By heartdevilxoxo

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two loser girls finding their place on the moral compass. asa mitaka x female reader fanfic :3 [PART 2 IN PR... More

an unwanted interaction
a mind that's been changed
the morning sun is yellow
the midnight moon is blue
peer into the window of my heart
be the sun that shines
give me a moment to breathe
don't put me in my place, feline!
your secret wouldn't be safe with me
look at this cool pebble
russian roulette is not the same without a gun
give me the thing i love (or don't)
i'm trying to tell you something, something that i already said
i hope nobody catch us
it almost worked
then dive inside the mindset of a killer
trade your dreams with mine
i can't sleep no more
get your face between my thighs
caught in-between love and fear
it's the thuggish ruggish bone
YOOOOO, CHESS T! (side chapter)
are you really who they idolize
i, i really wish you'd make up your mind
you don't have to speak, don't need to talk to me, baby, i already know
watch you weigh your powers
go, use your muscle, carve it out, work it, hustle
take a step back, letting go of the fear
i wanna take you away.
wrong move, ya dead, that girl is poison
then sink the teeth and bat your eyes
and now look at 'em, look at 'em, now, look at 'em sting
you got my heartbeat running away
must be love on the brain
all i wanted was you
in tune with all our dreams
go waste your breath somewhere to someone new
i already told her, if we gon' do it, then we gon' do it my way
just as i'd rehearsed over in my brain
forgive me and the world outside your room
i drink the poison right from your hands
you should wake up before the wrath comes
me and you could take off before the wrath comes
it's a scary night like trick or treat, i wanna scare her
there's a hole in the earth, i'm out
shut up and relax, don't lose your head
new scars, same war
a cold soul seeking warmth
now did you get it? get it, so write it down
you should know by now, really, that this could end, really
now ask yourself why it never ends
then why are you here?
next to the infant crying in your heart
rises the moon
you will never be free
decide! decide, is this it, is it just fine?
i swear i'll only make you cry
i've watched you change, now you feel alive
goodnight, hearts. (authors note)

together we'll mend your heart

212 20 29
By heartdevilxoxo

You step out of the shower, grabbing your towel and beginning to dry off.


"UAAAHH!" The entire apartment shakes and you fall, catching yourself on the counter. It continues rumbling for a few moments before stopping.

What the FUCK was that?

You wrap the towel around you and open the door, quickly walking to your room.

"W-Was that an earthquake?" You ask Asa.

"It wasn't." Yoru says, climbing through the window. "These are very powerful."


"What did you do, bro.."

"Knocked a building down. It was a simple mistake."

"You WHAT?!"

She places the swords down on the floor and gives Asa's body back. "I see you cleaned up."


"I didn't intend to. Again, it was a simple mistake."

"You're not telling us HOW, though.."

"I was looking for something to test it on, and hit it one of them against the building. It fell. That simple."

You groan and readjust your towel. "Okay, well, um.. I guess that's a good thing..?"

"Of course it is. With your ability and Asa sharing mine, we will be unstoppable!"

"Y-Yeah.. I'm surprised I didn't implode when I poked it. We should be careful with the weapons we're makin' now."

You take your towel off and place it on your dresser, opening it and pulling out a sweater. It's a sweater Asa gave you. You slip into it and see another one of your sweaters. "Oh, yeah!" You pull it out and hand it to Asa.

"I totally forgot to give this to you." She looks at it and sees little kitties all over it. "Oh, I forgot about it too.. it's so cute!"

"Here, get outta your uniform so you can wear it."

She starts taking off her uniform and you go and get yours out of the dryer. After doing so, you put your bedding and pillows into the dryer. You walk back and put your uniform away. The sweater looks cute on her.

"Do you want me to wash your uniform?"

"No, it's okay. I washed it yesterday."

"Oooh, okay.. the sheets and stuff will probably be done in an hour or so. Do you wanna turn the rest of the stuff into weapons now so it doesn't get all gross?"

"Y-Yeah.. get that mask though. I'd rather not look at it."

"Alright. I'll go g-"

"..Is something wrong?"

"I-I didn't, um.. I didn't separate which was which."


You slump over and leave the room, getting the mask. "Yo, Chester. You have good smell, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I forgot to separate the parts. Do you remember their scents?"

"Of course I do. I have an amazing memory unlike no other. If I met somebody or even something that had better memory than I, well, I'd probably die right on the spot. I.."

You pick him up as he continues his rant and you bring him into your room. "Chester's gonna help differentiate so this doesn't take forever."

You hand the sleeping mask to her and she puts it on. You put Chester down on the bed and open the bag, pulling out an arm. "Sniff it and tell me if it's Toki or Kimi."

He sniffs it for a moment and sits there.

"It smells gross."



You start making a pile to separate the two.

Once you pull out one of the feet, he immediately shakes his head violently.






"FINE!" You put it in a separate pile. It's completely understandable that he wouldn't wanna. Unless someone's a freak. Like, not in a good way. Gross.

After it's all separated, which took much longer than needed, you pick one of the arms up.

"Alright, we gotta decide which part is gonna be what weapon. You got any ideas, Yoru?"

"I've put in a lot of thought. The legs can be swords, arms can be spears, the fingers can be small grenades, and.."


"I suppose I didn't think of the eyes and ears. Those could also be grenades."

"Hey! What about for my kittens!"

"Oh, yes. We could make tiny swords for your army with the fingers. The eyes and ears can still be grenades."

"I have, like, fifty. That'd only be for 20."

"I'm not sure what to do, then."

"Man.. kill another person, then! Get more stuff!"

"Um.." You clear your throat. "Do we really need to? I mean, you saw how strong only those two swords were.. this is a lot of stuff, too. I don't-"


"C-Chester, they can still help.. they don't ALL need a weapon.."

He hisses at you and jumps off the bed. "I just want 'em to be involved cuz I go out and do all this stuff but they never get to do nothing! If you don't want that, just say it!" He yells at you as he walks by you, bumping the door and closing it as he walks out.

"Wh.. I never said that, though.."

"I'll speak with him." You open the door and Yoru walks out. You close it. You sit against the door and sigh, hugging your knees. Asa takes the mask off and sits next to you, laying her head on your shoulder.

"Why's he mad at me?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe he's stressed or something.. no, Chester's been fine this whole time. He never said anything to me about anything that you were doing that may have upset him, so there's not much to go off."

"Maybe he thinks I'm trying to take him out of the plan?"

"Or that. Maybe.."

"This is making me sad. I don't like feeling sad."

You pull your heart out of your chest and hold it, gently brushing it with your thumb.

"Do you calm your heart to calm yourself?"

"Yeah.. it usually makes me feel better."

"Can I hold it for a bit?"

"H-Huh? Oh.. sure." You hand it to her. She carefully holds it in both of her hands. It calmly beats in her hands, beating every second. She holds it close to her heart and cracks a small smile.

"I wonder if your heart loves mine." She says quietly.


"Your heart seems to be like a small, separate version of you, I guess. It can understand things you say to it, and you can calm it. What if it can think but just can't speak? What if can have its own opinions and feelings?"

"I.. I guess I never thought about that."

It suddenly sinks into Asa's chest. She stares down and watches it sink into her. She doesn't know whether to be shocked or confused.

You're definitely both.

"H-Heart! What're you doing?! Return!"

Asa coughs for a moment and holds her chest. "W-What's it doing.. my chest feels tight.."

"I-I don't know, it's never done this before! Heart, return! Now!"


It's not responding to you.


No response.

"W-Why isn't it listening to me! Asa, can I, like.."

She nods her head and moves her hand out of the way. You phase your hand through and grab it.


You can't pull it out. From what you can feel, it merged with Asa's heart, but didn't convert her heart first. Great.

"It's.. um.. it's stuck."


"H-Hold on! Heart, disconnect, now!"


"..Hearts, disconnect."

It shoots throughout your arm and travels to your chest. You shiver and hold your arm. You remove your hand from her chest and shake your arm before pulling your heart out again.

It seems fine.

"Heart, what the hell! Don't go doing that without saying anything!"

Asa pats her chest and feels her pulse to make sure hers is fine. "That was odd.. why'd it do that?"

"I don't know, it can't really talk to me. I wish it could."

It stops for a moment before thumping hard.


It goes back to its normal heartrate.

"Heart, I really hope you didn't do anything funny to her heart. Don't do that stuff."

It stops again and thumps hard.

You sit there for a moment.

"Are you tryna talk to me?"

It does it again.

"W-Was there something you wanted to do?"


"Asa, go through the alphabet slowly! This is cool! It's never done this before.."


She begins to go through the alphabet.

She goes for a while. "M."


She starts up again. "E."


This one took longer. "R."


This one didn't. "G."


Last one. "E."


"Merge? You wanted to merge with her heart? That's a- W-WOAH!" It's heartrate skyrockets and almost falls out of your hand, stopping after a couple seconds.

"..I guess that answers your question. Hehe, it likes you." You hand it to her. "I wonder why it wants to merge so bad, though."

"Maybe it just wants to be close to me. That's.. kinda cute. Are you sure you're not just making it do this?"

"Nuh uh! I would've told you, not pretend it was out of my control."

"True.." She gently kisses it and it almost jumps out of her hands. You both giggle and she lays her head against you again.

"Hey, we should make something outta my heart together."

"Huh? How?"

"I can make new sets and stuff, remember? Oh, well.. you were kinda out of it, so I guess you forgot."

"Oh, no, I remember now. Do you just stretch it until it forms or.."

"Here, I'll show you." You take it from her.

Your heart stops.


It doesn't beat.

"H-Hey.. Heart.."

It still doesn't.

"H-HEY!" You start coughing.


You hand it back to her and it begins beating again. "JEEZ! WHY'S IT SO STUBBORN!"

"Aww, it doesn't wanna leave my hands. That's so cute.."

"How's that cute! It just tried to kill itself!"

"B-But it's the thought that counts, right?"

"Dude.. ugh. Heart, stretch anew." It becomes limp. "Just make somethin' and I can make it a set. Go on. Just pretend it's clay."

She sits up and starts stretching and molding it into something. She makes the bottom part of it skinny, and the top.. well, she's still working on it.

She looks at you. "Look away! I wanna surprise you."

"Fiiine.." You turn your head away.

After a minute or so, she whispers something to your heart and you hear it thump loud. You look back and it's normal.

"I told it what it was and such. Go on."

"Okay.. Heart, form, set ten."

It stretches and wiggles around for a bit before popping up. It's..


Asa made a rose out of your heart. It even has little leafs on the sides. Your heart seems very pleased by this as it's glowing a little.

You smile and hold it. Thankfully, your heart doesn't stop beating. "Man.. this is so sweet.. you're gonna make me cry, dude.."

"H-Huh?! Don't cry! Why?!"

"N-No, like a good cry! I just thought you were gonna make a cool weapon or something.. this is so much cooler.." You start to sniffle a little.

"D-DON'T CRY! Y/N, IT'S OKAY!" She starts to panic a little and hugs you.

"I-I said it's a good cry.." You sniffle again and hug her back. "Well, I don't want you to cry either way."

"B-But.. it's, like.. so sweet.. I can't help it.."


"Cry if you feel like it, then. As long as you're okay."

"I'm more than okay! My girlfriend is awesome!"

"Did you just refer to me in third person?"


She giggles and lifts her head up, placing her hand on your cheek. "Whenever I'm not with you, now you can look at the rose. I know you miss me whenever we can't be with each other.. well, that's rare, but still."

You smile and lean in, kissing her and making it last a few seconds. "I always miss you even if I'm right next to you."

"That doesn't make sense."

"It totally does!"

"But.. I'm literally right here."

"W-Well, yeah.. it's hard to explain."

"I can see that, dummy."

"I ain't dumb, you're dumb.."

She gently headbutts you and keeps her forehead against yours. "We're both dumb, then."

"Nope, only you."

"I'm trying to be sweet!"

"I'm just messing with you!"

"I know."

"Then don't yell.."

"I can yell if I wanna."

The door suddenly bumps you both, and you look at it. You can hear a meow on the other side. You both scoot out of the way and Chester walks on by, followed by Yoru. He clears his throat.

"Soooo.. I MAY have overreacted just a teensy tiny bit. My bad."

"You're good, don't worry. Oh! Guys, look what Asa made me!" You hold it out.

"Oh? Is that.. your heart?" Yoru asks and bends down.

"Yeah! She made a rose outta my heart. Isn't it adorable?"

"It looks nice." She comments as she inspects it, now on all fours.

"Hey, I wonder if your heart likes Yoru, too." Asa says.

"Oh.. uh.. I-I dunno, actually." Your heart suddenly beats extremely hard, flying into the air and landing in Asa's lap. Ow. So dramatic.

She carefully picks it up and holds the "flower".

You hold your chest for a bit and, for some reason, you feel a bit jealous that it's choosing Asa over you. I mean, it's YOUR heart. Your its body. Why's it keep trying to get away from you? Like, that's so rude. After everything you and your heart have been through, it keeps going back to Asa.

She can see jealousy spread all over your face.

Everybody in the room can because you're completely silence. You are never silent.

"Um.. are you okay?" She asks you. You keep staring at your heart, not giving a response.

"Y/N?" You keep looking at it, feeling your eyes droop and your eyebrows narrow. "Yo, Y/N. You good?" Chester jumps off the bed and pats your thigh with his paw. You continue looking at it, wondering why it would try and keep leaving you. How could it do that to you? You're not just overreacting, right?

She puts it beside her, out of your view. You blink a few times and look at her. "Huh?"

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, uh.. whatcha mean?"

"Don't play dumb. You were glaring."


"Y/N. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is, I just zoned out."

"Don't lie to me, please."

"I'm not lying.."

"You have a certain look on your face when you're lying. Just tell me."

You groan and reach over her. "It doesn't matter, just gimme my heart." She pushes your arm away. "No, tell me first."

"Wh- Give me my heart." You continue reaching.

"No, Y/N. Please, I know something's wrong. Why won't you-"



"Okay." She shoves it into your hand and stands up, leaving the room and shutting the door.

"Wh.. wait, um.."

"Jeez, Y/N. You didn't need to yell at her like that, dude." Chester says.

"B-But.. I just wanted my heart.."

"That was super rude." He trots by you and climbs onto the doorknob, opening it and trotting out. You peek out the door and see Asa sitting at your table with her head down.

Oh, man.

Chester closes the door.

You begin to feel horrible and your heart stops glowing. You stare at the rose and your lip quivers a little. Yoru scoots next to you. "Why did you react that way?"

"It doesn't matter.. Heart, return.." It goes back to normal and you stuff it in your chest.

"It clearly does if you yelled at her like that. You know how she is. I don't like this feeling."

You look at her. "What're you feeling..?"

"She's suppressing her sadness."


"It's not helping. I don't like it. Do something."



"Does she hate me now?"

"She would've left. Get up."


"Get the fuck up." Scary..

"O-Okay, okay.." You get up and place your hand on the doorknob. "Are.. are you sure she doesn't hate me.."

"Open the door, Y/N. She doesn't. Stop being a wimp."

"I ain't, I'm just.. I don't want her to hate me. What if she doesn't forgive me?"


"O-OKAY!" You quickly open the door and scurry out, speed walking to the table and standing over her. Chester looks at you for a moment before looking back at her. He's resting his head on her forearm.

You sit down next to her and poke her.

She keeps her head down.

"H-Hey.. Asa.."

She lifts her head up a little, revealing her eyes.

"I didn't mean to yell at you and stuff.. I'm sorry."

She stares at you for a moment before placing her head back down. She mumbles something.

"W-What'd you say?" You lean in closer.

She mumbles something again.


She lifts her head up all the way, accidentally bumping Chester.

"I don't feel like talking." She puts her head back down.






"I'm.. um.. I'm still sorry, though.."


You sit there for a bit and look at the floor, kicking your feet a little. You feel kinda awkward, and you felt a deep sinking feeling in your heart when she told you that.


You get up and walk away. You check the dryer and take everything out, walking back to your room and shutting the door. You stand there for a moment, looking at the floor and seeing the parts on the ground. You look at Yoru eyeballing the swords, seemingly letting her mind wander. Then you look at your window.

You stare.

You continue staring.

You don't stop.


You should probably put the sheets back on.

You place everything on your desk and flip the mattress over, grabbing the sheets and putting it on all while staring at the window. You don't take your eyes off it.

You make the bed and sit down on it, opening the window. The wind blows your hair back a little. It's calming.

You climb out and sit on the edge of it, looking up and seeing the moonlight shining through the clouds. The clouds slowly pass by and uncover the moon. You wonder how your eyes look when shining under the moon. You close your eyes and lean your head against the side of the window. You slowly breathe, letting yourself think. It's as if the wind is blowing the bits of nonsense right out of your brain, carrying them away through the current.

You can hear the door open behind you, but you pay no attention to it. You feel a hand placed on your back.


The wind continues blowing throughout you, clearing your mind.

"Hey, Y/N."

It feels so calm. You can feel your pulse beating throughout your body, pressing against your lungs. The wind is making you feel a bit cold, though.


You slowly open your eyes and see Asa in your face. You see the moon above her. You blink a few times.

"Are you still mad at me?"


She lifts your head up and examines it. "Are you okay..?" She asks you.

"Um.. yeah, I'm good. Why?"

"Do you not realize where you are?"


You look beside you and see the pavement inches away from your head. You sit up and realize you're on the ground.

"D-Did I fall?"

"You did."


"I opened the door and tapped you, and you fell over. Why were you even sitting on the edge of the window, idiot?"

"I-I just wanted to feel the wind. I didn't even notice I fell.."

"How do you not notice something like that.." She sighs and stands you up, holding your hand. "Let's go back, okay? When we get up there, I need you to tell me what was wrong."


"Can you promise me that?"

"I promise.."

"Pinky promise?"

You lock pinkies with her. She kisses your forehead and holds your hand once more.

You both walk back to your apartment and open the door, going back to your room. "You two, out." She says to them.

"I don't understand why I need to leave as well, but fine." Yoru says. They both crawl out of the room and you close the door. She sits on the bed and pats next to her.

You sit down.

She brushes her thumb against the back of your hand, waiting for you to speak.

"I was just jealous my heart was going to you instead."

"Is that why?"


"I see.."

"..I'm sorry."

"Tell me next time, okay?"

"I will."



"I'm sure your heart isn't "choosing" me over you. It just likes me, is all. Just how you like me, too. Don't be angry with it."

"I wasn't angry, I just felt.. upset."

"Your heart loves you. It can stop itself any time it wants, clearly. If it didn't, wouldn't you be dead by now?"



"It wouldn't listen to you, either."


"Take your heart out."

You reach into your chest and grab it, pulling it out. You hold it in your hands. It beats calmly, but somehow, it's giving off a sad aura. Its beats are weak.

You caress it and hold it close to you. "I'm sorry, Heart."

It thumps hard.

"You know I care about you and stuff, right?"

It thumps hard once more.

"Good. Are you okay?"

It does one last time.

"I'm glad." You smile softly and kiss it. "Heart, form, set ten."

It begins to glow as it squiggles around and forms into the rose. You smile down at it and hold it close to you. Asa wraps her arm around you and places her hand on the side of your head, pulling you closer to her.

"Hey, Asa."


"I don't mean to ruin this, but we should deal with the parts already."

"Yeahhh.. you're probably right."

"Of course I'm right."

"Shush." You lean off of her and you both get up. She looks down at all of it and stands there for a bit. You look at her. "Do you need the mask?"


"I'll be okay." She reluctantly picks up one of the arms. "Arms are for the spears, right?"

"Yeah. Take a deep breath." She does so and you tap her chest. She immediately squeezes her eyes shut.

"Kimi, by the way."

"Ooooh gosh, I hate this.."

"I know.. you can do it, Asa."

She takes another deep breath. "K-Kimi Arm Spear." It warps into a spear and she places it besides her. "Okay.. okay, give me the next one." You hand it to her and she turns it into a spear. You continue handing her different parts, tapping her chest every once in a while.

She looks like she's trying very hard not to freak out. It's admirable that she's holding herself together, honestly.

You place an eye in her hand and she opens her eyes a little.

"Ewww.. it's slimy.. gross.. u-um.. Toki Eye Grenade.." She places it in the pile beside her.

You put a few fingers in her hand, shocked she isn't gagging. One by one, she turns them into small daggers and puts them in a separate pile.

After a while, she's turned everything into weapons.

"That was the last one." You say, placing your hand on her chest. She lets out a huge sigh and holds your hand. "That was a lot.."

"You did it, though. Good job, Asa. I'm proud of you."

She smiles and scoots over to you, sitting on top of you and wrapping her arms around your neck. She pulls you close to her and kisses the top of your head.

"Thank you." She whispers in your ear.

"For what?"

"For helping me. I probably wouldn't have ever been able to do any of this myself, and Yoru would be constantly nagging me about it."

"Yeah, probably.. you don't need to thank me, though."

"Why's that?" She backs her head up a little bit and looks into your eyes.

"Cuz I don't need one. Duh."

"Can I not express my gratitude?"

"You can, but it doesn't have to be a thank you."

She smiles softly and brings her hands up to your cheeks, holding your face. She leans in and gently presses her lips against yours, kissing you. You kiss back and hold onto her waist, pressing her against you.

As the kiss breaks, she leans in again and kisses your nose.

"Is that better?"

"Much better."

"Hehe, okay." You look beside her and notice the time. "Oh, we definitely needa sleep. It's past midnight." She looks at the clock. "Oh, crap, you're right." She gets off of you and helps you up, gently pushing you onto the bed. You flop onto it, faceplanting. She stands there for a moment.

"H-Have you only been wearing the sweater? Like, the whole time?"

You turn your head towards her. "Yeah, why?"

"Cuz I can see your ass.. and.. uh.." You pull your sweater down. "You're a total pervert! I knew it wasn't me!"


"BAHAHA! Shut up and lay down, c'mon." You roll over and she lays next to you. You cuddle up to her and lay your head on her chest. "Chester! Yoru! You can come back in now!" Asa yells. The door opens shortly after and Chester drops off the doorknob, letting Yoru walk through. He shuts it after.

You pull the blanket up to your shoulders and make sure it's covering Asa as well. She always sleeps with her feet poking out, though. People who don't are crazy. I mean, isn't that uncomfortable? Socks, too. Only excuse is if it's freezing cold, seriously.

Chester climbs up onto the bed and lays behind you. Yoru lays curled up on the edge of the bed.

"Yoru, get up here."


"Sleep next to Chester. You won't take any room up, c'mon."

She stares at you for a moment before crawling up and laying beside Chester, curled up like a ball. You smile and plant your face back into Asa, squeezing her boob a couple times. She giggles.

"Goodnight, Y/N."


"Goodnight, Chester."
"Goodnight, Chester."

"Nighty night."

"Goodnight, Yoru."
"Goodnight, Yoru."
"Goodnight, Yoru."

"Can you three shut up and sleep?"



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