The Tree Remembers

By EloiseMunson

18.9K 1.7K 296

Eddie Munson's back after leaving Hawkins for two years. He's desperate to get back in the swing of things, a... More

The King Returns
Pick Your Poison
Keep Protecting
The Melody
Shift Drinks
Why Do You Hate Me?
Starting Fresh
Two Belle's
Great Expectations
A/N - Quick Update!
Just Friends
Seriously. Just Friends.
Jealousy, Jealousy
Tape World
It's A Start
This Is Not A Date
A Win Is A Win
Brick Walls
Pity Party
We Like Sharing
This Kind of Happy
Concrete Girl
Brain Damage
Like Rabbits
Small Rooms
See You in the Hall

Authors Note!

334 37 7
By EloiseMunson

Hey, beautiful people!

I am so sorry I have been MIA lately - on top of my broken ankle, I had to go back for an emergency surgery and have been dealing with an antibiotics schedule that has me exhausted!

Because of that, I have been a little too worn out to write as much as normal. But! I will be done soon! And I will come right back to my favorite black cat/golden retriever combo! I even have ideas for the next one!

Thank you all for sticking with me - if you haven't already, check out my other works if you need your Eddie fix! I added some new epilogues to some 😊

See you soon!

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