looked speedy as usual.

Okuda: "Y- You tricked me, Koro Sensei!"

Koro Sensei: "Verbal aptitude to deceive others is a vital part of assassination, Okuda."

Y/N: "Verbal aptitude?"

Koro Sensei: "The most potent of poison can go to waste if you offer it in such a naive way." He turns to you who was standing near to Okuda.

"Y/N, how would you poison me?"

Y/N: "Uhm, I'll probably mix it in something you like and then offer it to you as something special I made for you."

Koro Sensei: "To deceive someone, you must understand their feelings and communicate creatively. Language is the key to an effective poisoning."

Koro Sensei appreciated Okuda's scientific talent and told her that it would be useful to everyone someday.

"I hope you'll continue to develop the language skills to poison someone."

Okuda: "I- I will!"


Isogai: "Hurry! We don't know what they'll make us do if we're late."

Okano: "Argh, why do WE have to put up with this?!"

It was the day of the assembly. You were walking down with Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino, Kanzaki, Sugaya and Okuda.IiI Like always, Karma was skipping.

Y/N: "Are you sure this shortcut is safe?"

Sugaya: "No one here knows."

You all come across some bees in the way.

Nagisa: He points at the beehive. "In my opinion,... it's not."

You all were about get attacked by those bees when you all heard a familiar sound from behind. You all look back and see Okajima screaming and running down the hill at full speed. He looked like in a bad shape.

Sugino: "Okajima!"

Y/N: "He has it worse than us."

You all stop after a while and breathe heavily with exhaustion.

Kayano: "Please, no more bees or anything else..."

Sugino: "Luckily, Okajima took the brunt for us."

Y/N: "I hope he'll be alright"

Karasuma sensei: "There's no rush. We'll arrive with plenty of time at this pace."

Irina: "HOLD ON... YOU BRATS!"

She comes down huffing and breathing heavily.

Kayano and Y/N together: Bitch sensei!

Bitch sensei: No one told me about a class trip during lunch break!

Sugino: You're a real mess, Bitch sensei.

Bitch sensei: It's exhausting to run in heels!

Karasuma sensei: The main campus isn't far from here now. Keep going everyone.

You all managed to make it on time and the class starts to lining up for the assembly.

Y/N: 'I think I have a little time and maybe I can meet Gakushu in this time.'

"You guys can go ahead. I wanna have a sip of water."

Nagisa: "Sure, we'll be waiting for you."

With that you walk towards the watercoolers in hope that you'd get a chance to see Gakushu else you could always meet another time. It was just a hope that you'd get a chance to see your best friend and that hope also ended when there was no one around the water taps.

Y/N: "I saw it coming though." You say that to yourself in disappointment.

You turned back to go and join your classmates but a familiar voice calling out your name reached your ears. It was no doubt it was him.

Gakushu: "Y/N? That's you right?"

Y/N: "Gakushu! I'm glad I got a chance to see you before the assembly."

Gakushu: "Me too. Actually, I just came here in hope I'd get a chance to see you only"

His words brought a smile to your face. You were pleased to know that he wanted to see you just as desperately as you wanted to see him.

Y/N: "Pretty much the same."

Gakushu: "How is it in the E-class? I bet it sucks"

Y/N: You thought for a moment on how to answer that question. It was not a good thing to be in the End Class but you couldn't say it was a bad experience either.

"I really don't know myself. I neither like it nor dislike."

Gakushu: "Don't tell me that staying with those good for nothings has made your mind go wrong aswell."

Y/N: "Of- of course not. That old building is nothing as compared to here. I wanna get outta there as soon as possible." You tried to make those sentences sound hatefull but that was not enough.

Gakushu: He looks at you for a moment with eyes that felt sorry for something but it was hard to make out what. "I'm sorry, y/n."

Y/N: "What for?"

Gakushu: "I- tried... I tried to talk to my father to get you out of 3E but I couldn't convince him."

Y/N: 'He really did that? For me?' You knew about the distant relationship Gakushu had with his father and how he had an unpleasant personality but he still talked to him for you. The principal was an evil manipulator in your eyes.

"Whoa, there's no need to apologize there. You did what you could. There was actually no need to do that for a nobody like me but...thanks. Thanks a lot for trying." You softly smile at him and place a hand on is shoulder.

Gakushu: He smiles back at you. "What else are friends for? Above that we're not friends but best friends you know."

Y/N: "That was cringe of you to say that."

Gakushu: He roles his eyes, "Whatever." He looks at his wristwatch and notices that it was almost time for the assembly and also reminds you about it, "Hey, we have an assembly to be at right now."

Y/N: "Crap! I TOTALLY forgot about that. I'm late now."

Gakushu: "Oh yes, the E class has to be there before the other classes right?"

Y/N: "I'll make a run for it then. See you around later."

You wave to him and rush to the assembly hall.

Y/N: 'I hope they're not thinking that I ditched them.'

You just make it in time and stand behind Okuda. The assembly began and throughout that time you felt it. The humiliation... For the first time you felt how it was like to be a laughingstock for the crowd. You could hear the whispers about you. It was not only you but almost everyone in 3E. You saw your past self in the crowd who used to make fun of the students but now you were the one standing between those students and being made fun of. You clenched your fist and felt angry on your past self.

Y/N: 'When the heck will this get over!?'

_________ _____________ _________

Thanks for reading this chapter O(∩_∩)O

I know it was trash (-_-). I actually wrote this chapter in a hurry so the story was kind of rushed. I had absolutely NO idea that what to do to because the main plot for which that I have in mind is coming in slow motion so some chapters will be boring in between or rather most of the chapters will be boring (~ ̄▽ ̄)~.

Thanks again for reading my silly little story (^o^)

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