Binding The Soul

By olicity4ever4

236 33 0

The soulmate journal. When you were seven you were automatically sent one. They worked as a communication dev... More

The Journal
The Party
Study Session
A Day on the Town
Don't Move
Breaking Ground
A Moment
A Quiet Day

The Talk

14 1 0
By olicity4ever4

"It's my turn dumbass" rang Max's voice from down the hall making Billy laugh.

"That girl is becoming more like me and that's a scary thought" Billy said with the smile of a man who was proud of someone but was also scared at the very thought.

"It wouldn't be so bad" Steve said mindlessly, making Billy laugh again and turning Steve into a red tomato.

Trying to stop the room from spinning due to all the feelings creeping up from his lower half Steve took a deep breath and said "Billy, we need to talk about what happened our senior year".

Billy stared at him, his eyes looking him up and down like a fast food menu then he scoffed and commented "Damn Harrington your at full staff but want to talk about ancient shit but hey let's talk about it" Billy said as he placed his feet on the table.

Steve went over and knocked Billy's feet off the table and trying his best to focus on the task at hand stood in front of Billy and said:

"You embarrassed me, you pushed every button you could and you tried to take my place as captain of the basketball team even though you came in half way through the damn school year.

Did you ever think about how the hell I was feeling while you were stealing my best friend and trying to take my place.

I didn't want you here but Dustin really needed the help and was adamant you could teach him and somehow you did something no one else could.

Fuck, it makes sense, you graduated with fucking perfect grades and was nominated as the valedictorian of our year which I heard you turned down.

Why the fuck are you still in Hawkins when you could be in college getting a degree and making some serious money"?

Billy didn't say a word and his body language screamed he was about to bolt but he didn't.

Steve made sure he was between Billy and the door so he couldn't change his mind.

"I couldn't leave Max," Billy said quietly.

Steve looked at him as he slumped into the recliner next to the couch.

"You want the story Harrington well here it is.

My mom left me. My dad beat me. My step mom couldn't give two fucks and who constantly made Max feel bad about how she dressed and looked.

So when I turned eighteen, I grabbed Max and whatever I could shove into my Camaro and we left.

You would think they would've wanted Max back but they were more than happy to pass off the responsibility:

Thankfully I had been saving up and we found a decent two bedroom apartment.

I work two jobs Harrington and a third one I never want Max to know about.

If you don't want me here fine but Max is finally understanding her English homework and writing really good essays, something I could never do. Thankfully I had English teachers that let me slide on essays" Billy said, averting his eyes from Steve's judging gaze.

Leaning back, Steve closed his eyes.

California, mysterious past, two bedroom apartment.

It was him, his soulmate but Billy Hargrove was looking defeated and burnt out. He had no fight left in him; he was on autopilot just like him. But for some reason he couldn't help thinking about what the third job he mentioned was.

Worst of all Billy thought that he was dating Eddie Munson.

Silence filled the room like hungry dogs when their food bag finally opened.

Within minutes, something about the change in temperature and the sound of a bedroom door shutting loudly with footsteps heading their way caused both of them to feel the crawling sensation of fear climb their spines.

They watched as not only a very angry Robin but also a very upsetNancy appeared in the room.

"I didn't know you were here Nancy" Steve said, his voice shaking a bit.

Nancy didn't look at Steve but instead made sure her glare could be seen by both Steve and Billy

"I came up the fire escape because Robin said that there was an explosion and I shouldn't come through the front door.

She was right. There was an explosion of stupidity in the living room.

You two aren't loose canons your frustratingly the two most dense people on the face of this fucking planet.

I hope neither of you ever reproduce" Nancy said as she took Robin by the hand and they went back to where the two kids were.

Billy and Steve just looked at each other in complete confusion.

The room grew darker as the sun set into the night sky.

"Why don't you, Max and Dustin stay here tonight. Dustin can room with me and you and Max can have the fold-out couch bed you're sitting on right now" Steve said trying to regain some composure.

Billy just nodded.

As the moon rose into the sky the two-bedroom apartment resonated with the energy of an ending to part one of a Shakespearean romance.

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